Response of Crops and Weeds to Climate and CO2: Threats and Opportuni8es Naonal Forum on Climate and Pests, October 4-6, 2016 Lewis H. Ziska, USDA-ARS Weeds represent the greatest bio8c constraint to crop yield. Best es8mates within the United States are a ~10% loss of produc8on associated with weeds, with herbicide applicaon. This increases to ~25% with BMP but no herbicide; 100% if no effort is made to control weeds. Globally, weeds probably represent the greatest bio8c restraint to crop produc8on, especially in developing countries. More money is spent on controlling weeds than any other pest threat. Climate change: Crop/weed Responses ABIOTIC: Increasing temperatures, but also increasing variaon in temperature and precipitaon, with more frequent extremes. BIOTIC: The Increase in CO2 represents an increase in a basic resource needed for plant growth* Bio8c Response of weeds and crops. “CO2 is plant food; that will mean fewer weeds” WHY? • First systemac aempt to evaluate globally the serious or significant weed problems in agriculture. • Based on input from weed scien8sts from 100 countries around the world. • Focus is on global agriculture and “worst” weeds. • Observaons: Many crops had the C3 photosynthe8c pathway, while many weeds had the C4 photosynthe8c pathway. Bio8c Response “CO2 is plant food; that will mean fewer weeds” WHY? C3 Crops / C4 Weeds CO2 favors? Environment Reference Fescue / Sorghum halapense crop glasshouse Carter & Peterson 1983. Soybean / S. halapense crop chamber Paerson et al. 1984. Rice / Echinochloa glabrescens crop phytotron Alberto et al. 1996. Soybean / Amaranthus retroflexus crop field Ziska 2000. • Paradigm: Because weeds are less responsive to CO2 than crops, weed compe88on will decline as will crop losses as CO2 increases. The Problem with Paradigms: They change. Holm (1977) Current Corn Cyperus rotundus (C4) Albu8lon theophras8 (C3) Digitaria sanguinalis (C4) Ipomea spp. (C3) Echinochloa crus-galli (C4) Albu8lon theophras8 (C3) Sorghum halapense (C4) Ambrosia trifida (C3) Portulaca oleracea (C4) Amaranth spp. (C4) Cynodon dactylon (C4) Chenopodium album (C3) Soybean Turns out, “worst” changes with me. Eleusine indica (C4) Ipomea spp. (C3) Echinochloa colonum (C4) Setaria spp. (C4) Cyperus rotundus (C4) Amaranthus spp. (C4) Echinochloa crus-galli (C4) Albu8lon theophras8 (C3) Chenopodium album (C3) Wheat Avena fatua (C3) Cirsium arvense (C3) Polygonum convolvulus (C3) Convolvulus arvensis (C3) Chenopodium alba (C3) Avena fatua(C3) Convolvulus arvensis (C3) Bromus tectorum (C3) Reality: Both C3 and C4 Crops compete with C3 and C4 weeds. On average, a given crop competes with 8-10 weeds. Weed Paradigm shifs Crop Favored? Environ. Reference Grasses (C44) Lucerne Crop Field Bunce, 1993 Amaranthus retroflexus (C44) Soybean Crop Field Ziska, 2000 Amaranthus retroflexus (C44) Sorghum Weed Field Ziska, 2003 C3 Crops / C4 Weeds CO2+ Crop or Weed? Reference Chenopodium album (C33) Soybean Weed Field Ziska, 2000 Rice / Barnyardgrass CO2+temperature Weed Alberto et al. 1996. Taraxacum officinale (C33) Lucerne Weed Field Bunce 1995 Tomato / Pigweed CO2+drought Weed Valerio et al. 2011. Albutilon theophrasti (C33) Sorghum Weed Field Ziska, 2003 Rice / Barnyardgrass CO2+ N deficit Weed Zhu et al. 2008. Taraxacum and Plantago (C33) Grasses Weed Field Potvin and Vasseur, 1997 Worst? Oen the “worst” weed may be a wild, weedy relave of the crop. Rice Yield Loss from Heavy, Season-Long Weed Interference Why Worst? Weed Species Yield Loss, % 1. Pre-adapted to the same abio8c condi8ons Red rice 82 Barnyardgrass 70 as the crop. Bearded sprangletop 36 Amazon sprangletop 35 2. Difficult to iden8fy; may not be recognized Broadleaf signalgrass 32 Ducksalad 21 Hemp sesbania 19 as a weed (and removed)un8l damage has Spreading dayflower 18 Northern jointvetch 17 been done. Eclipta 10 R. J. Smith, Jr. 1988. Weed Technology. 2:232-241 Bio8c Response Wild vs. cul8vated crop A new Paradigm? a 20 300 µmol mol-1 -1 400 µmol mol-1 300 µmol mol CO2 a ) 5000 -1 500 µmol mol-1 -2 400 µmol mol CO2 15 -1 500 µmol mol CO2 b 4000 b a 300010 c 2000 b c 5 c Seed Yield (g m 1000 0 0 Relative of yield seed, Stuttgart:Clearfield -2 -2 8 Clearfieldplants m 161 Stuttgart-S16 plants "red" m Weeds, especially “worst” weeds, respond more to a resource change (e.g. CO2) than the crop. As such, crop losses are likely to increase, not decrease with higher [CO2]. Clearfield Rice, Management Clearfield® rice is a chemical mutant that confers tolerance to imazethapyr herbicides. Before the advent of this technology, there were no effective options to control red rice in conventional white rice. There is a small amount of outcrossing (~.3%) between red rice and cultivated rice. Outcrossing is based on floral synchronicity, spatial proximity and genetic compatibility. HYPOTHESIS: CAN CO2 EFFECT OUTCROSSING RATES AND THE TRANSFER OF HERBICIDE RESISTANCE? Clearfield 161, planted with Stuttgart red rice at ratio of 7:1 for three CO2 concentrations, 300, 400 and 600 ppm (beginning, end of 20th century, IPCC 21st century prediction), using growth chambers. And? Resultant seed was planted in Arkansas. As Clearfield rice crosses at low rates with red rice any herbicide-resistant hybrids could be confirmed using DNA fingerprinng. 300 ppm CO2, CL-161 female 600 ppm CO2, CL-161 female And? Percent outcrossing and outcrosses per plot for the pollen donor as detected in culvated and wild rice populaons in the field plots. The direcon of outcrossing was from wild to the culvated populaon; this resulted in a subsequent increase in rice dedomescaon and a greater number of weedy, herbicide-resistant hybrid progeny Why the difference in bio8c response between wild and cul8vated? A comparison of wild and cul8vated rice lines. Wild biotypes vs. cultivated rice. 8000 100 ~300 ppm CO Cultivated rice lines ) 2 300 ppm Wild or red rice. -1 ~400 ppm CO2 6000 80 60 4000 40 2000 20 Seed yield (g plant Seed yield per plant) 2 0 0 8000 Clearfield Stuttgart-S 400 ppm 6000 Leaf area (cm 4000 Sugges8on that there has been selec8on by nature for increased sensi8vity to recent 2000 changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide; in 0 contrast to ar8ficial selec8on. Total biomass at 55 DAS Can recent increases in CO2 be a selection factor in weed biology and competitive performance? Wild oat (A. fatua) Cultivated oat (A. sativa) 1965, ~319 ppm CO 2 2013, ~395 ppm CO2 WO old WOnew Clintland 64, Cultivated Oat CO2 AND SELECTION 2500 P =0.06 1.4 WO CO 1.4 CO CO (old) CO 15 ) Stem Wt. Stem (g) 2 * 1.22000 * WO(old) 1.2 WO 1.0 (old) WO(old) 1.0 1500 10 PRY 0.8 0.8 PRY 0.61000 0.6 Leaf Area (cm Leaf Area * 5 0.4 0.4 500 0.2 0.2 0.0 0 0 0.0 WO WO CO (new) 1.4 (new) * 1.4 CO * * * 1.215 * 151.2 CO * WO Total Wt. (g) 1.0 WO(new) (new) CO 1.0 PRY 0.8 0.8 10 10 PRY 0.6 0.6 Leaf Wt Leaf Wt (g) 0.4 0.4 5 5 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 315 ppm 418 ppm 315 ppm 418 ppm 0 315 418Leaf Area315 418 315Above 418 Ground Biomass315 418 WOold WOnew WOold WOnew Why are weeds adap8ng to CO2 and not crops? 300 "4484" "Cl-161" * * 200 100 Breeding 0 300 * "M204" "Stg-S" * Seed Yield (g per plant) per (g Yield Seed 200 * 100 0 29/21 31/23 33/25 29/21 31/23 33/25 Day/Night (oC) How are weeds adap8ng? What characteris8cs are associated with greater increases in seed yield as CO2 increases? "4484" "CL-161" "M204" "Stg-S" 70 70 o o o 29/21 C 29/21 C 29/21oC 29/21 C 60 60 Ambient CO Ambient CO Ambient CO2 Ambient CO2 2 2 50 Elevated CO Elevated CO 50 Elevated CO2 Elevated CO2 2 2 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 70 70 o 31/23oC o 31/23oC 31/23 C 60 31/23 C 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 Number of tillers 10 10 0 0 70 70 o o o o 60 33/25 C 33/25 C 33/25 C 33/25 C 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 Days after sowing (DAS) Let me Sum Up. There is no basis for assuming that as CO2 rises, or as climate changes, that weeds will be less of a threat for crop production based on photosynthetic pathway. Preliminary evidence suggests that weeds may impose greater limitations on crop production. The worst weeds, often wild relative of the crop, may be better able to adapt to the increase in CO2 and/or temperature associated with future conditions. This adaptation may include, but is not limited to, increased gene transfer from wild to Cultivated lines, increased herbicide resistance and enhanced adaptation to CO2. ? However, adaptation among wild, weedy lines may serve as a means to enhance adaptation of cultivated lines, especially cereal lines, to increase production as CO2 increases. We may be able to learn from our weedy “cousins”. .
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