MUUGLines The Manitoba UNIX User Group Newsletter Volume 30 No. 8, April 2018 Editor: Tyhr Trubiak Next Meeting: April 10, 2018 This M$nth’s Meeting 7:30pm 1M28 Manitoba ,all, - $f . 7eetings are held in RTFM: true/false wit Brad V$ke& the Universit( of Win- Learn how to avoid the following: nipeg’s Manito"a Hall, in the east end if [ "$brad_vokey_present" = true ]; then of the Univer- echo 'RTFM time with Brad!' else sity Co&plex, while true;do near Bal&oral St. echo 'Extra long roundtable...' done !e can be found in fi roo& 17:). #oors are usuall( open b( 7:<< p& with the meeting starting at Presentation: Checkpoint Firewalls ;:=< p&. Parking is available on the sur- Wyatt Zacharias will present Checkpoint rounding streets. See Next-Gen Firewalls. Checkpoint firewalls fea- uwinnipeg.ca/maps ture next-gen features such as IPS, Application for further infor&ation and We" control, Download Sand"oxing, H%%PS about parking and access to the campus. deep inspection, and advanced central manage- &ent capabilities. Checkpoint so'ware is avail- /$urt $0erturns Oracle 03 4$$gle able on a variety of platfor&s, including their US federal court has overturned the jur(-s de- own hardware appliances and any standard x)* cision in favour of Google fro& 2<3*. platfor&. W(att will de&onstrate how to install and setup the so'ware in a virtual environment, 2e Federal Circuit has made a ver( controver- and how to get started with the next-gen features sial decision on the divided issue of “fair use/. of the firewall. >oogle-s use of Java shortcuts to develop An- '$$r Pri)es droid went too far and was a violation of Oracle-s ,ver wish there was a way to send cop(rights, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fed- an e&ail fro& the co&&and line in eral Circuit ruled Tuesday. The case A first filed Linux, so your boss thinks you-re in 2<3< – was re&anded to a federal court in .coding” instead of forwarding California to deter&ine how much the Alphabet 0okes1 The 1st edition of O-5eill(-s Inc. unit should pay. Oracle had been seeking send&ail so'cover book will be up for grabs6 B).) billion, though that nu&"er could grow. Plus we will be giving away a couple of e-"ooks >oogle expressed disappointment and said it’s and the usual assortment of miscellanea. Co&e considering its next steps in the case. to the meeting for your chance to win! 1/4 5ali 6inux /$mes to .in"$ws It still see&s unreal, but yes, you can install Linux distributions fro& the Microso' Store Face+$$% suspends /ambri"ge on Windows 1<. This re&ains shocking for many Anal&ti2a f$r har0esting pri0ate people, as Microso' was a longti&e ene&( of inf$rmati$n $f 70 milli$n users "oth open source and Linux. Of course, that is no ?ace"ook has suffered what has been descri"ed longer true, as the Windows-&aker e&"races as the social networks “biggest ever data breach” "oth nowadays. a'er Cam"ridge Anal(tica and its parent group Cali Linux, a penetration testing distro that you Strategic Co&&unication Laboratories (SCLG &ay have seen in Mr. Ro"ot, is now available in harvested data fro& more than 5< million users. !indows Store. The Kali Linux team has been Cam"ridge Anal(tica got the data b( paying a working with the Microso' WSL team to bring ps(chology professor, Aleksandr Kogan, who the distro to the platfor& that still do&inates the created an app called which PC landscape. B( doing so, Kali has brought thisisyourdigitallife was presented as “a research app used b( ps(- so&e of the best penetration testing tools to the chologists” and pro&ised to give a personalit( "iggest PC user-"ase. prediction. The app gathered infor&ation fro& t the end of last year, Microso' took WSL out users (around 5< million usersG, and the users- of beta, making it available for ever( Windows friends, and this was fine. What was not fine was 3< user for the latest Fall Creators Update. Users the fact that Kogan then passed this data on to can si&pl( go to Windows Store and install their third parties, including SCLICam"ridge Anal(tica preferred Linux distro just like an( other app. and Christopher W(lie of Eunoia Technologies. Initiall( onl( Ubuntu, openSUS! Leap and F!(lie later turned whistle-"lower.G US! Linux Enterprise were available, but the Jucker"erg says that when Face"ook learned !SL team is working with different distros to about this transfer in 2<3H, it got Kogan and "ring the& to the store. Cam"ridge to certif( that the( had deleted the 5unning Linux distros under WSL has its own data. But media reports this weekend suggested shortco&ings. Your s(ste& is as secure as is that Ca&"ridge had lied and retained the data !indows 1<. However, the Kali Linux team sees throughout the 2<3* presidential campaign. so&e great possi"ilities too, “While running Kali 2is whole thing should make ever(one think on Windows has a few draw"acks to running it twice about how – and if – the( should keep us- nativel( (such as the lack of raw socket support), ing social media. It’s actuall( re&arkabl( eas( to it does bring in so&e ver( interesting possi"ilit- extrapolate a whole lot about you fro& si&ple ies, such as extending your security toolkit to in- things like the ti&es you-re online, or which sites clude a whole bunch of co&&and line tools that with Face"ook social trackers you visit, and so are present in Kali./ on. 2/4 Distributi$n Releases: GParted Li#e 0%&'%$-1: 64*s webOS will +e $pen sour2e Curtis Gedak has announced the release of GPar- Pre+( big news out of L> – the(-re releasing ted Live 0.=3.<-3, a new stable version of the pro- their variant of webO – the TK and s&artwatch 0ect’s live disc with a collection of tools for man- one – as open source. aging disk partitions and rescuing files. L> wants to take we"4S be(ond TKs with ‘4pen Zentyal Ser#er 5%': Source Edition-. (It’s not to be confused with an- other open-source version of we"4S, Open- !e"4S, which became Lune4S for mo"ile devices in 2<3M.G We"4S used to power HP-s long-dead Pal& devices and earl( tablets, but Jentyal Server is an U"untu-"ased distri"ution since L> got a hold of it in 2<3=, it’s mostl( been developed with the intention of making se+ing associated with s&art TKs and refrigerators. up a server and network services eas(. The de- velopers have pu"lished Zentyal Server 5.3 “webOS is a web-centric and which is based on U"untu-s 1*.<M L%S release usability-focused software platform and offers i&proved hardware support. for smart devices. The operating system has constantly evolved, NetB * 7%'%,: passing through its journey from Palm to HP, and most recently to LG Soren Jaco"sen has announced the release of Electronics. Now, we are releasing NetBS# 7.3.:. NetBS# is a lightweight operating webOS as an open source project, s(ste& specificall( designed to run on a large named webOS Open Source Edition range of hardware and processor platfor&s. Ver- (OSE).” sion 7.3.: is a securit( and bug-fix upgrade. 2is marks the second ti&e we"4S has been re- -aspbian 2$'.-0&-1& leased as open source. It’s released under the pache License, version 2, and there-s instruc- tions for ge+ing it to run on a Rasp"err( Pi 3. Si&on Long has announced the release of an up- dated build of Rasp"ian, a De"ian-"ased distri"u- “We are a truly open project. You will tion for the Rasp"err( Pi single-"oard co&puters. see us working in the open like any 2is new version i&proves co&pati"ility with community member, so you can see large monitors and provides a way to set a de- what we’re doing in real time. We fault screen option depending on the size of the operate using typical open practices: &onitor. the Project uses the Apache 2.0 license, is hosted on GitHub, and Libre!L!C 8%,%/ accepts contributions via a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) approach. As the community grows and individuals and Li"reELEC is a mini&al operating s(ste& de- organizations emerge who make signed to run the Kodi media centre. Li"reELEC significant contributions, it is our runs on desktop co&puters, laptops and A57- intention to invite them into the powered devices such as Rasp"err( Pi co&- governance of the Project.” puters. 3/4 9nstall Firef$x in a Snap $n 6inux 7oOilla has oPciall( picked Snap to offer Firefox browser for Linux. Ac- cording to Canonical, b( launching as a snap, the ?irefox Quantu& browser is available to an in- creased amount of Linux users with the snap working nativel( on U"untu, Arch, Linux Mint, ?edora, Solus, De"ian and other Linux distri"u- big thanks to Les.net for providing M88> tions that support snaps. with free hosting and all that bandwidth6 Les.net 01 you want to grab a snap o1 Firefox3 visit this link: F3RR*G Inc., a local provider of VoIP, Internet and https:44snapcra5%io4store #ata Centre services, has offered to provide a 3<S discount on recurring monthl( services to .atch M--4 1nline 788> me&"ers.
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