第 42 卷 第 6 期 水 生 生 物 学 报 Vol. 42, No. 6 2018 年 11 月 ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA Nov., 2018 doi: 10.7541/2018.144 EVALUATION OF FECUNDITY OF ERIOCHEIR SINENSIS PARENT CRABS RELEASED INTO THE YANGTZE RIVER ESTUARY FENG Guang-Peng1, 2, ZHANG Hang-Li1, 2, WANG Hai-Hua2, 3, XU Jing-Jing1, 2, JI Hui1, 2 and ZHUANG Ping1, 2 (1. East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China; 2. College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 3. Jiangxi Institute for Fisheries Sciences, Poyang Lake Fisheries Research Centre of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330039, China) Abstract: During the reproductive migration of Chinese mitten crab in the Yangtze River estuary, the rela- tionship between fecundity and carapace width of released and wild Chinese mitten crab populations was ana- lyzed, and then the differences between the wild and released populations were compared. The results showed that, with the increase of carapace width (CW), the fecundity (F) of released and wild population crabs in- creased significantly (P<0.05). In the same range of carapace width, there was no significant differences of the fecundity between the wild and released populations (P>0.05). Regression analysis showed that the rela- tionship between the F and CW of the released population belongs to exponential function, which is F=3.979CW6.208 (R2=0.822). In addition, the relationship between F and CW of the wild population is F=1.696CW6.636 (R2=0.673). Covariance analysis showed that the curves of the wild and released crab popula- tions fit well in significant 0.05. It could be concluded that the fecundity of the wild and released populations was at the same level. There was no significant difference between the wild and released crab population on the relationship of F and CW. The released population could reproduce well in the natural water of the Yangtze River estuary. Key words: Yangtze River estuary; Eriocheir sinensis; Wild population crab; Released population crab; Fecundity CLC number: S932.5 Document code: A Article ID: 1000-3207(2018)06-1180-06 Eriocheir sinensis, commonly known as river has been performed since 2004 in the Yangtze River crab, is an important crustacean based on its delicious estuary. and fresh taste and high economic value. It is distri- Crab reproduction biology research can assess buted in China's Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and the east crab resources and the outcome of breeding and re- coast of several provinces. High-quality germplasm leased. Fecundity (F) is the inherent ability of crabs resources of E. sinensis have been found in the that is determined by various traits associated with its Yangtze River estuary, where the largest spawning reproduction, including carapace length (CL), cara- grounds are located[1, 2]. Due to excessive fishing and pace width (CW), body weight (W), and F[5]. There- the construction of hydraulic projects in the Yangtze fore, the accurate evaluation of its reproductive capa- River estuary, the yield of E. sinensis has significantly city requires comprehensive evaluation of multiple in- decreased[3]. To protect and restore the stock of E. si- dicators of F, instead of a single indicator[6,7]. Stu- nensis, breeding and released activities have been dies on crab breeding biology have mainly focused on sporadically conducted since the 1970s by relevant F. Foreign scholars have performed some studies on departments[4]. Large-scale parent crab stock released crab spawning, including the F of Paraalithodes Received date: 2017-10-09; Accepted date: 2018-03-15 Foundation item: Supported by the Special Scientific Research Funds for Central Non-profit Institutes, East China Sea Fisheries Research Insti- tute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences (2016M05); Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201203065) Corresponding author: Feng Guang-Peng, E-mail: [email protected]; Zhuang Ping, Professor, E-mail: [email protected] 6 期 冯广朋等: 长江口中华绒螯蟹放流亲蟹的繁殖力评估 1181 camtschaticus in Alaska[8, 9] and the effects of food on study, only the number of eggs produced at the first the number, quality, and size of eggs[10]. Research on spawning was analyzed. Analyzing all the data of the crab F in China have mainly focused on Scylla ser- number of eggs per brood of berried crabs helps to rata Forskal, including the effects of temperature and identify of the two populations, as well as to compare salinity[11], as well as the effects of different sources F of the released and the wild group of the E. sinen- of lipids on F of E. sinensis[12]. While the compara- sis in the Yangtze River estuary. The berried crabs of tive study on the F of the released population and the E. sinensis were divided into four groups according to wild population of E. sinensis in the Yangtze River the CW: 4.6—5.5 cm, 5.6—6.0 cm, 6.1—6.5 cm, and estuary was not be studied. This paper studied the F 6.6—7.3 cm. of two populations in the Yangtze River estuary in or- 1.4 Statistical analysis der to evaluate the reproductive ability of the re- The results were expressed as the mean±stan- leased parent crabs and to provide basis for evaluat- dard deviation (mean±SD). Significance analysis was ing breeding and released efficiencies. performed with Excel (Ver. 2007) and SPSS (Ver. 1 Materials and Methods 17.0). The significance test of the mean value was performed using the one-way ANOVA, and the signi- 1.1 Source of the experimental crab ficant difference is set as 0.05. Covariance analysis Berried crabs were obtained from monitoring was used to test the regression equation of fecundity ships and divided into the released and wild groups. and CW of the released and the wild populations[14]. The released group was labeled with chelate cuffs, which can be distinguished from the wild populations. 2 Results In addition significant morphological differences 2.1 The fecundity of the released and wild popula- were observed between the released and wild popula- tion tions. All released berried crabs obtained from the dif- For the released population, the average CW and ferent sections of the Yangtze River estuary from 29 W were (5.59±0.57) cm and (80.96±25.32) g, respec- December, 2011 to 22 May, 2012. And they were re- tively, and the average absolute F was (206508±10616) leased on 10 December, 2011 at Shanghai Bao Yang pcs (Tab. 1). The CW and CL of the smallest berried Port (31°26.450′ N, 121°28.870′ E). The wild berried crab were 4.6 cm and 4.0 cm, respectively, with the crabs were obtained near the Xinmin Port (31°14.124′ N, corresponding W of 41.9 g and number of eggs per 121°59.766′ E) of Hengsha Island from 25 November, brood of 78900 pcs. In addition, the CW and CL for 2011 to 7 March, 2012. the largest berried crabs were 6.5 cm and 5.7 cm, re- 1.2 Determination of the fecundity parameters of spectively, with the corresponding W of 113.9 g and berried crabs number of eggs per brood of 489100 pcs. For the wild The experimental berried crabs were transported population, CW and W were (5.85±0.56) cm and to the laboratory and their CL, CW, and W were mea- (91.60±31.89) g, respectively, with an absolute F of sured. The number of eggs per brood was measured [13] (263995±23677) pcs. The CW and CL of the mini- based on weight as described by Hamasaki using an electronic balance with an accuracy of 0.0001 g. mum berried crab were 4.9 cm and 4.2 cm, respec- Measurements were performed in triplicate for each tively, with the corresponding W of 44.9 g and num- crab, and the mean value was adopted in the analysis. ber of eggs per brood of 41800 pcs. The CW and CL 1.3 Calculation of fecundity of maximum berried crabs were 7.3 cm and 6.6 cm, Fecundity includes absolute F which is the num- respectively, with the corresponding W of 178.5 g and ber of eggs per brood of an individual, and the rela- number of eggs per brood of 1037200 pcs. A signific- tive F, which is the ratio of absolute F to body weight ant difference in absolute F was observed between the (F/W). Research previously indicated that there is no released and the wild populations (P<0.05). However, significant difference in the number of eggs per brood for relative F, no significant difference was observed between crabs from various seasons[13]. In the present between the two populations (P>0.05). Tab. 1 Morphological parameters and fecundity of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) Population Sample size Carapace width (cm) Body weight (g) Absolute F Relative F b a Released population 47 5.59±0.57 80.96±25.32 206507.73±10615.75 2344.59±953.57 a a Wild population 85 5.85±0.56 91.60±31.89 263994.56±23676.71 2665.66±1422.24 Note: Different lowercase English letters at the top right of the data in the same column suggested that significant difference existed between groups (P<0.05) 1182 水 生 生 物 学 报 42 卷 2.2 The relationship between F and biological indica- 6 y=3.979 CW 6.208 tors of the released populations 5 R2=0.822 The F of berried crabs increased with the CW for 4 released populations (Fig.
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