CMFRI Special Publication Number 47 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT PRAWNS AND PRAWN FISHERIES OF INDIA Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute COCHIN (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) P. B No. 2704, E R.G. Road, Cochin 682 031, India ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT PRAWNS AND PRAWN FISHERIES OF INDIA Compiled by E. JOHNSON CMFRI Special Publication Number 47 Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute COCHIN (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) P. B. No. 2704, E. R. G. Road, Cochin-682 031, India DECEMBER 1989 Re«tricted circulation Published by Dr. P. S. B. R. JAMES Director Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute P, B. No. 2704 E. R. G. Road Cochin-682 031 India Compiled by Dr. E. JOHNSON Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Cochin-682 031 Printed at S. K. Enterpri«e», Cochin-18 PREFACE Research and Development efforts on marine fisheries of the country have contributed to a rapid growth of literature. However, no attempts have so far been made to develop bibliographies on commercially important species/groups of marine fishes of India, so that the large community of research worl^ers and fishery managers could be benefited. Therefore, to begin with, the Central IVlarine Fisheries Research Institute has talcen up a programme of compilation of 'Annotated Bibliographies' on major commercially important fisheries lii<e those of prawns, oil sardine, mackerel, silver-bellies, ribbon-fishes and Bombay-duck. Efforts have been made to include all the relevant literature in these bibliographies. There could be some omissions and the bibliography is not claimed to be complete in itself. The Institute would welcome information on omissions of any important citations. Annotations have been done carefully to give at a glance the correct details from the original publications. Whenever the authors' abstracts are found sufficient these were reproduced as such, otherwise either the available abstracts are modified or fresh abstracts made based on the contents of the original articles. The present number entitled 'Annotated biblio­ graphy of commercially important prawns and prawn fisheries of India' is the first in the series of bibliographies proposed to be published. I hope this will be useful for the scientists and others in the field by enabling them to have a rapid survey of relevant literature. I appreciate the interest taken and efforts made by Dr. E. Johnson of the Library and Documentation Division for the compilation of this annotated bibliography. Dr. P. S. B. R. JAMES Director Cochin-682 031 2-9-1989. CONTENTS I. SYSTEMATICS AND DISTRIBUTION 1-44 II. BIOLOGY 45-69 III. FISHERY 70-128 IV. PRAWN CULTURE 129-249 V. ADDITIONS 250-311 VI. AUTHOR INDEX 312-322 I. SYSTEMATICS AND DISTRIBUTION 1. ACHUTHANKUTTY, C.T.;SREEKUMARAN NAIR, S. R. 1982. Penaeid prawn population and fry resource in a mangrove swamp in Goa, India. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Cochin, India 12-18, Jan. 1980. Marine Biological Association of India, part 1, p. 190-195. Penaeid prawns consisting of the commercial species Penaeus merguiensis, Metapenaeus dobsoni and M. monoceros abundantly occur in the mangrove swamp during the premonsoon season. Recruitment to the swamp takes place when the individuals are between 10mm and 20mm in size. Growth rate and period of stay in this environment vary with species. About 46.5% of the population is comprised of juveniles ranging in size from 10mm to 30mm. 2. ACHUTHANKUTTY; C. T.; PARULEKAR, A. H.1986. Distribution of penaeid prawn larvae in the coastal waters of Goa. Indian J. Mar. Sc/., vol. 15 (1) ; 45-47. Larval and postlarval distribution of 4 commercially important penaeid prawns were studied in the coastal waters of Goa, The seasonal variation and zone-wise depth distribution of larval and postlarval stages of 4 commercially important penaeid prawns, viz. Metapenaeus dobsoni, M. affinis, P. merguiensis and Parapenaeopsis stylifera, related to the breeding behaviour of individual species in the coastal waters of Goa have been compared and correlated with their breeding behaviours, 3. AHMAD NAJIR 1957. Prawn and prawn fishery of East Pakistan. Govt. of East Pakistan, Directorate of Fisheries, 31 pp. Systematic account. East Pakistan prawns- Penaeus canaliculatus, P. semisulcatus, P. indicus Mat. penicillatus, Metapenaeus monoceros. M. lysianassa, M. brevicornis, Parapenaeopsis stylifera, P. sculptilis, P. uncta, Solenocem indicus, Alpheus euphrosyne, Leander styliferus, Palaemon mirabilis, P. lamerrei, P. dayanus, P. malacolmsonii and P. rudis and key for the identification are given. Production, methods of fishing, price, preservation and curing are also dealt with. 1 ANDERSON, W, W; UNDER, IVI. J. 1945. A provisional key to the shrimps of the family penaeidea with special reference to American forms. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 37: 284-319. Species name with detailed illustrations of family and subfamily are given in this key. ALOCK, A. 1901. A descriptive catalogue of the Indian deep-sea Crustacea, Decapoda IVlacrura and Anomala, in the Indian iVluseum- Being a revised account of the deep-sea species collected by the Royal Indian l\^arine Survey Ship "INVESTIGATOR" Indian IVluseum' Calcutta, India, 286 pp. In a dependent Part I of this classical monograph (204 pp), 117 species of Macrurous Decapod Crustaceans (Penaeidaea-27; Caridea-58; Stenopidea-3; Astacidea-20; Thalassidea-9) dredged by Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship "Investigator" in deep water, some of them in depths beyond 1000 F, between 65°E and the parallels of 5° and 24°N during 1885-1900 are catalogued with detailed descriptions. Of the 117 species, 69 were believed to be proper to the seas of India; while 48 were already known to occur in other seas. Of these 48 widely-ranging species, 25 were known to inhabit the North Atlantic, and 29 the Pacific 6 species being common to the Atlantic and Pacific. The various criteria adopted for classifications, the distributions of the species and the keys to the families, subfamilies, genera and species are given Four genera, namely Sympasiphaea, n. gen., Iconaxiopsis n gen., Gebicula n. gen, Paraphylochelles, n. gen-, 1 new subgenus, namely Plastocrangon; and 10 new species, Sympasiphaea annecctens, n sp. Heterocarpus wood-masoni, n. sp., Aegeon affine, n. sp., Spongicola andamanica, n. sp., Niphropsis ensirpstries, n. sp., Willemoesia indica, n. sp., Iconaciopsis laccadivensis, n. sp., /. andamanensis n. sp^ Gebicula, exigua, n. sp., l\/lunida \iigiliarum, n. sp., are described for the first time. The figures of 71 species are given in 20 plates, distributingly in Illustrations of Zoology, Indian Museum, Calcutta, Parts l-IV, (1892), II (1894) III (1895) IV (1896) and IX (1901) as follows: A. Vistaeus {P/esiopeneusJ Edwards/anus, {Johnson): A. (P) coruscans (Wood-Mason); A. {Aristaeomorpha) rostridentata (S. Bate); Pasiphsea sivado, (Risso); P. unispinosa, Wood - Mason; Pasiphaea [Phya) alcocki. Wood-Mason; Prapasiphaea G//es//, Wood-Mason; Acanthephyra armata, A.M. Edw.;>^ sanguinea, \Nood-Mason, A. m/crophtha/mus. S.I.Smith; A. Purtirostris, Wood-Mason, Nepfirops ttiomsoni, S. Bate var. andarrtanica Wood-Mason. Part II Glyphocrarigon investigatoris. W. M., G. Smitiiii, W. M., G. priononata, W. M , G. unquiculata W. M., G. gilesil, W. M., G. (Plastocrangon) caecescens. W. M., G. (Plastocrangon) caeca, W. M., Nephrops thomsoni, S. Bate var. andamanica Wood-Mason, Polycheles, Phosphorus, Alcock' Polycheles ceratus, Alcock, Pentacheles hextii Alcock, Pentacheles heaumontii, Alcock. Part III Sergestes hamifer, Ale. and Anders, Pasiphaea sivado, (Risso) Psathyrocaris plumose. Ale. and Anders, Psathyrocaris platyophthalmus' Ale. and Anders, Aegeon (Parapontocaris) andamanensis. (W. M.) A. (Parapontocaris) bengalensis (W. M.) Glyphocrangon (Prionocrangon) ommatosteres (W. M.) G. (Plastocrangon) cerea. Ale and Anders, Alpheus macrosceles, Ale and Anders. Polycheles andamanensis, Alcock Pentacheles hextii, Alcock, Pentacheles Carpentaria, Alcock. Part IV Solenocera hextij,\Noo6-Mason, Haliporus virilis. S. Bate Palaemon Brachycarpus Laccadivensis, Acanthephyra cristate, Faxon, Engystenopus palmipes, Ale and Anders, Nephropsis stewarti, Wood-Mason, Nephropsis Carpenter!, Wood-Mason, Calocaris (Calastacus) investigatoris, Anderson, Callianassa garcigena, Ale. and Anders. Part VII Penaeus investigatoris, Anderson, Heiiporus taprobanensis, Anderson, Benthesicymus investigatoris, Anders., Sergestes rubroguttatus, Wood- Mason, Heterocarpus laevigatus. S. Bate, Aegeon medium, (Ale. and Anders) Alpheus shearmei Ale and Anders, RIchardina spongicola. Ale and Anders, Ca/ocar/s {Calastacus) felix, Ale and Anders, Callianassa lignicola. Ale and Anders. Part IX Penaeus coniger. Wood-Mason, Peneus rectacutus, Spence Bate, Solenocera annestens, W. M., Sergestes bisulcatus, Wood-Mason, Pasiphasa (Phye) alcocoki. Wood-Mason, Psathyrocaris fragilis. Wood- Mason, Ephyrina hoskynii. Wood-Mason, Pandalus (Plesionika) alcockl, Anders, Pandalus (Plesionika) bifurca, Ale and Anders, Heterocarpus tricarinatus. Ale and Anders, Heterocarpus Wood-Masoni n. sp., Psalldopus Huxleyi, Wood-Mason, Aegeon affine, n. sp. Engystenopus palmipes. Ale. and Anders, Eryonicus Indlcus, Ale and Anders., Calcarls alcockl, Mc Ardle. 6. ALCOCK, A 1905. A revision of the "genus" Penaeus with diagnoses of some new species and varieties. Ann. Mag. Nat. Ser, 7 (16) : 508- 532. Reviewing the taxonomieal changes hitherto undergone by the genus Penaeus, that had originally been established
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