; www .m agicvcrvalley.com n h e lH nn e $ e w VS t t ■ - 5 0 c c n ts ^daho/95th'ycaf. Nvio. o 295 Satu:urday. Qccobcr 2 1rzooo*'*"*'*"", jHOOD MOI3RNINC Navivy alters i^ E A T H E R g r a ^ of TF • accc:ountof oday: Mostly r h e g lo u ^ . a f w ....................... Y'm u n c le a r exactly wh.hero th.. f^x)wth is coining from. shipp attack , So*"®" Pop.pulation change KiEIIEHHEI Twin Fulls School DiDistrict offi- • despite the 7^ t learing ght be toward fbeU .S. Bu^^rkW'nto^ iMtifflMafordUes whh ' cials hav<^ said that d y v e rs io n raises • ^omght,low28. - pCHXdatibhsorinavthahan:iO.OOO: The r e p o r t f eised l ^ numbers for only ^Mo' ' community’s growth,, tJthe decline N cW > - sbutheiri Wabo citfes:; TiWni ra is and Mountain Hbmeme.' in student enrollmentnt indicates PageA2 o ld eler : residents Koraawthenwnurnbebem, ahd how Idaho clUea limk.nk. that the populationa is getting . S C C Ujricy n i q u e s tio n s Ctty ; ISM pepApulatton: iSMpOfiitlMonn tncTMS* KcbaiXe older. Some suggest theth dty may :hael Jourr>ee J ^ G i c V aLLEY l i ByMicM L lB dse ■ 168,;8,370 135.150 33,220 24.8 be in irnnsition lo b(becoming o Wa«ilnithington Post___________ , TlmcS'Ufl'♦tows writer___________ . • 6.690 14,5 retirem ent community.•y. •• --------------- tmover and ---------- 2 . Pocatello ' 62.;2.781 46.091 Sheriffs race: Him ,, 3. Idaho Fetis . 48,(9,627 -44.?35 ' 4,392 ■ 9.9 Jacque Nix. direci■f'or of Ihe WASHIIHINGTON - The Navy communication are'ire key issues TWININ FALLS - The count isn’t 4 . Nampa 46,3B,125 29,899 16.226 54.3 Twin Falls Senior CidznzenCcmor, Friday gav,gave a new account of the pi Jerome^ sherifrsffs race. yet offidndal, but it is out. 5.Tw lnFaiis .34,2 28,098 8,221 22J. certainly iliinks that’sSlhoojnd. t ■,errorisiI attackan on the USS C<ile, 1 Twin Falk, like most larg-f ■ ,6. Coeur d'Alerte ' 33,f3,659 24,480 9,179 37.5 “Absolutely.” slie sisaid. “A loi saying,hethe destroyer had already ;es in Idaho, has ^ w h con-)■ 7.LoWlston 30,50,597 28,309 2,288 8.1 • of people are comingS in bocaas... I and was refueling when siderabljbly over the past decadc.•• 8 . Moildlan 27,(7.690 10.220 17.470 170.9 th e ir children want Ihemth closer it „as approachedapr by a small Ski swap: Sun VaUelUey resi- Prelimiininary census figures put . 9.-C0WW011 23.:3.373 18.930 4.443 23.5 the weather is g<good, and iden with explosives in dents are getting[ready re to the chyIty’s population at 34316,’* 10. Moscow . 19.{9.905 18.630 1.275 6.8 California and Las Vcfi-gasaregel- Yemen eighteigi days ago. trade ih their oldI slds.sk rtakiiislg iit the fifth largest d ty in 13. Mountoln Homo 10.■0.743 8.173 2.S70 31.4 ting to<t crowded." The revrevision casts doubi on P»6«A 5 Dte. T w in Falls Economic previousIS assertionsa: by top Navy Iso ranks Twin Fall.s as No.). h in the last the statelie’s most viable destina- inders that the bombing 887inlhI the nation. 2 2 .1 percent growth *■ a Please see CEN£NSUS.PaecA2 rtualJy unpreventahle B ut W.while Twin Falls’ healthyy dccade keeps it secuirurely among tions for!or moving families, it’.s M o n e y becausee ththe small boat blended in wilhI haharbor workboais help- Ameilstar news: A imajor ___________ ing the U.!U.S. warship lie up to a Magic Valley emplcplpyer is over* ---------- d up fuelingi ststation in the port of hauling its casino3 p<portfolio ----- Ali L JAZZEl; — Aden, ln fact,;i, tlthe Navy now s;iys. the elsewhere in the.cocountry. ap p aren;nt suicide t attack took Page B7 placent>re mt>n than an hour and a half aflerier the 1 mooring had been 1 I completedivd. At that poinl. as the R e l i g i o n ship wasIS alalready refueling, there reason for a small boat to ch the Cole. Sailors wilh lad been posted on the new account also raises ons about the exient 10 the attack was an "inside ion.” While the terr«)nsts ' I HE. ave had advance knowl- pf Ihe ship’s arrival, it is r wliether they had infil- the port’s work force. j igators now believe the New church: A newew church for lay have been launched iH isp^c p ^ p le is Icoming he shore and may have * soon. ' \ ■ 10 connection to the Page C l lose company contracted tinn the refueling, Pie-ise see COLE. Paee A2 S p o R' i s 0n.tO.sM6; Bndntn 1boys and (toto the state ' :-soldier ... 7; - cross cotxhn^Sacet. Page B l jads guilty W e s x _ bom bings ly___________ ^__________ ll / YORK - A key intellit ifficer for alleged Sautli ter- Osam a ....... i im"» ii , , ... _______ WSIWtM Laden approachd Friday 1 ren't on tho dance floor, they sl ia Losee and Kevin Jones ewlnjInfi to th e mualc of ‘KInda DIxlHxle’ Friday. When the two aren' guns hadn Laden Utah StaState Unlvarslty ttu d en U Trisha L deck. bands a t the U t h annual SwIrvinfi ’n’ Dixie i u z JatnboreuI In Sun Valley. i n a l l y u n t Singers,’ one ol th e many bai The ednev the <luestions which thebom ber fobble Sum Alley::ly: Here's an operation, i^ea that really stui a w s y o3u n g a:row d t may have ■‘“‘^■pageCT IV festi"'ival d u edge of ll r-1 Bailey had trouble unclearssy wl ^ ill All A. Mohamod By Karffirm )tt!ck - * ■ players for the schoo tratedi, th<Kenya, i" • \~1 t-Wewa correepondetrt________ irviii' when hc started it sc Investigai C o m in g SillNDAYli HESS!* - hoat may ■'■gWiwgBltMatib'8.tn.. a8wing.: ago.But then the > "allega- ______ -M ------- HelpjwantedLAiiai JO____ caught on to the fun from thelutiim ui_______________________ I } is posing a heavyfy imetal, unless you count illi^iftjtaiiluVy-l^toAnna r r S r ^ at"lTa.m!!*aw*r-' w e re having, Now, had no nursing shortage is Vemenest challenge to Magic^cV alley s. And there’s,m ore Count dm aiiifBS^rt ,.-irainc«e»jW lofing the roots of jo a e t' attend each year. a« U.S. ! than Shania Twain, .;n. and a t r o n ^ e tftbute at organizerTom Har^ar to perfonn for- Regional Medicalal Center.( Butti t lhat hasn’t kept young peo- i-l ■ •• •' . '■ “They saw peopl Army rom turning out this week at blast and they wen pie fron a , ...Loiie.'SmldnttlS.Oi '• MchOghtt Indude.a nyrnn Sun VaValley’s Swing ’n’ Dixie Jazz 3d.fcfb6thd^.;> JJng|tf9;;'9 :3 0 a;m. and gospel perfor- Bailey said. i;crgcaiit, joree. .-BiiynObail^ipoa The kids like the 1 ( 'S E C T I O N 3u ;;,CIVkli«i)2:«Klun*!ja V a rp a ln ^ s a t U 8.mJ^ new generaUon rntered a o^amo bln Udon Section by s he music gets inside of you of the music, which ft E x -plea J at a you want to dance,” said 16- i^iTrrarcwriB:’ ''', ■ ■■■• ■r-':; styles as ragtime anc se pro- Section A SeSection B ^ar^i•old Aspen Wenglikowski,- - J They like the fact th g liefore U.S. Disirict Court to ' ■ W eather ....2 SpcSports ___1-6 who hohad made a spucial trip to w ere 60-plus. Wood River pleal.eonardSaiui. ; to buy a i920s-style flapperc r W htm th e J a a Janamboree start- tators w Please see Jj )st of the spec- High SchoolSc bond toacher Burtirt lease sec BOMBINGS. Pnce A2 I Natloa ;...3 4 MoiM oney....7.9 s for the occasion. e d 11 y e a rs ago. mosi Magic V&lley .5 ^ in b( Obituaries .. .6 Section C Religion ...1-3 Nowaday Idaho/Vvest .fr9 ’ J®' E ----- ^ Scienti salmon '1 ^ N o) : M i d d l e EiAST TRUCE OpW on..........1 0 CCommunityoj . .4 ' NEW Y' Comics........ 5 gence offici WcN«........... n astlnlani help CrcCrossword . .6 ‘ ro rist oOs change to I adapt qitwiTi/n*itewww* bin _ l.> MoMovies........ 6 « mbulance dur- ^ i Tho Asaociated Press (1 into two distinct poimla- 'i cTaClassified .7-20 “ “ j] Friday f S E in Si-attle*s I.ake J p e r s o n ; Itraell troo-'t S 1:A r i Li; - Resei: ngion and the Cedai River. \tt selected1C O lh e r creatures, sikIi as - - ^ found that salmon, VkpMonitonncjdadpiptr. , , -J” 1 - spot s.tha similar transftirin.ilioiis sheettlament Vi^ gered fish thar has 11 eMC)dtl«0*L - •'ewish: (■; Northwest in a <li kc2(X) generations, near the Qaza to o r,si;i'rle river, m ale s;dnioti have O ^ breaching lower suicide at toitown Khan iped more streamlined lx>d- I dams, show an irnprt . upon the ll. The youths to adapt to changes i hich help them navigate l a s s; iiif ie d e recruiting E„a)assyirrents and keep them from C WBIwere throwing ronment. ool j a a hand Nairobi, Ki The trait may off stranded or snagged by I rockt.(S.
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