417 Worcester - Cradley - Ledbury First Worcestershire Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions 1 2 Notes NSch Sch CP CP Worcester, Crowngate Bus Station (Stand M) 0855 1105 1415 1705 Rushwick, adj Grange Lane 0904 1114 1424 1717 Bransford, Powick Turn (W-bound) 0907 1117 1427 1720 Leigh Sinton, opp Sherridge Road 0912 1122 1432 1725 Storridge, adj Church 0916 1126 1436 1729 Cradley, opp Buryfields 0919 0919 1129 1439 1732 Cradley, Finchers Corner (Opposite 6) 0922 0922 1132 1442 1735 Bosbury, adj Bell Inn 0930 0930 1140 1450 1743 Staplow, opp Oak Inn 0933 0933 1143 1453 1746 Ledbury, adj Railway Station 0938 0938 1148 1458 1751 Ledbury, adj Market House 0941 0941 1151 1501 1754 Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way 0945 0945 1155 1505 1757 Saturdays Worcester, Crowngate Bus Station (Stand M) 0825 1105 1105 1405 1415 1605 1705 Rushwick, adj Grange Lane 0834 1114 1114 1414 1424 1614 1717 Bransford, Powick Turn (W-bound) 0837 1117 1117 1417 1427 1617 1720 Leigh Sinton, opp Sherridge Road 0842 1122 1122 1422 1432 1622 1725 Storridge, adj Church 0846 1126 1126 1426 1436 1626 1729 Cradley, opp Buryfields 0849 1129 1129 1429 1439 1629 1732 Cradley, Finchers Corner (Opposite 6) 0852 1132 1132 1432 1442 1632 1735 Bosbury, adj Bell Inn 0900 1140 1140 1440 1450 1640 1743 Staplow, opp Oak Inn 0903 1143 1143 1443 1453 1643 1746 Ledbury, adj Railway Station 0908 1148 1148 1448 1458 1648 1751 Ledbury, adj Market House 0911 1151 1151 1451 1501 1651 1754 Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way 0915 1155 1155 1455 1505 1655 1757 Sundays no service Service Restrictions: 1 - from 23.7.18, not 4.9.18 to 26.10. 2 - to 26.10.18, not 23.7.18 to 3.9. Notes: CP - English Concessionary Passes accepted for travel before 0930 NSch - Does not operate on school days Sch - Operates only on school days Herefordshire County Council29/06/2018 1608 417 Ledbury - Cradley - Worcester First Worcestershire Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions 3 1 Notes JMS NSch Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way 0950 1200 1510 1800 Ledbury, adj Memorial 0955 1205 1405 1515 1805 Ledbury, opp Railway Station 0957 1207 1407 1517 1807 Staplow, adj Oak Inn 1001 1211 1411 1521 1811 Bosbury, opp Bell Inn 1005 1215 1415 1525 1815 Cradley, adj Finchers Corner 1014 1224 1424 1534 1823 Cradley, adj Buryfields 1017 1227 1427 1537 1826 Storridge, opp Church 1021 1231 1541 1829 Leigh Sinton, adj Sherridge Road 1025 1235 1545 1832 Bransford, Powick Turn (E-bound) 1030 1240 1550 1836 Rushwick, opp Grange Lane 1033 1243 1553 1839 Worcester, Crowngate Bus Station (Stand M) 1045 1255 1605 1848 Saturdays Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way 0920 0950 1200 1200 1500 1700 1800 Ledbury, adj Memorial 0925 0955 1205 1205 1505 1705 1805 Ledbury, opp Railway Station 0927 0957 1207 1207 1507 1707 1807 Staplow, adj Oak Inn 0931 1001 1211 1211 1511 1711 1811 Bosbury, opp Bell Inn 0935 1005 1215 1215 1515 1715 1815 Cradley, adj Finchers Corner 0944 1014 1224 1224 1524 1723 1823 Cradley, adj Buryfields 0947 1017 1227 1227 1527 1726 1826 Storridge, opp Church 0951 1021 1231 1231 1531 1729 1829 Leigh Sinton, adj Sherridge Road 0955 1025 1235 1235 1535 1732 1832 Bransford, Powick Turn (E-bound) 1000 1030 1240 1240 1540 1736 1836 Rushwick, opp Grange Lane 1003 1033 1243 1243 1543 1739 1839 Worcester, Crowngate Bus Station (Stand M) 1015 1045 1255 1255 1555 1748 1848 Sundays no service Service Restrictions: 1 - from 23.7.18, not 4.9.18 to 26.10. 3 - Operates only on Tuesdays and Fridays, not 24.7.18 to 31.8., 30.10. Notes: JMS - Operates when either John Masefield High School or Much Marcle Primary S NSch - Does not operate on school days Herefordshire County Council29/06/2018 1608 417 Worcester - Cradley - Ledbury First Worcestershire For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code wocdwtaw Worcester, Crowngate Bus Station (Stand M) Angel Row 2000G000113 wocgawpa St John’s, Bull Ring (W-bound) A44 2000G005381 wocgdmdp St John’s, opp Graham Road Bransford Road (B4485) 2000G005515 wocgpadp St John’s, adj School Road Bransford Road (B4485) 2000G705513 wocgdmdj St John’s, opp Blakefield Road Bransford Road (B4485) 2000G005512 wocgdmda St John’s, adj Portobello Inn Bransford Road 2000G005509 wocgdtda St John’s, Boughton Avenue (SW-bound) Bransford Road 2000G005507 wocgdtaw St John’s, Laugherne Brook (W-bound) Bransford Road (B4485) 2000G005505 wocgdtat St John’s, Bypass Island (SW-bound) Bransford Road 2000G005504 wocgmawd Rushwick, adj Christine Avenue Bransford Road 2000G642001 wocgdtam Rushwick, adj Grange Lane Bransford Road 2000G005502 wocgadap Bransford, Powick Turn (W-bound) A4103 2000G067300 wocgmawg Bransford, adj Suffield Close A4103 2000G642002 wocdatgj Leigh Sinton, opp Sherridge Road A4103 2000G062800 wocdjtpw Leigh Sinton, adj Somers Close A4103 2000G502047 heradgjp Storridge, adj Church A4103 2090A062600 heradgjt Stiffords Bridge, adj Cradley Turn unclassified road 2090A062100 heradawm Cradley, opp Buryfields Vinesend Lane 2090A062500 heragmjt Cradley, Finchers Corner (Opposite 6) Finchers Corner 2090A18285 heragmjw Cradley, opp Pixiefields B4220 2090A18287 heratmwg Cradley, adj Rook Row B4220 2090A0106354 heradgja Bosbury, adj Bell Inn B4220 2090A067700 heramjga Bosbury, adj Bosbury Turn B4214 2090A19737 heradgpw Staplow, opp Oak Inn B4214 2090A070600 heraptwg Ledbury, adj Railway Station The Homend 2090A044303 herapamt Ledbury, opp Tesco The Homend 2090A20175 heraptwm Ledbury, adj Market House High Street 2090A044401 herapamj Ledbury, The Southend (Opposite 43) The Southend. A449 2090A20171 herapamd Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Dunns Copse Biddulph Way 2090A20166 herapajm Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Orchard Place Biddulph Way 2090A20156 herapajg Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Ferndown Road Biddulph Way 2090A20154 herapajp Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Bramley Close Biddulph Way 2090A20158 heradgjg Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way Biddulph Way 2090A067901 Herefordshire County Council29/06/2018 1608 417 Ledbury - Cradley - Worcester First Worcestershire For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code heradgjg Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way Biddulph Way 2090A067901 herapajt Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Bramley Close Biddulph Way 2090A20160 herapajd Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Ferndown Road Biddulph Way 2090A20152 herapajw Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Orchard Place Biddulph Way 2090A20162 herapama Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Dunns Copse Biddulph Way 2090A20164 herapamg Ledbury, The Southend (Adjacent 40) The Southend. A449 2090A20169 heraptwj Ledbury, adj Memorial High Street 2090A044400 herapamp Ledbury, adj Old Hospital The Homend 2090A20173 herapamw Ledbury, adj Tesco The Homend 2090A20177 heradawt Ledbury, opp Railway Station The Homend 2090A044302 herajdaj Staplow, adj Oak Inn B4214 2090A18739 heramjgd Bosbury, opp Bosbury Turn B4214 2090A19739 heragdtg Bosbury, opp Bell Inn B4220 2090A144600 heratmwd Cradley, opp Rook Row B4220 2090A0106352 heraptaw Cradley, adj Pixiefields B4220 2090A216100 heradawj Cradley, adj Finchers Corner Finchers Corner 2090A062300 heragmgt Cradley, adj Buryfields Vinesend Lane 2090A18270 heradgjt Stiffords Bridge, adj Cradley Turn unclassified road 2090A062100 heraptpw Storridge, opp Church A4103 2090A062601 wocdatgm Leigh Sinton, adj Sherridge Road A4103 2000G062801 wocgtjaw Bransford, opp Suffield Close A4103 2000G642006 wocgmawm Bransford, Powick Turn (E-bound) A4103 2000G642004 wocgdtaj Rushwick, opp Grange Lane Bransford Road 2000G005501 wocgmawt Rushwick, opp Christine Avenue Bransford Road 2000G642991 wocgdtap St John’s, Bypass Island (NE-bound) Bransford Road 2000G005503 wocdpmdw St John’s, Laugherne Brook (E-bound) Bransford Road (B4485) 2000G203800 wocgdtdg St John’s, Boughton Avenue (NE-bound) Bransford Road 2000G005508 wocdpmga St John’s, opp Portobello Inn Bransford Road 2000G203801 wocgdmdg St John’s, adj Blakefield Road Bransford Road (B4485) 2000G005511 wocgdmdm St John’s, opp School Road Bransford Road (B4485) 2000G005513 wocgdmdt St John’s, adj Graham Road Bransford Road (B4485) 2000G005516 wocdpmtm St John’s, St John’s (N-bound) St John’s 2000G095382 wocdwpmw St John’s, Bull Ring (E-bound) Bull Ring 2000G016301 wocgampj Worcester, adj Angel Place Angel Place 2000G241205 wocdwtaw Worcester, Crowngate Bus Station (Stand M) Angel Row 2000G000113 Herefordshire County Council29/06/2018 1608.
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