Superlaser Alderaan’s Demise Lost Soul Vaporator Discard all Los t Holder may draw Soul Sites Must be rescued an additional card in play. by a Hero of 8/* or during draw phase. greater strength. Choose a human Hero Brigade color. Discard all Heroes in play of that color. You may fire when ready. Its as if a million voices suddenly cried I know there is good in him. Essential for life on desert planets. Condenses out in terror and were suddenly water vapor from atmosphere. Has purifica- silenced. tion filters and coolant tanks. Protexts against Grand Moff Tarkin Obi-Wan Kenobi Luke Skywalker drought and harsh conditions. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. 3 / 1 5 / 5 9 / 7 Cloud City Tower Overload Luke Skywalker Boba Fett Take any human Hero prisoner in a territory and place in your Lan d of Bondage. Holder must discard one good enhancement without using it Hero increases 1/1 every time he (m e r c e n a r y enters battle. If 10/10 or greater, pr i c e ) . ignores all evil characters with May hold up to 2 toughness of */6 or less. May use characters treated Interrupt and/or discard any conversion card if attacking as Lost Souls. one Hero weapon in play. Darth Vad e r . Oouioouioouioouioouioouioouioouioou Weapons like lightsabers, turbolasers, and I’ve taken care of everything. As you wish. ioouioouioouioouioouioouioouioouiooui blasters run on powerful energy cells or gen- oouioouioouioouioouioouioouioouioo- erators. Occasionally, these cells overheat causing the weapon to unexpectedly explode. Luke Skywalker Boba Fett QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. 3 / 2 1 / 3 2 / 3 0 / * Krayt Dragon Howl Your Thoughts Betray You Bantha Herd Human Shield Hero ignores Brown Brigade Prevent all special and no Evil Characters may abilities except banding. band this turn. May band to one non- human Evil Character. ** is equalequal toto thethe defensedefense of any character held prisoner in Holder’’s s Look at all Opponents’ hands. Land of Bondage. Using Jedi skill, Obi-wan Kenobi imitated Sister! You have a twin...sister. Your While banthas are found on many worlds, Luke! Luke, don’t - it’s a trap! It’s a perfectly the mournful howl of the dan- feelings now betray her too. Obi-wan the largest herds are on Tatooine. The trap! gerous krayt dragon to scare the Tusken was wise to hide her from me. Sand People of that planet learned to Raiders away from Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader tame the beasts. Leia Organa QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. 1 / 1 4 / 4 5 / 5 Thermal Detonator Obi-wan’s Wise Advice R2-D2 Grand Moff Tarkin Holder may search draw pile Holder may search draw pile for a Search your Draw or for any Blue enhancement card with Superlaser in the title and Discard pile for any Green card and add it to your hand. Discard all Characters in play. place in hand. Shuffle draw pile. Hero and band into battle. Shuffle draw pile. Because he’s holding a thermal detona- Luke, don’t give in to hate - that leads Excuse me, sir, but that R2 unit is in The Jedi are extinct., their fire has gone tor! to the dark side. prime condition. A real bargain. out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that’s left of their religion. C-3PO Obi-wan Kenobi C-3PO Grand Moff Tarkin QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. Salacious Crumb Jabba’s Palace Death Star Cell 2187 Set this Fortress aside. One of When blocking a rescue Only non-human characters may Opponent’s captured characters may attempt at this site, Holder may enter battle. Three Nails and Cross Place beneath an opponent’s be placed here. Character may not be looklook at rescuer’srescuer’s handhand oror draw Beams of the Cross are negated this rescued. Remove character from the discard pile. No cards may be pile and replace unshufled. turn. May be used twice per game. game if Rancor successfully blocks. removed from this discard pile. AH-hahahahaha! ItsI don’t as if thinka million they’re voices going suddenly to let us cried in That’s no moon. That’s a space station. And now, Your Highness, we will dis- outArtoo. in terrorWe’d betterand were go. suddenly cuss the location of the hidden Rebel silenced. base. Salacious Crumb Obi-Wan KenobiC-3PO Obi-Wan Kenobi Darth Vader QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. * / * 5 /3/2 5 10/6 Meditation Chamber Strength in Numbers Stormtrooper Tusken Raiders Set aside any black Evil Character for 3 Discard one fortress from turns. Upon return, if discarded in each opponent. Special ability battle, Evil Character instead returns may be used once per game. to Holder’s territory with abilities increased 3/3. May band to all other Stormtroopers. Must band to at least one StormtrooperStormtrooper to */* is equal to the number of block. Banding cannot be inter- brown Evil Characters in play. rupted, prevented, or negated. You have failed me for the last time, The Sand People are easily startled, but All right men, load your weapons! There has been a lot of unrest among Admiral. they will soon be back and in greater the Sand People since you left...they’ve numbers. even raided the outskirts of Anchorhead. Darth Vader Obi-wan Kenobi Trooper Davin Felth Luke Skywalker QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. 2 / 5 * / * 3 / 3 5 / 7 C-3PO Wicket W. Warrick Yoda Princess Leia Organa May band to R2-D2. May use May band with any human one enhancement from any non- */* is equal to the number of Negate effects of all Hero who is a member gold Hero brigade per battle. Heroes */4 or less in play.. activated Artifacts I do. of a royal family. I am fluent in more than 6 million Its as if a million voices suddenly cried When nine hundred years old you Yes. Rich, powerful.! Listen, if you were forms of communication. out in terror and were suddenly reach, look as good you will not. to rescue her, the reward would be... silenced. Hmmm? C-3PO Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda Luke Skywalker QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. 6/12 4 / 6 11 /10 14 /10 The Emperor Lando Calrissian Vader Ra n c o r May capture Han Solo, Princess Leia, or Chewbacca and place in Cloud City Tower site. If there are two Hero enhancements in Holder may search Discard Discard all characters in battle the field of battle, the battle immediately Pile for one Evil Enhancement with a toughness of */5 or less. resolves and no furhter enhancments and add it to their hand. May only block if Jabba’s Pal a c e may be played. May not be converted. Death Star has no effect. and/or Rancor Pit sites are in play. So be it jedi. If you will not be turned, Stop! I’ve done all I can. I’m sorry I One thing remains: Vader. You must Oh, no! The Rancor! you will be destroyed. couldn’t do better, but I have my own confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi problems. will you be. And confront him you will. The Emperor Lando Calrissian Yoda C-3PO QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. 2 / 2 2 / 2 4 / 1 Fly Casual Out of Nowhere Jedi Mind Trick Sorry about the Mess Set Hero aside for two turns. Interrupt and search draw pile Upon return, Hero gains the abil- for any Hero with no special Hero ignores all Evil Characters ity to ignore Wall of Pro t e c t i o n . ability. Band Hero into battle. with a toughness of */4 or less. Keep your distance though, Chewie, but You’re all clear, kid. Now let’s blow this You will take me to Jabba now! Yes, I’ll bet you have. don’t look like your trying to keep your thing and go home! distance. Han Solo Han Solo Luke Skywalker Han Solo QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. * / * 3 / 3 Yoda’s Influence Yoda’s Wisdom Endor Celebration Sound the Attack Reduce the abilities (*/*) of any Evil Character in battle by If this rescue attempt is suc- Search your draw pile and band into half, rounded down. Effect is */* is equal to the number of arti- cessful, search discard pile for battle all Heroes whose strength plus permanent if Yoda is in play. facts in one player’s artifact pile. any Hero and place in hand. toughness is less than 10. Hmm. Control, control. You must learn A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and They did it! Ewok warriors on patrol use primative control. defense, never for attack. animal horns to coordinate their defenses. Yoda Yoda C-3PO QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. QuadSplash, Inc. 2 / 1 2 / 3 0 / 3 1 / 3 Power of Royalty There is Another He’s My Brother Moisture Far m Interrupt and prevent all Heroes from a royal family from being If battling the gold or black May band a male, white Search your draw or discard pile discarded this turn. Shuffle into brigades, this card is worth 5/1 brigade Hero into battle. for Vaporator artifact and place ow n e r ’s draw pile instead. and Hero gains first strike ability. Household Idols has no effect. in hand. Shuffle draw pile. Necklace worn by Princess Leia during Luke...There is...another...Sky...Sky..
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