BOOKS AND SPECIAL VOLUMES IN THE FIELD OF GENETICS, 1939-1949 ISOLDE BEHR John Innes Horticultural Institution, Bayfordbury, Hert ford, Herts. ReceivedI.X.49 AKERMAN, A. et al. (ed.). 1948. Svaloj 1886-1946.History and Present Problems. Pp. 389. Lund: Karl Bloms Boktrykeri. ALTENBURG, E. 1945. Genetics. Pp. xii+452. New York: Henry Holt & Co. ANDERSEN, P. F. I 942. Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate. Copenhagen: E. Munksgaard. ANDERSON, E. 1949. Introgressive Hybridisation. Pp. ix+ sog. New York and London: Chapman & Hall (New York: John Wiley). ANDREASSEN, M. 1943. Hemofihi i Danmarlc. Pp. ,68. Copenhagen: E. Munks- gaard. ASI-ITON, T. 1946. The Use of Heterosis in the Production of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. Pp. 34. Cambridge: Imperial Bureau of Plant Genetics. BAKER,J. R. 1945 (1933). Cytological Technique. 2nd ed. Pp. vii+211. London: Methuen. BARLOW, N. (ed.).1945. Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle. Pp. 279. London: Pilot Press. BARTELS, K. D.1941. Heredity in Graves Disease. Pp. 384. Copenhagen: E. Munksgaard. BARTELS, E. D., AND BRUN, G. 1943. Gipsies in Denmark. Pp. 179. Copenhagen: E.Munksgaard. BARTON, L. V., AND CROCKER, W. 1948. Twenty Tears of Seed Research at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Pp. 148. London: Faber & Faber. BAUDIN, L. 1946. Introduction a Ia Biologie. Pp. 224. Lausanne: Payot. BAUER, 3. 1945 (1942). Constitution and Disease. 2nd ed. Pp. ix+2o8. New York: Gruene & Stratton. BELL, A. G. 1948.Inheritance of Deafness. Washington: Volta Pubi. BENEDICT, R. 1942. Race and Racism. Pp. viii +175. London : Routledge & Sons. BIBBY, C. H. 1939. Heredity, Eugenics and Social Progress. Pp. 93. London Gollancz, New People's Library. BIBBY, C. H. 1939. Evolution of Man and his Culture. Pp. 92. London: Gollancz, New People's Library. BLACKER, C. P.1947. Eugenics in Prospect and Retrospect (Galton Lecture 1945). Pp. 33. London: H. Hamilton. BOND, A. DE M. 1940. An Experiment in the Teaching of Genetics. Pp. viii+9g. New York: Columbia University Press. BONNIER, G., AND TEDIN, 0. 1940. Biologisk Variatiornanalysis (Analysis of Variance in Biology). Pp. 325. Stockholm. B0uNOURE, L. 1939. L'Origine des cellules reproductices et leproblime de la ligne germinale. Pp. xii+272. Paris : Libr. Gauthier-Villars. BOUNOURE, L. 1940.Continuité germinale et reproduction agame. Pp. iv +84. Paris: Libr. Gauthier-Villars. BOURNE, G. (ed.).1942. Cytology and Cell Physiology. Pp. xii+2g6. Oxford: Clarendon Press. BOYD, W. C.1939. Blood Groups (Reprint from Tabuls Biologine, 17).Pp.128. Den Haag: W. Junk. 249 250 I. BEHR BRIDGES, C. B., AND BREHME, x. s. (ed.). 1944. The Mutants of Drosophila melano- gaster. Pp. vii+257. Washington: Carnegie Institution. BURCH, G. I., AND PENDELL, E. 1947. Human Breeding and Survival. New York: Pelican Books. BURGEFF, H. 1943. Genetische Studien an Marchantia. Einfuhrung einer neuen Pflanzen- familie in die genetische Wissenschaft. Pp. 296. Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag. BIJRLINGAME, L. L. 1940. Heredity and Social Problems. Pp. xi+369. New York: McGraw Hill. CAIN, S. E. 1944. Foundations of Plant Geography. Pp. xiv+556. New York: Harper & Brothers. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1939-49. Treasury of Human Inheritance (various editions). Cambridge. CARLES, j. 1945. Problêmes d'Hérédité. Pp. 258. Paris : Beauchesne et ses Fils. CASTLE, W. 1940. Mammalian Genetics. Pp. viii+ 169. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. CASTLE, W. 1940. Manual for a Laboratory Course on Genetics. Pp. V +33. Cam- bridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press. CAULLERY, M. 1942. L'Organisme et Sexualité. Paris. CHANDRASEKHARAN, S. N., AND PARTHASARATHY, S. V. 1948. Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding. Pp. xvi+589. Madras: P. Varadachary & Co. CLARK, H. W. 1940. Genes and Genesis. Pp. v+I55. Mountain View, Cal.: Pacific Publications. CLAUSEN, J. C. 1945. Experimental Studies in the Xature of Species. Vol. 2. Plant evolution through amphiploidy and autoploidy, with examples from the Madin€e. Pp. vii + 174. Washington: Carnegie Institution. COLD SPRING HARBOR. Symposia on Quantitative Biology. New York. 1941. Vol. 9. Genes and chromosome structure and organiSation. Pp. x+316. 1946. Vol. II. Heredity and variation in micro-organisms. Pp. xi+3r4. 1948. Vol. 13. Biological applications of tracer elements. Pp. xi+222. COLIN, E. 1947 (i4). Elements of Genetics. Pp. xiii+402.Philadelphia: Blakiston Co. COOK, R. C., AND BURKS, B. S.1946. How Heredity Builds Our Lives. Pp. 64. Washington: American Genetical Association. COrF, H. B.1940. Adaptive Coloration in Animals. (Introduced by J. Huxley.) Pp. XXxii+5o8. London: Methuen. CRABB, A. R. 1947. The Hybrid Cornmakers. Prophets of Plenty. Pp. xxv +331. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. CRANE, M. B., AND LAWRENCE, W. J. C. 1947 (1934, 1938). The Genetics of Garden Plants. Pp. xvii+299. London: MacMillan & Co. CREW, F. A. E. 1947. Genetics in Relation to Clinical Medicine. Pp. 123. Edinburgh Oliver & Boyd. CROCKER, W. 1948. Growth of Plants. Twenty rears Research at the Boyce Thompson Institute. Pp. v+459. New York: Reinhold Pubi. Co. CUMMINS, H., AND MIDLO, C. 1943. Finger Prints, Palms and Soles. An Introduction to Dermatoglyphics. Pp. 309. Philadelphia. DAHLBERG, 0. 1940. Arv och Ras (Heredity and Race). Pp. 195. Stockholm. DAHLBERG, G.1940. Statistical Methods for Medical and Biological Students. Pp. ix+232. London: Allen & Unwin. DAHLBERG, G. (translated by L. Hogben). 1942. Race, Reason and Rubbish. Pp. 240. London: Allen & Unwin. DABLBERG, G.1947. Mathematics of the Genetics of Populations. Pp. viii + 138. Basic: Karger. DAHLBERG, 0. 1947. Mathematical Methods for Population Genetics. Pp. viii + 183. New York : Interscience. Basle : Karger. DANGEARD, P. 1947. Cytologie Vegetale et Cytologic Générale. Pp. 6,6. Paris Paul Lechevalier. GENETIC BOOKS, 1939-1949 251 DARLINGTON, C. D. 1947 ('939). The Evolution of Genetic Systems. Pp. xi+ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DARLINGTON, C. D. 1948. La Evolucion de los Sistemas Geneticos. (Translated by F. A. Saez of The Evolution of Genetic Systems.) Pp. 197. Buenos Aires: Espasa Calpe Argentina. DARLINOTON, C. D., AND JANAKI AMMAL, E. K. 1945. Chromosome Atlas of Cultivated Plants. Pp. 397. London: Allen & Unwin. DARLINGTON, C. D., AND LA COUR, L. F. 1947 (1942). The Handling of Chromosomes. 2nd ed. Pp. 165. London: Allen & Unwin. DARLINGTON, C. D., AND MATHER, K. 1949. Elements of Genetics. Pp. 446. London: Allen & Unwin. DARLINGTON, C. D. AND MATHER, K. 1949. Genes, Plants and People: Essays on Genetics. Pp. 192. London: Allen & Unwin. DARWIN, C. 1949. The Origin of Species. Reprint of 1st ed. with introduction by C. D. Darlington. London: Watts & Co. DAvENPORT, C. B. et al.1940. Medical Genetics and Eugenics. Pp. 141. Phila- delphia: Women's Medical College, Pa. DEMEREC, M. et al. 1941. Cytology, Genetics and Evolution. Pp. ,68. Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press. DEMEREC, M. (ed.). 1947 to date. Advances in Genetics.'947. Vol. Pp. xvi+458. 1948. Vol. 2. Pp. viii+373. New York: Academic Press. DOBZHANSKY, TH. 1937, 1941. Genetics and the Origin of Species. Pp. xviii+446. New York: Columbia University Press. DOBZHANSKY, TH. 1944. Contributions to the Genetics, Taxonomy and Ecology of Drosophila pseudo-obscura and Its Relatives.Pp. iii+ 183. New York Carnegie Institution. DUNN, L. C., AND DOBZHANSKY, TH. 1946. Heredity, Race and Society. New York: Pelican Books. ERIKSEN, K. 1943. Heredity Forms and Sterility in Cattle.I. Biological and genetical investigations. Pp. 155. Lund: University of Lund. ERNST, A. 1942. Vererbung durch labile Gene. Pp. 567. Zurich :Orell-Fussli (Archiv d. Jul. Klaus Stift.). FISCHER, A. 1946. Biology of Tissue Cells. Essays. Pp. viii+348. London. FISHER, R. A. 1930, 1940. The Genetical Theory of J'fatural Selection. Pp. xiv+272. Oxford: Clarendon Press. FISHER, a. A. 1925-47. Statistical Methods for Research Workers. Pp. xiv +354. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. FISHER, R. A. 1935-47. The Design of Experiments. Pp. xi+26o. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. FISHER, R. A.1949. The Theory of Inbreeding. Pp. Viii+ 120. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. FISHER, R. A., AND YATES, F. 1938-48. Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research. Pp. viii + ii 2. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. FIrr, A. B.1941. Seasonal Influence on Growth, Function and Inheritance. Pp. xi +182. Oxford: New Zealand Council Publication. FLORKIN, M. 1940. Biochemical Evolution. Pp. 210. New York. (1944. L'Evolution Biochimique. ed. Desoer. Pp. 212. Liege.) FOGH-ANDERSON, P. 1942. Inheritance of Harelip and Cleft Palate. Pp. 226. Copen- hagen : A. Busck, Nyt Nordisk Forlag. FORD, E. B. 1931-45. Mendelism and Evolution. Pp. xii+ 122.London Methuen. FORD, E. B. 1942. Genetics for Medical Students. Pp. 162. London: Methuen. FRANCIS, T.5944. The Development of the Pituitary at Hereditary Anterior Pituitary Dwarfism in Mice. Pp. 154. Copenhagen: E Munksgaard. FRASER-ROBERTS, 3. A. 1940. An Introduction to Medical Genetics. Pp. xxiii+266. London: Oxford University Press. 252 I. BEHR GAGNEBIN, E. 1943. Le Transformisme et l'Origine de l'Homme. Pp. 173. Lausanne: Rouge et Cie. GANDER, M. n.d. (circa1946). Die Abstammungslehre. Pp. ,8o. Einsiedeln: Benziger & Cie. GARNER, R. J. 1947.Grafter's Handbook. Pp. 223. London: Faber & Faber. GATES, R. St.1946. Human Genetics. 2 vols. Vol. ,, pp. xvi+742; Vol. 2, pp. 743-1518. New York: MacMillan & Co. GATES, St. R.1949. Pedigree of Xegro Families. Pp. vii+ 267. Philadelphia: Blakiston Co. GATES, St. R. 1948. Human Ancestry from a Genetical Point of View. Pp. 438. Cambridge, U.S.A.: Harvard University Press. GEITLER, L. 1942. Schnellmethoden der Kern-Chromosomen-Untersuchung. 2nd rev. ed. Pp. 28. Berlin: Borntrager. GLASS, B. 1943. Genes and the Man. Pp. xii+386. New York: Teachers' College, Columbia University. GOLDSCHMIDT, St. 1940. Physiological Genetics. Pp. 375. New York and London: McGraw Hill. GOLDSCHMIDT, R. 1940. The Material Basis of Evolution. Pp. 448. New Haven and London: Oxford University Press. Yale University Press. GOLDSTEIN, P. 1947. Genetics is Easy. Pp. v+72. Hoboken: Garlan Publications (Handbooks for Teachers and Pupils).
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