E1764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 10, 2015 RECOGNIZING THE 2015 HONOREES the City of Columbus and Accra, Ghana on system provides equity and excellence for all OF THE FAIRFAX COUNTY November 30, 2015. students, closes the achievement gap, and BRANCH OF THE NAACP This is Columbus’ tenth sister city agree- prepares our students for a 21st century work- ment, but it is momentous because it is the force. HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY city’s first such agreement with a city on the f African continent. I was privileged to attend OF VIRGINIA TRIBUTE TO HAROLD AND LYLA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and participate in the signing ceremony be- tween Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman and MCCURDY Thursday, December 10, 2015 Accra Mayor Alfred Vanderpuije. Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Columbus, a diverse city, is home to nearly HON. DAVID YOUNG to congratulate the 2015 Honorees of the Fair- 10,000 people of Ghanaian descent and this OF IOWA fax County Branch of the National Association partnership reinforces already firmly estab- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the Advancement of Colored People lished ties between Columbus and Accra Thursday, December 10, 2015 (NAACP). The Fairfax Branch is recognized as building economic, educational and cultural di- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise the NAACP’s first rural chapter. In 1915, a few versity between the two municipalities. today to recognize Harold and Lyla McCurdy I am also proud to inform my colleagues brave African American citizens in Falls for their service to the Congregate Meals Pro- that Franklin University and The Ohio State Church, Virginia, fought a proposed ordinance gram of Panora, Iowa. that would have segregated housing. They University are working with educational institu- Lyla got her start at Congregate Meals as a called themselves the Colored Citizens Protec- tions in Ghana to create even greater aca- part-time kitchen worker and bookkeeper. She tive League (CCPL) and the group evolved to demic and cultural exchanges. is now responsible for all of the bookkeeping, become the Fairfax County Branch of the As a City known for the Arts, Columbus’ organization, and set up each day. Her hus- NAACP. Since its inception, the NAACP has King Arts Complex is also working on a formal band Harold now volunteers his time by orga- promoted equal rights and justice for all and agreement to foster a relationship with the nizing the carryout meals and doing what he has shown a spotlight on issues of great im- Ghana National Theatre. can to help in the kitchen. The Congregate portance including civil rights, education, vot- Mr. Speaker, I commend the cities of Co- Meal program was created around 40 years ing rights, desegregation, and prison reform. I lumbus, Ohio and Accra, Ghana for this his- ago in Panora. They now prepare hot and have been honored to work with this organiza- toric agreement and look forward to a long healthy meals each day for the community. tion and pledge my continued support of our and prosperous partnership. Mr. Speaker, Harold and Lyla’s willingness shared goals. f to donate their time and talents to this pro- Each year, the Fairfax County NAACP hon- S. 1177, THE EVERY STUDENT gram is a great testament to the Iowa spirit. I ors several deserving individuals and organi- SUCCEEDS ACT am honored to represent them and Iowans like zations that have shown extraordinary support them in the United States Congress. I ask that of the Branch or the community. I am honored my colleagues in the United States House of to submit the names of the following award HON. BARBARA LEE Representatives join me in congratulating Har- winners: OF CALIFORNIA old and Lyla for their service and wishing them President’s Awardees: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nothing but continued success. Cassie Marcotty, Abby Conde, Anna Thursday, December 10, 2015 f Rowan, Lidia Amanuel, and Marley Finley. These high school student leaders formed Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sup- IN REMEMBRANCE OF GUY LEWIS ‘‘Students of Change,’’ now known as CAALM port of the Conference Report for S. 1177, the (an acronym of their initials), to spearhead the Every Student Succeeds Act, a bill which re- HON. TED POE authorizes the Elementary and Secondary initiative to rename JEB Stuart High School as OF TEXAS Education Act (ESEA) through 2020 and re- Thurgood Marshall High and to remove all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES places the misguided No Child Left Behind symbols and mascots that honor the Confed- Thursday, December 10, 2015 erate Legacy. (NCLB) policy. The President’s Award will also be pre- This bill makes important changes to ESEA Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Thanks- sented to Virginia House of Delegates mem- by including student and school supports in giving is meant to remind us of all the things ber Scott A. Surovell of the 44th District, for state accountability plans, supporting respon- in our lives we’re grateful for. For many, this his exceptional leadership and support to the sible efforts to reduce over-testing, and requir- year’s Thanksgiving came and went in its communities of Hybla Valley and Gum Springs ing states to provide the public with informa- usual form: spent in the presence of loved in southern Fairfax County. tion on school discipline and expulsion rates, ones and those who are closest to our hearts. Community Service Awardees: which we know disproportionately impacts stu- But for others, this Thanksgiving was spent Debbie Kilpatrick for her exceptional leader- dents of color. S. 1177 also maintains critical under a bittersweet shadow. Early that morn- ship, advocacy, and dedication as President of provisions about overall student performance ing, Houstonians, Cougar alumni, basketball the Fairfax County Council of PTAs. by setting clear goals for achievement and fans, and many others bid farewell to a leg- Celeste Peterson for establishing the Erin graduation rates, targeting funds to at-risk chil- end: Guy Lewis. Peterson Scholarship Fund and her devotion dren such as English Language Learners, and Guy Lewis was more than just a basketball to the Young Men’s Leadership Group at helping states to increase teacher quality by coach. His innovations, both on and off the Westfield High School. providing on-going professional development. court, left ripples in our society that we still Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Yet I am concerned that this bill shifts the feel today. He was born in a tiny town in East in congratulating the 2015 honorees of the majority of power and oversight from the fed- Texas, where he lived until enlisting in the Fairfax County NAACP and in thanking them eral government to the states and does not do Army during World War II. Following the war, for their tremendous contributions to our youth enough to protect disadvantaged, minority, Lewis enrolled at the University of Houston, and our community. LGBT, low-income, and migrant students. A my alma mater, and joined the basketball strong Federal role is critical to ensuring that f team. He was instantly one of the best players minority and underserved students get the on the team, averaging over 21 points per SISTER CITY AGREEMENT BE- support they need to succeed. And as a mem- game as he led the Cougars to a conference TWEEN COLUMBUS AND ACCRA, ber of the Congressional Asian Pacific Amer- championship. After college he worked as an GHANA ican Caucus, I am concerned that this bill fails assistant coach at UH under then-coach Alden to include a requirement to disaggregate data Pasche. After Pasche’s retirement in 1956, HON. JOYCE BEATTY within groups of Asian American Pacific Is- Lewis was appointed the new head coach of OF OHIO lander (AAPI) students. This is critical to en- the Cougars; and the rest, as they say, is his- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES suring that AAPI students receive the support tory. they need. Moreover, S. 1177 fails to include Under Lewis’ 30-year watch, the Cougars Thursday, December 10, 2015 strong accountability measures to ensure that enjoyed one of the best spells in collegiate Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to schools address resource equity gaps. basketball history. He led his teams to 27 ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing As Members of Congress, we have a straight winning seasons, 14 NCAA tour- the signing of a sister city agreement between shared obligation to ensure that our education nament appearances, 5 Final Fours, and two VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Dec 11, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10DE8.025 E10DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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