America's Voice / People for the American Way Virginia

America's Voice / People for the American Way Virginia

America’s Voice / People for the American Way Virginia Gubernatorial 2013 Election Eve – Latino – Weighted - Final Q1. Thinking about the 2013 election here in Virginia, what are the most important issues facing the (Latino/Asian) community that our politicians should address? Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Create more jobs / fix 29% 27% 34% 23% 31% 37% 21% 27% 31% 29% 25% 34% 23% 34% 26% 31% 27% 36% 28% 29% the economy Immigration reform / 53% 59% 44% 61% 50% 53% 53% 62% 55% 34% 53% 52% 54% 46% 59% 56% 49% 56% 61% 45% DREAM Act Health care 14% 13% 16% 11% 15% 13% 16% 15% 15% 8% 15% 16% 13% 13% 15% 8% 19% 12% 14% 14% Education reform / 21% 21% 21% 26% 19% 13% 29% 24% 22% 11% 19% 24% 11% 28% 15% 15% 23% 25% 23% 20% schools War in Afghanistan / War *% *% - - *% *% *% - - 1% - - 1% *% - 1% - *% *% *% on terror / Foreign policy Housing / mortgages *% *% *% - *% *% *% *% - *% - *% *% 1% - 1% - *% *% *% Gas prices / energy *% - *% - *% - *% - - 1% - *% - *% - - - *% - *% prices / oil Race relations / 4% 3% 6% 3% 4% 4% 3% 6% 2% - 7% 3% 4% 4% 4% 5% 2% 2% 4% 2% discrimination against Latinos Address Taxes 2% 1% 3% - 3% 3% 2% - 5% 5% 1% 3% 1% 5% 1% - 2% 3% 3% 4% Global warming / *% *% - - *% 1% - 1% - - - 1% - - 1% - 1% - - - environment Something else 16% 17% 12% 18% 16% 18% 14% 14% 18% 19% 16% 15% 14% 15% 16% 27% 15% 13% 20% 16% Don't know 10% 10% 12% 6% 12% 9% 12% 7% 11% 20% 11% 8% 15% 9% 11% 6% 11% 7% 4% 13% Q2. In the election for Governor of Virginia, (did/will) you vote for (ROTATE: Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe, Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli, Libertarian candidate Robert Sarvis)? Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Vote Democrat Terry 66% 73% 57% 85% 59% 65% 66% 95% 61% 5% 71% 67% 62% 61% 71% 76% 74% 63% 64% 45% McAuliffe Vote Republican Ken 29% 22% 38% 11% 35% 28% 31% 2% 34% 92% 19% 27% 38% 32% 25% 10% 24% 32% 29% 48% Cuccinelli Vote Libertarian Robert 4% 4% 5% - 5% 4% 3% 2% 3% 3% 10% 3% - 6% 3% 7% 2% 5% 5% 6% Sarvis Will not vote for 1% 2% - 4% 1% 2% - 2% 2% - - 2% - 1% 2% 7% - - 1% 1% Governor Q3. In the election for Attorney General of Virginia, (did/will) you vote for (ROTATE: Democratic candidate Mark Herring or Republican candidate Mark Obenshain)? Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Vote Democrat Mark 69% 77% 61% 84% 64% 69% 70% 97% 60% 10% 82% 69% 65% 65% 74% 77% 73% 70% 69% 49% Herring Vote Republican Mark 29% 21% 38% 12% 35% 29% 29% 1% 38% 89% 18% 29% 34% 34% 24% 15% 26% 30% 29% 50% Obenshain Will not vote for 2% 2% *% 4% 1% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% - 2% 2% 1% 2% 7% 2% *% 2% 1% Attorney General Q4. In the election for Virginia House of Delegates, (did/will) you vote for (ROTATE: the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate) in your district? Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Vote Democrat 65% 72% 57% 81% 60% 63% 68% 95% 56% 4% 73% 65% 61% 61% 70% 72% 72% 63% 63% 43% Vote Republican 32% 23% 43% 15% 38% 33% 31% 1% 43% 96% 22% 32% 37% 38% 26% 14% 27% 36% 33% 54% Will not vote for 3% 4% - 4% 2% 4% 1% 3% 1% - 6% 2% 2% 1% 4% 14% 1% 1% 5% 3% Virginia House of Delegates Q5. Okay, which of the following three statements do you generally agree with the most: Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- To support the Democrat 37% 40% 36% 44% 35% 40% 34% 63% 24% 3% 34% 40% 43% 33% 43% 60% 37% 37% 38% 24% To support the 17% 13% 20% 5% 20% 12% 21% 1% 6% 74% 4% 18% 25% 18% 14% 7% 7% 21% 15% 28% Republican To support the (Latino/ 33% 36% 27% 45% 28% 32% 33% 31% 44% 8% 42% 34% 17% 29% 36% 28% 38% 31% 34% 28% Asian) community Other reason 11% 8% 14% 3% 14% 14% 9% 4% 21% 11% 15% 8% 13% 16% 7% 6% 16% 8% 12% 17% Don't know 2% 2% 3% 3% 2% 2% 3% 1% 4% 4% 5% 1% 2% 4% *% - 2% 2% 1% 3% Q6. Over the past few months, did anyone from a campaign, political party, or community organization ask you to vote, or register to vote? Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Yes 44% 44% 46% 31% 49% 35% 54% 49% 35% 42% 53% 43% 41% 56% 35% 26% 46% 50% 46% 43% No 55% 55% 53% 69% 50% 64% 45% 50% 64% 57% 47% 56% 57% 42% 65% 73% 54% 49% 54% 56% Don't know / Can't 1% 1% 1% - 1% *% 1% 1% 1% 1% - 1% 2% 2% - 2% *% 1% *% 1% remember Q7. Were you contacted by the Democrats, Republicans, both parties, or by representatives of community organizations? BASE = ASKED TO VOTE OR REGISTER TO VOTE Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Democrats 73% 72% 74% 47% 78% 67% 77% 71% 89% 52% 69% 73% 72% 82% 64% 51% 63% 81% 75% 77% Republicans 62% 60% 65% 39% 66% 65% 59% 49% 70% 78% 80% 54% 58% 63% 62% 34% 62% 63% 53% 75% Community Organizations 25% 26% 23% 33% 24% 26% 25% 23% 28% 25% 17% 30% 25% 22% 28% 43% 27% 22% 25% 25% Don't know 5% 8% 2% 17% 3% 5% 6% 7% 2% 1% - 7% 10% 6% 3% 5% 6% 4% 4% 4% Q8. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an independent, or something else? Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Republican 18% 15% 23% 5% 23% 16% 20% - - 100% 7% 20% 28% 16% 18% 7% 10% 24% 16% 31% Democrat 47% 52% 41% 66% 41% 44% 50% 100% - - 48% 49% 48% 42% 53% 63% 53% 42% 47% 22% Independent 27% 26% 30% 25% 28% 32% 23% - 100% - 37% 24% 20% 33% 24% 21% 33% 25% 30% 38% Other party 5% 5% 5% 2% 6% 7% 3% - - - 6% 6% 2% 7% 4% 7% 5% 6% 6% 8% Don't know 2% 3% 1% 2% 3% 1% 4% - - - 2% 2% 2% 3% 1% 3% - 2% 1% 2% Q9. Do you consider yourself to be a strong (Republican / Democrat) or not so strong? BASE = PARTISAN Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Strong partisan 76% 76% 75% 68% 79% 80% 73% 77% - 76% 75% 77% 79% 84% 72% 64% 87% 83% 75% 74% Not so strong partisan 22% 23% 22% 30% 19% 18% 25% 23% - 20% 25% 21% 19% 14% 26% 30% 13% 16% 23% 23% Don't know 2% 1% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% - 5% - 2% 2% 2% 2% 6% - 1% 2% 3% Q10. If you had to pick, do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican or Democratic Party? BASE = NON-PARTISAN Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Republican 31% 26% 39% 21% 33% 35% 24% - 30% - 31% 32% 27% 37% 24% 10% 40% 21% 27% 37% Democrat 39% 50% 27% 49% 37% 40% 39% - 46% - 32% 51% 33% 36% 46% 52% 27% 57% 43% 34% Neither 19% 7% 32% 19% 19% 20% 17% - 20% - 24% 12% 24% 21% 14% 17% 27% 17% 20% 22% Other party 3% 4% 1% - 3% 5% - - 1% - 8% - - 1% 5% 21% - - 4% 3% Don't know 8% 14% - 11% 8% - 20% - 5% - 4% 5% 16% 5% 10% - 6% 5% 6% 4% Q11. Thinking back over all the times you have voted, have you ever voted for a Republican in any local, state, or national election? Ever Forn US Span Eng 18to 40to Non 40K- Know Vote Latino Born Born Cond Cond Men Womn Dem Ind Rep 39 64 65+ Coll Coll <40K 80K >80K Undoc GOP ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- Yes 58% 52% 66% 36% 66% 61% 55% 27% 81% 97% 56% 57% 62% 69% 47% 34% 50% 67% 57% 100% No 38% 43% 32% 60% 30% 38% 37% 70% 14% 1% 42% 40% 33% 27% 49% 65% 45% 29% 39% - Don't know 4% 5% 2% 4% 4% 1% 7% 3% 5% 1% 2% 4% 5% 4% 4% 1% 5% 4% 3% - Q12.

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