88 169. INFANTERIE-DIVISION - UNIT HISTORY DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1939/11/28 Kassel, Wehrkreis IX Activation, formation, training Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. IX, 1939/11/29-1940/04/30 (source: Potsdam catalog) C.O.: Gen.Maj. Heinrich Kirchheim, 1939/12/01-1941/02/20 1940/04/08 Darmstadt, Wehrkreis XII Movement 1940/04/30 Virton, Belgium Transfer Subordinate to: AOK 2 and 16, 1940/04/30-1940/05/30 (source: situation maps Lage West) 1940/05/30 Meuse and Moselle Rivers, Movement, defensive operations Maginot Line, France 1940/06/12 Maginot Line, Penetration, AK 36 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/06/12-1940/06/26 Margut, Montmedy, Verdun pursuit attack 1940/06/17 Metz Capture, occupation 1940/06/27 Moselle and Meurthe-et-Moselle Movements, occupation duty, training AK 31 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/06/27-1940/06/30 Departments AK 36 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/07/01-1940/08/24 AK 45 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/08/24-1940/09/11 1940/10/11 Meuse, Meurthe-et-Moselle, and Movements, occupation duty, training AK 25, 1940/09/12-1940/12/10 Vosges Departments AK 60 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/12/10-1941/02/15 1941/01/21 Meurthe-et-Moselle Occupation duty, training 1941/02/16 Nancy, Erfurt, Eisenach, Transfer, billeting, training AK 47 mot, 1941/02/16-1941/05/29 Bad Salzungen, Creuzburg C.O.: Gen.Lt. Kurt Dittmar, 1941/02/20-1941/10/11 '^941/05/21 Erfurt, Stettin Trans fer Subordinate to: AK 36 Hoeh.Kdo., 1941/06/01-1941/06/14 1941/06/08 Stettin, Embarkation, movement, Tornio, Kemi, Vaasa, Kasko, debarkation, Rovaniemi, Finland detraining 1941/06/16 Kemijaervi, Savukoski, Sodankylae Movements, assembly AK 36, 1941/06/15-1941/11/26 AK 36 Geb, 1941/11/27-1943/06/30 1941/06/30 Kuolayarvi (Salla), Russia Attack and capture 1941/07/10 Alakurtti Offensive operations, capture www.maparchive.ru DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 89 1941/08/31 Voyta (river and mountains) Advance, position defense C.O.: Gen.Lt. Hermann Tittel, 1941/10/11-1943/06/22 Verman (city, river, and lake) 1942/01/01 Verman front, Tumcha, Kuolayarvi Defensive operations, withdrawal 1942/02/03 Verman front, Lakes Verman and Return, defensive, assault troop, Sukhodolskoye and reconnaissance operations 1943/01/01 Verman sector Position defense, reconnaissance and assault troop operations Records of the 169.ID are reproduced on rolls 1493-1515 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history. Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/06/30 were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Finnland, Norwegen, and Ost and the general officer personnel files show: 1943/07/01 Verman sector Position defense C.O.: Gen.Lt. Georg Radziej, 1943/06/22-1944/09/01 1944/10/02 Savukoski, Ivalo, Finland Withdrawal, defensive engagements 1944/10/14 Karasjok, Porsang Fjord, Norway Withdrawal 1944/12/02 Narvik Movement 1945/01/04 Mosjoen Movement, security 1945/03/01 Oslo Movement 1945/03/20 Frankfurt/a.O., Germany Transfer, defensive engagements 1945/04/25 Luckenwalde Probably destroyed Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 169.ID as follows: Finland: MS C-073 (The Last Finnish War 1941-44) by Gen.d.Inf. Dr. Waldemar Erfurth MS P-060m (Small Unit Tactics - Combats in Taiga and Tundra) by Obstlt. Klaus Brockelmann and Obstlt. Hans Roschmann. www.maparchive.ru 90 169. INFANTERIE-DIVISION CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST FRAME la, Anlagenband 3 zum KTB (Bruchstueck) . Daily 1940/06/12-1940/06/15 169.ID 8370/4a 1493 1 reports, messages, and orders concerning offensive engagements during the advance from Margut to Verdun via Montlibert and Montmedy (damaged by fire). (There is no indication that the KTB and Anlagen, 28 Nov 1939-24 Jun 1940, record items 8370/1-3 and 5 as listed in the Potsdam catalog, were ever in the custody of the National Archives.) la, Anlagenband zum TB, Reports concerning the 1940/06/27-1940/10/11 169.ID 17664/1 1493 152 formation and training of the 169.ID in Wehrkreis IX, 28 Nov 1939-30 Apr 1940, transfer to the western front and assembly in the AOK 2 and AGK 16 sectors, 30 Apr-30 May; combat from fortified positions between the Meuse and Moselle Rivers across from the Magioot Line, 30 May-12 Jun, penetration of the Maginot Line between Montmedy and Longuyon and the capture of Montmedy, 13-14 Jun, pursuit attack to Verdun, 15-16 Jun, and capture and occupation of the city and fortification of Metz, 17-26 Jun 1940. Movements, billeting, training, and occupation duty in the Moselle and Meurthe-et-Moselle Departments after the cease fire in France. Casualty and status reports. la, Anlagenband zum TB, Daily reports, messages, 1940/10/11-1941/01/20 169.ID 17664/2 1493 377 orders, and directives pertaining to training, movements, and occupation duty in the Meuse, Meurthe-et-Moselle, and Vosges Departments; status reports, la, Anlagenband zum TB. Orders, directives, reports, 1941/01/21-1941/04/07 169.ID 17664/3 1493 667 and surveys pertaining to training and occupation duty in the Meurthe-et-Moselle Department, transfer from Nancy to Erfurt, 16 Feb, and training and billeting in the Eisenach, Bad Salzungen, and Creuzburg areas, la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, and 1941/07/05-1941/07/16 169.ID 17664/13 1493 721 www.maparchive.ru 169. INFANTERIE-DIVISION 91 CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO, ROLL 1ST FRAME messages on the tactical situation; report on the capture of Kuolayarvi (Salla), strategically important in providing access to the Shite Sea. la, Anlagenbahd zum TB, Orders, directives, reports, 1 94 1 /04 /O 5- 19 41 /O5/2 9 169.ID 17664/4 1493 919 and surveys pertaining to the transfer of the division's advance echelon from Meiningen, Thuringia, to Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 10-14 Apr, and back again to Bad Salzungen, 16-20 Apr; training and maneuvers in Wehrkreis IX; transfer from Erfurt to Stettin, 21-25 May; and billeting. la, Anlagenband zum TB, Ausbildung. 1940/T/1 8-1941/03/1 1 169.ID 17664/5 1494 1 la, Anlagenband zum TB, Kriegsgliederungen. 1 940/07/07- 194 1/0 3/1 5 169.ID 17664/9 1494 123 la, Anlagenband A-N zum KTB 2. Orders and instructions 1941/04/25-1941/05/30 169.ID 17664/10 1494 148 relating to preparations for movement of the division in stages to northern Finland and Karelia to participate in Onternehmen Silberfuchs (invasion of Russia from Finland). la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2. Orders, directives, 1941/05/29-1941/06/26 169,ID 17664/11 1494 198 surveys, and overlays pertaining to preparations for transport to Finland; the transfer from Stettin to Kovaniemi via the ports of Tornio, Kemi, Vaasa, and Kasko; movement to and assembly in the Kemijaervi, Savukoski, and Sodankylae areas; and repairing roads and bridges in Finland. la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, and 1941/06/26-1941/07/05 169.ID 17664/12 1494 421 directives on the advance into enemy territory toward Kuolayarvi (Salla), the objective being the Kandalaksha area. la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesberichte. 1941/07/16-1941/07/26 169.ID 17664/14 1494 1031 la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesmeldungen. 1941/07/26-1941/08/04 169.ID 17664/15 1495 1 la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesmeldungen. 1941/08/04-1941/08/13 169.ID 17664/16 1495 267 la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesmeldungen. 1941/08/13-1941/08/22 169.ID 17664/17 1495 538 la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle, Tagesmeldungen und 1941/08/22-1941/08/27 169.ID 17664/18 1495 789 Ausbildungsanweisungen. www.maparchive.ru 92 169. INFANTERIE-DIVISION CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. BOLL 1ST FRAHE la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2. Orders and reports 1941/08/28-1941/09/07 169.ID 17664/19 1496 1 concerning the capture of Alakurtti and the adv .ace to the Voyta River sector and the Verman and Voyta Mountains area. Order of the day by AOK Norwegen citing AK 36 and the division for victory over Russian units. la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle and Tagesmeldungen. 1941/09/07-1941/09/10 169.ID 17664/20 1496 318 la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesmeldungen. 1941/09/10-1941/09/15 169.ID 17664/21 1496 573 la, Aniagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesmeldungen. 1941/09/15-1941/10/03 169.ID 17664/22 1496 870 la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2. Orders and reports on 1941/10/03-1941/10/12 169.ID 17664/23 1497 1 position defense in the Verman and Voyta Mountains area and the Voyta River sector. la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle, Tagesmeldungen und 1941/10/13-1941/10/19 169.ID 17664/24 1497 263 Ausbildungsanveisungen. la, Anlagenband zuei KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesmeldungen. 1941/10/19-1941/10/26 169.ID 17664/25 1497 518 la, Anlagenband zura KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesmeldungen. 1941/10/27-1941/11/06 169.ID 17664/26 1498 1 la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle und Tagesmeldungen. 1941/11/06-1941/11/11 169.ID 17664/27 1498 323 la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle, Tagesmeldungen und 1941/11/21-1941/12/10 169. ID 17664/28 1498 61 1 Uinterausbildung. la, Anlagenband zum KTB 2, Befehle, Tagesieldungen und 1941/12/10-1941/12/25 169.ID 17664/29 1498 889 Winter a us bi Idling.
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