6. On the Early Ordavieian of Sweden Stratigraphy and Fauna By Torsten E. Tjernvik Contents Page Abstract ..... III Abbreviations I I I Acknowledgments . I I I l. Stratigraphy II2 lntroduction . II2 The sections in Västergötland (Vestergötland, Vestrogothia) II4 Storeklev ....... I I4 Mossebo ....... u8 Stenbrottet (Orreholmen) . I21 Stora Stolan 125 Skultorp ....... I28 Oltorp ........ !28 The sections in Närke (Nerike) I30 Latorp . I30 Lanna . I33 Yxhult . I37 Örs ta 138 Gymninge I38 The graptolite shales of the Billingen group in Västergötland I39 Stora Backor . I39 . Hällekis .................... I41 The early Ordovician rocks in other Palaeozoic districts of Sweden I43 Skåne (Scania) 143 Öland .... I45 Ottenby .. 145 Köpings Klint . I49 Äleklinta .. !52 Horns Udde !53 Böda Hamn I 54 Småland ... I 55 Lake Humeln . r ss Östergötland . I 56 Västanå (Borensberg, Husbyfjöl) . 157 Knivinge .......... I 59 Bull. of Geol. Vol. XXXVI 8-553271 108 TORSTEN E. TJERNVIK Page South Bothnian District (North Baltic District) I6o Gävle Bay . I6I Brämön and Gran I63 Dalarna I64 Sjurberg . I65 Halen . I67 Jämtland (Jemtland) I68 Tassåsen . I68 Kloxåsen . I69 Brunfto . I7I Andersön . I7I Klösta . I75 Risselåsen I75 Vedjeön . I75 Silj eåsen . I76 Abborrfallet. 176 Lappland . I 76 Stratigraphical summary I 77 earrelations proposed with beds in Great Britain, Norway, and the East Baltic I8z Great Britain . I 8z Norway I83 The East Baltic I 84 earrelation table . I85 II. Fauna. Description of species I 86 Brachiopoda . I 86 F am. Billingsellidae W ALCOTT & SCHUCHERT . I 86 Apheoorthis? suecica n. s p. 186 Fam. Orthidae WooDWARD . I87 Nanor this? billingensis n. s p. I 87 Productorthis? sp. I88 Trilobita . I88 I 88 F am. Agnostidae M eoy . Geragnastus sidenbladhi' (LINNARSSON) . I88 G. erassus n. sp. I90 G. sp. aff. erassus I9I G. lepidus n.sp. I9I G. wimani n.sp. I9Z Geragnas tus? explanatus n. s p. I93 G.? toernquisti (HOLM) I94 G.? sp. no. I I94 G.? sp. no. z . I94 Trinodus mobergi n. sp. I 95 T. elliptifrons n. s p. I96 Leiagnostus peltatus n. s p. I97 Fam. Bathyuridae WALCOTT . I97 Agerina n.gen. 197 A. erratica n. s p. I 98 A. praematura n. s p. zoo Fam. Olenidae BuRMEISTER zoo Parabolinella sp. zoo ON THE EARL Y ORDOVICIAN OF SWEDEN I 09 Page Parabolinella ? sp. no. I 20I P. ? sp. no. 2 20I Triarthrus sp. 201 Saltaspis viatar n. s p .. 201 S. sp ....... 2 03 Fam. Remopleurididae HAWLE & CoRDA 203 Remopleuridiella sp. no. I . 203 R. sp. no. 2 ......... 204 F am. Kainellidae ULRICH REsSER . 204 & Apatokephalus serratus (BOECK) 204 A. sp .......... 206 Menoparia? nericiensis n. s p. 206 Fam. Nileidae ANGELIN . 208 Nileus armadilla (DALMAN) 208 N. limbatus BRöGGER . 208 N. exarrnatus n. s p .. 209 N. orbiculatus n. s p. 210 Nileus? sp. 211 Symphysurus (Symph.) angustatus (SARS & BoECK) 21 I S. sp .......... 212 F am. Asaphidae BURMEISTER . 212 Varvia n. gen . .... 212 V. breviceps (ANGELIN) 213 V. falensis n. s p. 214 V. longicauda n. s p. 215 Symphysurina? oriens (MoBERG & SEGERBERG) 217 S. ? perseverans n. sp. 218 Platyp eltoides serus n. s p. 219 Lapidaria n. gen. 22 0 L. tenella n. s p. 22 1 L. rugosa n.sp. 222 Niobe insignis LINNARSSON . 22 4 N. incerta n. s p. 225 N. emarginula ANGELIN . 226 Niobella obsoleta (LINNARSSON) . 229 N. sp. aff. obsoleta no. I 230 N. sp. aff. obsoleta no. 2 23 1 N. bohlini n. sp. 231 N. imparilimbata (BOHLIN). 232 N. sp. aff. imparilimbata 233 N. laeviceps (DALMAN) . 233 Niobina sp .. ..... 23 4 Plesiomegalaspis (Plesiomeg.) planilimbata (ANGELIN) . 235 P. (P.) estonica n. s p .. 238 P. (P.) sp. aff. estonica 239 P. (P.) norvegica n.sp. 24 0 P. (P.) scutata n. s p. 24 1 Plesiomegalaspis (Ekeraspis) n. subgen . 242 P. (E.) armata n.sp .... 242 P. (E.) heroides (BRÖGGER) . 244 • 110 TORSTEN E. TJERNVIK Plesiomegalaspis? spp. no. and I 2 P. ? sp. no. 3 Megistaspis }AANUSSON. Megalaspides (Megalaspides) dalecarlicus (HoLM) M. (M.) sp. aff. dalecarlicus . M. (M.) paliformis n.sp. Megalaspides (Lannacus) n. subgen. M. (L.) nericiensis WrMAN. Promegalaspides (Borogothus) n.subgen. P. (B.) stenorhachis (ANGELIN) . P. (B.) intactus (MOBERG SEGERBERG) & P. (B.) sp ..... Hunnebergia n. gen .. H. retusa n. s p. Asaphus sp.. ... Genus and species indet. Fam. Cyclopygidae RAYMOND Cyclopyge latifrons n. s p. C. gallica n.sp. Fam. Styginidae VoGDES... .. Bronteopsis? toernquisti (MoBERG SEGERBERG). & Raymondaspis brevicauda n.sp . R. infundibularis n. s p. R. sp. no. I ........ R. sp. no. 2 ........ Fam. Illaenidae HAWLE CoRDA. & Dysplanus? sp. no. I D.? sp. no. 2 ......•. Illaenus? sp. Fam. Odontopleuridae. BuRMEISTER. Odontopleurid trilobite . Fam. Glaphuridae HuPE Glaphurina? insolita n. s p. Fam. Pliomeridae RAYMOND . "Protopliomerops" spp. Pliornerops spp. Fam. Cheiruridae CoRDA . Cyrtometopus priscus n.sp. Sp haerexochus? sp .. Fam. Harpididae HUPE . Harpides spp. Fam. Harpidae HAWLE . CORDA.. & Selenoharpes spp. Fam. Orometopidae HuPE ... Orometapus grypas n. s p. Fam. Rhaphiophoridae ANGELIN Ampyx pater HoLM A. cf. pater . A. obtusus MoBERG SEGERBERG & Lonehodarnas sp. ON THE EARL Y ORDOVICIAN OF SWEDEN III Page Fam. Selenecemidae WHITTINGTON Falanaspis n.gen. F. aliena n. s p. Fam. uncertain . Euloma laeve ANGELIN. E. ornatum ANGELIN E. sp. no. r .... E. sp. no. 2 .... Vertical distribution of brachiapad. and trilobite species References . Explanation of Plates . ABSTRACT.-The paper deals with the stratigraphy and faunas of the upper Tremadocian and the lower Arenigian rocks of Sweden. Sections through these rocks from most of the Palaeozoic districts of the country are described and figured. The Iimestones examined are subdivided into trilobite zones, and an attempt is made to correlate some of these zones with the graptolite zones of the Arenigian Lower Didymograptus shale. Correlations are also pro­ posed with the early Ordavieian beds of Great Britain, Norway, and the East Baltic. A number of new trilobite genera and species are described, and several old species, im­ perfectly known, are revised. ABBREVIATIONs.-The following abbreviations denote the collections m which the specimens dealt with in the paper are housed: LP Palaeontological Institution of Lund. OPM Palaeontological Museum of Oslo. PU Palaeontological Institution of U p p sala. RM Riksmuseum (State Museum of Nat. History), Stockholm. SGU Sveriges Geologiska Undersöknings Museum (Geol. Survey Museum), Stockholm. Acknow ledgments In r 949 the late Dr. E. WARBURG, at that time in charge of the Palaeontological Institution of Uppsala, made it possible for me to start an examination of the Ordovician Planilimbata limestone and its fauna. Until her retirement in 1950 she facilitated my work in many ways, for which assistance I shall always keep her in grateful memory. During the following years I have had the advantage to contirrue my in­ vestigations under the guidance of Professor P. THORSLUND, who has given unsparingly of his time and energy in support of the continuation and comple­ tion of the present work. To him I wish to tender my most grateful thanks for his inspiring teaching, his advice and criticism, and for his great personal kindness. Furthermore, I beg to avail myself of this opportunity to express my indeb­ tedness to Dr. B. BoHLIN and Dr. V. }AANUSSON of Uppsala for their valuable 112 TORSTEN E. TJERNVIK suggestions in connection with the examination of the fossil faunas dealt with in this paper. By the courtesy of the late Professor G. TROEDSSON and of Dr. J. E. HEDE of the University of Lund I was allowed to study Professor J. C. MoBERG's collections from the Ceratopyge limestone of Skåne and Öland. Professor E. STENSIÖ generously permitted access to the material kept in the Riksmuseum of Stockholm. Dr. F. BROTZEN kindly allowed me to study the trilobites preserved in the Museum of Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning. The Faculty of Science of the University of Uppsala has supported my field work by several grants. The major part of the costs of publication have been defrayed by Naturvetenskapliga Forskningsrådet (Swedish Natural Science Research Council) and by Längmanska Kulturfonden. For these grants I am greatly indebted. Special thanks are due to Professor O. ZDANSKY of Uppsala for his revision of the language of the manuscript. I also wish to acknowledge my obligation to Mr. N. HJORTH who prepared the photographs published in this paper, and to Mr. E. STÅHL who skillfully drew the text-figures. To Mrss. E. EKLIND, M. LINDELL, and I. THOMASSON, members of the staff of the Palaeontological Institution of Uppsala, I am deeply grateful for their patient work on the type­ writing of the manuscript, the preparation of the fossils, and the drawing of the maps of the paper. Palaeontological Institution of the University of Uppsala, January 1956. T. Tjernvik I. STRATIGRAPHY In troducdon This paper contains the results of the author's investigations on some of the early Ordavieian rocks of Sweden. The field work has been carried out mainly during the last six years when the author has had the opportunity of studying a fairly large number of seetians in different parts of Sweden. Schematically the stratigraphical classification and earrelation of the Ordo­ vician beds discussed is the following: Limhata limestone Lo wer Arenigian Planilimbata limestone Didymograptus shale Ceratopyge limestone Ceratopyge shale Tremadocian Dictyonema shale Cambrian ON THE EARL Y ORDOVICIAN OF SWEDEN 113_ The Tremadocian rocks are well known, and are subdivided into trilobite or graptolite zones. The stratigraphy of the Lower Didymograptus shale is on the whole made clear. The aim of the investigation has been a wider knowledge of the hitherto rather neglected early Arenigian limestones of Sweden. The main part of the paper is therefore devoted to the Planilimbata limestone, to its stratigraphy, fauna, and its relation to the Tremadocian beds. The investigated limestones have been subdivided into trilobite zones, and an attempt is made to correlate these zones with the graptolite zones of the Lower Didymograptus shale.
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