mwmwwmw^m m^^WPPPMVI mm Visitors from Taiwan tour center, A3 Homelbwn • Thursday & "October 2,1997 k • Putting You In Touch With Your World VOLUME 33 NUMBER 34 WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 80 PAGES • http://observer-eccentric.com SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS O 1997 HomeTown Common]CAtiooi Network, Inc. IN THE PAPER say he's untruthful TODAY Accusations, that Mayor Robert Thomas circu­ after he publicly announced his sup-, "Why should these, fliers be circulat­ lated illegal campaign fliers have been made port fqr mayoral hopeful Kenneth ed without a disclaimer, in clear viola­ Mehl, a former 12-year Westland City, tion of the law?" Brown asked. by'veteran Westland politician Thomas Council member. Thomas'conceded that Brown was Honoree for 1997: The > Brown. The Nov. 4 general election will pit "correct? about the disclaimer omission/ Observer and Westland Thomas against Kenneth Mehl. Squaring off v which the. mayor attributed to over­ Mehl, #0, andyrhomasT^?ST?' , will sight or a print shop error. Chamber bf Commerce BY DARRBLL CLEM for omitting a disclaimer attributing STAFF WRITER . them to Thomas' re-election committee. square off in thJ^Jov. 4 general elec­ "We apologize," Thomas said Monday, are seekirig nominations Brown, 80, also raised allegations tion far a four-year term. MehlJ in his afternoon. "It-.should have been on Longtime Westland politician 'second mayoral bid, is hoping to thwart there."' . ^\ for the 1997 First Citizen, Thomas Brown has accused'Mayor wfthy'the Observer?, that- Thomas, in his fliers; trfed to win voter support with Thomas' quest for an, unprecedented Beyond thafc.^homa's dismissed all of the Year. A nomination Robert Thomas of circulating illegal third term. ' ,-. allegations t.fyat Brown raised about campaign fliers containing misleading "innuendo's,-possible.half-truths and form is included./A4 maybe outright lies" Brown questioned why Thomas and statements contained in the fliers. statements about his accomplishments. his staff-• pictured and'billed in the "The only guy that's lying is Tom Brown, a former Westland mayor, Br'o'wn launched the' 'offensive against Thomas, during an interview fliers as the Thomas Team" - lacked Brown,"'the mayor said. council member and state representa­ the "political savvy" to include-dis­ tive;,criticized election primary fliers 'Monday. His attack came two months. OPINION claimers. •*',•"' ", .' • -„ Please see FOES, A4 Hitting the books: Stu­ dents at John Glenn High Marching with pride School who have achieved es • a 4.0 or higher grade point average have been honored with an Academ- ' ip Wall of Fame. We think that's great. /A16 BY DARRELL CLEM . • * , . STAFF WRITER A witness who had implicated an COMMUNITY LIFE Inkster teen in the shootingdeath of a 25-year-old Westland man recanted his . statement to pcdice Wednesday, Curtain: Football pads prompting a district judge; to dismiss have given way to foot­ murder charges against the suspect- Terron White, 17, of Inkster testified lights for Adam Bdrchert, during a preliminary hearing in 22nd who for his senior year at District Court that he didn't see Tyrah Harvard has landed the Patillo, 17, shoot Anthony Dew&yne Thomas in'the head on the night of* prestigious job of co-pro­ Sept. 17. ducer of 1998 Hasty Pud­ "He recanted fus statement," Inkster Detective Byron. Paisley said. ding Theatrical. /Bl White also suffered a'leg wound dur­ ing the shooting that Paisley said ,-• occurred when a craps game turned AT HOME '. sour outside of an Inkster recreation center on Hickory Street, between Pine a"nd.Annapolis. ,* Starring roles: The spot­ Thomas was ehot four times in the light was on interior head, Paisley said. White's" earlier statements had design stylemakers at last helped'Inkster police secure ch'arges-of week's fall market at first-degree murder and'attempted Michigan Design Cen- murder against Patill.o, but he'chaYiged • •' V his story altogether3*on Wednesday, ter./OB Paisley said. *.•'-• 8IAFF PHOTOS BT TOM HMOSY The latest development prompted Inkster District'Judge Sylvia James to' ENTERTAINMENT Invitational: The J2th Annual ^dismiss charges against Patrllo and;' John Glenn Invitational this allow liirftJo walk-free. The hearing past Saturday attracted 16 had been^ scheduled to; determine Theater: Students get schools,including Glgnnand whether the. suspect should stand triaj. their experience under ftre in Wayne County, Circuit Court. Wayne.Memorial. Glenn was When asked if he believes that White. and realize childhood ably'represented'fiytdboii$ left 1 ' : .' •••• ".<: -•,'••- i • dreams at Wayne State's to right) Jessica Wilkin, Becky ; Please see CHARGES, A2 two theaters./El . Curtis, Jason Plasehcia and Zacha.ry Crawford. Below, Family fun: Meet some of Glenn's Steve pphh and Nicole *West are tu&a players. At left is the performers who make RachellWiiliams^a color Ringling Bros, and Bar- guard member at Glenn, Fdr , num & Bailey the Great­ more on theeveni, see the stoi$r est Show on Earth./El and photos on Page A6. BY DARRELL CLEM v :< STAFF WRITER * • f • REAL ESTATE • ,, v. ,, .• .- A Westland father plans to. file suit» , agajnst a^ city-hired construction com--, Helping put: Volunteer pany after his 12-yearVold. son suffered members and friends of a broken arm whileriding Kis bicycle the Western Wayne Oak­ along a sidewalk : that suddenly droppecVoffT land County Association Attorney Stuart Eisehherg said he of Realtors pitched in will claim negligence against Lanzo again this year to fix up a Construction Co. for failing to block off a sidewalk where.-<Christopher' Allen home - for free. /Fl Armstrong,was hurt. The accident occurred at 6:45 p.m. Sept. 24'while Armstrong-was riding his mountain bike along Merritt- Drive INDEX at Judy, when the sidewalk suddenly*. »' dropped off. , . • - I Obituaries A14 3' Armstrong was hurt in an a>rea I Classified Jndex F5 where scores of north-end homeowners have complajned of unsafe conditions Real Estate F5 stemming from a sewer- Crossword F8 sbparation/sHreet'-reconstruction pro- Jobs """"'qjj; jc'ct. A story in Sunday's .Observe'r Home & Service , reported many of the concerns of resi- J2 • . • • ~- y . Auto* J4 . Please see YOUTH, A* i Opinion Al'ft-17 CI Calendar C6 ! Real Estate Fl ases JY DARRELL CLEM The new figures mark a .second year "Detroit and Inkster are the biggest such as better student scores on state HOW TO REACH US STAFF WRITER •• bf,enrollment increases, reversing feeder areas," he said. "We also picked achievement tests are helping to WajmcVWestland schools' fall enroll­ three previous years of decjine. Offi-" up a couple of students out of Livonia improve the district's image - one fac­ ment has surpassed earlier, predictions cials had expected a drop from-last nhtfra couple out of Canton'Township." ' tor that may be drawing schools of Newsroom: 313-953-2104 by 332 students - a uoost gfficials fall's 14,915 students. .. Wayne-Westland Superintendent choice students. Newsroom Fat: 31^591-7279 attributed to pupilB commuting from ' "It is encouragjhg," Larry Galbraith, Greg Baracy also attributed some of Officials also noted that Wayne- executive director of student services,-, the increase to new (JMrulies settling in Wpstland is seen as a district with E-mdil: newsroom 0 oecmllne.com other districts arid to new families TiTdl said of the enrollment increase* "We'd the district. strict discipline policies. - Nightllne/Sports: 313-9 53-2104 As of Monday,- eTfrTTttrrrent had like to sec it continue." "It is-very good news that wo'cc up." "An enrollment increase means more R&ader Comment Line: 313-953-2042 reached 14,977 students in kinder­ Educators had predicted an enroll­ Brtracy said of the enrollment figures. state dollars for Wayne-Westland - a Classified Advertising: 313-B91-0900 garten through 12th grado, compared ment'decline, but Galbraith said a "It shows that parents «ro moving into district that continues to fnccnr budget - schools of choice program admitting the community with children'" That's n crunch. The district receives a por- Display Advertising: 313*591-2300 to earlier projections of 14,646 stu- - dents, officials said. students from other districts helped.to good sign for the district." Home Delivery: 313-691-0500 boost the numbers. Baracy said recent developments Pleasc see CLIMB, A2 ** mm m w A2(W) The Oftsfiruer/THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1997 JL * from page Al Local royalty pu6il state foundation allowance instruction in every subject at orf$5,883. ' every grade level. JFhat per-pupil figure is among Meanwhile, Baracy- cautioned th|e> lowest in the county; but offi­ that an upward enrollment trend cial? welcome additional dollars -might not necessarily hold trite thit *come with enrollment in comirfg years and that a'stu­ .incfeases. dent population decline remains J^e might be able to buy some a possibility. textbooks" that the district oth­ Still, he appears optimistic erwise couldn't afford, Galbraith • that recent figures indicate- a saia. '••'•'." long-awaited leveling off. cjew textbooks," he said, ar*e "Hopefully this is a sfgh of our cri^ial to completing a curricu­ district stabilizing^" he said. "I'd lum-improvement plan.launched like to see the district stabilize, sej^e.ral years ago. The district is and it appears that it may be involved in upgrading classroom doing that right now." from page Al changed his story because he do." . feared retaliation,. Paisley said, Police haven't revealed a "OCcourse." , ; motive for,the killing, other than ' -Jipwever* . , Jame''•''s dismisse' d the to say that a dispute erupted charges without prejudice, during a craps game. The inves­ meaning that police could rein­ tigation is continuing. state the same charges against •Had-Patillo been tried and P4tillo if they find other witness- convicted as charged, he would e^willing to testify, Paisley said. , have faced'a mandatory sentence .jyhen asked if Patrllo is still of life in prison for first-degree cojieidered a suspect in Thomas' murder.
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