DICKINSON .ALUMNUS ------ 195' f1 Vol 31, No. < I I MAY, 1] ~lJe iDtckfngon allumnug Published Quarterly for the Alumni of Dickinson College and the Dickinson School of Law Editor - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gilbert Malcolm, '15, '17L Associate Editors - Dean M. Hoffman, '02, Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., '35 Roger H. Steck, '26 ALUMNI COUNCIL Class of 1954 Class of 1955 Class of 1956 Lina. M. Hartzell, '10 Dr. E. Roger Samuel, '10 Mrs. Helen W. Smethurst, '25 Hyman Goldstein, '15 Francis Estel Simmons, '23 Winfield C. Cook, '32 C. Wendell Holmes, '21 Mrs. Helen D. Gallagher, '26 Joseph G. Hlldenberger, '33 Harry J. Nuttle, '38 H. Monroe Ridgely, '26 Judge Charles F. Greevy, '35 James M. McElftsh, '43 Dorothy H. Hoy, '41 Dr. R. Edward Steele, '35 Robert E. Berry, Denton B. Ashwa.y, Carl F. Skinner, Class of 1951 Class of 1952 Class of 1953 GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF DICKINSON COLLEGE President .....••.. C. Wendell Holmes Secretary •... Mrs. Helen D. Gallagher Vice-President ..... H. Monroe Ridgely Treasurer Hyman Goldstein ··c)o~-=========================~11(>.. TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete Plans For First Outdoor Commencement . 1 18lst Commencement Program . 2 Seven Receive Honorary Degrees At Commencement . 3 Named Provost Of the University of Arkansas . 8 Annual Priestley A ward Goes to Karl T. Compton . 9 Receives Honorary Degree at Special Convocation . 12 Receives Degree During Religion-in-Life Week . 13 Banner Attendance Marks Philadelphia Club Dinner . 15 Names Professor United States Attorney . 16 Heads Pennsylvania Bankers' Association . 17 Named To Judicial Council of Methodist Church . 22 Named President of Large Chemical Company . 23 Roster Lists 1,351 Names of Life Members . 24 Personals · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 35 Obituary · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 44 c)lo;;;;========--_,.;;;....___;;;========llC>·· Life Membership $40. May be paid. in two. installments of $20 each, six months apart or in $10 installments. Alumni dues $2.00 per ''ear including $1.00 for one year's sub• scription to the magazine. All communications should be addressed to The Dickinson Alumnus, West College, Carlisle, Pa. "Entered as second class matter May 23, 1923, at ~he post office at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879." ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~!9.l~ THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS MAY, 1954 Complete Plans For First Outdoor Commencement ROBABLY for the first time in the drawn and will not be available for Com• P history of the College, the 181st Bac• mencement visitors. calaureate Service and Commencement The 181st Commencement will get Exercises will be held outdoors on Sun• under way on Friday afternoon, June 11, day, June 13. ~lan~ have been completed at 3 o'clock when Senior Day will be to use the Benjamin Rush Campus with observed followed by the Dean of the Baird Biology Building as the back• Women's tea and the Senior Ball that ground, and to have the Alumni Gymna• night. si~m also ready for use in the event of The Alumni Luncheon at noon on Sat• ram. urday, June 12, will be the highlight of The present Senior Class petitioned the Alumni Day. It will be held in the President of the College for this change Alumni Gymnasium and it will be a and when it was found that the needed buffet luncheon served by the Slater additional chairs could be secured the re• System. The tickets are _$1 ~ch and w~ll guest was approved. Last year the Law be available in the Registration Room rn School Commencement was held outdoors Old West. Several classes will present at the Sadler Curtilage, and it will be gifts at the luncheon. held there again this year at 10: 30 o'clock The time of the President's Reception on Saturday morning, June 12. at the President's House has been moved Dr. William E. Kerstetter, '36, who up half an hour this year _to 3 o'clock, was inaugurated this month as president and it will end at 4: 30 instead of 5 of. Simpson College, will preach the Bac• o'clock. It will be held on Saturday after• calaureate Sermon. The service will be noon. Fraternity banquets will begin at held at 10:30 o'clock on Sunday morn• 6 o'clock and the dinner of the Mary ing, June 13. The Commencement Ex• Dickinso~ Club will be held in Drayer ercises will be held that afternoon at Hall at 6: 30 followed by a coffee hour 2:30 o'clock, when Dr. Goodrich C. in the lounge there. White, president of the United Chapters One of last year's innovations which of Phi Beta Kappa and president of proved highly popular was t?e presenta• Emory University, will be the s·peaker. tion of a one-act play by Senior members The whole Commencement program of the Dramatic Club. There will be a follows closely the very enjoya:ble pro• return engagement this year in Bosler gram of last year. Returning alumni will Hall at 8 :30 o'clock, and this will be have a busy time during the three days followed by the Alumni Prom and band of June 11, 12 and 13. It is also believed concert on the John Dickinson campus that there will be another banner attend• with Old West as the background. ance this year as Class Reunion chairmen Alumni are reminded that in arriving are reporting many acceptances and re• on the campus they should register at the quests for reservations at class functions Registration Room in Old West. Com• .ind for hotel and motel rooms. The offer mencement buttons will be issued and of a "baby sitting" service made in the tickets will be available there for all hist issue of the magazine has been with- events for which tickets are needed. 2 THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS 181st Commencement Program DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Senior Day-Friday, June 11 3:00 P.M. Passing of the Old Stone Steps Presentation of the Class of 1902 Award Ivy Oration Senior Class Induction, Campus Flag Pole 4:00 P.M. to 5 :30 P.M. The Dean of Women's Tea, Sharp Room, Drayer Hall Honoring Senior Women 5:00 P.M. Dinner Meeting of Board of Trustees, Kings Gap 6:00 P.M. Dinner Meeting of Alumni Council, Drayer Hall 9:00 P.M. Commencement Ball, Alumni Gymnasium Alumni Day, Saturday, June 12 BE SURE TO REGISTER IN OLD WEST 9:30 A.M. Phi Beta Kappa Meeting, Memorial Hall 10:30 A.M. Commencement of Dickinson School of Law, Sadler Curtilage or Bosler Hall, in event of rain. Address by Dr. Oswald s Colclough, Dean of Faculties of George Washington Universit~ 11 :30 A.M. Raven's Claw Tapping, Old Stone Steps 12:00 Noon Alumni Luncheon ($1.00 per person) Alumni Gymnasium 3 :00 to 4 :30 P.M. The President's Reception, The President's House 6 :00 P'.M. Fraternity Banquets 6:30 P.M. Dinner Meeting of Mary Dickinson Club, Drayer Hall 8:30 P.M. One-Act Play With an All-Senior Cast, Bosler Hall 9:00 P.M. Alumni Prom and Band Concert, John Dickinson Campus 10:30 P.M. Raven's Class Reunion, South College Commencement Day-Sunday, June 13 10:00 A.M. Academic Procession, Old West 10:30 A.M. Baccalaureate Service, Benjamin Rush Campus or in the event of rain, the Alumni Gymnasium Sermon by William E. Kerstetter, Ph.D., President of Simpson College 12 :00 Noon Class Reunion Dinners 50th Reunion Dinner Class of 1904, Drayer Hall Dinner to Honorary Degree Group, Drayer Hall 2 :30 P.M. 181st Commencement Exercises, Benjamin Rush Campus or m the event of rain, the Alumni Gymnasium Address by Goodrich C. White, Ph.D., President of the United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, President of Emory University THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS 3 Seven Receive Honorary Degrees At Commencement WILLIAM E. KERSTETTER GOODRICH C. WHITE HREE Dickinsonians are among the Kelley, '24, author and Professor of T seven who will receive honorary Psychology and Guidance, the City Col• degrees at the 181st Commencement lege of New York. Exercises on Sunday afternoon, June 13. The honorary degree of Doctor of The ceremonies will be held outdoors on Divinity will be conferred upon the Rev. the Benjamin Rush Campus, or in the Sheridan W. Bell, pastor of Grace Meth• event of rain in the Alumni Gymnasium. odist Church, Harrisburg, Pa. The degree of Doctor of laws will be Dr. White, the Commencement conferred upon Dr. Goodrich C. White, Speaker, is a native of Georgia and a president of the United Chapters of Phi graduate of Emory University in 1908. Beta Kappa and the president of Emory He received his A.M. at Columbia and University, who will be the Commence• his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. ment speaker. That degree will also be Three universities have confirmed the awarded to Dr. William E. Kerstetter, LL.D. degree upon him, Chattanooga in '36, who was inaugurated this month as 1947; Hamline in 1949 and North Car• president of Simpson College, and who olina in 1950. Last year he was awarded. will preach the Baccalaureate Sermon. the litt.D. by Cornell College, Iowa. Frank W. Abrams, former Chairman A member of the faculty of Emory of the Board of the Standard Oil Com• since 1919, Dr. White was Professor of pany of New Jersey and Chairman, The Psychology there from 1920 to 1942, Fund for the Advancement of Educa• while also serving at the same time as tion, Ford Foundation, will receive the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences degree of Doctor of Humane letters. from 1923 to 1938, Dean of the Gradu• Three will be awarded the degree of ate School from 1938 to 1942 and Vice Doctor of Science: lewis Lichtenstein President from 1938 to 1942.
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