THEVOICE for America’s Libraries ISSN 1084-4694 VOLUME 21, ISSUE 1 January 2020 United for Libraries Monthly Member Forums Advocates of All Ages: Recruiting honors in 2016. Emily Younger Trustees and Friends completed her MSLIS Madeline Jarvis is the while serving as Catho- Adult and Information lic University’s associate Services Manager at director of communica- IN THIS ISSUE the Marion (IA) Public tions. Previously, she Library. She and her was a senior associate President’s Message 2 team cultivate collec- with The Pew Chari- Emily Wagner News & Notes 3 tions, services, and table Trusts. Around ALA 4 partnerships to serve Madeline Jarvis the Marion community. National Library Week: “Find Your Framework for Foundations 6 She is passionate about identifying and Place at the Library” Tools for Trustees 8 eliminating barriers to resources for Staff from ALA’s Communication & Focus on Friends 10 her patrons; helping the library serve as Marketing Office coordinate National a catalyst for community development; Library Week, an annual celebration Friends on Campus 14 and finding the perfect slice of pizza. highlighting the valuable role libraries, State Friends Spotlight 15 librarians, and library workers play in Good Ideas from the Network 16 Tess Wilson is the Com- transforming lives and strengthening munity Engagement our communities. Corporate Sponsors & Board of Directors 23 Coordinator for the Books for Babies 24 National Network of The E’s of Libraries®: Education, Libraries of Medicine, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Middle Atlantic Region. Empowerment, and Engagement She earned a BA in PLA CONFERENCE Wed., April 8, 2 p.m. Eastern English from Washburn Tess Wilson Learn about sessions for Trustees, University, an MFA in Alan Fishel is a partner Friends, and Foundations at the creative writing from Chatham Univer- at the law firm of Ar- upcoming Public Library Association sity, and an MA in library and infor- ent Fox and leads the Conference in Nashville. mation science from the University of firm’s Communications page 3 Pittsburgh. & Technology group. He has represented FRIENDS EVENTS National Library Legislative Day: ALA on many matters, including at the Federal Get ideas from Friends groups How Trustees, Friends, and Alan Fishel across the country for your 2020 Foundations Can Get Involved Communications Com- mission with regard to National Friends of Libraries Week Emily Wagner is a deputy director the proceeding under which the FCC celebrations. of Advocacy Communications in the increased the size of the E-rate fund by page 18 ALA’s Advocacy and Public Policy more than $1 billion annually. Alan Office. She is a former ALA Chapter also serves on the United for Libraries SAVE THE DATES Councilor, representing the District of board, and he is the chair of the E’s Columbia Library Association, and a Check out ALA’s 2020 Congressional of Libraries® Task Force. In addition, past president of ALA’s student chapter and State Legislative Calendars for Alan frequently provides training on a at The Catholic University of America, information on conferences, advocacy variety of topics, including with respect opportunities, and more. which awarded Emily her M.S. in Li- page 20 brary and Information Science with continued on page 13 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 [email protected] 1 President’s Message Friends & Foundations: To merge, or not to merge? As a library ficiencies of time. Library staff typically public in such a way that people who fundraising con- need to attend all of the meetings of are not library insiders will understand sultant, the ques- Friends and Foundations. Having two the unique roles of Friends and Foun- tion I am most groups requires twice as much time dation? frequently asked from library staff. And two groups So merger may not be in your im- is: Should my need to recruit two sets of volunteer mediate future. But continue to nurture library’s Friends Board members and also file all of the the unique roles of each support group. group and Foun- necessary documents required by your And re-evaluate the possibility of merg- dation merge? The state to maintain nonprofit status. ing every few years. An organization’s answer is yes, no, But a merger obviously isn’t the viability and volunteer leadership can and maybe. Every Peter Pearson, United answer for every library. What would change quickly and may necessitate a library’s situa- for Libraries President be some of the reasons that merger fresh look at merger. Our Friends and tion is unique and would not be the best thing to do? The Foundations are valuable allies in help- deserves serious deliberation before a most obvious is the will of the two ing the library to meet the ever increas- decision is made to merge or continue groups. If one or both of the groups ing needs of the community. They de- to operate independently. is dead set against merging, it clearly serve our support and encouragement. So what are the advantages or will not work to force a merger. An- They are our local unsung heroes. benefits of merging the two groups? other reason not to merge is if the two There are several obvious advantages. groups have clearly defined roles and Probably the most compelling reason responsibilities, communicate well with The United for Libraries would be the level of support a merged each other and the community at large office will be closed group could provide to the library. You and work extremely well side by side. get the best of both worlds in a merged I’ve seen numerous communities where Monday, Feb. 17. group. You get a very dedicated group this is the case. If it’s not broken, don’t of volunteers combined with profes- fix it. Another reason not to merge is sional fundraising staff and influential if one of the organizations has a bad Board members who together can max- reputation in the community. Merg- imize the level of support to the library. ing a well-run organization with one The merged group can raise money that has a bad reputation will probably through used book sales as well as rais- bring down the reputation of the better ing money annually from individuals, organization. In these cases, it makes foundations and corporations. more sense for the library to give lots Just as important is the lack of of support to the well-run organization confusion in the general public. Many in hopes that the other will atrophy The Voice for America’s Libraries is people who aren’t intimately involved over time. And this often happens. published by United for Libraries: in the library have a difficult time dis- More important than merging is The Association of Library Trustees, tinguishing between the Friends and creating the atmosphere where all li- Advocates, Friends and Foundations, the Foundation. When this happens, brary support organizations can thrive. a division of the American Library those individuals are disinclined to sup- This means setting up the proper com- Association (ALA). port either group. If you decide to en- munication channels for all groups. Do gage in political advocacy at the local they have ex-officio members who sit For membership information, call level, a merged Friends and Foundation on each other’s Boards for communica- (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161, email may be ideal for your advocacy efforts. tion? Do they at least annually have [email protected], or visit www.ala.org/ Many of the Friends members know a joint meeting of both groups? Is the united. their elected officials on a grassroots library director clear with each group basis. Combining their relationships what she or he expects from them Send editorial contributions, articles, with the elected officials with the pres- in the way of support and activities? newsletters and news releases ence of some of the Foundation’s well- Does each group’s Board Chair meet attention The Voice to [email protected]. known corporate Board members is a regularly with the library director to winning combination of influence over keep channels of communication open? The Voice is a copyrighted publication elected officials. Does each group communicate with its and cannot be photocopied and And then there is the issue of ef- members and donors and the general distributed. 2 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 [email protected] News & Notes United for Libraries at the Public Library Association Conference Upcoming events PLA 2020 Conference The Public Library Association Coordina- Feb. 25-29, 2020 Conference will be held Feb. 25-29, tor, Nation- Nashville, Tenn. 2020, in Nashville, Tenn. Offered bien- al Network www.placonference.org nially, the PLA Conference is the pre- of Libraries mier event for public libraries, drawing of Medicine National Library Week thousands of librarians, library support – Middle April 19-25, 2020 staff, Trustees, Friends, and library Atlantic Re- www.ala.org/nlw vendors from across the country and gion; Lina Library Giving Day around the world. This multi-day event Bertinelli, April 23, 2020 offers over 120 top-quality education Workforce http://librarygivingday.org programs, inspirational and entertaining Librarian, Enoch Pratt Free Library speakers, social events that include au- and Maryland State Library Resource Preservation Week thor luncheons and networking recep- Center; Kathy Kosinski, Califa April 26 – May 2, 2020 tions, and a bustling exhibits hall featur- www.ala.org/preservationweek Other sessions of interest to Trustees, ing the latest in products and services. National Library Legislative Day Friends, and Foundations: The PLA Conference is presented by Washington, D.C. the Public Library Association (PLA), Uniting Library Patrons, Staff, Donors, May 4-5, 2020 the largest association dedicated to sup- and Advocates for Library Giving Day www.ala.org/advocacy/nlld porting the unique and evolving needs Fri., Feb.
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