he ndoverAndo'rr n«T »hrrr and Aral, laal—ihr manly, alralahlfornard. anhar. ownsman T A patriot Ir TN r. Knaland T o .n — PI 111.I.I l*!A llltOOKS O N K YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER. MASSACHUSETTS, FEBRUARY 16, 1934 VOLUME XLVJI NUMBER 19 All Except One File Olga Averino to LOCAL NEWS NOTES Activities Planned Sing Here Tonight by Girls’ Friendly Hear Complaints on Item s Must Be in Early Next Week Nomination Papers i Madame Olga Averino, soprano who has Next Thursday is a holiday, anti since The Girls’ Friendly society of Christ I been a senastion in New York, will sing in tin* church will hold a penny social in the Parish Street Car Service Meeting Room at Phillips academy tonight the Andover Press will not be open on that day, all items for next week's Towns­ I louse on Monday evening. Hcv. Frederick B. Noss Only One Withdrawing from ■ at 8.15 o'clock. The recital is public, and Classes in knitting, contract bridge and man must Ik * in the office by Wednesday admission will l>c 50 cents. gymnastics which have been held for the past Public Meeting Held at Town Hall Last Night Exces­ Election Contest—Selectmen and School Commit­ Olga Averino was l>orn in Moscow, the morning at the latest. 'The Townsman cannot guarantee the publication of any month have ended. sive Fares and Poor Service Charged Group Votes tee Elections Promise Very Close Fight daughter of a widely known violinist, the Plans arc being made for the annual play j granddaughter of Hermann Laroche, eminent items received after Wednesday noon. in Favor of Busses over Street Cars Pastors are urged to bring in their church I and sale which are to be held shortly after T!ir unal make-up of Andover’s ballot for I critic and writer, and the god-daughter of ' Faster. Modest Tschnikovsky. She graduated from notices Tuesday afternoon if possible, and the ning election was determined upon in no case later than Wednesday noon. I The local G.F.S. will entertain a group Complaints of all kinds were aired last last I riday when all those who had taken out Policem an’s Ball at the Imperial Conservatory as a pianist and from Boston on the holiday. Weather per- League to Conduct night at the town hall against the service and nomination papers filed them at the town ! later studied voice, attracting unusual , mitt ing. they will enjoy winter sports. rates of the Eastern Massachusetts Street hou-c. with Rev. Frederick B. Noss being the Town Hall Tonight interest among musicians and critics. She James Fee of Pearson street confined to | Several members of the local branch Railway of this town. The meeting was called lone exception. Mr. Ness’s withdrawal from became one «»f the leading sopranos in Rus his home by illness. • joined a Boston group on the Snow Train trip Candidates’ Meeting as the result of a meeting held in Lawrence a the chool committee race leaves but five A fine program has been arranged for the ' sian Opera, but her career there was abruptly .... .. .... f(,'v weeks ago at the instigation of Rep. nded when the Revolution broke out and Mrs. John P. Alexander ha l*en ill at her to •S,cw Hampshire last Sunday. running for the three-year terms. ninth annual concert and ball of the Andover home on Summer street. I he League of Women Voter* will hold a Thomas J. Lane who is leading a fight for a The selectman’s race and the race for Police Relief association, to be held this eve­ drove her from Russia. Olga Ave > escaped meeting, to which the public is cordially j live-cent fare. U te r there will Ik- another >cho<>l committee seem to be the cnly real ning at eight o’clock in the town hall. The after Rrent hardship intn China where ’for I I'hyllis Wirtzburger of Ked Spring road is String Quartet at invited,on Tuesday, February 27,at the town meeting of the general committee at the contt '' this year, with the possible exception first hour will be devoted to a musical and two years she sang and taught in the larger spending a month in Plymouth, hall. At this meeting all candidates running Lawrence City Hall to prepare a definite of the I ard of public works. There are four dancing program, while from nine until one cities with English concessions. Through the l , ,, , Vesper Services for any town office will be invited to speak, policy. friendship and efforts of prominent Russian 1 Alice L. McDcrmitt of Red Spring road is This opportunity should be of great interest j One complainant stated that the fare from -cekuur election to the selectman’s ofiicc there will be general dancing, with Roland musicians in this country, she was enabled | confined to her home by nines*-. including the present incumbent. Andrew »pi ■ . i . i . ,, i to everyone, as it enables the condidute to Andover to Lawrence fen w k Russell’s orchestra furnishing the music. to reach America. McTernen, and Fred (1. Cheney, Thomas F. There will be several distinguished guests Harold Eastwood, a local tail carrier, is services at thefPhH Ii'w aclem y * ha,>HSwH1 ? atC Ms and c(xhp,ain. his. ,(lUftli,K'a high, and he suggested tickets giving 14 rides j confined to his home by illne i „ u u c V 1 , Mltmy ; iln,,Pt 1 v m tions, and it also gives the voter the oppor Hendrick and Howell F. Shepard. In the present including Mayor George..... ...................... Dalrymple .. be held on Sunday, February 18, at five oppor- to Andover square for a dollar. Another from school Foard race William A. Doherty and I of Haverhill, assistant city marshal Michael 1 Clarence Delaney has been seriously ill at I fiftei(iftiii.n ..'..I. ...I. l ...... • I __ ___: .........l cr i I I>r. Nathaniel Stowers are running for re- I Barry of Lawrence, probation officer Fred j the Massachusetts General hospital. election, while .1 Everett Collins, Stafford A. Flynn and Chief Cyril Feugill of Methuen. Alfred C. Stacey Lindsay and E. Dean Walen are also trying Pietro Mordelia and his daughters. Flora Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Goodwin are both for one of the three vacancies. Mrs. John C. and Rita, billed as the “ Musical Merry Milk Inspector ill at their home on North Main street. Angu- C uncontested for the one-year un- j Makers,” will comprise one part of the con- expired term. Both the selectman and the i cert program. Accordion artists of note, this Miss Dorothy Winn of Chestnut street ...... ........ i house „„ Locke street. Edward Whiting, I the Hill were discontinued the Alfred C. Stacey of 15 Brook street was ap­ enjoyed a Snow I ram trip last week end. nms.c, and is frequently heard both m con wh„m many people will remember as the : taken because thecal"wav showed that verv school board race look like pretty much of a trio has appeared in Andover before, creating pointed milk inspector Wednesday evening toss-up at present , a splendid impression. A senes of dances will at a Board of Health meeting. Mr. Stacey 1 .avis McKee of Brechin terrace has pl“y ^ e,M' nI "< “ WHS"*** Column” in the Boston ew pe^S i were u“ing the c . ^ 1 William F. Barron is a possible threat in be presented by Signorina Maria Solari. will fill the position which has been vacant entered the employ of M. T. Stevens com Serakh. .wil1 s»«lk “» “ Current Events.” : Squa're to the Hill am? also £ £ u s e people Beethoven’s F minor quartet, opus 65, com­ Tea will be served. the board of public works race, against 1 The committee in charge includes: Chief since the fall of 1655, when the holding of the pany. plete. on Main street objected to the cars running Henry A. Bodwell and Frank Buttrick, George A. Dane, Sergeant Leonard Saunders, position by Chairman Franklin II. Stacey of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huntington of Melrose I it is hoped that a large audience will be on this street. present members. Barron has been leading Officers James Walker, Frank McBride, the board of health was declared illegal by the spent the week-end with relatives on Summer present at this service, to which the public is It costs thirty cents to ride from Andover the steam pump fight, (ieorge M. Squires is ; William Shaw, John Deyermond, Thomas state house. The salary previously was S75, street. cordially invited. Date Changed for hill to any point beyond the transfer station, also running. | Dailey, David Gillespie and Carl Stevens, as but the board of health, according to the it was trointed out. Another complainant There are two places to be filled on the i chairman, chairman, will recommend a salary of $200 The junior class at Punchard met 'Tuesday Free Church Men asked when a bus is fifty minutes late, why planning board, the regular five-year term I this year. Mr. Stacey, Sr., had held the posi­ morning. President Miss Martha Billings To Hold Meeting [don’t they put on an extra bus. Very poor which has been vacant and the four-year tion for over 20 years. presided. It has become necessary to change the date I w*f ( hurged by another man, unexpired term left vacant by the death of Local Conservation The new milk inspector has lived in Ando­ Miss Eleanor Jenkins of South Main of County Council of the next men's meeting at the Free Church ' ' T *ht' ^ aw?hccl? 1scc,ion » h» the late Joseph S.
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