The Gopher Peavey 1943 GREEN HALL Home of Minnesota Forestry Annual Publicat i on of the Forestry C l ub, University of Minneso ta FOREWORD We worked, fought, argued, and we loafed, laughed, and learned. Our Peavey is out, and we are glad. Our main desire, however, is to have you like it and have the gang in the service receive a little pleasure from it. 1943 Gopher Peavey Staff DEDICATION It would certainly be a fitting thing a t any time to dedicate a state university publica tion to the Governor of the state. However, we are not dedicating this issue to you only as the Governor of Minnesota. We are dedi­ cating it to you more particularly as an officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve and as the most worthy representa­ tive of that great company of our students and alumni who have laid down important positions in life to enroll in our armed forces. Lieutenant Commander Stassen, we salute you! And through you all those other Minne­ sota men who have dedicated themselves to the defense of their country! Table of Contents OUR FORESTRY SCHOOL Faculty 6 Seniors - 8 Juniors - 12 Sophomores - 13 Freshmen 14 ORGANIZATIONS Gopher Peavey Staff - 16 Forestry Club 17 Xi Sigma Pi _ 18 Alpha Zeta 19 FEATURE ARTICLES Forest Conservation and War · 21 We Are It 27 TRADITIONAL ACTIVITIES Foresters' Day 30 Sports 32 ·Bonfire - 33 The Canoe Trip . 34 The Steak Fry 35 SUMMER WORK Freshman Corporation, '42 _ 38 Junior Corporation, '42 _ 41 The Gunflint Trail _ 42 The Southwest , 44 The Northwest 49 ALUMNI SECTION Undergraduates in the Army 53 Incidentals 54 News Fro:rp. Our Alumnae _ 59 Directory 66 Our Forestry School Faculty Seniors ) Underclassmen Our Faculty H ENRY S CHMITZ Chief of Division H. ALLISON R. M. BROWN J. L. W. REES T. S C HANTZ-HANSE!'. E.G. CHENEY [ 6 ] DR. SCHMITZ Head of the Division Those who have had Dr. Schmitz for Dendrology know that his favorite ex­ pression is, "You get it? Simple, isn't it?" By believing that anything is simple if you understand it he has become one of the top men in his profession. The fresh­ men have the good fortune of having his sound advice to follow when doubts arise and, believe me, they appreciate it. He has the admiration and respect of the University as well as the men in his pro­ fession. MR. BROWN PROF. ALLISON Procedures and methods are dependa­ "Pop" is the congenial, ever-smiling ble ways of accomplishing Mensuration Prof. who spreads his wisdom to students projects. As dependable, in fact, as Mr. in such courses as Grazing, Protection, Brown, the man recommending them. He Economics and others. Pop spends some is ever stressing the practical point of of his spare time supervising his promis­ view and has given students many point­ ing timber stands that are located north ers concerning the summer jobs he sends of the Cities. Pop is full of many human them out to tackle. interest stories that add considerably to his lecture material. DR. REES T. SCHANTZ-HANSEN The freshmen become acquainted with The majority of forestry students don't Dr. Rees during the Spring Dendrology know Dr. Schantz-Hansen until they ar­ field trips which he takes charge of. As rive at Cloquet in their senior year. Nev­ they become upper classmen they appre­ ertheless, he is always there, behind the ciate his ever-ready assistance, advice, scenes, quietly and efficiently directing and cheerfulness more and more. He is the important work of the Cloquet Ex­ a wood technologist and the members of periment Station and cooperating with his classes will tell you he· is one of the the other faculty members. best. J>ROF. CHENEY Wherever forestry is discussed around the University the talk eventually gets around to Mr. Cheyney. He is so well­ known and well-liked that he is just an indispensable part of the forestry atmos­ phere. He is as young in attitude and views as the "U" grad., and his humor is enjoyed by all. He was Uncle of Paul this year, an appropriate honor as those that know him in woods as well as in the office all agree. [7) Class of 1943 ORVILLE ALLEN HANNA GORDON MAXSON '"Al" '"k ldx" River Falls, Wisconsin Columbia Heights, Minnesota G e11e1al Forutry Ge11rr11l FortJlry Xi Sigmn Pi; Alphn Zeta; Alphll Gamma Forestry C lub; Xi Sigma Pi; Alpha Zeta: Rho; Forestry Club; Summer Work: Lookout Linn.ean Clu b: Summer Work: Srndenr Fire fireman, Ochoco National Forest '42; Social Camp "Flying Squadron" '411 timber cruising Co-ordinating Committee; Foresters' Day for Indian Service ' 42; intramural touchball, dance committee chairman; intramural touch· baseba ll '4 1, '42; treasurer, Forestry C lub, ball; cc>-business manager Goplur Peavey '43. Peavey and Foresters' Day ' 43; intramural box· ing championship '41. ROBERT FRED NELSON •·Bob" ·' Trapper" Si. Paul, Minoesoca Game Ma11agemmt JALMER J. JOKELA Forestry Club, treasurer '40, '41, '42; Lin· "Jok" n.ea.n C lub; Cadet Officers Club; C1dec Capt. Ely, Min nesota ROTC; Summer Work: Director, Forest Proi· General Forestry ect Camp '40, dfrector, St. Croix River Camp Foremy C lub; Xi Sigma Pi; Alpha Zeta; •4 1, forest pathology and tree work '42; Go· Farm House; Lutheran Students A ssociation; pher Peavey feature editor '42 and editor '43; Summer Work: L.1ke Stares ' 42; intramural Foresters' Day Committee '40, ' 41 , '42, '43; sports. ls1 place Pack Essay Contest '42; intramural touchball and baseball '40, '41 , ' 42; intra­ mural boxing championship '42; high poi nt man in Foresters' Day contests '42 and '43. Activities [ 8 ) Seniors DAVID W . FRENCH ''Ddvt " n Freu<hy " LEE B. WINNER Niagara Falls, New York ff ~v ee'~ Ge11traf Forestry Minneapolis, Minnesoca Forestry Club, president ·42-'43; Xi Sigma Pi, Game M a11ageme111 rnnger; Alpha Zetn, censor; Linnzan Club; Forestry Club, secretary ' 40; Freshman swim­ Officers' Club of ROTC; Alpha Gamma Rho, ming ream '39, varsity '40; Foresters' Day censor; Summer Work: Lake States Foresr Association, treasurer '41, secretary '42; Go· Xpt. Station; Student Council, 2 terms; Hon· phcr PMYey, alumni co·ediror '42, feature co· or Case Commission; Gopher P(<lYC)' staff, editor ' 43; Summer Work: Studenr Fire asst. editor, editor; Social Co-ordinating Corn· Camp '41; lookout, Priesr Lake Ra . Starion, mim~ . itltr ar11ur~l golf, baseball, hockey, !d;iho '4Z. touchbnll. HARVEY DJERF LOWELL 0. NELSON ., Pod11er" "Oja/" " Loella"' Minneapolis, Minnesora Minneapolis, Minnesota Foresrry Club, vice president '41, secretary '42; Xi Sigma Pi; Alpha Zeta; Student's Council; Linnznn Club, president '42; Xi Sigma Pi, Social Co.ordinating Committee; Forestry secrerMy-fiscal agenr '42; Alpha Zern; Cadet Club; Gophtr Pe<lvry staff, treasurer '42; co· Officers' Club; Summer Work: USFS Stu· alumni editor '43; Linn.ran Club; Cadet Offi. dent Fire Camp, Huson, Mont.; rreasurer, cers' Club; Summer Work: Student Fire Freshman Corporation '40; business manager, Camp '41; Forest Path. and Tree Surgery '42; PeaY<y '42, co·alumni editor '43. Paul Bunyans, lOuchball '41, '42, diamondball '41 , '42, hockey '41 , '42, basketball '43; For· esters' Day Ass'n '41, '42, '43. Activities [ 9 ] Seniors JE ROME ESSER ROBERT VAN VALKENBURG ,..Jerr y" " Hutch" Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota G mera/ Fore11ry Gmeral Forestry Forestry Club, vice president '42; Gopher Pea· Forestry Club; Delta Sigma Pi; Summer vey staff '42; Summer Wo,rk: Missoula Stu· \Xlork: Maintenance crew, M. & St. L. R. R. denc Fire Camp, Mone. '42; lookout, Lewis '39, '40, '41, J. C. Campbell Logging Co. and Clark National Forest ·42; Foresters' Day Duluth, '41 ; E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Associaiion, chairman Awards Committee. Co. '42; Freshman football '42. PAUL GOODMONSON 0 Pauf'' Minneapolis, Minnesota WILLIAM HANNAY Forestry Club; Voyageurs, vice-president '41 ; " Bill" Social Co-ordinating Commitcee '40, '41; For­ Minneapolis, Minnesota esters Day '41, '42, president '43, Bonfire Forestry Club; YMCA; Summer \Xlork: Cur· chairman '42; Peavey Points co-editor '43 ; tiss Companies, Inc. '41: Pe<1Yey Points, co­ Senior Corporation '43, president; intramural edicor '43. athletics; Summer Work: Oregon Red Hats, Pacific N . W. Forest Expt. Sta.; Macheur National Forest; Timber Survey, U . S. In­ dian Service, Arizona '42. Activities [ 10 ] Seniors ROBERT CLARK RICHARD MARDEN " Bob'' ''Dick" Sr. Paul, Minncsorn Sr. Paul, Minncsorn W ood T ed)tlo/ogy General Fore11ry Foresrry Club. Foresrry Club; intramural a1hlecics; Sum­ mer \Xlork: Siudents Fire Camp. Missoula, Mone., '41; timber cruising, lndinn Serv· ice, Southwest, '42. JOAN FAULKNER " ]dt1" Kalispell, Mont:ina SLA -Fore1try Major Kappa Delia Sorority; Aquatic League, '41, '42, ' 43 , vice presidem; Linnnean Club, secre1ary-1reasurer '41 , '42, 43 . On Leave CLARENCE 0 . ANDERSON ANTON KOFRANEK GLENN DEJTSCHMAN RALPH LAW JEROME ESSER LEON LUNDBLAD ALLEN HANNA THOMAS NALL RAY JACOBS ALBERT NICKELS )) § « The "On Leave" Section is dedicated to those who would have graduated if they had not been called early to active duty with our armed forces. [ 11 ] Juniors Bouom Row: Ed Neff, Norman Sorge T op Row: Warren Vong, Bill Bjarnar, Ed Mogren * JOHN ALLIE * ROBERT FISHER * EDWIN MOGREN *JOHN F. ANDERSON LARRY FLYNN * GEORGE R. NELSON * ROBERT BAUCK * BERNARD GRANUM * HOWARD OLSON * JOHN BERGERON * WALTER GUSEK * ROY PETERSON * EARL BERNDTSON * RALPH HAUSLER DONALD PIERCE BILL BJARNAR * JOSEPH HOFFMAN * BRUCE PRENTICE DURWOOD BOLLINGER * ROBERT HOWE * JOHN SCHLEY * RICHARD BOSSHARD * GEORGE JAROSCAK * RODNEY SCHUMACHER * JOHN BROGAN * GEORGE LARSON NORMAN SORGE * NORMAN BRYANT * CEYLON LYMAN BOB BUCHHOLZ * LEONARD MAKI * STUART SWANSON ROBERT EIKUM * F. SCOTT MATHESON * WARREN VONG *ST AN LEY ERICKSON * HARVEY MEDCALF * LOUIS WILKUSKI * TOM FINNEGAN * THOMAS MILNER * RICHARD WILLIS * In Service [ 12 ] Sophomores Front Row: Bill Ziemer, Ted Grahek, Clarence Larson, Don Brundin Back Row: Glenn Evans, Don Deziel, Bob Beebe, Bob Anderson * WILLIAM AL TLAND *BENJAMIN DERAUF •:• ED NEFF * ROBERT W.
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