ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Braueria Jahr/Year: 1991 Band/Volume: 18 Autor(en)/Author(s): Malicky Hans Artikel/Article: Trichopterological Literature 23-28 © Hans Malicky/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 23 TRICHOPTEROLOGICAL LITERATURE 1988 Benson,L.J., Pearson,R.G., 1988, Diversity 1981 and _ seasonality of adult Trichoptera captured in a light-trap at Yuccabine McFarlane,A.G., Cowie,B., 1981, Descriptions Creek, a tropical Australian rainforest of new species and notes on some genera of stream. - Aust.J.Ecol. 13:337-344. New Zealand Trichoptera. - Rec.Canterbury Mus.9:353-385. Cianficconi,F., Moretti, G.P., Di Domenico,M., 1988, I Tricotteri del F.Vomano. - Boll.Mus.St.Nat.Lunigiana 1985 6-7(1986-1987): 151-155. Hönel,B., 1985, Ökologische Untersuchungen Dumnicka.E., Kasza.H., Kownacki.A., über die Trichopterenfauna des Frohns- und Krzyzanek.E., Kuflikowski,T., 1988, Effects Geißbaches (Saarland, Buntsandstein). of regulated stream on the hydrochemistry Dipl.-Arb., Univ.Saarbrücken. and zoobenthos in differently polluted parts of the upper Vistula River (Southern Neel,J.K.,Sr., 1985, A northern prairie Poland). - Hydrobiologia 169:183-191. stream. - Univ.of North Dakota Press, 274 pp. Kohl,R., 1988, Limnologisch-ökologische Untersuchungen an saarländischen Gewässern Ruiter.D.E., Lavigne,R.J., 1985, Distribution unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der of Wyoming Trichoptera. - People.Crops, Trichopterenfauna. - Diss.Univ.Saarbrücken, Soils, Livestock (Agr.Exper.Stat.,Univ.of math.-nat.Fak., 172 pp. Wyoming), SM 47, 102pp. Moretti,G.P., Cianficconi,F., Peroni,E., TogashijI., Tanida,K., 1985, Insects intruded Ronca,M., 1988, Considerazioni sulle into a tunnel. Part 4. 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Tanida.K., Nozaki.T., 1988, Water quality monitoring using the Trichoptera genera 1987 from Japan: a simple biotic index. - In: Yasuno.M., Whitton,B.A.(eds ) : Biological Braga.A.M., 1987, Utilizacion de macroinver- monitoring of environmental pollution. tebrados benticos como indicatores biolo- Tokai University Press, pp.131-139. gicos de la calidad del agua en el rio Viao-Pilona(Asturias). - Limnetica Williams,N.E. , 1988, The use of caddisflies 3:141-150. (Trichoptera) in palaeoecology. - Palaeo- geogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. Cianficconi.F., Moretti,G.P., 1987, 62:493-500. Tricotteri del Friuli-Venezia Giulia. - Biogeographia 13:663-689. 1989 Danks,H.V., Rosenberg,D.M., 1987, Aquatic Basaguren,A., Orive.E., 1989, Spatio-temporal insects of peatlands and marshes in Canada: changes in the caddisfly (Trichoptera) Synthesis of information and identification communities of the River Lea basin (Basque of needs for research. - Mem.Ent.Soc.Can. County, North Spain). - Ann.Limnol. 140:163-174. 25:61-68. Ghosh,S.K., Chaudhury,M., 1987, A new species Bergey,E.A., Ward.J.V., 1989, Upstream- of Eubasilissa Martynov (Trichoptera: downstream movements of aquatic invertebr- Phryganeidae) from India. ates in a Rocky Mountain stream. Bull.zool.Surv.India 8:185-186. Hydrobiologia 185:71-82. Gibon,F.-M., 1987, Recherches sur les TrichO7 Bowles,D.E., Mathis.M.L., 1989, Caddisflies ptères d'Afrique occidentale. 4.Notes sur (Insecta: Trichoptera) of montainous le genre Trichosetodes (Leptoceridae)• regions in Arkansas, with new state records Bu 11.Soc.ent.Fr.91 :103-106. for the order. - J.Kans.Ent.Soc. 62:234-244. Mickoleit,G., 1987, Limnologische Untersu- chung des Alpebaches und seiner Nebenbäche Cox.E.J., Wagner,R., 1989, Does Agapetus (Oberbergischer Kreis, NRW). - Decheniana fuscipes cultivate algae in its case ? - 140:164-173. Hydrobiologia 175:117-120. Puig.M.A., Gonzalez,G., Recasens.L., 1987, Darrow.P.O., Holland,R.S., 1989, Influence of Modelos de distribucion de Plecopteros, a collector-filterer caddisfly (Trichopt- Efemeropteros, Tricopteros y Simulidos en era: Hydropsyche betteni Ross) on leaf el rio Ter. - Limnética 3:125-132. processing rates in an artificial stream. - Hydrobiologia 174:201-205. © Hans Malicky/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 2H Payne,B.S., Bingham,R.C., Miller,A.C., 1989, Dudgeon,D., 1989, The influence of riparian Life history and production of dominant vegetation on the functional organization larval insects on stone dikes in the lower of four Hong Kong stream communities. Mississippi River. - NTIS, Order No. Hydrobiologia 179:183-194. AD-A215922/6/GAR, 46pp. Harper,P.P., 1989, Zoogeographical relation- Pontasch,K.W., Cairns,J.,Jr., 1989, ships of aquatic insects (Ephemeroptera, Establishing and maintaining laboratory- Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) from the based microcosms of riffle insect commun- Eastern James Bay Drainage. ities: their potential for multispecies Can.Field-Nat. 103:535-546. toxicity tests. - Hydrobiologia 175:49-60. Higler.L.W.G., Verdonschot,P.F.M., 1989, Rosillon.D., 1989, The influence of abiotic Macroinvertebrates in the Demmerik ditches factors and density-dependent mechanisms on (The Netherlands): The role of environm- between-year variations in a stream invert- ental structure. - Hydrobiol.Bull. ebrate community. - Hydrobiology 179:25-38. 23:143-150. Rossiter,A., 1989, Substratum selection and van den Hoek,W.F., Cuppen,J.G.M., 1989, Life its role in the distribution of a net- cycle and growth of Trichostegia minor spinning caddis larva. - Physiol.Ecol.Jap. (Curtis) in temporary woodland pools 26:39-53. (about Neureclipsis bimaculata) (Trichoptera: Phryganeidae). Hydrobiol.Bull. 23:161-168. Scrimgeour,G.J., Winterbourn,M.J. , 1989, Effect of floods on epilithon and benthic Kiss.O., 1989, A Halesus digitatus (Schrank, macroinvertebrate populations in an unstab- 1781) életciklusa az észak-magyarorszâgi le New Zealand river. - Hydrobiologia Bükk hegységy folyovizekbén. - Acta Acad. 171:33-44. Paedag.Agriensis, Sect.Biol.Chem., N.S. 19/9:35-44. Sibatani.A., Tanida,K.(eds), 1989, Recent progress of aquatic entomology in Japan, Lago.P.K., Mathis.M.L., Bowles.D.E., 1989, with special references to speciation and Records of Chimarra socia (Trichoptera: habitat segregation. - Tokai University Philopotamidae) from interior highland Press, 184+21 pp. (Japanese) streams in Arkansas and Missouri. - J.N.Y.Ent.Soc. 97:482-483. Stroot.P., 1989, Essai de valorisation de collections existantes de macroinvertébrés Malicky.H., 1989, On a collection of caddis- à des fins de synécologie et de typologie flies from Oman (Insecta, Trichoptera). - des eaux courantes par utilisation d'ana- J.Oman Studies 10:85-88. lyses multivariés. Exemple des Trichoptères du bassin mosan wallon. - Diss., Fac.Univ. Mathis.M.L., Bowles,D.E., 1989, A new micro- Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, 203 pp. caddisfly genus (Trichoptera: Hydroptili- dae) from the interior highlands of Stroot.P., 1989, Trichoptères. In: Evalua- Arkansas, USA. - J.N.Y.Fnt.Soc. 97:187-191. tion, élaboration, execution et gestion d'actions d'urgence visant à sauvegarder McCahon.C.P., Whiles,A.J., Pascoe.D., 1989, des espèces menacées de disparition, en The toxicity of cadmium to different larval priorité les plantes inférieures et les instars of the trichopteran larvae Agapetus invertébrés. Rapport final, 10 pp. fuscipes Curtis and the importance of life Inst.R.Sci.Nat.Belg.»Bruxelles. cycle information to the design of toxicity tests. - Hydrobiologia 185:153-162. Suren,A.M., Lake,P.S., 1989, Edibility of fresh and decomposing macrophytes to three Neboiss.A., 1989, The Oecetis reticulata species of freshwater invertebrate herbi- species-group from the South-West Pacific vores. - Hydrobiologia 178:165-178. (about area (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae). - Triplectides ciuskus, Notalina fulva) Bijdr.Dierk. 59:191-202. Tanida,K., Maruyama.T, Saito,Y., 1989, Nishimoto.H., 1989, A new species of Feeding ecology of Japanese Charr Moropsyche (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) (Salvelinus leucomaenis) in a high moor and from Japan, with some notes on the genus. - adjacent streams in Central Japan. Jap.J.Ent. 57:695-702. Physiol.Ecol.Jap., spec.vol.1:279-294. Nogrâdi U.,S., 1989, Locality data of the Verdonschot,P.F.M., Higler.L.W.G., 1989, Trichoptera collection originating from the Macroinvertebrates in Dutch ditches: a Carpathian Basin in the Hungarian Natural typological characterization and the status History Museum. - Fol.Ent.Hung. 50:147-156. of the Demmerik ditches. - Hydrobiol.Bull. 23:135-142. Nogrâdi U., S., 1989, Trichoptera data of the Hungarian Natural History Museum concern- Wade.K.R., Ormerod,S.J., Gee.A.S., 1989, ing the Northern Mountains, Hungary. Classification and ordination of macro- Fol.Hist.-nat.Mus.Matr. 14:87-98.
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