March 25, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E505 HONORING MARTINA ‘‘TEENA’’ Tom served as a teacher, Wayne City Coun- RECONCILIATION ACT OF 2010 BOREK cilman, Michigan State Representative; and he worked closely with the Wayne County Com- SPEECH OF HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART mission. OF FLORIDA Regrettably, on March 24, 2010, Thomas HON. CHAKA FATTAH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kelly passed from this earthly world to his eternal reward. He is survived by his beloved OF PENNSYLVANIA Thursday, March 25, 2010 wife of 50 years, Bridget, and their four sons IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. Thomas, Patrick, Michael and Kevin; and five Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor Martina grandchildren, Emma, Joseph, Carl, Kalen and Sunday, March 21, 2010 ‘‘Teena’’ Borek, one of South Dade’s best Ava. Tom will also be ever remembered as a known farmers, and a dedicated mother. loving brother by Sister Anne Kelly. Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take the opportunity to mark the passage of Teena grew up in a small fishing village in Madam Speaker, Thomas Kelly was a lov- this historic legislation and to thank the individ- Newfoundland and would visit her aunt’s farm ing husband, father and grandfather; an hon- in South Dade during summer breaks. It is orable and effective leader; and a true friend uals whose hard work made this moment pos- there where she met her late husband, Steven to all blessed to know him. Therefore, I ask sible. Of course we would never have gotten Borek, who came from one of Homestead’s my colleagues to join his family and our entire here without the perseverance of our Speaker, oldest farming families. The two married and community in mourning Tom Kelly’s passing; NANCY PELOSI, Majority Leader STENY HOYER, started their own farm, Steven Borek Farms. and in honoring his exemplary service to and Majority Whip, JIM CLYBURN. Also, Con- They also had two children, Steven Jr. and Mi- Michigan and America. gressman JOHN LARSON, Chair of the Demo- chael. Unfortunately, Steven lost his life short- cratic Caucus and XAVIER BECERRA, Vice ly thereafter in an accident on the family prop- f Chair. I would also like to thank Congressman erty and Teena was left to raise the children CHRIS VAN HOLLEN for his leadership and the and run the farm. Despite the loss of her hus- RECOGNIZING MRS. ALICE JONES Committee and Subcommittee Chairs whose band, and a lack of knowledge in farming, NICKENS perseverance brought us to this historic vote Teena managed to successfully continue the today: Chairmen GEORGE MILLER from Edu- family business, which continues to thrive HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD cation and Labor, CHARLIE RANGEL from Ways today. She has proven to be one of South and Means, HENRY WAXMAN from Energy and Dade’s most innovative farmers, being Home- OF NORTH CAROLINA Commerce and SANDER LEVIN from Ways and stead’s first to use a linear irrigation system IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Means and Subcommittee Chairs PETE STARK and a computer for her work. She does not Thursday, March 25, 2010 from Ways and Means and FRANK PALLONE shy away from using new technologies and from Energy and Commerce. I would espe- products, has engaged in research efforts and Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speaker, on cially like to thank my regional colleagues, has learned to follow the changing market, re- April 10, 2010, friends and family will gather to Education and Labor Subcommittee Chairman sponding to demand and adapting her crop. celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Alice Jones BOB ANDREWS, Budget Committee Vice Chair Teena has also surpassed devastating freezes Nickens, a retired teacher who has had a tre- ALLYSON SCHWARTZ, House Administration and the hit of Hurricane Andrew, which forced mendous impact on North Carolina’s First Chairman BOB BRADY, Congressman MIKE her to basically start from scratch. Congressional District. Born on April 14, 1904 DOYLE, Congressman PATRICK MURPHY and Despite facing adversity on several occa- in Winton, North Carolina, Mrs. Nickens will be Congresswoman BARBARA LEE and Delegate sions, Teena has not given up. Her hard work celebrating her 106th birthday. DONNA CHRISTENSEN who represented the and passion coupled with her desire to suc- Affectionately known as ‘‘Miss Alice,’’ she Congressional Black Caucus in critical nego- ceed, have allowed her to be both a loving earned a Bachelor’s degree from Hampton In- tiations. This bill will be good for my District, mother and savvy businesswomen. She is a stitute—now known as Hampton University— our region, and our country. We in the Con- leader in the agriculture industry and never and a Master’s degree from the University of gress owe a debt of gratitude to our President, fails to give back to our community. She has Pennsylvania. Miss Alice taught second grade Barack Obama, who led this historic effort. been involved with the Dade County Farm Bu- at C.S. Brown School in Winton, North Caro- I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the staff reau, the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Associa- lina for 47 years. And, after retiring, she tion, the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange, served as a substitute teacher for 10 years. whose talents are rarely seen in public, but without whom this would never have hap- the Florida Heartland Heritage Foundation, the She has been active in preserving the rich pened. First, Liz King in my office, an ardent Florida Farm Bureau Labor Advisory Com- history of C.S. Brown School, formerly known advocate for my constituents in this debate. In mittee, South Dade High School Agricultural as Chowan Academy and then Waters Train- the White House, Nancy-Ann DeParle whose Advisory Council, Dade County Women in Ag- ing School. It was the State’s first secondary institutional memory and long-term commit- riculture and the Everglades Community Asso- school for children of color, and Miss Alice’s ment to healthcare access for all contributed ciation, to name a few. mother, Annie Walden Jones, was the to the success of this effort. Cheryl Parker As we celebrate Women’s History Month, I school’s first graduate. She has also played a Rose and Wendell Primus in the Speaker’s of- ask you to join me in honoring Martina key role in documenting and preserving the fice, Catherine Tran in the Democratic Cau- ‘‘Teena’’ Borek, a successful businesswoman, history of Winton, North Carolina and the sur- cus, Debbie Curtis and Cybele Bjorklund on community leader and mother, who vowed to rounding communities. the Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, continue her husband’s legacy. Her story and Mrs. Nickens was a charter member of the Michele Varnhagen on the Education and accomplishments should serve as inspiration C.S. Brown Cultural Arts Center. Along with Labor Health Subcommittee and Karen Nelson to others. her sister, Sally, Mrs. Nickens was instru- on the Energy and Commerce Health Sub- f mental in securing $200,000 from the State to committee staff. MOURNING THE LOSS OF THE help restore the building. HONORABLE THOMAS H. KELLY She has long been a devoted member of On the local level, I would like to extend my Pleasant Plains Baptist Church, and served as appreciation to Marc Stier at Health Care for HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER a member of its trustee board. America NOW and Bob Brand a close friend, Mrs. Nickens has also served as Vice Presi- local advocate and veteran in this fight. I OF MICHIGAN dent of the Democratic Women’s Club of Hert- would also like to thank the countless constitu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ford County, and as a volunteer of the Auxil- ents who called my Washington and Philadel- Thursday, March 25, 2010 iary of Roanoke Chowan Hospital. phia offices, sharing their stories and raising their voices on behalf of health reform for Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues rise to honor and mourn the extraordinary life join me in recognizing Mrs. Alice Jones themselves and their neighbors. of the honorable Thomas H. Kelly upon his Nickens. She is truly a remarkable woman de- I want to thank and congratulate each and passing at the age of 74. serving of our deepest gratitude for the enor- every one of them for getting this bill to this Born on May 27, 1935, Tom Kelly was a mous contributions that she made in the lives point and for giving me the opportunity to vote man devoted to helping his fellow human of children in eastern North Carolina and to for affordable, secure healthcare for America’s beings through public service. In his lifetime, the entire community. families. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:07 Mar 26, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25MR8.068 E25MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 25, 2010 RECONCILIATION ACT OF 2010 (2) The uninsured receive about law to be provided even to the uninsured, $86,000,000,000 in health care, of which shifting costs to medical providers, taxpayers, SPEECH OF about $56,000,000,000 is uncompensated. Pri- and the privately insured. It will also reduce HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN vate spending on uncompensated care is the cost to the national economy of the lower OF CALIFORNIA $14,500,000,000, and includes profits forgone productivity of the uninsured. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by physicians and hospitals. Government The preceding 8 points cite numerous stud- spending on uncompensated care is Sunday, March 21, 2010 ies and papers which illustrate the extensive $42,900,000,000, and is financed by taxpayers evidence that the Patient Protection and Af- Mr.
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