The Salt City Magic Club October 2015 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES 1. Rome Show at the Capital The- Date: September 17, 2015 ater. This will be the evening of October 17th. Please bring guests Meeting called to order at:7:32 PM and support this function. Members Present: 25 2. October 17th afternoon. Ken Secretary’s Report: Ken Frehm Frehm & David Sorensen will do Harris Solomon reported as there was no official walk around at a radio event spon- meeting last month due to inclem- sored by John Hunt. Further details A monthly newsletter of the ent weather, therefore there was no to follow. Harris A. Solomon Ring #74 secy. report. Although a submission International Brotherhood of Magicians for the month was sent to our in- 3. October 17th evening. Ken ternational magazine; The Linking Frehm & David Sorensen will do (the Salt City Magic Club) Ring. walk around at the Calvary Club President: Theresa Barniak from 7-9 pm, This is a charity event Vice President: David Sorenson Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer for Amalya Foundation Secretary: Ken Frehm Purdy reported there were small Treasurer: Bruce Purdy miscellaneous expenses and the 4. November 7th: We will hold Sgt. At Arms: Jeff D’Ambrosio receipt of some member’s dues. MAGIC FEST at the Clarion Ho- The treasury stands at: $1,979.00 tel on Farrell Rd exit. Chairman IBM Ring #74 meets at 7:30pm – Bruce also reminded all members Sorensen has lined up 2 headlin- the Third Thursday of every month that their 2015-2106 Dues are now ers, 2 Close-up performers, 5 dealer At Timber Tavern (See page 7 ) required from all members per our tables. There will be a junior show schedule. (not competition) this year. Ken Please submit material for publication in the Wandogram to: Frehm stressed how important it [email protected] Membership: No new members will be for members to bring fam- or by Snail Mail: were added to the club. However, ily and guests to the evening show Bruce Purdy past member Ron Denka and his to help defray unexpected expenses. P.O.Box 213 wife attended the meeting. Three Please help in distribution of flyers Cayuga NY 13034-0213 family relatives of members at- and other promotional efforts. Questions? Call (315) 256-9095 tended the meeting and evening’s st program 5. November 22nd: Once again, Submission deadline: 1 Thursday of the month our club will perform at the Shop- Events: We have five events which pingtown Theater for income. This www.saltcitymagicclub.com are being prepared for. They are: show will be a matinee and we need 3 the word out and need you, your that evening’s agenda would in- families and friends to attend. clude a Broken Wand Ceremony This Is Magic 2015 (Rome edition) for past member Tony Econ. A On September 26, 2015, a shoe from an audience member V.P. David Thorensen reminded slide show presented by Ken Frehm the Harris A. Solomon’s Ring#74 and then proceeded to do a very hu- everyone that in October, there of photos from our summer picnic a.k.a. The Salt City Magic Club morous “water in the shoe” gag, by will be a Greg Wilson lecture, as well as some photos from the performed a public show at the following previously taped “instruc- once in Binghamton and once in museum of magic in Barcelona. Capital Theatre in Rome N.Y. tions”. Needless to say, the shoe did October. Dates to be published in The balance of the evening, mem- Our Treasurer, stage manager, come out unscathed to the owners upcoming Wandogram bers would honor Tony Econ by and Wandogram publisher, Mr. delight. Hunter then did a “Follow demonstrating some of their favor- Bruce Purdy did the M.C. hon- the Ace” routine with three cards and Old Business: No other Old ite card tricks. ors as well as performed an act. had the audience totally amused. business was reported. Bruce got the audience warmed For further details on evening ac- up by asking, “What is Magic?” Vice President David So- tivities, please look for our monthly and then explained that shar- rensen closed out the first act. Da- New Business: Ken Frehm article appearing in the I.B.M in- ing the wonder of disbelief and vid got an audience member on stage noted that one of his upcoming ternational magazine: The Link- enjoying these entertaining mo- and did his humorous “Book Test”. submissions to The Linking Ring ing Ring. Our reports are included ments are key to really under- Standing back to back, David dem- will appear with photos in the in the Ring Reports Section; Ring standing what we magicians do. onstrated that he knew what was on center section of the magazine. #74. any page the spectator chose. David Be sure to look for it. Leading off the perfor- was openly looking at an exact sec- Meeting Adjourned at :7:55pm mances was “Jason-The Enter- ond copy of the book that the specta- tainer”. Jason, replete in his tux tor was using. This got a big laugh Misc: Announcement made Kenneth Frehm, Secretary and tails started his juggling of from the audience, which turned into balls and scimitars. He received amazement when Dave showed at the a big hand for his coloring book end that his book was filled with only routine and almost made it all the blank pages. David then went on to way across the stage on his uni- do some number predictions effects. Greg Wilson lecture cycle. Jason did some card flour- Dave closed out his act with an inge- ishes and charmed his volunteers nious “Reading Test”. Words were written on pieces of paper and ev- or those of us who The lecture in Roches- on stage with his jokes and great F eryone on stage and in the audience braved the weather to see ter will be held at the Trans- personality. Jason’s snake in the basket was able to find the spec- could easily read the printed words. figuration church, 3760 Gregory Wilson, you know tator’s chosen card as a finale. BUT, the spectator could not! This what a great lecture he gave. If Culver Road. Card-carying Jason accompanied himself on used the “fuzzy and clear” printing you missed it, rejoice ... he will members of the SAM or IBM his violin and had the audience phenomenon. be appearing in Binghampton are only $10 clapping to his version of “Some- After a brief intermission, on Monday, October 26th, where over the rainbow”. our 2nd half of the show got under and in Rochester on Tuesday One of our accomplished way. Mr. Bruce Purdy opened and the 27th. junior members did the second had an audience youngster play “Mr. act. Mr. Hunter Rudd borrowed Cook,” who gave him cooking lessons 4 5 complete with props and made a of rope with two silver rings and bunch of candy appear after having put them all around his neck firmly the spectator hold a glass of milk, knotted. He then had the men pull Next meeting: sugar, flour etc. over his head. This hard on their ends of the rope. The proved to be a very humorous gag- rope seemed to penetrate his neck Thursday, 15th October 2015 filled routine. Bruce then had an- and the rings were still locked in other volunteer come on stage, sit on place. He received a round of ap- 7:30pm a card and then proceeded to throw plause for this mystery. October theme: a deck of cards over his shoulder bit Halloween / Spooky Magic by bit. Amazingly, the last card the Our ring is now proud to spectator had in his hand exactly announce that we have our first lady matched the jumbo one he was sit- president. Ms. Theresa Barniak ting on all along. Bruce finished closed out this evening’s show with with the “Needle Thru the Mirror” her well-polished illusions. The- Timber Tavern effect. resa used a beautiful antique Lota 7153 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse, NY Our next act was done by Bowl to the audience’s amazement. one of our ring’s founders, Mr. Ray She then did her colorful Parasol Cerio. Ray was joined on stage by effect in which the umbrellas rain- his son Jordan and his daughter. bow cover disappears, re-appears Save the Date! Ray has been magician and mem- inside a change bag and then she is ber of our ring since 1949! Ray left with a skeleton of the original performed a lot of magic in a short parasol and only colored threads at- Thu. 15th October Regular meeting time. He did his version of “miss- tached to the spokes. Theresa then mated” American flag, Milk Pitcher, did an original and very amusing Silk and Dye Tubes, Top Hat Sur- rendition of the “Magician’s Insur- Sat. 7th November Jack Miller CNY MagicFest prise and ended with some flower ance Policy”. She closed out her changes and a large Botania of silk performance with “Snowstorm in Thu. 19th November Regular meeting flowers. The audience really liked China” and got a standing ovation Ray and his many colorful magical from the audience. nd November (4 pm) effects. His son Jordan, also did a Sun. 22 Ring show version of “Rabbit in the Box” and As we closed the show, we CNY Playhouse - Dewitt NY then did the multiplying spots on a dedicated our performances to Mr. die routine. Gene Doane who is currently in Thu. 17th December Regular meeting ICU at a local hospital.
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