rizon separates the Semriach Formation from the St. Ra- Weizbauer Member: Black argillaceous shales with inter- degund Crystalline. In the area of St. Kathrein the Hoch- calated beds of limestones and quartzites; probably be- schlag Formation underlies the Semriach Formation. tween 100 and 200 m in thickness. Overlying unit(s): Schönberg Formation and Schöckel Pfaffenkogel Member: White biolaminated dolomites with Formation (tectonic contact). birdseye-structures, thick bedded dolomites; up to 200 m in thickness. Lateral unit(s): Not known because of tectonic boundaries. Underlying unit(s): Presumably Semriach Formation and Geographic distribution: Styria, highland in the surround- Taschen Formation. ings of Graz; ÖK50-BMN, map sheets 134 Passail, 135 Birkfeld, 164 Graz, 165 Weiz. Overlying unit(s): Schöckel Formation (tectonic contact). Remarks: - Lateral unit(s): - Complementary references: - Geographic distribution: Styria, highland in the surround- ings of Graz; ÖK50-BMN, map sheets 133 Leoben, 134 Passail, 135 Birkfeld, 163 Voitsberg, 164 Graz, 165 Weiz. Schönberg-Formation / Schönberg Formation Remarks: - BERNHARD HUBMANN Complementary references: RANTITSCH et al. (1998), EB- Validity: Valid; re-nomination of “Arzberg Schichten” (see NER et al. (2000). FLÜGEL, 2000: p. 39), formalized by FLÜGEL (2000: p. 39). Type area: ÖK50-UTM, map sheet 4223 Weiz (ÖK50- Hochschlag-Formation / Hochschlag Formation BMN, map sheet 134 Passail). BERNHARD HUBMANN Type section: No type section defined, but FLÜGEL (2000) selected a type region at Schönberg, northeast of Arz- Validity: Valid; first description by E. FLÜGEL (1957: “Hoch- berg; ÖK50-BMN, map sheet 164 Graz (N 47°15’53” / schlagserie” and “Hochschlagkalke”); formalized by FLÜ- E 15°31’58”). GEL (2000: p. 43; Hochschlag-Formation). Reference section(s): - Type area: ÖK50-UTM, map sheet 4223 Weiz (ÖK50- Remarks: Characteristic of the formation is the synsedi- BMN, map sheet 134 Passail). mentary lead-zinc-silver-barite-mineralization. Type section: No type section defined, but FLÜGEL (2000) Derivation of name: After “Schönberg”, a municipality selected a type region at Hochschlag, northeast of St. Er- and hill northeast of Arzberg, approx. 35 km north of Graz. hard (Breitenau); ÖK50-UTM, map sheet 4223 Weiz (ÖK50- BMN, map sheet 134 Passail) (N 47°24’11“ / E 15°30’17“). Synonyms: Partly: Grenzphyllit (CLAR, 1874); untere Schiefer (HERITSCH, 1917c); Graphitphyllitserie (SEEWANN, Reference section(s): - 1929); Tonschiefer-Fazies (FLÜGEL & MAURIN, 1952); Kar- Derivation of name: After Hochschlag (1,580 m), a moun- bon von Waldstein (FLÜGEL, 1953a); Striatoporen-Kalk (H. tain northeast of the Breitenau valley, approx. 55 km north FLÜGEL, 1975); dunkle, pigmentreiche Gesteine (“Schwarz- of Graz. schiefer”) (WEBER, 1977); höhere karbonat- und kohlen- Synonyms: Partly: Kalkschieferstufe i. A. (WAAGEN, 1937); stoffreiche Serie (WEBER, 1977); tiefere, grüngesteinbe- Kalkzug der Brandlucke (NEUBAUER, 1982). tonte Serie (WEBER, 1977); Arzberg Schichten (EBNER & Lithology: Predominantly platy to slaty limestones with in- WEBER, 1978); erzführende Serie (WEBER, 1990). tercalations of black argillaceous shales, calcareous phyl- Lithology: Predominantly black shales and darkgrey to lites, whitish dolomites and metavolcanites. black limestones with high amounts of clay. Fossils: Rare rugose and tabulate corals. Fossils: Very rare and badly preserved tabulate corals (mostly thamnoporids). Origin, facies: Shallow marine offshore environment. Origin, facies: Organic carbon-rich sediments of a eux- Chronostratigraphic age: Presumably Emsian–Eifelian or inic basin. Givetian. Chronostratigraphic age: Presumably Lochkovian–Em- Biostratigraphy: - sian/Eifelian. Thickness: More than 200 m. Biostratigraphy: - Lithostratigraphically higher rank unit: Peggau Group Thickness: Probably more than 300 m. (FLÜGEL, 2000). Lithostratigraphically higher rank unit: Peggau Group Lithostratigraphic subdivision: - (FLÜGEL, 2000). Underlying unit(s): ? Weizbauer Member of the Schönberg Formation. Lithostratigraphic subdivision: FLÜGEL (2000) distin- guished four facial types which were considered as mem- Overlying unit(s): Dornerkogel Formation (tectonic con- bers: tact). Kreuzwirt Member: Particularly dark coloured limestones Lateral unit(s): - and dolomites that may be intercalated with black shales; Geographic distribution: Styria, highland in the surround- thickness up to 200 m. ings of Graz; ÖK50-BMN, map sheets 134 Passail, 165 Rabenstein Member: Dark grey crinoidal limestones; 30 to Weiz. 50 m in thickness. Rauchenberg Member: Carbonatic black shales; probably Remarks: - more than 300 m in thickness. Complementary references: - 43 Austrian Stratigraphic Chart 2004 - Paleozoic (sedimentary successions) Global Classification / Austrian Stratigraphic Commission / / STAGE / AGE ASC TIME Ma SERIES EPOCH ERATHEM ERA SYSTEM PERIOD DURATION Ma CHANGHSINGIAN 251 Dorashamian 2.8 Haselgebirge 255 WUCHIAPING- IAN 6.6 Northern Calcareous Alps Dzhulfian Kristberg Beds LOPINGIAN U. PERMIAN 260 Bellerophon Bellerophon Graschnitz Formation Präbichl Formation Formation Formation CAPITANIAN 5.4 Silbersberg Formation 265 WORDIAN 2.2 Gröden Formation ROADIAN 2.6 Gröden Formation MID. PERMIAN GUADALUPIAN 270 Gröden Formation Gröden Formation KUNGURIAN 5.0 ? 275 Tarvis Breccia 280 Alpine Verruccano Treßdorf Limestone ARTINSKIAN 8.8 Clastic Trogkofel Limestone Trogkofel 285 Formation PERMIAN SAKMARIAN 10.2 290 Upper Pseudoschwagerina 48 CISURALIAN Formation ? Formation Werchzirm Laas Formation Sandstones LOWER PERMIAN 295 Northern Calcareous Alps ASSELIAN 4.4 Grenzland Formation Rattendorf Formation Drau Range Zöbing Formation 299 Lower Pseudoschwagerina Formation GZHELIAN 4.9 of St. Paul Auernig Group Auernig Group KASIMOVIAN 2.6 305 Upper Carboniferous Waidegg Formation Lower Paleozoic of Zöbing Nötsch Hahn- Formation MOSKOVIAN 5.2 graben 310 Formation Sunk Formation Stangnock Formation Höchkg. Formation 6.4 315 Badstub BASHKIRIAN Formation U. CARBONIFEROUS PENNSYLVANIAN 320 SERPUKHOV- 8.3 IAN 325 Triebenstein Formation Triebenstein 330 Eisenerz Formation Erlachgraben Formation 335 VISEAN 18.9 Kirchbach Limestone Hochwipfel Formation Carboniferous of Nötsch Hochwipfel Formation Hochwipfel Formation 340 Bärenschütz Formation Crinoidal Limestone Dimon Formation Limestone Breccia 345 Steilbach Formation Shale, Lydite Breccias Shale, Lydite Dornerkogel Formation MISSISSIPPIAN 350 13.9 TOURNAISIAN Sanzenkogel Formation CARBONIFEROUS Plotta Lydite 60.2 355 Limestones Kronhof Limestone LOWER CARBONIFEROUS Kronhof Limestone 359.2 Upper Althofen Formation 365 FAMENNIAN 15.3 ? 370 Upper Althofen Steinberg Formation Auen Dolomite Marinelli Limestone Limestone Breccia Kollinkofel Limestone Fm. 375 Shale, UPPER Limestones Pal Limestone DEVONIAN Hochlantsch Hochlantsch FRASNIAN 10.8 380 Flaser Limestone Dolomites, Flaser Limestones Lydites Fahrneck Fm. Zachenspitz Fm. Feldkogel Limestone 385 Lydites, Schists, Lydites Kollerkogel Formation Limestone Breccia Schattberg Formation 6.5 Greywackes GIVETIAN Zollner Formation Kellergrat Reef Limestone 390 Tyrnaueralm Fm. Reef Limestone Hohe Trieb Fm. Hohe Trieb Platy Limestone Valentin Limestone Valentin Reef-debris Ls. Cellon Limestone MIDDLE EIFELIAN 5.7 395 of Althofen DEVONIAN Plabutsch Formation Osser Fm. Schweinegg Fm. Rotmüller Fm. Limestones, Lydites Spinotti Ls. Seeberg Coral-Crinoidal Limestone Schöckel Fm. Seeland Crinoidal Limestone Sauberg Limestone Freikofel Limestone Eiskar Limestone Limestone Massive Limestones Hochschlag Fm. Dalejian Lower Althofen 400 Limestone Upper Polster Limestone Lambertenghi Limestone DEVONIAN 9.5 Harrberger Fm. EMSIAN Kogler Formation Vinz Limestone Vinz Burgstall Crinoid- Flösserkogel Formation See- 405 Stromatoporoid Gamskogel warte Findenig Limestone Ursch Dolomite (Kaindorf Dolomite) Zlichovian Spielberg Dolomite Schwaz Dolomite Limestone Ls. Shale 56.8 Flaser Limestones Seeberg (Adelsberg Limestone) Hohe Parmasegg Hubenhalt Formation Complex PRAGIAN 4.2 Formation Dolomite from Hannersdorf Warte Limestone Kellerwand LOWER Ls. Metapsammitic 410 Bronteus Limestone DEVONIAN (Grebenzen Limestone) Rauchkofel 4.8 Klinglerkar Formation Metabasaltic LOCHKOVIAN Haider Marble Complex Limestone Platy Banded Formation Schönberg Formation Boden Limestone Mölbling Dolomite Limestone Limestone Cavernous Dolomites Mölbling Limestone 416 Bameder-, Heigger PRIDOLI Megaerella Ls. Alticola Ls. Bischofalm Shales 2.7 Middle and Upper Limestone Murau Limestone Cardiola Flaser Limestones Alticola Limestone Orthoceratid Formation Fm. St.Jakob Formation Kötschberg LUDFORDIAN 420 Pranker Metaclastics Cardiola Fm. Cardiola Fm. 4.2 Dolomite LOW LUD- GORSTIAN Middle Auen and from Sulz Dolomite- Lydite Group Orthoceratid Limestone HOMERIAN Dolomites and shales 5.5 425 from the Hochsteinmaißberg Semriach Fm. Kehr Fm. Gurktal Quartzphyllite Complex WEN- LOCK SHEINWOOD. Southern Burgenland TELYCHIAN 430 Kok Formation Nodular Limestone Nölbling Formation Murau Group Orthoceratid Limestone Rad Schists Red Phyllites 435 Eisenhut Group AERONIAN 15.5 SILURIAN Löhnersbach Formation Hackensteiner Formation Lower Bischofalm Shale 27.7 Dolomites, Limestones with tuffs 440 Formation Taschen LLANDOVERY RHUDDANIAN Dienten Schists Red Sparitic Ls. 443.7 Plöcken HIRNANTIAN 445 Graz Paleozoic Formation Volcanics Dolomite Rosental Formation PALEOZOIC Lower Auen 12.1 450 Metapelitic Complex Cystoid Limestone Schattloch Phyllites “Untere Schichten” Wolayer Wolayer Limestone UPPER Polster 455 Uggwa Limestone
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