
Avei«cc Dally Cirealatioii Vot tiM Monib of SeittantlMr, IBM Wmthcr / 6,441 Poreoaat U. H. Weatlier Botmu ^Menlwi of tiM Ao4tt W wfaMS- B m «M ot UlreotetloM ratal Md Manch6»fer— A City o f Village Charm VOL. LX^NO.25 (CtaasIM AdrartMac m Pag* U ) MANCHES'TiiR, CONN,. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRIC^ THREE CENTS X Local Men Drawn Avers Speech" Draft Blindfolder Cels Some Practice By Roosevelt 6,175 MeX Affected In the First Hours Is Demagogic son Drawing Of Nation’s Draft Willkie See* New York Address as ^Alarming Manifestation of What Charles A. Hogan, of 29 j T All Districts in State Are Desperation Does.* Draft Number Wellington Road, First' | Affected by First Number *nie; W ife Is Notified i New Haven, Oct. 29.—OP)— ; Aboard Wlllkle Train en Route Three-Year^mjgtpients Hit^ric I/ittery Begins The drawing of a three digit i to Charleston, W. Va., Oct. 29—<>P) Herald Reporter; WariX^urks , In Army j(t Rapid Rale number—^168 • for the flrat flg- i — Wendell I.. Willkie expressed fiiiiite «)r So After lire pulled In i.he national draft ' Sketch of Names Chos> the belief today that most Amer­ lottery meant that 66 men In Washingti/m Oct. 29. bv KooHevell Saya Pur* icans would regard President May en.Up to Press Time; Connecticut, one In each of uie The Wap' • Department . ap pose of Raiding Army state's draft areas, would be Roosevelt's New York address as nounced today, as conscript^ 47 Names Are Selected among the naUon'a "firsts.” "an alarming manifestation of Spread More of manpower was about Is ‘Defense of Our There woa no draft area In the what desperation does to a man gin, t ^ t 36,276 men had WiL 380 capsulfii drawn In the state with less than 1,000 reg­ who seeks to perpetuate himself tcere'f for- three-year /enlist­ Fn*edonr; Audience draft lottery , at VVoahlnSton by istrants. ments in the Army yius far In power." Eiicccfls S(‘atiiig Capa* Herald preaa time thia afternoon Addressing gn . outdoor cam- OfTirialh Keep in Close | this month. <7 ■ Manchester aerial mimbera palgnXrally near Jackson, Ohio, Oiiitaet with F:)inhat-' Predicting that /enlistments eitv of .\udit4>rium« had been extracted from the the Republican pre^dcntlal nomi­ during the full Xionth would famnua fiah bowl. nee said hd was shocked that "th e tle<l Frieml, Greece;' surpass September's record of WashiuKton, Oct. 29.— (ff*) i-'irBt Name Here Senate Group Uilrd term o^didate, who will still 42..671, officiys said the esti­ Muncheater'a flrat name, drawn be the chief executive for another Aid Still !•» yiiestioii.! mated enli-sTed .strength of the — An efiti mated 6,175 men In .the national draft lottery cor- month or so, amuld nuike. at a Army noww-a-s 360,000. holding draft Serinl NTimbeP reajHjndlnB to number 168 aelected Forces Hajjiie time like this the purely dema- Ankara, Turkey, Oct. 29— by Secretary of War Stlmaon on 1-58 will he the fifst called up gogrlc address he ^ d e last night. The government newspaper Ulus for military service'll the na- the flrat dr&w from the fumed "He expressed sorNjw last, night 'guldfiah' , bowl, waa that of warned the TurkLsh people today | tion’.s unprecedented peace-* r'larlea A. Hoguii of 29 Welllng- To Face Quiz for the Italian and O r^lan people who had been broughlN^ war,” that'war may spread to their land, ; to 1 Road, a aalea *inglnecr employ­ A:?ds Pressure time con.scription. That num­ ed by the Weatinghouae Electric Willkie said. "He was veVy sweet and official Turkey kept in close ' ber wa.s the fir.st drawn in to­ in hts expre.<ision about the'Ralian contact with her embattled friend. I Compan ■ of Hartford. Mr. Hogan Siihpoenaed to' Appear Grcbce. ■' / day’s historic draft lottery la married and hia wife’a name la ^ I people, but he said nothing ahijut ooii Mav Fall Rpforp Cainpaimi In-1 *a nei^fhbor had been atabbed The question whether Turkcv Secretary of War Stimsou' Murgurlte M. Hogan. The couple » ^ bark * " have no children. would join Bntaln ' in aidi/(g H it ® glass howl Notified by Reporter vefltigating Subcom* { Wlllkle declared that Mr. Roose­ Greece agamst Italian invEpnon w l l 1 at 1-2:16 p.m., e..s.t„ a minute velt had not given even Inferential remained unanswered. Mra. Hogan greeted a Herald millpp at llcuriiig. _____' I or so alter President Roose- reportier at the d or of her horhe thanks to Senator Austin (R., Vt.) But Ulus, on this 17th biAhday five mlniltea after the Aaaoclated whom the nominee aaserted help­ 5 of the Turkish republic, dr lared": ! velt .said in an opening s[)eech Preaa teletype marhinea had car­ Newark, ,N. ,1., Oct. 29. — (,Ti — ed lead the movement, to repeal "W e pri'fer the Hell of war to a Drive Expected to Gain ■ that the pur[K)se of raising a ried the Number 1.68 to the wait­ Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City the embargo on American arms LleuK:^)!. Charles R. Morris, retired, (right) who did .the bllndi- di.shonorable peace. shipment abroad. Vi hole West Coasts of draft Army is “ the defense ing alaff membera of The Herald. was subpoenaed to appear later to­ folding In the World war d rift lottery, shows how he will blindfold "No one can assure the. citizens "Your' huaband'H number was .\snerts Report Burled .Secretary of^\\'ar Henr.v L Stim-^on In the forthcoming draft lottery until the .storm of fire i.s over that Europe ami .Africa Be­ of our freedf>m.” / c'.rdwn first In W'aahington this day before a Senate campaign Wlllkle declared that Mr. Rofise- The officer being blindfolded, in Selective Service headquarters In our rw fs will not catch after it. .Standing on a platform In th« afternoon by Secretary Stlmaon.” Investigating subcommittee after vclt had "buried the rei>ort" of the Wa.shlngton, Ls Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey. The blindfold is the We are passing through a test of fore America in War. , large government auditorium the reporter said. he had declined to appear volun­ Stettinius Defense Commission. same used by MonJjs in 1917. and beside them is the hmloric bowl — fato which deniand.s clean hearts, ' w-hich was the scene of the lot- tarily. I terj-, Mr. Krsi.spv<>lt told an audl- "So I have been told." M ra. Ho­ Willkie .said hC/hael listened by- with capsule stirrer\iiscd in the first 1917 drawing. strfing confidence and complete Romp, Oct 2^ Korpi^n Hr* gan'' replied. "Someone— I don't Hague, .state Democratie leader, radio to part of 1‘reSldcnt Rocmic- cooperation until death. We recog­ I ence exceeding a ..'♦f-ating capacity know w ho- Just called me on the had advised the subcommittee that velt's addre.ss last night and then nize no limit of saerifiee." cleft expreft-Hf^d belief today that of 1;3(W that "only the strong may phone and informed me of that there was no nee<l of any reply, to a transcription of It. He quoted Point To Kw^-rif Stati-iik-rit. Axifl prejifttire ncnyri may fall on continue to live in freedom and In fact." Mra. Hogan was smiling and charges Involving the org.inlzation a newspaper story saying that Mr. Capital flfjurccfl pointed to a re- ^ Portugal in a diplomatic drive to peace. " not the least perturbed by the I he heads. Roosevelt'.s motorcade wont to ^ent government statement that I .^^itrol of the whole west Other Nuinlx-rs Drawn Quickly newB of her husband's aelectlon. j Frank If- Eggers. his secretary. New Vorlc yesterday from New Report Bmish T roops Turkey w-o'fill -hid Greece in the In quick succession other hum- . Ilepi But A Year ; accepted service of the subpoena Jersey, where .'Vtayor Frank event of an Italian attack pro- coa.sts of Europe and Africa in bera w-ero drawn by high officials Mra. Hogan tol^ The Herald ' for the mayor, however, and an- Hague, said "Good bve Frank, ; vided Britain ma-Ie good her preparation against the possibility who, like .Stunson. were blindfold­ that they have lived here but a I nounced Hague would appear at good .luck." Land on Corfu Island promise to fielp the Greeks, but of the United States entering the ed before their hands dipped Into year and that her husband was Uhe hearing room at 2 p. m. (e. s. The nominee added that "there i the Italian-Greek conflict brought w-ar. the glass dK>wl filled, at the start, employed by the Weatinghouae 11.). waa a day" when the president I no new declaration. The meeting at Florence yester­ wdth numbers put separately Into Electric Company of Hartford as Ilenled By I-eaaer Lights "eVen called me Wendell." I 1 In London, King George and day of Adolf Hitler and Benito Cobalt blue cafisulca. a sales engineer. Already on the record arc Referring to Hague. Wlllkle Oack Greek. Kilteil Sol- I Prime Minister Churchill, yester- ! .Mussolini, Italian sources Indlcat- Order No. 2. draw-n by Treasury charges of padded registrations, The second nunibc. drawn was said: "Here is the most corrupt ItaiXii Troops ! day pledged Britalns' fullest aid to i ed, ■w-a.s a step toward final setUe- Secretary Morgenthaii, w-as an­ 192, corresponding to Michael Wil­ voting by "floaters," Intimidation ilierfi Hiirle«I In to Ac- city political tiosa In America., if Greece.) ment with Fbance ■which ■would nounced by Mr.
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