CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 S E R J E S-14 MYSORE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK DHARWAR DISTRICT PART X-A: TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY PART X-B: PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT P. PAD MAN A B H A Of' THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS MYSORE 24 12 0 24 .... .... "ILES M I!!~~~l:~~~:~~~-~:;;~'ip!!!II iii i i M)y~®U 20 0 20 40 60 eo 100 KIl.OMETRES ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS, 1971 STATE BOUNDARV DISTRICT " TALUK " STATE CAPITAL '* DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS @ TALUK " o T . N...wpu:r - TblIumaltudlu N..-Ipw Ho_Hoopot H_HubI! ANDBRA rRADESB TAMIL NADU ii KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAR (Motif on the Cover) The illustration on lh03 C,) l.cf r~prescllts th;, m1in Building cf the KarnaLk University. The University Campus is situ:'\I.cd ill the Dharw<lr art'a of Hubli-Dharv.c.r City on a ~iiL o( 283 <:'('[CI> surrounding the pe~k of a p;ct,Jrcsql:e little hill known <'.<; 'Chota M?har-a!e<;h\\<'.r'. The Karnatak U 1l;versity di II w~.s passed by the erstVihilc Bombay Le~isl:'.tl~r( in April 1949 and the University cam'~ into b.::ing as '\ corporate body on 1st M ~rch 1950. Th" University is both a teaching and an affiliating body. Originally its jurisdiction ex {ended over the districts of Dh::'.1'\1 ar, B,'lgaum, Bijapur and North Kanara. Subsequent to the Rc-org:\nis".tion of the Str.tes in November 1956, the jurisd;etion of the University was expanJcd to include the districts of Bdlary, Gulbarga, Bidar and Raichur. Besides the building seen on the cover p2.ge, there arc a l1l:mbcr of residcnti ...1 ql!:'.rt(.~rs, hoste!s ,md blocks of b~lildings which accommodate the sevcm! offices and departments :)f the University. This University is an import<:.nt cetHrC for bighcr edl'('~.ti("! 'n the St'\tc. PREFACE It o<>.s been the tradition of the Census cf India to present demographic ,1<:.ta in as detailed a manner n'l possible so as to serve effectivcly the intcrests of the users of censns d2.t2.. It has also been a tradition to publish special volumes which incorporde both demogn'.phic and non-census data which arc cObsid(.rcd to b;:, of great utility. In 2.ccordancc with this prr.cticc. taluk and village tables used to be published which were, in the 1951 Census, replz.ced by the Di~trict Census Handbook series. These Handbooks replaced Part IV-Taluk Tables and Part V-Village Tables of the earlier censuses and presented a large number of tables of economic,demographic and social significr.nee for taluk" p.nd urban areas. The 1961 District Census Handbooks were improved by extending the cover­ age and a.dministrative sta.tistics were also presented for ep.eh distr:et for the preceding dec~de. The 1971 Cen'>us eontim!cs, as pmt of its Tabulation Plan, the District Census Handbook series, The District Census Handbook is presented in three parts for each District. Pl'.rt A incorporates the Town and Village Directories. Part B incorporates the Primary Census Abstracts and includes d:.:.ta, in the c:\~e of the rural areas, at the villnge level and in tht case of urban areas at the block level, P3rt C incorporates other CenSllS Tables and administrativt' statistics. For convenience, Parts A and B of the District CensllS Handbook are presented in one volume while Part C by itself is a sep~,ate volume. Eyplanatory notes have been incorporated explaining the scope and content of the various statem,'nts, column heading'>, ct '. In ?ddition, in Part B, un introduction is included wherein the chan_:\.~s in th.~ jurisdiction, if any, of the district or of tbe taluks and the changes in the number of villa:,c3 between 1961 and 1971 are explCl.ined, It would be useful to read these notes before one goes to the t3 hIes, In this volume, the district and t<~ILlk maps h,we been incorporated, These maps have been Prepared in this office on the basis of maps obtained from the competent alJthorities concerned. In the district map, to avoid crowding, the names of villages where community facilities exist have not been mentioned but their loc,),tion code numbers have been indica.ted. Similarly, in the taluk maps, villages are indicated by their Location Code numbers. For the names of the villages, one would have to refer to the p.lphabetical list of villages of each of the taluks concerned. These alpbabeticallists arc incorporated in Parts A and B of this volume. In the preparation of Part A of the District Census Handbook we have h:'.d the rep.dy and full co-oper?tion of all the Depnrtments of the State Government. Our wholehearted thanks are tendered to them gratefully, Part B is esselltially demographic in nature and has been the end product of the tabulation of the enumeration results. In the preparation of this volume we have had the benefit of the guidance and advice of Sri A. Chandra Sekhar, l.A.S., Registrl.l.r General and Census Commissioner for India, We have also been considerably assisted by the willing co-operation of Sri K. D. Ballal, Deputy Registrar General, Dr. B, K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Sri K ,K, Chakravorty, Assistant Registrar General. We are deeply indebted to them for all the assist'lnce rendered. iv The District Census Handbook (Parts A and B) presented in this volume is among the first few of the 1971 Census publications. Its early preparation has laid a heavy burden on all the officers and staff of this office. To eCl.ch one of them I am deeply obliged. 'The Director of Printing and Stationery of the St<'.te Government has ensured printing in time ~nd to him wt' offer our thank~. This is 1'. St1'.te Government Publication and the interest evinced by the State Government has encouraged us, for which our thanks are tend~red. June 1973 P. PADMANABHA CONTENTS PAGES Preface iii PART-A TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY Town Directory Explanatory ~otes 3-7 Statcment-I Status, Growth, History and Functional C:"tegory of Towns 8-9 Statement-II Physic~.l Aspects and Location of Towns, 1969 10-11 Statement-III Municip~J Finr,nce, Ig68-69 12-13 Statement-IV Civ:c and other Amenities, 1969-70 14-15 Statement-V Medical, Educ?.tional, Recreational and Cultural Fe.cilities, 1969-70 16-17 Statement-VI Trr.de, Commerce, Industry and B~.nking. 1969-70 18-19 Statement-VII Popul?tion by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, 1971 .. 20-21 Village Directory Explanatory Notes 25-27 8yr.dgi Tahlk 30-33 Dharw~.r T:>Juk 36-41 Gadag Taluk 46-49 Hangal T~.luk 52-59 H<'.veri Taluk 64-69 Hirrkerur Taluk 72-79 Hubli T<,.luk 84-87 K<,Jghatgi Til.luk 90-95 Kundagol Talvk 98-101 Mund?,rei Taluk 104-107 Nargund Taluk 110-111 Navalgund Taluk 114-117 Ranibennur TC'.luk 120-125 Ron Taluk 130-135 Savanur Taluk 138-141 Shiggaon Taluk 144-149 Shirahatti Taluk 152-155 Appendices Appendix-I Alphabetical List of Villages Appendix-l- (i) 8yadgi Taluk 34 Appendix-J-(ii) Dharwar Taluk 42-43 Appendix-J-(iii) Gadag Taluk 50 Appendix-J-(iv) HangaJ Taluk 60-61 Appendix-I-(v) H'lVeri Taluk 70 vi PAGES Append,')(-l-{vi) Hirek~rur Taluk 80-81 Append;x-I-(vii) Hubli T"luk 88 Appendix-I-(viii) IV.!ghatgi Taluk 96 Appendix-I-(iJ(j Kur,c'1.gol Taluk 102 Appendix-I-(x) Mundargi Taluk 108 Appendi,,(-l-(xi) N .r.~ufld TaluK 112 A ppelldix-l-(xii) N<"valgund Taluk 118 Appendix-l-(xiii) R~.nibennur TaluK 126-127 AjJpendix-I-(xiv) Ron Taluk 136 Appendi (-I-('n) S:'.Vanur Taluk 142 Appendix-l- (xvi) Shiggaon Taluk 150 Append; x-l-(xvii) Shirahatti Taluk 156 Appendi,-II ToIukwise Abstract of Educational. Mecl,ic:lI ."nd other Amenities, . 158-16l Appendix-III Land use parti::uI:>.rs of Non-Municipal Towns 162 Appendi.'l.-Iv' brief Note on places of R.eligions, Historical or Arch:>.eological Importance ]63-172 PART-B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTR-\CT Introduction 174-177 Explanatory Not';! 178-18] Salient Demographic Incicators of the District~ 182-183 Figures at a Glance 1M District Primary Census Abstract 186-204 Taluk Primary Census Abstrad with Alpbabetical I.ist of Villages 8yadgi Taluk 209-216 Dharwar Taluk 218-228 Gadag Taluk 231-250 Hangal Taluk 252-266 Havcri Taluk 269-281 Hirekerur Taluk 284-293 Hubli THluk 297-350 K.alghatgi Taluk 353-359 K,undagoI Taluk 363-370 Mundargi Taluk 371-375 Nargund Taluk 379-386 N,walgund Taluk 389-399 Ranibennur Tn.tllk 402-41 7 Ron Taluk 421-434 Savanur Taluk 437-447 Shiggaon Talut< 451-460 Shirahatti Taluk 463-477 Appendix-I List of Hamlets havinl?- population of 500 and more 481 Appendix-IT List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in M),80re State 485-488 vii LIST OF MAPS, CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS FACING. PAGE Maps 1. State Map of Mysorc Title page 2. District Map of Dharwar 1 3. Byadgi Tatu.k 209 4. Dharwar Tal uk 218 5. Gadag Taluk 231 6. Hang d Tatuk 252 7. Haveri Taluk 2~9 8. .Hiret~rur Taluk 284 9. Hubli Taluk 297 10. Kqlgh?tgi Taluk 353 11. Kundagol Taluk 363 12. Mundargi Taluk 371 13. Nargund Tduk 379 14. Navalgund Taluk 389 15. Ranibennur Taluk 402 16. Ron T",.luk 421 17.
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