DIBEOTOBY.] NORTHAMP'rONSHIRE. WELLINGBOBOUGB. 881 COUNTY MAGISTRATES. Assistant Clerk, Hugh Willan Ja.ckson, Oxford street, For Wellingborough Petty Sessional Division. W ellingborough Sharman Nathaniel Pearce esq . .Swanspool thouse, Wel­ Treasurer, Thos. Harrison, Union Bank, Wellingborough lingborough, chairman ldedical Officer of Health, Frederic Henry Morris M.D. Vaux of Harrowden Lord D.L. Harrowden hall, Welling- 61 Oxford street, Wellingborough borough Highway Surveyor, George Freder:ck Bearn, Commer­ .Allebone .Abra:bam esq. Earls Barton, Northampton cial place, Wellingborough Bailey Albt. Hen"Son esq. Woodfi.eld,Finedon,Wellingboro' Sanitary Inspector, George Bayes, Rushden Browning Edward Campbell esq. Rushden ho. RuS"hden Claridge John esq. Wellingborough road, Rushden PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Clark William Wake M.D. Silver street, Wellingboro' Cattle Market, George Cowper, toll collector Crew John esq. Manor house, Higham Ferrers Cemetery, London road, John Thomas Parker, Church Hawthorne John Thomas esq. Obelisk house, Finedon, street, clerk; William Douglas, keeper W ellingborough New Cemetery, Doddington road, John Thomas Parker, Hill Col. Joseph C.B., D.L. Wollaston hall, Wellingboro' Church street, clerk; William Bushy, caretaker Knight Fred esq. The Old rectory, Rushden Corn Exchange Company, Silver street, James W. Nunneley Edward Miall esq.3 Harrowden rd.Wellingboro' Bellamy, sec Parker Owen esq. Ivy house, Higham Ferrers Cottage Hospital, Doddington road, William Ed. And­ Parsons Edward esq. The Cottage, Irchester land M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. William W. Clark Payne Robert Ponton esq. Nene View house, Irthling­ M.D. Harry Hollis M.D., W. I. Watson M.B. Frederic borough, Wellingborough Morris M.D. & Reginald P. Richardson M.R.C.S.Eng. Praed Bulk.ley Campbell esq. The Brewery house, medical officers; W. B. Thompson L.D.S. !hon. Wellingborough dentist; Miss Lizzie Taylor, matron Robb William Wood esq. 1\<I.B. The Limes, Irthlingboro' County Court Office, Church st. His Honor Sir Thomas Sharman Edward, Croyland Abbey, Wellingborough William Snagge M.A., LL.D. judge; James Hey­ Stockdale Henry Minshull esq. D.L. Mears Ashby hall, gate, registrar & high bailiff; the court is held Northampton monthly in the Police Court, Midland road; the dis­ Stockdale Major Henry Minshull, Elm bank, Northamp­ trict comprises the following places: Bozeat, Ditch­ ton road, Kettering ford, Great Doddington, Ecton, Earls Barton, Easton Woolston Chas.Jsph. Keep esq.Croyland hall,Wellingboro' Maudit, Farndish (Beds), Finedon or Thingdon, Gran­ don, Gre-at Harrowden, Little Harrowden, Hardwick, In addition to the above, the ex-officio magistrates are as Higham Ferrers, Higham Park, Hinwick (Beds), Irth­ follows : The Mayor of Higham Ferrers, l!he chairmen lingborough, Irchester, Isham, Knuston, Mears Ashby, of Finedon, Rushden, Irthlingborough & Welling­ 'Newton Bromshold, Orlingbury, Poddingt<{)n (Beds), borough Urban District Councils & the chairman of Rushden, Sywell, Sywell Lodge, Strixton, W ollaston, Wellingborough Rural District Council, all for the time Wymington (Beds), W9llingborough, Wilby being For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that Clerk to the Magistrates, WiHiam Hirst Simpson of Northampton; A. Ewen, 6 '.[lhe Parade, Northamp­ B.A. Market "Square ton, official receiver Petty Sessions are held at the Police Station, Midland Certified Bailiffs appointed under the " Law of Distress road, every friday at ro.go a.m. & on other days in Amendment Act": John Pendered, Market square; the week when required James John Coulbeck, Market square; George The places irr the division are :-Addington (Little), Frederick Bearn, Market square; William Gillitt, Bozeat, Chelveston, Doddington (Great), Earls Barton, Market square; Joseph Pendered, Market square; Easton Maudit, Ecton, Finedon, Grendon, Hardwick, Augustus H. C. Palmer, Market square; Frederic W. Harrowden (Great), Harrowden (Little), Higham Park, Marriott, Market square; Arthur H. Leaberry, Mar­ Irchester, Irthlingborough, Isham, Mears Ashby, New­ ket square; George Bayes, Rushden & John S. Mason, ton Bromshold, Orlingbury, Rushden, Stanwick, Strix­ Rush den ton, Sywell, Wellingborough, Wilby & Wollaston County Police Station, Midland road, Alfred Onam, superintendent; George Robinson, inspector ; two ser­ geants & ten constables URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Customs & Excise Office, Post_ Office buildings, Midland Offices, Church street. road, '.[lhomas Charles Davies, supervisor ; Ada.m Reid & Seelig Cohen, officers Meets every alternate tuesday at 7 p.m. Exchange Hall, Ja.mes W. Bellamy, sec. Market square Chairman, Hedger Edwards. Fire Engine Station, Church st. E. W. Jackson, supt Vice-Chairman, William Septimns Gilbert. Free Library & Reading Room, High street; John C. Members. Parker, sec Masonic Hall, Mill road, Arthur Bond, sec All retire in April, rgu. Eastern Ward. TERRITORIAL FORCE. Albert William Gent William Shelford 4th Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment (E Co.), Wm. Septimus Gilbert Frederick Wyldes Drill !hall, Great Park street; Capt. & Hon. Major William Saddington C. P. Watkin; Oolor-Sergt. James Wadsworth, drill Northern Ward. instructor Arthur Harold Kilborn IEdwd. Miall Nunneley J.P Isaac Ebenezer Lack William Sharman OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS. Southern Warcl. Wellingborough :SChool Contingent, F. J. Mules, Clarke Booth Curtis John Melfort Sharman captain; J. Pinches & C. H. Oxland, lieutenants ; George Henson . Frank Trevythan Trenery Col.-Sergt. James Wadsworth, drill instructor George Lawrence Western Ward. WELLINGBOROUGH Ul\J:ON. Edward Rowledge Ball Bulkley Campbell Mack- Board day, alternate weds. at the Workhouse at 10.30 a.m. Hedger Edwa.rds worth Lodge Praed J.P Wellingborough union comprises the following places:­ John Henry York Bozeat, Doddingtori (Great), Earls Barton, Easton Mau­ Officials. dit, Ecton, Finedon, Grendon, Hardwick, Harrowden Clerk, John Thomas Parker, Church street (Great), Harrowden (Little), Higham Ferrers, Higham Treasurer, Thos. Harrison,Northamptonshire Union Bank Park, Irchester, Irthlingborough, Isham, Mears Ashby, Medical Officer of Health, William Wake Clark M.D. 24 Newton Bromshold, Orlingbury, Podington (Beds), Silver street Rushden, Strixton, Sywell, Wellingborough, 'Wilby, Surveyor, E. Young Harrison, Market square · Wollaston & Wymington (Beds). The population of Collector, George Cowper, Market square the union in rgor was 56,042; area., 53,337 acres; Sanitary Inspector, William Ewart Hall, Market square rateable value in March, rgro, £248,648 Farm Manager, William Hackney Chairman of the Board of Guardians, George Parsons Clerk to Guardians & Assessment Committee, T. J. Morgan, Silver street WELLINGBOROUGH RUR.AiL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Treasurer, Thos. Harrison, Union Bank, Wellingborough Medrical Officers, Earls Barton district, John Knowler Meets at the Workhouse every 4th wednesday at u a.m. Hyde M.R.C.S.Eng. Earls Barton; Higham Ferrers Chairman, James Brown esq. Earls Barton, N<>rthampton district, Dudley George Greenfield M.D., F.R.C.S. Clerk, Willan Jackson, Oxford street, Wellingborough Eng. Rushden; Irthlingborough district, William • .
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