क� द्र�यू�म भ जल बोड셍 जल संसाधन, नद� �वकास और गंगा संर�ण मंत्रालय भारत सरकार Central Ground Water Board Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Government of India AQUIFER MAPPING REPORT Ujjain District, Madhya Pradesh उ�र� म鵍य �ेत्र, भोपाल North Central Region, Bhopal Government of India Central Ground Water Board Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation AQUIFER MAPPING & MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR UJJAIN BLOCKS UJJAIN DISTRICT, MADHYA PRADESH (2015-2016) By Devendra Joshi Scientist “D” National Aquifer Mapping Programme Management Plan of Dewas District,Madhya Pradesh North Central Region December, 2016 Aquifer mapping & Management plan of Ujjain blocks, Ujjain District, Madhya Pradesh CONTENT 1.0 Introduction 1.0 Objectives, Scope of the Study, Approach and Methodology, Area Details, 1.1 Data availability, Data adequacy and data gap analysis and Data generation, 1.3 Rainfall-spatial, temporal and secular distribution, 1.4 Physiographic setup, Physiography/DEM, 1.5 Geomorphology, 1.6 Land use, 1.7 Soil, 1.8 Hydrology and Drainage, 1.9 Agriculture, irrigation, cropping patterns, 1.10 prevailing water conservation/recharge practices and any other relevant Information 2.0 Data Collection and Generation 2.1. Geology 2.2 Hydro geomorphology 2.3 Hydrogeological data 2.4 Hydrochemical (water quality) 2.5 Geophysical (Location, number, analytical techniques etc.), 2.6 Exploratory drilling-State, CGWB and private wells 3.0 Data Interpretation, Integration and Aquifer Mapping 3.1 Results and interpretation of all studies and preparation of aquifer maps- 2 D and 3D diagrams. 4.0 Ground Water Resources 4.1 Recharge, Draft and Stage of groundwater development of replenishable resource. 4.2 Static resource and extraction from unconfined aquifer as well as in/from deeper aquifers, if any. 5.0 Ground Water Related Issues 5.1 Identification of issues, 5.2 Geographical distribution and quantification with respect to ground water Resources 5.3 Ground water quality/contamination; 5.4 Future demand (for 2025 and 2030) scenario and stress aspects of the aquifer. 5.5 Participatory ground water management issues. 6.0 Management Strategies 6.1 Plan for sustainable management of the resource- aquifer wise including modeling outputs. 6.2 Aquifer wise availability of unsaturated zone. 6.3 Augmentation plan of the resource through artificial recharge and water conservation. 6.4 Demand side management, through irrigation efficiency, ground water use efficiency etc. 6.5 Stress aspect against future demand (2025,2030) and strategies for addressing those. 7.0 Rejuvenation of Kshipra river- Suggested Interventions 8.0 Work Done by CGWB in Kshipra basin Part II: Block wise Aquifer Maps and Management plans (≈ 10 pages). 1. Salient Information Name of the Block and Area (in Km2) District/ State Population Rainfall Agriculture and Irrigation Ground water resource availability and extraction Existing and future water demands Water level behavior 2. Aquifer Disposition Number of aquifers 3-D aquifer disposition and basic characteristics of each aquifer 3. Ground water resource, extraction, contamination and other issues Aquifer wise resource availability and extraction Chemical quality of ground water and contamination Other issues Sustainability, vulnerability or other issues, if any. 4. Ground water resource enhancement Aquifer wise space available for recharge and proposed interventions Other interventions proposed, if any 5. Demand side interventions Advanced Irrigation Practices Change in cropping pattern Change in cropping pattern Regulation and Control Other interventions proposed, if any Aquifer mapping & Management plan of Ujjain blocks, Ujjain District, Madhya Pradesh 1. Introduction 1.1 Objectives, Scope of the Study, Approach and Methodology, Area Details, 1.1.1 Objectives • Define aquifer geometry at 1: 50,000 scale, type of aquifers, ground water regime behavior, hydraulic characteristics, and geochemistry of aquifer systems. • Develop a dynamic system for sustainable management of ground water resources for an aquifer as a unit. 1.1.2 Scope of the Study Under NAQUIM, Ujjain block have been studied during the AAP2016-2017 and utilized existing data of exploration, water level and water quality of NHS wells Data collection, compilation, bringing entire data to GIS platform, data gap analysis and data creation To establish the aquifer geometry & characteristics Aquifer Management Plan. 1.1.3 Approach and Methodology • Entire blocks of Ujjain district has been covered under Basaltic lava flows areas with isolated pockets of alluvium formation. • Area divided grid wise and aquifer wise basic requirement for establishing aquifer geometry and characteristics upto 200 m where data generation is required, quality parameters specific to the area • Preparation of Base Map A physical map on A2 size, Geology and Geomorphology • Compilation of existing data for mapping : Exploratory Data Availability, Geophysical Information • Pre processing of data Exploratory Data , Ground Water Level, Ground Water Quality METHODOLOGY FOR ARRIVING AT DATA GAP Exploratory Data : (Desirable spatial scale – in 5’ x 5’ grids) Exploratory well of 200 m depth, 5- EW’s and 5- OW’s should be constructed at suitable locations, preferably one in central quadrant and one each in the four corner quadrants for establishing aquifer geometry and determining aquifer parameters. Aquifer performance test shall be conducted at all the five EW’s tapping the fracture aquifer to estimate the aquifer hydraulic parameters and water quality . Existing exploratory Data and Data gap analysis Geophysical Data : 2 or 3 Profiling/VES/TEM having 200 meter interpretation depth should be carried out in each of the nine quadrants of the toposheet totaling 18 to 27 nos. in each sheet to decipher aquifer geometry) .Existing Geophysical Data and Data gap analysis Ground Water Monitoring Data : Data Required : 5’ x 5’ grids. i. For 1st aquifer (un-confined/Phreatic) two open/dug wells are recommended for each quadrant of a toposheet. ii. For 2nd and 3rd aquifer the well-constructed in the Well field and Special Purpose wells may be used as piezometers for GW monitoring.Minimum four times monitoring annually Ground Water Quality Data : Data Required 5’ x 5’ grids. i. For 1st aquifer (un-confined/Phreatic) one sample from open/dug wells are recommended for each quadrant of a toposheet ii. For 2nd aquifer the sample is to be collected from well-constructed in the Well field explained above and Special Purpose wells for GW Quality monitoring .Minimum two times monitoring initially is recommended. Data Generation: Value addition of Geological map. Preparation of subsurface geology of the area , Value addition of Geomorphological map , Analysis of Land use pattern, Conduct additional required VES/TEM , Analysis of Water bodies of the area ,Impact of Water bodies on surrounding Ground Water Regime, Surface water –Groundwater interaction studies, Water level monitoring of key wells - 4 Times in a year for 3 Consecutive year , Exploratory drilling –Construction of EW, OW,PZ,SH. ,Pump test of EW for Determination of Aquifer Parameters, Peizometer construction for AWLR Groundwater quality Data Generation : Collection of required water samples and analysis for GROUND WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT Aquifer Wise Management Plan Aquifer wise ground water management through integration of various data / information in the form of thematic layers Feasible areas for ground water development along with yield potential / Depth of drilling / safe yields etc. Feasible areas for rainwater harvesting and ground water recharge vis a vis aquifer storage available for recharge and surplus non committed surface water available for recharge. Aquifer wise vulnerability map in terms of ground water availability (potential areas / ground water stress areas), water logged areas and quality problem areas. Demarcation of Ground Water Regulatory Zones (GRZ). Demarcation of Ground Water Sanctuaries to be reserved for drought proofing. Ultimate goal is to construct a ground water flow simulation models at appropriate scale to arrive at technically and economically feasible aquifer management options. 1.1.4 Area Details:. Ujjain is a district in the Madhya Pradesh State of India. Total area of Ujjain is 6130,23 km² including 5,896.79 km² rural area and 194.21 km² urban area. The hilly & forest area in it is about 190.90 km. The mappable area or recharge worthy area is 5939.33 sq km (95%).Ujjain has a population of 19,86,864 peoples and There are 1095 villages and 3,91,438 houses in the district.. Table 1.1.41 : Area of Ujjain Total Geographical Area 6130.23 sq. km Mappable area 5939.33 Sq Km 96.88 % Hilly/Forest 190.90 Sq Km 3.11 % Ujjain has a population of 19,86,864 peoples.(2011).(table1.1.4),Population density in sq km (2011) is 326. There is marked increase in the population density per sq km in last two decade is from 227 (1991) to 326 (2011). In the last ten year (2001 to 2011) the percentage increase in population is 16.12%. Table 1.1.42 Population of Ujjain (2011 Census) Population Type Male Population Female Population Total Population Rural 6,16,353 5,91,298 12,07,651 Urban 3,99,939 3,79,277 7,79,213 Total 10,16,289 9,70,575 19,86,864 The district area extends between the parallels of latitude 220 50' and 230 46' North and between the meridians of longitude 750 08' and 760 16' East, and is falling in the Survey of India Topo Sheet No. 46M(parts of 46M/3,,15,16)
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