On the MVCS Dean’s fights to List compete Page A24 Page A22 $1.00 • © 2016 LAS CRUCES BULLETIN LOCAL NEWS AND ENTERTAINMENT SINCE 1969 • WWW.LASCRUCESBULLETIN.COM • FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2016 VOLUME 47 • NUMBER 43 Governor’s budget targets safety, education, jobs By Elva Österreich Santa Fe. includes responsible budgeting prove the education of New ring state spending of 3.7 per- Las Cruces Bulletin Gov. Susana Martinez an- and targets funding toward ini- Mexican children. cent (or $228 million,) can be The New Mexico Legisla- nounced her Fiscal Year 2017 tiatives designed to keep New The governor’s $6.46 billion found online on the governor’s ture gathers for a 30-day bud- budget proposal, which, accord- Mexicans safe, grow the state’s budget proposal, which rep- get session Tuesday, Jan. 19 in ing to a release from her office, economy, and reform and im- resents an increase in recur- SEE BUDGET, PAGE A10 Fishful thinking WSMR no longer accepts N.M. driver’s licenses Bulletin report Do you need to visit White Sands Missile Range for an event or project or even just to check out the Darth Vader helmet at the museum? If so, you better have more than just a New Mexico driver’s license. The Army base east of Las Cruces announced that, since the New Mexico driver’s license or is- sued identification card is not in compliance with the Federal REAL ID Act, they are no longer a valid single form of identification that can be used to gain access to the missile range. The state’s licenses can still be used at airports, though. The Department of Homeland Security extended the deadline for state driver licenses to meet REAL ID standards until Jan. 22, 2018. The REAL ID Act of 2005 establishes minimum standards for the production and issuance of BULLETIN PHOTO BY CHRISTOPHER BELARDE state-issued driver’s licenses and identification Four-year-old Parker Gustine sits in front of a mobile tank and points out a catfish swimming past her Saturday, Jan. 9 cards. With regard to authorized credentials for during the Mesilla Valley Outdoor Expo at the Las Cruces Convention Center. Many outdoor enthusiasts and vendors were access to DOD Installations, the following forms of on hand to display or check out the newest industry trends, products and everything related to outdoor fun. For more photos from the expo, see page A27. SEE LICENSES, PAGE A11 WHAT’S INSIDE $ 1 Opinions ............................... A4 Sports ......................... A22-A23 Brain Games .........................B9 Legals/ Classifieds .......B20-B24 8 8 Coming Up ...........................A9 Arts & Entertainment ... B2-B15 Religion ...............................B16 Health & Well Being .. B25-B27 Business .........................A18-21 Sudoku ..................................B8 Homes ......................... B17-B19 “Why YouYo Don’t Have to Pay High Prices for Urgent Care Services! would you Onsite Lab and X-Rays pay more?” Walk-ins Always Welcome or Call 532-4427 for an appointment. ϯϬϯϬt͘WŝĐĂĐŚŽ;ǁĞƐƚƐŝĚĞŽĨŝƟnjĞŶƐĂŶŬͿ A2 | FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2016 NEWS LAS CRUCES BULLETIN Content brought to you by: Doña Ana County ‘Your Partner in Progress’ Grant funds buy training equipment The Doña Ana County Fire and visibility environments similar to The Doña Ana County Grants Ad- Emergency Services Department will conditions common to structure fires. ministration Office worked closely augment training for both volunteers The other two pieces of equipment with Capt. Celso Enciso of the Doña and paid staff with new equipment will facilitate training in systematic Ana County Fire and Emergency Ser- purchased with a $4,300 grant from smoke removal to enhance visibility vices Department to obtain the grant. the Firefighters Support Foundation, and effectiveness. Volunteers and paid staff from all Inc. The Firefighters Support Founda- of Doña Ana County’s 16 Volunteer The grant was secured in early tion is a non-profit organization dedi- Fire Districts will train with the new December of 2015, and the equip- cated to assisting firefighters and res- equipment at the department’s train- ment – a smoke machine, a positive- cue personnel with the purchase of ing facility at 1430 Portland Dr., in pressure fan and a hand nozzle – was equipment that will enhance training Las Cruces. delivered earlier this month. and subsequently translate to higher “This is a great addition to our The new smoke machine will al- levels of safety and effectiveness in training inventory,” said Interim low training to take place in zero- real-life emergency responses. Chief Eric Crespin. Smoke training in progress. 10 jail cadets Dog chaining rules will be modified on Jan. 16 Beginning Saturday, Jan. 16, * A tether used to restrain a dog 2016, dogs throughout Doña shall be affixed to a properly fit- to graduate Ana County will get some relief ting collar or harness worn by the Ten new detention center offic- from chains and tethers as a dog. ers will be sworn in after having portion of the county’s new ani- * A person shall not wrap a chain successfully completed the seven- mal-control ordinance takes full or tether directly around the neck week Basic Detention Officers’ effect. or other body part of a dog. Academy at the Doña Ana County Following a nationwide * A tether used to restrain a dog Detention Center. trend to abolish or severely lim- shall not weigh more than one- The public is invited to attend it the amount of time dogs can eighth (1/8) of the animal’s body the graduation ceremony, which legally be chained – as well as weight. The tether weight shall will take place in the Commission the conditions under which lim- include any additional objects Chambers of the Doña Ana County ited chaining remains allowable attached to the dog or tether, such Government Center on Friday, Jan. – the Doña Ana County Board as locks or fasteners. 15, at 10 a.m. of Commissioners has approved * A tether used to restrain a dog District 33 State Rep. William the following revisions, which Animal Control personnel shall have working swivels on both ends and shall be fas- J. ‘Bill’ McCamley will deliver the in the field will be empowered to enforce. tened so that the animal may sit, walk, and lie down using commencement address, and Doña * A person owning or having charge, custody, or care natural motions. Ana County Magistrate Judge Kent over a dog on his or her premises may use a tether as a Critical definitions associated with the law include Wingenroth will administer the temporary means of restraint only. these three: oaths of service. * A person shall not tether a dog to a stationary object for TETHER - To restrain an animal by means of a chain, The ceremony will feature the more than two (2) hours in any twelve (12) hour period. lead, runner, cable, rope, or similar device attached either Detention Center’s Honor Guard. * A person shall not tether a dog to a running line, pulley, to a stationary object or to a running line, pulley, or trol- Graduating detention officers or trolley system for more than four (4) hours in any ley system. are: Christian Barba, Eugenio Car- twelve (12) hour period. Physical Restraint. A person owning or having abajal, Robert Gonzalez, John * A person shall not tether a dog in an unenclosed area charge, custody, or care over an animal shall keep the ani- Guerrero, Gerardo Leyva, Enoc where people or other animals are able to wander into the mal under humane physical restraint at all times. Lira, Abraham Olague, Andrea proximity of the tethered dog. Owner’s Premises. A person owning or having Rodriguez, Leticia Romero and * A tether used to restrain a dog shall be at least twelve charge, custody, or care over an animal on his or her Jose Torres. (12) feet in length. Such tether shall not enable the ani- premises shall restrain the animal either by a secure en- The public is encouraged to mal to reach beyond the owner’s property. closure or by immediate control. attend. JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! January 15, 2016 Visit our Award-Winning Website at www.donaanacounty.org or Contact Us at (575) 647-7200 LAS CRUCES BULLETIN NEWS FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2016 | A3 Mesilla trustee loves taking risks By Susie Ouderkirk day at the jail working on ways to in- sparkly exterior, she’s a tomboy who who has made her way out of — and Las Cruces Bulletin crease the number of detention center embraces risk. back to — the area on a quest to find Stephanie Johnson-Burick has always employees. She has her hands full re- “I feel comfortable being one of the new and exciting places. taken risks. cruiting for jobs that appear to be dan- guys,” she said. “I am actually from here; six genera- She has worked in the razzle-dazzle of gerous and unpleasant: she’d like to have Working predominantly with men tions from Mesilla. I was born in Las the gaming industry, then in the mud- 185 employees and is currently 18 shy. doesn’t faze her. Cruces, but had lived in Munich, Ger- dy-boots and barb-wire of Ralston Purina, Due to the nature of the job, she’ll see “I just don’t notice the difference.” many, Killeen and Lubbock, Texas, Lit- followed by a stint on the buttoned up-but- about 475 applicants during the quarter- tleton, Colorado, and Las Cruces by nine toned down campus of New Mexico State ly academies, but will hire just about 50 Moving around University. Most recently she’s punched new employees each time. Johnson-Burick is a Las Cruces native SEE JOHNSON-BURICK, PAGE A26 the clock for the past five years at the Doña Ana County Detention Center.
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