175 Falx and Interhemispheric Fissure on Axial CT: I. Normal Anatomy Robert D. Zimmerman 1 To determine the normal appearance of the falx and interhemispheric fissure, 200 Emily Yurberg 1 consecutive normal CT scans were evaluated prospectively. On unenhanced scans, the Eric J. Russel1 2 normal falx is visualized in 90% of patients and therefore interhemispheric hyperdensity alone should not be considered a sign of subarachnoid hemorrhage. The falx is most Norman E. Leeds 1 often (88%) visualized in the posterior part of the interhemispheric fissure, as a hyperdense, pencil-thin line extending from the calvarium to the splenium of the corpus callosum. In the anterior part of the fissure, the falx is visualized in only 38% of patients, when its appearance differs significantly from that of the fissure. It is seen as a thin, hyperdense line extending posteriorly from the calvarium for a variable distance, but it never reaches the genu of the corpus callosum. The interhemispheric fissure is a hypodense structure broader than the falx with a zigzag configuration due to medial frontal sulci. The difference in configuration between the anterior part of the fissure and the anterior falx is very helpful in differentiating subarachnoid hemorrhage from normal falx visualization. The falx cerebri and interhemispheric fissure, although recognized early on axial CT [1], received little attention in the literature. We have studied the normal anatomic configuration of these structures in detail and offer anatomic information for differentiation of a variety of pathologic processes that may affect the fal x and interhemispheric fissure. Materials and Methods Two hundred scans performed without contrast opacification on an EMI 1005 were evaluated prospectively. The consecutive cases were interpreted as norm al or showing This article appears in the March/ April 1982 only involutional changes consistent with age. An y patient with a hi story, physical findings, issue of the AJNR and the May 1982 issue of or laboratory data suggestive of intracranial hemorrh age, trauma, or surgery was eliminated the AJR. from the study even when the scans were interpreted as normal. The patients were aged 8 Received July 17, 1981; accepted after revi­ days to 89 years; there were 96 males and 104 females. sion September 10, 1981 . On axial projection, at 10°- 20 ° to the anthropologic baselin e, the falx and interhemi­ Presented at the annual meeting of the Ameri­ spheric fi ssure are seen as a unit divided into three segments by the interposition of the can Society of Neuroradiology, Los Angeles, curved corpus callosum (fig . 1). Anterior (precallosal), posterior (retrocallosal), and superior March 1980. (supracall osal) segments are identified. Presented at the annual meeting of the Ameri­ The frequency of falx visuali zation on unenhanced scans was determined. Each segment can Roentgen Ray Society, Las Vegas, April 1980. of the falx and interhemispheri c fi ssure was separately analyzed for frequency of visualiza­ , Department of Radiology, Montefiore Hospital tion and appearance. Particular attention was paid to the effect of age on the appearance and Medical Center, 111 E. 21 Oth SI. , Bronx, NY of the falx/ fi ssure combination. The mean and peak density of the fal x on unenhanced 10467. Address reprint requests to R. D. Zimmer­ man. scans was determined for each case. Areas of obvious calcification were excluded from the quantitative analysis. 2 Department of Radiology, Ru sh Presby­ terian -Sl. Luke·s Medical Center, Chicago, IL Contrast opacificati on was studied in 20 of the 200 cases. These were chosen because 60612. pre- and postcontrast scans were obtained at identical levels, all owing determination of the effect of enhancement on falx density and configuration. AJNR 3 :175-180, March/ April 1982 0 195-61 08/ 82/ 0302-0175 $00.00 Anatomic studies were performed on 10 brains bisected at the corpus callosum with the © American Roen tg en Ray Society falx intact. The falx and its relation to the interhemispheric fissure and corpus call osum 176 ZIMMERMAN ET AL. AJNR:3, Marchi April 1982 POSTERIOR FALX VISU ALIZATI ON IoIALE 823"'- FEMALE 93 2 % TOTAL 68.0% ( 9!1) 100 (93.8 1 ( 912 1 ( 9 01 z (81 1, ~ ..>- 80 (751 20° N ::; ..=> <n ;; 60 " 40 0-10 10-20 20·30 30 ·40 4 0 ·50 50·60 60·70 > 70 AGE l yeorsl A Fig. 1.-Drawing of falx and corpus callosum. On axial scans, corpus ANTERIOR FAL X VI SUALIZATION callosum divides fal x and surrounding interhemispheric fissure into anterior (precallosal), posterior (retrocallosal). and superi or (supracall osal) seg ments. Division 01 falx into these segments depends on scanning angle, which does WA LE 39. 6"" 100 not cause significant problems, since changes in lalx and fissure are gradual. FEW"LE 36 ''''' TOTA L 38.0% 80 .... VI SUALIZAT IO N "" VIS UAL IZATION CO RRECTED { 66.7 1 z o FOR 4TROPHY o ( 62.9 ) were examined. Four patients with typical falx visualization on 1601 ~ 60 unenhanced scans died of intercurrent disease, and the fa lx was N ..J evaluated pathologically for presence or absence of calcification . .. ~ :;: 40 ' 33.31 A " " ( 23.5 ) ( 20 ) ,," " (1 7.'1 __ 0 20 Results " ' 0"'" ( 1• •8 ) The falx was visualized in 90% of unenhanced scans. The frequency of visualization of each fal x segment varied sig­ 0·10 10·20 20-30 30-40 40·50 50- 60 60 · 70 > 70 nificantly. The retrocallosal falx was seen in 88% of patients AGE ( years) regardless of age or gender (fig. 2A). It had the character­ B istic and virtually invariable appearance of a pencil-thin, hyperdense line extending from the calvarium to the sple­ SUPFRIOR F"_ ' VISU;"lIZATI,JN nium of the corpus callosum (fig . 3). Anatomic studies .1001 JJ 931 demonstrate that this falx segment is of uniform thickness ,SO) and occupies the entire interhemispheric fissure (fig. 4). In 80 this location, the fissure is extremely narrow and is almost (671 invisible on CT, even in elderly patients with relatively severe Q ::; 0 atrophy affecting other segments of the fissure, especially N ..J its anterior part (figs. 3C and 3D). <C => ( .a s ) <Il 40 1'.1 0 I! 68"4 The anterior or precallosal segment of the falx was iden­ > FemQI ~ 68"4 tified in only 38% of patients with more frequent visualization TOfO I 68"4 in patients over age 40 (fig. 2B). It extended posteriorly 20 from the inner table of th e skull toward the genu of th e corpus callosum for a variable distance. In most cases it o L-------__-- ________-- __-- ~--------- occupied only the anterior one-third to one-half of the inter­ 0·10 10-20 20·30 30·40 40·50 50·60 60-70 --'70 hemispheric fissure, but in the minority of cases, it extended AGE ( ears) further posteriorly, approaching but never reaching the genu c of the corpus callosum. Anatomic studies confirm the vari­ Fig. 2.-'-Rates of visualization of falx. A. Posterior falx visualization not able depth and thickness of this falx segment, which was significantly affected by age. varying between 75% and 95"0. B. By contrast. al\ ays thinnest along its inferior margin where fenestrations anterior fa lx visualization is less frequent. and frequency increases dramati­ were commonly observed (fig. 4). In many specimens a cally (solid line) alter age 40. Increase is due to progressive atrophic dilatation of anterior part of in terhemispheric fissure. When cases in which falx visual­ large gap (fig. 4A) occurred between the thin shallow ante­ ization due to dilatation of anterior interhemispheric subarachnoid space are rior fal and the genu of the corpus callosum. In other cases eliminated. rate of anterior falx visualization does not change with age (dashed Ime). C. Superior falx Shows no consistent change in visualization (fig. 4B) the fal was deep and thick but did not completely rate. e tend to the genu of the corpus callosum. The precallosal part of the interhemispheric fissure was narro\' and only intermittently visible in children and young AJNR:3, March i April 1982 CT OF NORMAL FALX AND INTERHEMISPHERIC FISSURE 177 Fi g. 3. -Normal precallosal and retrocallosal falx and interhemispheric visualized bu t deep falx in B. In all cases, there is gap between free inferior fissure at several ages. Scans in patients aged 3 (A), 22 (B), 46 (C), and 76 margin of falx and genu of corpus callosum (small white arrow). Retrocallosal (D). Typical appearan ce of falx and surrounding fissure in th ese ages. In all segment of interhemispheric fissure so narrow as to be virtually invisible examples, retrocallosal fal x is thin hyperdense line extending from calvarium (A-D), even in face of severe atrophy elsewhere, in particular, anterior part to splenium of corpus callosum (large white arrow). Precallosal part of falx is of interhemi sph eric fissure (C and D) . In these figures, fissure (small black more variable. Anterior falx may be nonvisualized (A) or minimally seen (B) arrows) has configuration of hypodense zigzag line extending from calvarium between frontal lobes (large black arrow). As fissure dilates, falx becomes to genu of corpus callosum . In younger patients, fissure is either not seen (A) more easily seen (large black arrow, C and D) . Depth of an terior part of falx or only intermittently seen as small focal areas of cerebrospinal flu id density varies, as demonstrated by comparing short or shallow falx in C with poorly (small black arrows). Fig. 4. - Anatomic specimens. Bisected cerebral hemispheres with falx call osu m (small arrow). In other specimens (B), precallosal falx is deeper and intact. Uniformly thick and dense posterior falx fills virtuall y entire retrocal­ thicker, but gap remain s between iree margin of fa lx (large arrow) and genu losal interhemispheri c fi ssure.
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