Lot# Gun Description # 1 - 1 A.H. Fox Sterlingworth 16ga # 1 - 2 A.H. Fox Sterlingworth 12ga # 1 - 3 Parker Bros VH 12ga w/second set 12ga # 1 - 4 Parker Bros VH 20ga # 1 - 5 Parker Bros VH 16ga # 1 - 6 Parker Bros VH 12ga w/second set 12ga # 1 - 7 Parker Bros Trojan 20ga # 1 - 8 Parker Bros GHE 12ga (damascus barrel) # 1 - 9 Parker Bros Trojan 16ga # 1 - 10 Parker Bros PH grade 12ga (twist barrel) # 1 - 11 Parker Bros VH 12ga # 1 - 12 Antique Parker Bros DH grade 12ga (damascus barrell) # 1 - 13 Erdmann Anschutz 16ga (Kroppsteel chambers) # 1 - 14 Winchester Mod 1894 .30WCF # 1 - 15 Winchester Mod 54 .30-06 rifle Lyman receiver sight # 1 - 16 Winchester Mod 57 .22 Bolt Action # 1 - 17 Winchester Mod 74 .22 tube feed semi-auto # 1 - 18 Winchester Mod 59 .22 Bolt Action # 1 - 19 Winchester Mod 94 .30-30 Carbine Pre-64 # 1 - 20 Winchester Mod 64 .32 Special Pre-64 Winchester Mod 75 .22 Target Rifle w/J.W. 25" vintage target scope in micrometer mounts & vintage # 1 - 21 sling # 1 - 22 Winchester Mod 1897 12ga # 1 - 23 Winchester Mod 12 12ga mod choke # 1 - 24 Winchester Mod 70 30-06 # 1 - 25 Winchester Mod 1 Super X 12ga modified choke # 1 - 26 T.Barker SxS hammergun for .44 shot cartridges (not for any .410 shells) # 1 - 27 Ranger SxS .410 shotgun # 1 - 28 Stevens SxS .410 shotgun # 1 - 29 Stevens Mod 22-410 o/u (glued stock) # 1 - 30 Westernfield .410 # 1 - 31 Harrington & Richardson .410 # 1 - 32 Harrington & Richardson .410/.44 SxS hammergun # 1 - 33 New England Firearms .410 Single # 1 - 34 Franchi o/u 12ga Mod 451 (Bill Jordan collection w/book & photo) # 1 - 35 Ranger o/u 16ga Mod 103-11 # 1 - 36 French ? SxS 16ga circa 1900 # 1 - 37 Remington Mod 141 Gamemaster .30 Rem # 1 - 38 Remington Mod 700 .22-250 Burris 6x scope # 1 - 39 Remington Mod .722 .222 Rem # 1 - 40 Remington Mod .41 Target Master .22LR # 1 - 41 Savage Mod 99 .30-30 take down # 1 - 42 Savage Mod 1903 .22LR pump # 1 - 43 Savage Arms Mod Springfield 745B 12ga # 1 - 44 Remington Mod 700 .270 Win # 1 - 45 Remington Mod 798 .375 H&H # 1 - 46 Remington Mod 700 7mm Rem Mag Page 1 1st Gun Auction List .xlsx # 1 - 47 Remington Mod 700 .243 Win # 1 - 48 Remington Mod 700 7mm-08 Burris 2x-7x # 1 - 49 Remington Mod 722 .244 Rem Weaver 2.5-8x # 1 - 50 Marlin Mod 1893 .32-40 # 1 - 51 Remington Brownings Patent 12ga semi-auto shotgun (2 barrell set w/matching numbers) # 1 - 52 German .22 single shot, set triggers # 1 - 53 German centerfire single shot, set triggers # 1 - 54 Stevens Mod .53 .22LR single shot # 1 - 55 Mauser bolt action custom, Burris 3x-9x .35 Whelen (per Dale Powers) # 1 - 56 Unmarked 12ga single shot # 1 - 57 Mauser bolt action custom, Redfield base & rings receiver marked GECADO, SUHL 6.5mm bore # 1 - 58 F. Stampfli Mauser .30-06 custom bolt action Leupold 3x-9x scope # 1 - 59 Volunteer 12ga single shot # 1 - 60 Forehand Arms Co 12ga single shot # 1 - 61 DPMS Oracle .223 semi-auto # 1 - 62 CZ Mod 584 12ga 7x57R # 1 - 63 Remington Mod 722 cal .300 Sav # 1 - 64 New England Firemarms 12ga single shot # 1 - 65 Browning BPS 12ga # 1 - 66 Thompson/Center Icon .243 # 1 - 67 Thompson Center, Rochester, NH .223 Encore # 1 - 68 Gonic Arms, Gonic, NH .45 cal Muzzleloader # 1 - 69 Thompson Center, Rochester, NH Super 16 45-70 Encore Muzzleloader # 1 - 70 Thompson Center, Rochester, NH 209x50 mag Encore # 1 - 71 Thompson Center, Rochester, NH Super 14 .223 Rem Contender # 1 - 72 Remington XP100 cal 7mm-08 Bushnell 2x-6x # 1 - 73 Thompson Center, Rochester, NH Super 14 .45colt/.410 # 1 - 74 Browning Superposed 20ga (AS IS) # 1 - 75 Star 9mm semi-auto Eibar, Spain # 1 - 76 Colt Huntsman .22LR # 1 - 77 Smith & Wesson Mod 10-7 .38 Special # 1 - 78 Smith & Wesson Mod 29-3 .44 Magnum # 1 - 79 Smith & Wesson Mod 18-1 .22LR # 1 - 80 Smith & Wesson Mod 48-4 .22 Magnum R.F. # 1 - 81 Colt Police Positive .32 Centerfire # 1 - 82 Colt Official Police .38 Special # 1 - 83 Colt Peace Keeper .357 Magnum # 1 - 84 Colt Woodsman .22LR # 1 - 85 Colt Cobra .38 Special # 1 - 86 Colt MK4 Series 80 Officers ACP .45ACP # 1 - 87 Ruger Single Six pre-warning .22cal (extra cylinder) # 1 - 88 J. Stevens single shot .22LR Pat. 1920 # 1 - 89 Super .38 Automatic, correct 2 tone mag (Bianchi holster) # 1 - 91 Stevens Mod 53C .22LR Bolt Action single shot # 1 - 92 Antique Percusstion fowler, London Lock # 1 - 93 Kentucky style percussion rifle approx .28 cal # 1 - 94 Antique Percusstion action "A.Green/1879" # 1 - 200 T/C Walnut stock & fore-end Page 2 1st Gun Auction List .xlsx # 1 - 201 T/C .44mag bbl & fore-end, 10" # 1 - 202 T/C 7mm TCU bbl, 14" # 1 - 203 T/C 7-30 Waters bbl, 14" # 1 - 204 T/C 7mm TCU 10" bbl # 1 - 205 T/C .35 Rem Super 14 bbl # 1 - 206 T/C .30-30 Win 10" bbl # 1 - 207 T/C .45 Colt, 410, w/fore-end, 12" bbl # 1 - 208 T/C .223 Rem, 12" Encore bbl, fore-end & Leupold base & rings # 1 - 209 T/C .45 Colt -.410 15" Encore bbl, fore-end # 1 - 210 T/C .308 Win, 15" Encore bbl, with fore-end # 1 - 211 .22 LR, 10" Octagonal bbl, walnut fore-end w/Leupold base & rings # 1 - 212 .223 Rem, Super-14 bbl, Leupold 4X extended scope # 1 - 213 Gonic (NH) .45 cal, 16" Contender muzzleloading bbl w/Bushnell 2 1/2x - 8x scope # 1 - 214 Encore Rifle bbl, 24", in the original package .22-250 cal # 1 - 215 .22-250 Rifle bbl, 28", Pro-Hunter # 1 - 216 T/C grips, fore-ends, 3 carrying cases # 1 - 217 T/C Butt stock # 1 - 218 T/C Contender carrying case # 5 - 1 Weatherby Orion 12ga # 40 - 1 Parker VH 12ga # 40 - 2 Win 1892 32WCF # 40 - 3 Win 1892 32WCF # 40 - 4 Win 1894 32-40 # 40 - 5 Win 1892 38WCF # 40 - 6 Colt Army Special 38spl # 40 - 7 Deutsche Werke German 635 # 41 - 1 Colt Auto 32 Rimless # 41 - 2 Browning Buck MK22 w/Bull barrel .22 # 41 - 3 Colt Police Positive .38 # 41 - 4 Colt DA .32 # 41 - 5 High Standard 103 Sport King .22 w/box # 41 - 6 Erma (made in Germany) L22 .22 w/box # 41 - 7 Ruger MKII Targer .22 w/box # 41 - 8 Ruger Signature Series .22 w/box (1 of 5,000) # 41 - 9 Colt 1903 (hammerless) .380 # 41 - 10 Stock Franz 7.65 # 41 - 11 S&S JP Sauer & John Suhh 7.65 # 41 - 12 Colt Blackpowder Cap & Ball .44 Circa 1973 # 41 - 13 Ceska Zbrajovka-Nardodni Podnik CZ27 7.65 # 41 - 14 Ortgies German 7.65 # 41 - 15 Rem UMC .32cal # 41 - 16 Fabrique Nat. (Browning Pat.) 7.65 # 41 - 17 Waffenfabply Mauser 7.65 or 32 auto # 41 - 18 Waffenfabply Mauser 7.65 or 32 auto # 41 - 19 Browning 1885 45 Colt w/peep sight # 79 - 1 S&W Governor 45 Colt/45 ACP/410 w/box & holster # 79 - 2 Stevens 320 20 w/box # 79 - 3 Mossberg 500AT 12 w/pistol grip & stock # 79 - 4 High Standard Flite King K121 12ga Page 3 1st Gun Auction List .xlsx # 79 - 5 Remington Nylon 22 w/scope # 79 - 6 Remington 7400 280 w/Leupold Scope 2.5-8x36 # 79 - 7 Ruger PC Carbine 9mm w/scope # 79 - 8 Mossberg 500E 410 # 79 - 9 Gamo Whisper 177 w/box # 99 - 1 Ruger M77 25-06 w/scope & laminate stock # 99 - 2 Remington 700 (like new) 7mm mag stainless w/laminate stock # 99 - 3 Ruger M77 MKII 280 stainless w/laminate scope # 99 - 4 Ruger M77 MKII 270 stainless w/laminate scope # 99 - 5 Ruger M77 MKII 22-250 stainless w/laminate scope # 140 - 1 Remington 700 Bolt Action 6.5 Creedmore w/box # 140 - 2 Ruger American 30-06 # 140 - 3 Savage 212 12ga # 140 - 4 Henry Repeating Arms 22 S/L/LR Pump # 140 - 5 Savage Mark II (adjustable stock) 22LR # 140 - 6 Savage Mark II 22LR # 140 - 7 Weatherby Weatherguard 243 # 153 - 1 Mossberg 9200 12ga Shotgun w/scope # 153 - 2 Harrington Richardson 158 30-30 w/scope # 153 - 3 Remington 700 7mm08 w/scope # 153 - 4 Remington 121 Fieldmaster 22 # 153 - 5 Savage 16 204 Ruger w/scope # 155 - 1 Charles Daly Mod 935 Empire grade w/original box # 155 - 2 E. Schmidt & Habermann 16g SxS # 155 - 3 Colt Automatic 25cal vest pocket model # 155 - 4 Beretta Mod 21A .22 Pistol # 162 - 1 US Carbine MI 30cal # 162 - 2 Marlin Golden 39-A 22S-L-LR # 163 - 1 6.5 Carcano Rifle w/Stripper Clip # 165 - 1 Rossi 462 357 mag # 165 - 2 Ruger SR40C 40 # 165 - 3 Titan FIE 25 Auto # 165 - 4 Iver Johnson 32 Centerfire # 165 - 5 AMT Stainless Lighting 22 w/box # 165 - 6 Bearman CL22M o/u Derriger 22mag w/box # 165 - 7 Bearman BBG38 38spl w/box # 165 - 8 Ruger P97DC 45ACP # 165 - 9 H&R 622 22 # 165 - 10 Smith Wesson Airweight 38spl # 165 - 11 Mauser 30-06 # 165 - 12 German Mauser 8mm # 165 - 13 Mossberg Ghost 590 12g w/box # 165 - 14 Henry Survival 22 # 170 - 1 Colt (Combat Elite 1254-3150) MKIV 80 Series 45ACP # 170 - 2 Savage Classic 114 Left 30-06 w/box # 170 - 3 Kahr (3401) P9 9mm w/box & xtra mag # 170 - 4 Remington 700 30-06 # 170 - 5 Henry H015-223 223 # - Page 4 1st Gun Auction List .xlsx.
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