![IS 1009 (1979): (Wheat Flour) Maida for General Purposes [FAD 16: Foodgrains, Starches and Ready to Eat Foods]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान का अधकार, जी का अधकार” “परा को छोड न 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 1009 (1979): (wheat flour) Maida for General Purposes [FAD 16: Foodgrains, Starches and Ready to Eat Foods] “ान $ एक न भारत का नमण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी चराया नह जा सकताह ै”ै Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS : 1009 - 1979 Reaffirmed 2010 Indian Standard SI)ECII;ICArrION FOR MAIDA FOR (JENERAIJ PURPOSES (Second Revision) Third Reprint L)ECEMBER 2000 LJr)C 664.641.123 MAl © Copyright 1979 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, C) BAHADUR SIIAH ZAFAR ~1ARG NEW DELHI 110002 Gr3 December 1979 IS 1009 - 1979 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR l~IAIDA FOR GENERAL PURPOSES (Second Revision) Foodgrains and Foodgrain Products Sectional Commi t t ee , t\FDC 32 Chairman Rl'Jnestnt 11111 Dn B, R. ~1UH,TY Indian /\~I irn h u r.i l Rt''1t·.HCh Ln su t u rc , ~ew Drlhi Members SHIH N. S. AoH..~\\' vr. Storage and IIl\pt>Clltlll DiVi"'HITl (f\lilli'>tIY of Agriculnu c ~ Ir r ig.u ion ), New !)rltJl DR K. KItI8HNA~tLTH.THY ( Alternate ) (~C)I)l1( I)R A. AUSTIN Ln d ia n Jl of AgI icul t ura l Rcsralcl!, :\'('\\, Drlhi SUJU SAD\ Sl~OH AH.YA O("'frnce Fond R("v'ar<h La bor a t uy , l\l\SUIC SHIH L. A. RAl\t\NATlJAN (AlltrnaLe) DB. J. C. BAK~HI Punj.sh Agricultural L'ruversit y, Lud h ia na i». C;. S. B\fNS ( Alternate ) SUIll D. S. CHADHA Ct"ntr.d (:()llltTllltr-f' ftl! Fcrod St a n.I.u d , ( ~Iinl<.,(r\' uf 11C'.a 1t h &. Fd JIll J Y \ vd LnC' ), );r \\ I)( }}11 ' S\lT D. I\frKIIEHJT:E ( Alternate i Cl)L S. K. CHIll I nrector a n- of SlIppJit'; and Tr'lrf\,p()rt~ ..\ r rn v I lc.u iqu.u tel" (~t lill~tl Y of j)l'kllc("). :\l'"W lkllu L:r-CoL K. i\; A( lfAH,Y,\ ( Alto nat» ) IhHYC'IOU Ct'ntl.t1 RicC' Rese.u , h Lnvt u n te ( IC.\R ), Cllrt~lLk Du. s. n. I.OllH ( Alternate ) SHHI SATYA N A I{ -\J;.J t;UPTA I<t>dt"ratil)Tl of .\11 IIldl.l loo.lgr o in })calC"rs' Assoc.a- t ron , Dellu SHHl A. K.J. SAllF.nA. ( AlltrTIl1/t ) Slott I--IAltJINPEH. SINUH Food C ()r po L1 t I/)n n fIn d 1a. ~ t-' w I) eIhi H'~ 1)H \/. B. 1\1rT H\ "lV I~ R Mod e r n B ..i ke i , IlldI'i ) Ltd, :-\cw DrIhi })H f\1. M. Kll(~HNA ( Alternate ) I)u. K. c. PAN'!' National In st u ute PI' ~l1l1 ilion ( r~!\fH. ), IIydr-rabad Snn t E, S, PAll.THARA1,TllY Direr rorate ()f 1\131 kt·tlng & In\ptOCllon ( !\llTli\trv of ,\gllcultUI("' & IrrigatIon), 1 ..sr rd a b.rd . n« M. P. (; OPTA ( Alternate) I)n S. S. PATHAK Food a n d .:\"'l1t r it ion Bo.nd ( Minist I y 0 f Agriculuu f" & II r1~a t ion l , l\cw Delhi Su n i SIHTAT. PHASAn Agra 1).111 :\lJl 10; A~')OCJ3 t ion , Agrc:l SURI HAJJ Nx r n ( Alternate ) \ Continued on page 2 ) ~) CofJ.lrlght 1979 HUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS This publicanon is protected under the Indian CopYright Art ( XIV v( 1957 ) and reproducrion in whole or In part by ~ny .means except WHb written permission of t he publisher shall be deemed to be an infr-ingement of copynght under the .aid Act. IS : 1009 · 1979 ( Continued from pag« I) Members Representing Pt DLH' A~ALYST Public Analyst, Government of I Iaryana, Chandigarh SUIl.I S. RAMASWAMY Directorate G~n~ral of Technical Development, New Delhi Snnr B. B. DABUAL ( Alternate) SHRI P. H.A1\IDAS Centra) Warehousing Corporation, New Delhi SHIH Hxnt ALl ( Alternau ) SHIU R. B. H.AO Federation of Biscuit Man1jfacturers of India, Delhi SHRJ P. C. KHANNA ( Alurna:« ) SaRI s. R. SHURI)ALEK~R Central Food Technological Research Institute ( CSIR ), Mysore DIt H. S. R. DESll[AC'HAR ( Alternate ) KUMARl M. S. Usns Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar Sna r S. p. VIRMANI Roller Flour Millers' l-ederarion of India, New Delhi SURI K. B. 'rnUAGARAJ.\N ( Alternate ) DR 1). S. WAGLE Haryana- A1{ricultural University, Hissar DR H. S. NAINAWATEK ( Alternate ) SURI 'f. PURNANANDAM, Direcror General, lSI { Ex-officio It.1,mb,,) Director ( Agri & food ) Secretary SMT SHASHI SAltF:F.~ Assistant Director ( Agri & Food), lSI Foodgrain Products Subcommittee, AFf)C 32 : 2 Convent' SHIU S. p. VIRMANI Roller Flour M d lers' Federa t ion of India, New D~lhi Members SBRI N. S. '\GRAWAJ. Storage and Lnspect ion Division (Ministry of Agricult ure &. Ir r iga rron ), New DtJhi DR K. Kn18HNAMUU'l'HY ( Alternate ) SHRI A. ARORA Modern Bakeries ( India ) Ltd, New Delhi SARI r. C. JOSHI ( Alternat« ) SHill D. S. CHAIHlA Central Committee for Food Standards ( Ministry of Health & Farnil y Wr-lf..tfC ), New De lhi SURI S. P, GUPTA Hindustan Breakfast Food ?vlanufactunng Factory Delhi ' SHRl HARJJNDER SINGH Food Corporation of India, New Delhi SHRI E. K. jAYANAH.AYANAN Mohan Meakin Br("wen("s Ltd, Gha%iabad Sunl J Al1'AI, SINGH ( Alternate) Snru LAJPAT R. KHANl>ARl The Society of India Bakers, Bombay SHItt D. V. 'rANDON ( Alurnate ) SUIn P, C. KH!.NNA Britannia Biscuit Co Ltd, New Delhi SHItI B. M. LAr. ( Alternate ) SHRI P. N. SAPllJ~ Jagatjit Industries Ltd, Distr Kapurthala SURI S. K. DUBLISII ( Alurnate ) SURl M. G. SATHE Federation of Biscuit Manufacturers" of India, Delhi SURl J. M. TllAPAR All India Starch Manufacturers' Association Private Ltd, Bombay 2 AMENDMENI' NO. 1 MARCH 1989 TO IS: 1009 -1979 SPECIFICATION FOR MAIDA FOR GENE!lAL PURPOSES. ( Second Revision) (CtJNr ,.,., JIll'" I - 3. tilk) - Substiture the folJowiq for the aildal tide: 'INlitm S,tllldard SPlXDlCADON 170R WJD:AT FLOUR ( MAIDA. ) POll GENERAL PUItPOSI'S' (AFDCU) AMENDMENT NO. 2 DECEMBER 1995 TO IS 1009: 1979 SPECIFICATION FOR MAIDA FOR GENERAL PURPOSES ( Second Revision) (Page 11, clause E-3.1 ) - Substitute '0.904 AN' for '24.52 AN'. MM (FAD 16) Reproerapby Unit, BIS. New Delhi,India IS : 1009 • 1979 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR MAIDA FOR GENERAL PURPOSES (Second Revision) o. FOR E W 0 R D 0.1 This Indian Standr rd (Second Revision) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 29 June 1~7~), after the draft finalized by the Foodgrains and Foodgrain Products Sectional (~onlInittee had been approved by the Agricultural and Food Products Division Council. 0.2 MAIDA (wheat flour) is used in making bread, different types of biscuits, pastries and a number of other products. In India, its largest use is in the domestic sphere and in the preparation of Indian sweetmeats. It is manufactured in roller Hour mills. The quality of 1\IA1D£,{ depends largely on the type of wheat as well as milling technique. 0.3 T'his standard was first published in 1957 and subsequently revised in 19GB. In the original version ( 19~) 7 ) two grades of J'.-[ AlD.:1 were prescribed. However, during revision, the need was felt to have t hrr-e grades, based on the gluten content and t hesr- were incorporated. 'The lirni t for gluten content had been lowered and requirements for crude fibre and acidity have been deleted. "I'he lirn its for total ash and alcoholic acidity were al-,o revised. Besides , as the compulsorv washing of w lieat before milling, was introduced in the country, the lirnit for olojsture conten t h J. d been ra i ~ ed . Inthe sec0 nd re vision areq II ire01e 11t for the maximum uric acid has been included. 0.3.1 Further separate standards have been brough t ou t for wheat flour fur use by bread industry ( IS : 7cl64-1971 ) and whe.u flnur for use LJy biscuit iud ustry ( IS: 7463-1()74-). ,\ separa re st.mdard IS : 9191-l97~ wheat flour for 1J~C in cake industry is also being brought out simultaneously. Therefore in the present st.urdard the difft'r~nt g-rtlde') have been deleted and only one set of re quircmen t lias been prescribed specifying m inimum 7' 5 p~rct~n t gluten conten t 0.4 The Sectioual Committee re sp o ns i hle for the preparation of this s t anrlard took into consideration r lie avai la hle data on the composition of lil.-1/1)~4 manufactured from c..lifr~rpnt v arn-t ivs of wheat produced in various parts of India.
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