NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Wayne County School District will accept un-priced proposals until 9:00 a.m. CSI, Monday, May 3, 2027. BID#:10417 Description: Leaming Management System 2021 Reverse Auction Bid submittals will be evaluated and qualified bidders will be invited to participate in the Leaming Management System 2021 Reverse Auction. The Leaming Management System 2021 Reverse Auction bidding will be held on Tuesday, May 4,2021, ftom 10:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m., CST. Oficial bid documents can be downloaded from Central Bidding at wwwcentralbiddino.com, for a fee, or by visiting www.wayne.k12.ms.us. All submissions must be sealed and clearly marked. Leaming Management System 2021 Reverse Auction ln order to participate in the reverse auction, you must be registered at Central Bidding. For any questions relating to the electronic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 2254104814. Bid documents may also be obtained from the Wayne County School District at the Omce of the Superintendent of Education by emailing your request to [email protected] or by contacting Cindy Cooley at 601 .735.4894. Electronic bids and/or reverse auction bids can be submitted at www.centralbiddino.com. For any questions relating to the reverse auction bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225-8104814. The Wayne County School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted and to waive any informalities. L REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For Reverse Auction Bid #10417 Learning Management System 2021 Wayne County School District Attn: Cindy Cooley 1409 Azalea Drive Waynesboro, MS 39367 Gontact: Cindy Cooley, Director of Federal Programs Phone: 601-7354894 Emai I : [email protected] Proposals Due Date: Monday. May 3.2021 by 9:00 a.m. CST Reverse Auction: Tuesday, May 4, 2O21 at 10:00 a.m.- 10:30 a.m., GST 2 General lnstructions t11 Proposal Transmittal Form t5I Request for Proposals t6I A. Request for lnformation t6l B. Due Dates for Proposal m C. Responsibilities of the Ofiering Vendor m D. Scope of Work and Responsibilities 18I E. Timeframe tel F. Type of Contract tsl G. Contractor Requirements tsI H. Format and Procedure for Delivery of Proposal [e-10] l. Acceptance of Proposals t10I J. Rejection of Proposals... t11l K. Disposition of Proposals t11I L. Conditions of Solicitation.......... .......[11-13] M. Qualifications t13l N. Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals. .[13-15] O. Standard Terms and Conditions t1c23l P. Royalties and Patents t23l ATTACHMENT A - PROSPECTIVE CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATION REGARDING CoNT|NGENTFEES............... ..............t241 ATTACHMENT B - PROPRIETARY INFORMATION..................... t25l 3 PROPOSAL TRANSMTTTAL FORM Name of Vendor: Contact Person: Title: Location of Vendor's Principal Place of Business: Location of Place of Performance (lf different from abovo): Phone Number: Fax Number: Maillng Address: By my slgnaturc betow, I hereby r€pr€scnt thet I am authorizEd to and do bind the offering vendor to the provbions of tho attached proposal. The undersigned offers and agrees to perform the speclfied personal and profus3ional services in accordanc,e with provisions set forth in the Request for Proposals (RFP). Furthermore, the undeElgned fully understands and assures compliance wfth the Condltions of Solicltation and Standard Terms and Conditlons contained in the RFP. The undersigned b frtlly aw8r8 of the eyaluation critoria to be utilized in awaiding the contrac't. Authorized Signature Date Proposal Due Date: ltay 3,2O21,9:00 a.m., (CST) Reverse Auction: |lay 1,2O21 at l0:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m., (CST) Wayne County School Dirtrict, Attn. Cindy Cooley Learning Management System 202'l See page number [6] for doliyory addiEsses 4 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS -WAYNE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Wayne County School District (hereinafter'WCSD) is requesting a sealed Request for Proposals (RFP) from qualified vendors in the area of a leaming management system. The leaming management system may include print materials, textbooks, workbooks, resources, and online leaming programs that meet the Mississippi State Standards. Professional development services should be included as well if needed. Specific services requested include, but are not limited to: ' Standards-based aligned lessons for English, Math, Science and Socjal Studies courses in grades K-12 ' CTE courses ' Progress monitoring for K-12 in English, Math, Science and Social Studies 'Online capability to create individualized leaming paths in ELA and Math 'Mrtual Classroom with Live lnstructors * Assessmenb and Grades * Evidence of efiectiveness in other Mississippi school disticts ' Professional development as needed ' Other as determined by administration A. REQUEST FOR INFORTATION Questions mnceming the RFP should be sent to: Cindy Cooley, Wayne County Scfrool District, [email protected] The deadline for submitting written questions by email is Mondav. April 19. 2021. at 10:00 a.m. All responses to written questions and changes to specification requirements will be communicated via eflail to the person submitting questions. All questions, comments, and requests for clarifications must be in writing. Only written response to written communication shall be considered offcial and binding upon WCSD. WCSD reserves the right, as its sole discretion, to determine appropriate and adequate responses to the written comments, questions, and requests for clarification. A list ol questions, if any, will be compiled and the responses will be sent to all bidders with email addresses on file by Tuesday, Apfl 20,2021. 5 B. DUE DATES FOR PROPOSAL One (1) origlnal proposal and four (4) copies must be received by 9:00 a.m. Central l1me (CST) on May 3,2021, at the following address based upon the delivery method used: Hand Deliver Proposals to Cindy Cooley Wayne County School District 1409 Azalea Drive Waynesboro, MS 39367 Mail or Ship Proposals to: Cindy Cooley wayne County School District 1409 Azalea Drive Waynesboro, MS 39367 Bidders have an option to submit proposals electronically. Any bidder prefening to submit their bid electronically rather than a sealed bid can do so by submitting the bid at www.centralbiddino.com . For questions relating to the elecfonic bidding process, please call Central Bidding at 225€1G.48'14. Electronic submission of bids is not required. C. RESPONSIBILIW OF THE OFFERING VENDOR o Ensure that the competitive proposals are delivered by the deadline and assume all risks of delivery. o Upon receipt, the sealed proposals will be stamped and dated. o Proposals and modifications received at 1409 Azalea Drive, Waynesboro, MS after the lime designated in the RFP will be considered late and will not be accepted or considered for award. lncomplete proposals will not be evaluated and will not be retumed for revisions. No late, faxed or emailed copies will be accepted. o Proposals that do not include the required number of copies will not be evaluated. a The proposal transmittal form must be signed by an authorized official to bind the offering vendor to the proposal provisions. 6 D. SCOPE OF WORK AND RESPONSIBILITIES Wayne County School District is seeking proposals for a leaming management system (See above). The leaming management system is needed at six schools in WCSD. Background Schools to be served: Beat FourSchool (K-8) - 393 Buckatunna School (K€) - 398 Clara School (K-8) - 457 Waynesboro Riverview (KA) - 41I Wayne Central (K€) - 415 Wayne County High School - 858 Scope of Services The Wayne County School District expecG the selecled vendor to provide instructional materials and online softrvare that meets the following: *Standards-based aligned lessons for English, Math, Science and Social Studies courses in grades K-12 ' CTE courses 'Progress monitoring for K-12 in English, Math, Sciencs and Social Studies ' Online capability to create individualized leaming paths in ELA and Math ' Vlrtual Classroom with Live lnstruc'tors ' Assessmenb and Grades ' Evidence of efiectiveness in other Mississippi school districts ' Professional development as needed * O,ther as determined by administration 7 E. TIME FRAME The contract will become effective on the date it is signed by all parties and will end no later than June 30, 2022. fhis contract may be extended for an additional year per extension for up to two additional years at the sole discretion of the Wayne County School District and the grantor agency (Mississippi Department of Education). A contract will be awarded to the vendor whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the district, taking into consideration the price and the evaluation factors set forth in the RFP. F. TYPE OF CONTRACT It is anticipated that this contract will be a fixed price contract with payment made upon completion of tasks identified within the proposal. G. CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS The contrac'tor will be responsible for all tasks required to complete the project as described in the Scope of Work. H. FORMAT AND PROCEDURE FOR DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL The proposal will consist of seven parts: Part l- Proposal Transmittal Form; Part ll - Vendor Profile; Part lll - Pmposed Plan; Part lV - Budget; Part V - Standard Terms and Conditions; Part Vl - Prospective Contractor's Representation Regarding Contingent Fees Form and Part Vll - Proprietary lnformation Form. o Part I is the Proposal Transmittal Form, which shall serve as the cover page of the ofiering vendor's proposal. The ofiering vendor shall complete the form and attach to the proposal in response to the RFP. a Part ll is the Vendor Profile, which shall provide satisfactory evidence of the vendor's capability to manage and coordinate the types of activities and to provide the services described in this RFP in a timely manner. Special attention should be given to the qualifications listed in the Qualifications section of this RFP. A discussion shall include a description of the vendor's background and relevant experience as related to the describ€d ac'tivities. A description and details of the relevant experience shall be included.
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