May 11, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2741 CLEAN HOUSE b 1415 suspend the rules on which a recorded (Mr. MCDERMOTT asked and was COVER THE UNINSURED WEEK vote or the yeas and nays are ordered, given permission to address the House or on which the vote is objected to (Ms. WATSON asked and was given under clause 6 of rule XX. for 1 minute and to revise and extend permission to address the House for 1 his remarks.) Record votes on postponed questions minute and to revise and extend her re- will be taken after 6:30 p.m. today. Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, the marks.) f world is watching and waiting. As bad Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, Ameri- as it is, things will get much worse if cans should be confident that they TOMOCHICHI UNITED STATES the President and the Pentagon con- have access to quality health care. So COURTHOUSE tinue to hope it will go away. We need I support the resolution, H.R. 99, pro- Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I new leadership and a new policy right moted by the gentleman from Michi- move to suspend the rules and pass the now. Release every photograph and gan (Mr. CONYERS) which gives guid- bill (H.R. 2523) to designate the United every videotape. Get it all out in the ance to provide insurance to all Ameri- States courthouse located at 125 Bull open. America’s only hope for restoring cans. Street in Savannah, Georgia, as the credibility is to demonstrate with its Over the past 3 years, 3.8 million ‘‘Tomochichi United States Court- actions, not words, that we will face Americans lost their health insurance house’’. the truth and punish everyone respon- and 43 million Americans are now unin- The Clerk read as follows: sible. We have not done that. All these sured. Health insurance premiums have H.R. 2523 ‘‘I am sorries’’ are not working. increased almost 50 percent since the Instead, the administration has Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- beginning of the Bush administration resentatives of the United States of America in launched another ill-conceived offen- and four times faster than workers’ Congress assembled, sive to save one of its own. We can see earnings last year. SECTION 1. DESIGNATION. it on television today as they testify In a related issue, minority groups The United States courthouse located at before the Senate Committee on Armed often encounter major obstacles in ob- 125 Bull Street in Savannah, Georgia, shall Services. Throw some soldiers over- taining health care. Minority groups be known and designated as the ‘‘Tomochichi United States Courthouse’’. board and hope the world believes they are less likely to have health insurance acted alone. and are less likely to receive the appro- SEC. 2. REFERENCES. Mr. Speaker, by all accounts, the sol- Any reference in a law, map, regulation, priate health care services. The Health document, paper, or other record of the diers arrived in Iraq as good, decent Care Equality and Accountability Act people. Who thinks that now, either of United States to the United States court- of 2003 would go far in lifting the shad- house referred to in section 1 shall be deemed the soldiers or America? ow of health disparities that fall not to be a reference to the ‘‘Tomochichi United Clean house, from the top down, not only on minority communities but on States Courthouse’’. just Mr. Rumsfeld. I see them greasing all Americans. Also, this legislation The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the skids; the President is 1,000 percent would make quality health care more ant to the rule, the gentleman from behind him. There are some other peo- affordable, providing coverage for par- Ohio (Mr. LATOURETTE) and the gen- ple that ought to go with him: ents and young adults who are cur- tleman from California (Mr. HONDA) Wolfowitz and a few others. rently uninsured. each will control 20 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman f f from Ohio (Mr. LATOURETTE). JOBS Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I JOBS, CAFE AND KERRY (Mr. PALLONE asked and was given yield myself such time as I may con- (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan asked and permission to address the House for 1 sume. was given permission to address the minute.) Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2523 was intro- House for 1 minute and to revise and Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, this duced by the gentleman from Georgia extend her remarks.) week the Republican majority here in (Mr. BURNS), a distinguished member of Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Congress will begin an 8-week public the Subcommittee on Economic Devel- Speaker, last Friday we received more relations initiative in which they will opment, Public Buildings and Emer- outstanding news on the economy. In attempt to draw attention away from gency Management, and it designates April, 288,000 new jobs were created, their dismal economic record. Instead, the United States courthouse located and that is on top of the 337,000 jobs House Republicans will do their best to at 125 Bull Street in Savannah, Geor- created in March. And in April, nearly show Americans they are working hard gia, as the Tomochichi United States 10 percent of those jobs were in the to pass legislation that will put Ameri- Courthouse. manufacturing sector. All of this is cans back to work and ease the eco- Tomochichi was a Creek Indian lead- great news for America and especially nomic concerns of middle-class Ameri- er, living in what we now know as the good news for my home State of Michi- cans. Unfortunately, Republicans are Savannah River basin in the early part gan. spending more time coming up with of the 18th century. In 1733, when Gen- With our manufacturing sector com- names for this new PR effort than ac- eral James Oglethorpe arrived leading ing back, we cannot allow JOHN KERRY tually writing new legislation that a group of English settlers at what was to enact his unreasonable auto fuel might really support their rhetoric. to become the new colony of Georgia, economy standards. According to the Republicans are desperate to hide the they were offered friendship by the United Auto Workers, Senator KERRY’s reality that their economic policies Creek chief and assistance in the cre- CAFE proposal would force the Big have permitted job losses at levels not ation of the new English colony of Sa- Three to curtail production of larger seen since the Great Depression. If Re- vannah. In 1734, Tomochichi traveled vehicles and cause substantial job publicans really wanted results, they with Oglethorpe to England to approve losses. They have estimated as many as would join us in a bipartisan effort to a treaty between the Creek and the 100,000 jobs. The UAW has said that the pass commonsense measures to create English. The friendship between proposal would lead to additional jobs. Unfortunately, all the American Oglethorpe and Tomochichi endured outsourcing of jobs. people are going to get over the next 8 until Tomochichi’s death in 1739 and is Mr. Speaker, Senator KERRY’s pro- weeks is more Republican spin. regarded by historians as being the key posal would be a disaster for Michigan f reason for the survival of the Savannah just at the time our economy is coming colony. Tomochichi was laid to rest in back. We must stay on the pro-growth, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER what is now Wright Square in the city pro-job path being pursued by Presi- PRO TEMPORE of Savannah. dent Bush and the Republican major- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. I encourage my colleagues to join me ity, not the job-killing, additional- CULBERSON). Pursuant to clause 8 of in supporting this resolution honoring outsourcing path proposed by Senator rule XX, the Chair will postpone fur- an important person in the history of KERRY. ther proceedings today on motions to Savannah. VerDate May 04 2004 04:24 May 12, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.011 H11PT1 H2742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2004 Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of accomplishments and quickly dem- ican by renaming the Federal court- my time. onstrate why his name deserves the house in Savannah, Georgia, as the Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- eternal respect of his fellow Georgians Tomochichi Federal Courthouse. I urge self such time as I may consume. and Americans. my colleagues to support H.R. 2523. H.R. 2523 is a bill to designate the Mr. Speaker, I believe Chief Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- U.S. courthouse located at 125 Bull Tomochichi, the Mico, or chief, of the port of H.R. 2523, a bill to designate the Street, Savannah, Georgia, as the Yamacraw nation to be the cofounder United States Courthouse located at 125 Bull Tomochichi United States Courthouse. of my State of Georgia. This bill will Street in Savannah, Georgia as the The bill was introduced by the gen- do much to reawaken the memory of a Tomochichi United States Courthouse. tleman from Georgia (Mr. BURNS). great man in the hearts of both Geor- Chief Tomochichi was born to the Creek In- In 1650, Chief Tomochichi was born in gians and all Americans for restoring dian Tribe in 1650 in the small village of the small village of Coweta along the our honor by recognizing his service to Coweta, along the Chattahoochee River. He Chattahoochee River to the Creek In- the beginnings of our great Nation. became the Chief of the Yamacraw Indians dian tribe.
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