San Diego Public Library New Additions November 2010 Adult Materials 000 - Computer Science and Generalities California Room 100 - Philosophy & Psychology CD-ROMs 200 - Religion Compact Discs 300 - Social Sciences DVD Videos/Videocassettes 400 - Language eAudiobooks & eBooks 500 - Science Fiction 600 - Technology Foreign Languages 700 - Art Genealogy Room 800 - Literature Graphic Novels 900 - Geography & History Large Print Audiocassettes MP3 Audiobooks Audiovisual Materials Music Scores Biographies Newspaper Room Fiction Call # Author Title [MYST] FIC/ACKERMAN Ackerman, Hal. Stein, stoned [MYST] FIC/ADAMS Adams, Jane Resolutions [MYST] FIC/ALEXANDER Alexander, Tasha Dangerous to know [MYST] FIC/ARJOUNI Arjouni, Jakob. Kismet [MYST] FIC/ASH Ash, Maureen Shroud of dishonour [MYST] FIC/ASHFORD Ashford, Jeffrey Criminal innocence [MYST] FIC/BALZO Balzo, Sandra. A cup of Jo [MYST] FIC/BEAUFORT Beaufort, Simon. The bloodstained throne [MYST] FIC/BORG Borg, Todd. Tahoe heat [MYST] FIC/BORK Bork, Lisa For richer, for danger [MYST] FIC/CAMILLERI Camilleri, Andrea. The track of sand [MYST] FIC/CASEY Casey, Kathryn. The killing storm [MYST] FIC/CHAKRABORTI Chakraborti, Rajorshi. Shadow play [MYST] FIC/CHAN Chan, Cassandra. A spider on the stairs [MYST] FIC/CHANG Chang, Henry Red jade [MYST] FIC/CHARBONNEAU Charbonneau, Joelle. Skating around the law [MYST] FIC/CHISHOLM Chisholm, P. F. A murder of crows [MYST] FIC/COHEN Cohen, Paula Marantz What Alice knew [MYST] FIC/COLE Cole, Meredith. Dead in the water [MYST] FIC/COLEMAN Coleman, Reed Farrel Innocent monster [MYST] FIC/COONTS Coonts, Deborah. Wanna get lucky? [MYST] FIC/CORBY Corby, Gary. The Pericles Commission [MYST] FIC/CORNWELL Cornwell, Patricia Daniels. Port mortuary [MYST] FIC/CORRIS Corris, Peter Torn apart [MYST] FIC/CORRIS Corris, Peter. Open file [MYST] FIC/CORWIN Corwin, Miles. Kind of blue [MYST] FIC/COTTERILL Cotterill, Colin. The merry misogynist [MYST] FIC/COYLE Coyle, Cleo. Roast mortem 2 [MYST] FIC/CRAWFORD Crawford, Isis. A catered Thanksgiving [MYST] FIC/CURZON Curzon, Clare. Off track [MYST] FIC/DARRELL Darrell, Elizabeth. Indian summer [MYST] FIC/DAVIDSON Davidson, Hilary. The damage done [MYST] FIC/DELANY Delany, Vicki Negative image [MYST] FIC/DISILVERIO DiSilverio, Laura A. H. Swift justice [MYST] FIC/DUFFY Duffy, Margaret. Corpse in waiting [MYST] FIC/DUNNETT Dunnett, Kaitlyn. The corpse wore tartan [MYST] FIC/EDWARDSON Edwardson, Åke The shadow woman [MYST] FIC/ERNST Ernst, Kathleen Old world murder [MYST] FIC/ESTLEMAN Estleman, Loren D. Amos Walker [MYST] FIC/GENELIN Genelin, Michael. The magician's accomplice [MYST] FIC/GOLDENBAUM Goldenbaum, Sally. A holiday yarn [MYST] FIC/GRAVES Graves, Sarah. Crawlspace [MYST] FIC/GREENWOOD Greenwood, Kerry. A question of death [MYST] FIC/GREENWOOD Greenwood, Kerry. Dead man's chest [MYST] FIC/GREENWOOD Greenwood, Kerry. Death by water [MYST] FIC/GREER Greer, Robert O. First of state [MYST] FIC/GREGSON Gregson, J. M. In vino veritas [MYST] FIC/HAMILTON Hamilton, Barbara A marked man [MYST] FIC/HARMON Harmon, Kenneth The fat man [MYST] FIC/HARRISON Harrison, Cora. Eye of the law [MYST] FIC/HARVEY Harvey, Michael T. The third rail [MYST] FIC/HECHTMAN Hechtman, Betty You better knot die [MYST] FIC/HEFFERNAN Heffernan, William The dead detective [MYST] FIC/HERBERT Herbert, Rosemary. Front page teaser [MYST] FIC/HORNSBY Hornsby, Wendy. The paramour's daughter [MYST] FIC/HOSP Hosp, David. Among thieves [MYST] FIC/HUDGINS Hudgins, Maria. Death on the Aegean Queen [MYST] FIC/JAMES James, David. Three bedrooms, two baths, one very dead corpse [MYST] FIC/JAMES James, Steven The bishop [MYST] FIC/JERKINS Jerkins, Grant. A very simple crime [MYST] FIC/JUDSON Judson, D. Daniel Voyeur 3 [MYST] FIC/KILMER Kilmer, Nicholas. A butterfly in flame [MYST] FIC/KNOWLES Knowles, Mike. In plain sight [MYST] FIC/LIN Lin, Ed. Snakes can't run [MYST] FIC/LUPOFF Lupoff, Richard A. The emerald cat killer [MYST] FIC/MACBAIN MacBain, Bruce. Roman games [MYST] FIC/MACINERNEY MacInerney, Karen Berried to the hilt [MYST] FIC/MALLO Mallo, Ernesto Needle in a haystack [MYST] FIC/MARON Maron, Margaret. Christmas mourning [MYST] FIC/MARSHALL Marshall, Evan City in shadow [MYST] FIC/MCDONALD McDonald, Craig Head games [MYST] FIC/MCINTOSH McIntosh, Pat. A pig of cold poison [MYST] FIC/MCMANUS McManus, Patrick F. The huckleberry murders [MYST] FIC/MULLER Muller, Marcia. Coming back [MYST] FIC/MURPHY Murphy, Shirley Rousseau. Cat coming home [MYST] FIC/O'DONOHUE O'Donohue, Clare. The double cross [MYST] FIC/PARKER Parker, I. J. (Ingrid J.) The Masuda affair [MYST] FIC/PARKER Parker, Robert B. Painted ladies [MYST] FIC/PARKHURST Parkhurst, Carolyn The nobodies album [MYST] FIC/PEFFER Peffer, Randall S. Listen to the dead [MYST] FIC/POPE Pope, Barbara Corrado. The blood of Lorraine [MYST] FIC/RAYBOURN Raybourn, Deanna. Dark road to Darjeeling [MYST] FIC/RIGGS Riggs, Cynthia. Touch-me-not [MYST] FIC/ROYAL Royal, Priscilla. Valley of dry bones [MYST] FIC/RUSSELL Russell, Sheldon. The insane train [MYST] FIC/RYAN Ryan, Annelise. Scared stiff [MYST] FIC/RYAN Ryan, William The holy thief [MYST] FIC/SAMPSON Sampson, Fay. Those in peril [MYST] FIC/SANTIS Santis, Pablo de Voltaire's calligrapher [MYST] FIC/SHARP Sharp, Deborah Mama gets hitched [MYST] FIC/SMITH Smith, Mark Haskell. Baked [MYST] FIC/SOKOLOFF Sokoloff, Alexandra. Book of shadows [MYST] FIC/SPENCER Spencer, Sally. Blackstone and the wolf of Wall Street [MYST] FIC/STANLEY Stanley, J. B. Black beans & vice 4 [MYST] FIC/STUART Stuart, Sebastian. To the manor dead [MYST] FIC/TALLEY Talley, Marcia Dutton All things undying [MYST] FIC/TAPPLY Tapply, William G. Outwitting trolls [MYST] FIC/TREMAYNE Tremayne, Peter. The dove of death [MYST] FIC/VACHSS Vachss, Andrew H. The weight [MYST] FIC/WALKER Walker, David J. Too many clients [MYST] FIC/WAN Wan, Michelle. A twist of orchids [MYST] FIC/WEBB Webb, Betty. The anteater of death [MYST] FIC/WEBB Webb, Betty. The koala of death [MYST] FIC/WEEDEN Weeden, Curt Book of Nathan [MYST] FIC/WHITELAW Whitelaw, Stella. A wide berth [MYST] FIC/WOLFE Wolfe, Inger Ash. The taken [SCI-FI] FIC/BANKS Banks, Iain Surface detail [SCI-FI] FIC/BUJOLD Bujold, Lois McMaster. Cryoburn [SCI-FI] FIC/CHIANG Chiang, Ted. The lifecycle of software objects [SCI-FI] FIC/DONALDSON Donaldson, Stephen R. Against all things ending [SCI-FI] FIC/FALLON Fallon, Jennifer. The gods of Amyrantha [SCI-FI] FIC/FOSTER Foster, Alan Dean The human blend [SCI-FI] FIC/GOLDEN Golden, Christie. The shattering [SCI-FI] FIC/JEMISIN Jemisin, N. K. The broken kingdoms [SCI-FI] FIC/LAKE Lake, Jay. The sky that wraps [SCI-FI] FIC/MACLEOD MacLeod, Ian R. Journeys [SCI-FI] FIC/MCDEVITT McDevitt, Jack. Echo [SCI-FI] FIC/MODESITT Modesitt, L. E. Empress of eternity [SCI-FI] FIC/SILVERBERG Silverberg, Robert. The collected stories of Robert Silverberg. Volume five [SCI-FI] FIC/TEM Tem, Steve Rasnic In concert [SCI-FI] FIC/VAN NAME Van Name, Mark L. Children no more [WEST] FIC/DUNLAP Dunlap, Phil. Ambush Creek [WEST] FIC/ESTLEMAN Estleman, Loren D. Roy & Lillie [WEST] FIC/KELTON Kelton, Elmer. Texas standoff FIC/AKINTI Akinti, Peter. Forest gate FIC/ASHLEY Ashley, Phillipa. Dating Mr. December FIC/AUSTER Auster, Paul Sunset Park 5 FIC/BALDACCI Baldacci, David. Hell's corner FIC/BALDWIN Baldwin, Rosecrans. You lost me there FIC/BALL Bail, Murray The pages FIC/BELFER Belfer, Lauren. A fierce radiance FIC/BERNOBICH Bernobich, Beth. Passion play FIC/BERRY Berry, Steve The emperor's tomb FIC/BOGNANNI Bognanni, Peter. The house of tomorrow FIC/BOLANO Bolaño, Roberto Antwerp FIC/BOLANO Bolaño, Roberto The return FIC/BRASHARES Brashares, Ann. My name is memory FIC/BRENNAN Brennan, Marie. A star shall fall FIC/BROWNE Browne, S. G. (Scott G.) Fated FIC/BRYSON Bryson, Ellen The transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno FIC/BUTCHER Butcher, Jim Blood rites FIC/BUTCHER Butcher, Jim Side jobs FIC/BYERS Byers, Michael. Percival's planet FIC/CAREY Carey, Jacqueline Naamah's curse FIC/CERVANTES Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Don Quixote FIC/CHANG Chang, Lan Samantha. All is forgotten, nothing is lost FIC/CHATEAUREYNAUD Châteaureynaud, Georges Olivier. A life on paper FIC/CHOPRA Chopra, Deepak. Muhammad FIC/CLARKE Clarke, Brock. Exley FIC/CLIPSTON Clipston, Amy. A plain & simple Christmas FIC/COONTS Coonts, Stephen Three great novels FIC/COSSE Cossé, Laurence. A novel bookstore FIC/COYOTE Coyote, Ivan E. (Ivan Elizabeth) Missed her FIC/CUSSLER Cussler, Clive. Crescent dawn FIC/DAVIES Davies, J. D. Gentleman captain FIC/DE SA De Sa, Anthony. Barnacle love FIC/DESILVA DeSilva, Bruce. Rogue Island FIC/DIXON Dixon, Stephen What is all this? FIC/DOWNING Downing, David Stettin station FIC/EGAN Egan, Jennifer. A visit from the Goon Squad 6 FIC/ELLIOT Elliot, Jason The network FIC/ELLORY Ellory, Roger Jon. The anniversary man FIC/ENGEL Engel, Patricia. Vida FIC/ERPENBECK Erpenbeck, Jenny Visitation FIC/EVANS Evans, Danielle. Before you suffocate your own fool self FIC/FELLOWES Fellowes, Julian. Past imperfect FIC/FLAGG Flagg, Fannie. I still dream about you FIC/FLAUBERT Flaubert, Gustave Madame Bovary, provincial ways FIC/FLETCHER Fletcher, Susan Corrag FIC/FOULDS Foulds, Adam The quickening maze FIC/FRANCO Franco, James Palo Alto FIC/FRENCH French, Tana. Faithful Place FIC/GANSWORTH Gansworth, Eric L. Extra Indians FIC/GLASS Glass, Julia The widower's tale FIC/GOLDBERG Goldberg, Myla. The false friend FIC/GOMEZ Gómez-Jurado, Juan. The Moses expedition FIC/GONZALES Gonzales, Laurence Lucy FIC/GORDIMER Gordimer, Nadine. Life times, stories, 1952-2007 FIC/GORDIMER Gordimer, Nadine. Life times, stories, 1952-2008 FIC/GORDIMER Gordimer, Nadine. Life times, stories, 1952-2009 FIC/GORDIMER Gordimer, Nadine. Life times, stories, 1952-2010 FIC/GORDIMER Gordimer, Nadine. Life times, stories, 1952-2011 FIC/GORDIMER Gordimer, Nadine. Life times, stories, 1952-2012 FIC/GORDIMER Gordimer, Nadine. Life times, stories, 1952-2013 FIC/GORDIMER Gordimer, Nadine. Life times, stories, 1952-2014 FIC/GORE Gore, Steven. Absolute risk FIC/GRANT Grant, Andrew Die twice FIC/GRASS Grass, Günter The box FIC/GREENWOOD Greenwood, Ed. Elminster must die FIC/GRODSTEIN Grodstein, Lauren.
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