r .• '1 ,j- f .i- : T •'*Jf E*' / X . fjlARY 1-^' ’ r R K .: WBDNESDAT, JTJLT 14, iP4e| iSanrljrrBtrr EorttittB Rzrato ■ The -W(Miiiig>„- laB iSi Average Dally Net Preas Run oi u. & w«RiUgf4Rp|iar-^ Dlatrtct Deputy Grand Master Vhr m U rn m of i«B«, liM Monnan Belcher and hia staff win Leaves fo r Training Local Youngsters amuqr Wrua ‘^- AKoPtTown Install the officers of King David 9 ,4 8 2 tel* aaS km I Lodge of Odd FeUowa FWday eve­ Save I ■oaa; dear eaal ' ^ U thM* BltlBnl •UglUt 'ft>r In Rush for Gifts mm4 ning. They are: Noble Grand, S o , OMuqr. Ml Rtd ooM -im t Aja cwuficatM Bari Hutchins; vice grand, Edwin ai« naiMUd to okU «t the Red Lamb; recording secretary, Gilbert A war hero’s homecoming waa Box of 50 CtaM e B ^ MS Main atm t. to get Menciwafer— A City of VUlogo Charm Perk; financial aecreUry. Irving only a Mt more anthusiaatlc than them. Tte oflice la open from 9 to Barrett; treasurer, Walter Walsli. S except Wedneaday and Saturday, the reception afforded Earle Clif­ (ClaaaHlad AdvartWnt M Page ie> PRICE FOUR CENTS All Odd Fellows are cordially In­ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN;. THURSDAY. JULY 15, 1948 wlMd the houra are from 9 to 13 vited to attend the Installation. A ford at 9 o’clock this morning $1.29 VOL. LXVIL, NO. *48 social time with refreshments will when He arrived to open his cloth­ RuaaeU Cheater. follow. ing store at 917 Main street. Cries 2 for ,2.53 bom laat night In Waterbum hoa- Emanuel church parish house of “ Here come Mr. Clifford’’ and ^ to MrTand Mfa. Ruiaefl Mol- building conunlttee will have a ’’Hurray for Earle’’ echoed down Uca. Mra. MoUlca waa the for­ meeting Friday evening at 8 Main street as Clifford came Into Buv The Large Box. So Soft, So Comfortable mer Betty Auatln, daughter of o’clock at the home of Ernest (Notion Dept.) Mr. and Mra. Hulburd Auatln of KJellson of 135 Porter street. view. • 250 Main atreet ^ Clifford’s admirers were, a Truman Calls Special Session of Congress Mrs. Joseph Loranger of Phoe­ group of youhgaters who evident­ nix street Vernon. Is at present a ly pay rathpe close attention to ALL SIZES patient at the Manchester Memo­ his display windows. Clifford had COM rial hospital. inserted a card among his clothing COLOR FIL)I displays announcing that today he M iU KN iaTBa COMNt Mrs. Irving A. Webster of 54 Co­ wouVl give away T-ahirts to the T H IJ II B bum road has been discharged youngsters. The result Was a sise- from St. Francis hospital, where atAe group of children gathered in After Getting Nomination on First Ballot she spent nine days for treatinent front of the store long before of Injuries received In an automo­ opening time. One youngster, re­ bile accident, July 6, In West Hart­ ported Clifford, had been waiting ford. Robert E. Guatafsoa since ten minutes to oeyen. special Sale ! Miss Betty Ann JTohnson o f 43 Robert E. Gustafson, 18-year-old Many o f the Children didn’t wait FENDER AND BODY to go homa before donning their Democratic Chbices aeNomincca HoU street has returned after a son o f Mr. and Mra.' Russel Gus- ) three weeks’ stay with friends In shirts, and they sported them as Italian Workers Counters Civil Rights - WORK . Greencastle, Pa. tefiitm o f 18 Drive E, who recently they walked out of the store. The enlisted In the U. 8. Navy has left T-shirts are white with blue let­ 1>2>3 Strand SolbiifiM and Flan, lac. A Swedish Baking sale will he for his boot training at‘the Great tering that reads , “Clifford’a, Manchester, Conn.’’ The entire lot New Chenille aSi Oaatct atreet conducted at Hale’s store tomor­ Lakes Naval Training Station. Return; General row at two o’clock by the W o­ Upon completion of IxMt training of 150 shirts was gone by 10 men’s Misalonary Society of he will enter a Naval school. o’clock this morning. Simulated Pearl Split by Democrats; Emanuel Lutheran church. Mrs. He waa graduated from Man­ Amy Carlson, president of the so­ chester High Bchool, claaa of 1947. BEDSPREADS Strike Cracking ciety’. heads the committee In Active In sports, he was manager Necklace charge. The usual line of Swedish of MoMarty’s Basketball team In SWEDISH Atiantic baked foods will be available. the T . M. C. A. League of 1947 to At New Low Prices! Attacks Republicans 1948. He was pitcher on the Man­ Necklace with rhinestone clasp all in perfect graduation. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee and chester High school baseball team BAKING SALE *Back to W oik Move­ Range and Fuel children of Chicago, fcrmerly of of 1947 and quarter back on the Auaptcee Of All White Waffle Weave ment’ Breaking Up News Tidbits this town, are East on a ^ s lt with football team that year. Women’s Mtaalonary Society Of Culled From (/P) ’ Wires Asks for Action on relatives and friends. At present ‘Emanuel Lutheran Church $X»00 each Pius Tax Walkout Qamp^ on they are at Hammonaaset Beach. Douglas Wiesse of Summer Anti - Inflation and OIL Chenille Bedspreads Italy After Attempt New England Democratic lead­ street and Edward Burrell, Jr., of Tom orrow at 2 p. m. Some Dixie Rebels Housing Legislation Mrs. Frances Puzao o f 324 Char­ Walnut street, have left for a two Full and Twin B<^ Sizes T o Aasasainate' Tog-, ers ball President Truman’s chal­ ter Oak atreet repoHs that she weeks’ stay at Camp Pioneer, the HALE'S STORE lenge to RepubUcana aa “Juot the Within 15-Day Aft­ L T. WOOD CO. has an Eaiter Illy plant bearing 25 Boy Scout camp at Wlnated. liatti, Reds’ Leader abot In the arm our party need­ bloaaoms.' S1.98 and $2.98 ed.” . .Army eurplua B-17 plane Plan Rump Session er Lawmakers Coi^ forced down Sunday with nine 61 BlMdl St. TH 44N $7.98 Btdletinl Americana aboard near Halifax, venC; Flings Challengw Summer Handbags Rome, July 15^—(d*)—The N. 8,, expected to return to this To Repnblieana to prefect of Genoa province in country today. .Fordham Ual- Aften W. Barkley Pack Off for Birming­ Grovel Or Fill An exceptional value at such a low price. Waffle weave verelty seiomologlat reports two War Leader Dies Keep Their Promises HALE'S SELF SERVE In pouch or euvelope styles. Easy to clean plastic in checked patterns in fine chenille. White only. the leftist north proclaimed earthquake ohocka occurring IS ham to Name 5lotea* Any amonnt. Haul it The Original In New England ^ a ‘'state public danger” to­ houra apart. .H latoric L ,' Right$ Candidate and Dr. Franda W. Helfrick leather. Also fabric bags in multi-colors. day in the wake of the at­ a BMcher house at Guilfonl, Philadelphia, July 15.—<ff) yoanwlf. 50c per yard. All White Waffle ^eave With Pom to remain indefinitely in poasea- Write Own Platform — President 'Truman coun-» annonnccs the beginnins tempted assassination of alon o f another old Connecticut TeL Manchester 8215 and HEALTH MARKET Communist Bose Palmiro tered a Democratic civil of hia praetiee of pedi* Pom Fringe family. .United States and T TogUatfL (Communists heap- China clearing way to step up Philadelphia, July 15.—<JP) rights split today with a dra­ itrks to aacceed Dr. $1.49 ani $X.98 each sd abuse on Interior Minister ahlpmeate o f American arms to Presideat Barry S. Truman today — Some but not all of the matic call for a July 26 spe­ Robert W. Watson. Mario Scelba as he went -be- Chinese Nationalist forces. rebel southern Democrats cial sesaion of Ckmipress and THURSDAY SPECIALS Chenille Spreads President Truman’s call for spe­ reoelvad nomination from the fmre the Chamber of Depn* cial seaalon of Congress starting Democrats for the presldsncy. slapped down at their party’s a smashing attack oa what Otfiee: 186 E. Center St. he termed the “ poppycock” INSURE . FULL AND TWIN^ ties to defend police meas­ July 36 will be first issued in Senator Albea 4V. Barkley of Kea- National convention packed • Green 3lu»pa Given With Cash Sales presidential election year 'since TolepheBe: Office 4918 t ures to meet the general todey was chosen as Ms maatag off for Birmingham today— of Repablican promis^ $9.98 BED SIZES before dvU war. ,.New York MeKINNEY BROTHERS strike and the disorders mate. there to name a states’ rights Aoka Aetloa WMkta 15 Dag» SKirrY ----- Green Stamps Given^ With Cash Salea milk marketing area administra­ Mr. Truman asked for aetkm Reoldence 4260 which took a toll o t six lives candidate for president and ■eal Batato aad l^aaraae■ tor announces uniform Jane mUk Harry S. Tniman within 15 days after the lawaaak- •N MAIN 8K. TBU CMO You will agree that this is the best $9.98 all white spread thronghout Italy yesterday. price o f 14.76 per hundredweight write a states’ rights plat­ PEANUT BUTTER 37c we have had for years. Xll over waffle weave with large for dairy farmers In six-state form. pom pom fringe. White only. Rome, July 15.— —^The area. Another Bitter Split Looms ^^lUte Is Net Sorpriae4 1 LB. CAK MAGIC CHKF government said today a BoatoA war veteran cashes war Jews Strike Charting Next Movie Thus history seemed to be flash­ By Special Sefaiea Cal bonda aavlnga of 9700, plunges on ing back SS years tb another Mt- The J W I U U coim Multi-Color Bowknot and Floral Pattern ‘‘back to wmdi movement” la flrat race at Suffifik Downs, and ter party aput over the roca to- Lewiston.
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