- , · ·TODAY:.MANDELA IN NAMIBIA S00N · ~ . FIRS"F · tJS PEACEC0RPS VOLUNTEERS ARRIVE' / () Jtl fD Bringing Africa South . Vol.2 No.168 SOc (GST Inc.) Monday September 10 * Police arrest another two whites in huge illegal weapons haul * T~unk of phosphorous, rifle grenades dum'ped in Goreangab Dam * Source says prominent Namibians are now also implicated ARMS NET IDENS STANLEY KATZAO AND GWEN LISTER POLICE were fairly tight-lipped this weekend after having made another two arrests in what is fast becom­ ing a sensational expose of an illegal arms build-up in white right-wing circles. This brings the total of those al­ emment, theft, and illegal posses­ ready in custody to eight. Another sion of arms and ammunition. It is two men are being actively sought by believed that one of the .two is the police. brother of one of the men arrested In a separate but probably related earlier. development this weekend, police . Massive amounts of arms and were alerted to a trunk of phospho­ ammunition have been confiscated rous and rifle grenades which had by police at the homes of the eight recently been dumped in Goreangab .' arrested men. The weaponry, valued Dam. It appears as though some of at hundreds of thousands of rand and those involved in the apparently vast ranging from automatic rifles to ille gal arms network, alerted or pan­ machine-guns, mortars, phosphorous icked by the recent spate of arrests, and other grenades, anti-personnel are making attempts to get rid of . mines, and plastic explosives. Police evidence. confirmed at the time that most of the And a reliable police source last weaponry recovered after the arrest night speculated about a dramatic of the six had been stolen from either tum in events as prominent Namibi­ the police armoury in Windhoek or ans are apparently also being impli­ the military base at Luiperdsvallei. cated in the matter. The source said a Late last night, Police Commis­ WAITING FOR THE PRESIDENT: Among those waiting to welcome Namibian President Sam number of other arrests could be sioner Siggi Eimbeck confirmed the expe~ted soon. most recent arrests, also made in Nujoma at Windhoek's Eros A~rport when he returned from a State visit to Botswana on Friday were, A police spokesperson said t~e Windhoek, as was the case with the f."om left, Dimo Hamaambo of the Namibian Defence Force and former Plan commander, Chief.,f grenades were found yesterday after­ six young men arrested earlier. He Police General Piet Fouche, and the head of the British military contingent in Namibia, Major-General noon after a child, playing in the said one of the two men had in his Ling. Photograph: John Liebenberg. ' water, found one of the explosive possession, when arrested, a pistol . devices and the parent had contacted which was undoubtedly one of those the police. stolen from the police armoury re.­ Meanwhile, the two young white cently. Afrikaans-speaking men arrested at " The six who have already been Rape on the weekend; are expected to appear charged and who are being held in ~is mining in court today, and will probably be police custody pending the resul!ip~ • charged with treason or, in the alter­ suspended Increase native, conspiracy against the gov- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 IT APPEARS-as if rape and murder incidents have increased since the UIS Tin Mine incurred an operating loss ofR12 million in the 1989/ start of the' month, according to the 90 financial year, Iscor said in a statement announcing the suspen­ Namibian Police's latest crime re­ port. sion of operations at the mine. At least seven cases of rape have it The group added that if production had continued, would result in been reported to the police since August an estimated loss of Rl7-million during the current financial year. 31, while four murder incidents were "With no indication thatthetin price will improve in the near future, reported in the same period. the suspension of the mining activities had to be considered," the * An unknown man was found statement said. dead with a stab-wound in his chest Iscor added that mine management would make every endeavour to near the Central Shopping Complex place the personnel within the Iscor organisation or with other in Katutura on September 1. employers. Where this is not possible, the s!atement said, rationali- * Johannes Shimeduwa,25, was sation packages would be paid. '. stabbed and killed at Aimblaagte, "Tscor plans to keep the mine serviceable f.,r the forseeable future Marienta!, after a quarrel over women minutes ana should any significant changes in market prices of tin metal on August 31. One suspect has been occur, the resumption of mining operations will be considered." arrested. gerhard botha The statement continued to say that the · small staff contingent * A 26-year-old, Jacobus Ntldaas remaining at the mine would continue to assist theJribute'workers Isaacs, was stabbed and killed at photography and to purchase tin concentrate from them. They would also main­ Tseiblaagte, Keetmanshoop, on 44 KAISER STREET tain the place and associate infrastructure. September 1. A man has · been ar­ P.O; BOX 21907 Finally, the statement announced that the government of Namibia rested on a charge of murdei-. WINDHOEK and Iscor had announced the formation ofa team to investigate the * Petrus'Rooi, 37, was stabbed and Tel. (061) 35551 possible utilisation of existing infrastructure. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 ,- SOUTH AFRICA. 26·dead ... Soweto YOUR' DAJLY GUIDE TO EVENTS WORLD-WIDE • • I.S bleeding In JOHANNESBURG: A large police contingent rep.eatedly firing rubber bullets, shotguns and tear gas yesterday battled with persistently defiant youths and residents of two Soweto suburbs following a vicious overnight attack on the Tladi squattel' camp that left thirteen people dead, eyewitnesses and residents said. HELSlNKI: The superpower leaders confront Iraq, Moscow has so far met alone with interpreters for al­ gone no further than backing a UN­ Twenty-six people were killed in tackers. revenge, police 'must go away." most three hours to discuss the Gulf imposed trade and oil embargo on Soweto since Saturday night, accord­ Shortly afterwards, two children Earlier on Sunday several hundred crisis on Sunday and latel' proclaimed Baghdad. ing to SA Police liaison officer Lieu­ strolled past several police vehicles youths with petrol bombs, axes; pangas they were united. Bush was expected to seek a tougher tenant Govindsamy Mariemuthoo. with a placard - "SAP are killing our and an assoltment of other crude Official spokespersons said US Soviet line. At a relaxed photo ses­ Youths erected heavy barricades fanlily" - and were chased by mu­ weapons milled around near the rail­ .. President George Bush and Soviet sion after the opening round of talks, across roads and the nearby railway nicipal police who fired a shotgun way line across from the hostel. President Mikhail Gorbachev, who session, Gorbachev told reporters: line after tear gas and rubber bullets round and teargas at the fleeing They complained about the police met in Finland's 19th century'presi­ "It was a good dialogue." were fired from trains passing the youngsters. contingent at the hostel boundary, dential palace, were" finn and united" Soviet officials ruled out any Soviet Naledi and Tladi areas. Several elec­ A woman was then roughly forced saying they wanted to avenge Satur­ in opposing Iraq's occupation of military role in the crisis. But they tricity power boxes and a. railway back into her house by municipal day's attack. A man walking along Kuwait. left open the possibility of strength­ signal along the track were burned or policemen. Throughout the day resi­ the track fled from youths who chased The two leaders would discuss the ening the Kremlin's naval presence ripped down in efforts to stop rail dents filled the streets taunting po­ him, dropping a parcel containing crucial question of how to resolve the in the area of the Gulf although not in traffic. lice, only to flee when they came two sets of women's Clothing. -- crisis when they met with advisers at the Gulf itself. All residents interviewed said as within range. A police helicopter The youths then said they feared '. a second session on Sunday after­ They again stressed that Moscow tnany as five white men with fire­ circled the embattled area through women ha<!. been abducted by hostel noon, White House spokesperson wants the UN trade and oil embargo arms and blacked out faces were most of Sunday. dwellers and were being held in the Marlin Fitzwater told reporters. on Iraq to be given time to work. involved in the Saturday night attack Laughing policemen narrowly hostel and raped. Several policemen Soviet spokesperson Vitaly Ignat­ One official with the Gorbachev by about l00rnenwhosweptthrough missed running over an elderly woman later charged across a strip of open enko nodded his head in agreement team added: "We will certainly never the squatter camp shooting and stab­ with a bundle on her head when they ground firing teargas into the squat­ as Fitzwater said Bush and Gorbachev be reconciled with the annexation of bing residents. drove over a pavement to avoid a ter camp. Residents accused police . were resOlute ' that Iraq must leave Kuwait by Iraq. By late afternoon police backed by roadQlock. On several occasions tear­ of giving guns to hostel dwellers, and Kuwait, which it invaded on August "If we all let (Iraqi President) motorcycle troops appeared to have gas and shotgun rounds were fired at of driving attackers into the the squat­ 2. Saddam Hussein get away with this, . crushed most resistance, but spo­ residents simply watching the action ter camp in minibuses.
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