I . 2013 / www.naturland.de Naturland News International Information for members and interested parties Organic Aquaculture and Sustainable Fishery worldwide Organic Aquaculture, Wildfish, pioneering achievements Agricultural policy Naturland International Synergy effects Reformation of the European CAP Naturland as host Cooperatives act in concert Naturland News International No. 29 - November 2013 1 Naturland at trade fairs • Agritechnica, 12.-16. November in Hannover, Germany • IGW, 17.-26. January 2014 in Berlin, Germany Shrimpfarm in India • BioFach, 12.-15. February 2014 in Nuremberg, Germany Contents: Editorial ....................................................................................................................3 NEUIGKEITEN VON NATURLAND • Short report on the BioFach ...................................................................................4 • World Advisory Board meets in Graefelfing ...........................................................5 • Naturland welcomes the Leading Organic Alliance to Munich .............................6 • The organic industry meets the organic prince .....................................................6 • Gambling with Food ...............................................................................................7 • Book review „Food Crash“ .....................................................................................7 • Giving smallholders a voice ...................................................................................8 • Fair trade: Naturland in Ecuador .........................................................................10 • Public funds for public services - The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) .........10 • dwp - 25 Years of Fair Trade in Ravensburg ........................................................12 • Revision of Naturland standards ..........................................................................12 FACHINFORMATION FISCH • Naturland wild fish project successful – reinforcement at Lake Victoria ............13 • Sustainable fishery in the Maldives .....................................................................14 • Aquaculture: Organic versus ASC ........................................................................15 • Fish show allergic reactions to genetically engineered feed ..............................17 • First Irish mussels to be certified by Naturland ...................................................18 • Sea and inshore fishing and fish wholesalers ......................................................18 MITGLIEDERFORUM • Coffee by "Pro Natur" – sensuous seduction from Peru ......................................19 • Interview with Jan Bernhard ................................................................................21 • Organic Rooibos – of benefit to both mankind and nature ..................................21 • "Naturland Fair" creates new synergies ..............................................................23 Legal notice ............................................................................................................24 2 Naturland News International No. 29 - November 2013 EDITORIAL Diversity is key! Dear members and partners of Naturland the world over, Taken together, the USA and the EU represent The main topics featured in this issue are organic half of global economic performance. Since July, aquaculture and sustainable fishery. Since the 2013, Washington and Brussels have been nego- mid-1990s Naturland has been pursuing pilot tiating the terms of a Transantlantic Trade and projects with various players in the field of organic Investment Partnership (TTIP). This agreement aquaculture, with the aim of developing sustai- is designed to dismantle almost all the trade barri- nable solutions viable in everyday practice. In ers existing between the USA and the EU. The 2006 Naturland devised its wild fish certification negotiations are expected to be concluded by the procedure based on its project in Tanzania. This end of 2014. The proponents of this agreement was so successful that the people there are now see the greatest potential afforded in enabling assisted by two Naturland employees. This project manufacturers to sell their wares on both the and many others, as well as a comparison of US and European market without unnecessary organic aquaculture with the new ASC label, are bureaucracy. However, the TTIP will be detri- described on pages 13 – 19. mental to Europe's farmers and consumers. For example, in the USA meat from cloned animals Smallholders are the subject in our members' or animals treated with hormones, and milk from forum (pp. 19 – 23). ProNatur is an organisation high-yielding dairy cows doped with genetically in Peru with 2,000 family farms as co-operative engineered growth hormones, is permissible. members. Another co-operative in Latin America European farmers would suffer from the increased is Manduvirá, which this year joined forces with price pressure put on them, since the production two other collectives. And, on the same track, we costs in the United States are that much lower. have a report on the Wupperthal Original Rooibos The campaign "Organic + fair. More food to sha- Cooperative, this time changing, however, from re!" is fighting for exactly the opposite policy. At sugar to tea and from America to Africa. its closing event, "Small farmers are key!", experts This issue, therefore, is a rich assembly of discuss current agroecological issues and related contributions on topics ranging from politics development policies with political representatives and fair trade to our advisory services, and from (p. 8). Naturland is campaigning for a fair reform aquaculture to coffee growing. This wide range in agriculture (p. 10) and demands an end to food of subjects is a good reflection of the wide and speculation (p. 8), in opposition to unreflecting varied spectrum of the activities covered by the market deregulation and in support of a respon- Naturland association which started up thirty sible approach to the environmental ressources years ago and still continues to expand its range available to us. of projects. The book "Food Crash" by Dr. Felix Naturland nevertheless had ample grounds for Prinz zu Löwenstein (p. 7) and the Transatlantic celebration this year: we celebrated our thirtieth Trade and Investment Partnership are proof that anniversary at the BioFach trade fair in February much still needs to be done. We invite you to join (p. 4). And in June we were invited to join the us in tackling these issues. festivities marking the twenty fifth anniversary of dwp e.G., a longstanding partner of Naturland (p. 12). On several occasions this year Naturland hosted guests from abroad. A visit by the Leading Or- ganic Alliance (p. 6) and by the World Advisory Steffen Reese Board (p. 5), in particular, are clear evidence of the global approach by Naturland. Naturland News International No. 29 - November 2013 3 NEWS ABOUT NATURLAND Short report on the BioFach Meet and greet at the fishmarket The chocolate fountain invited for feasting At its newly designed exhibition booth at the BioFach 2013, Naturland presented itself certified to the Naturland fair trade stan- and its over 50 partners from Germany and abroad as a team of professionals in or- dards and is imported by dwp for further ganic agriculture. Many talks were held with professionals in the fields of commerce, information, see our article "Naturland Fair farming and processing, and also with our German and foreign partners and many creates new synergies", p. 23. In future, media representatives and others active in politics. Berchtesgadener Land dairy intends to convert all its products which are certi- Many Naturland farmers wishing to ac- waters. fied by Naturland entirely to compliance quire further information on the associ- Another draw for visitors was the choco- with the combined organic and fair trade ation approached the Naturland team of late fountain which was displayed for the standards. specialists as the first point of contact. second time at the BioFach this year. It is a The focal topic at the booth featuring the Animal welfare, a topic which interested perfect illustration of how the concepts of "Organic plus Fair – more food to share!" many visitors and experts in the field, was organic and fair trade can be amalgamated campaign (which aims to further the con- dealt with in constructive discussions by by using produce from the north and from cept of combining fair trade with organic Frigga Wirths and our team of experts. the south. Lots of discussions were held to agriculture) was global food security: They emphasised clear commitment of the accompaniment of chocolate-covered almost one billion of the world's populati- Naturland to the respectful treatment bananas and bread. This time, however, on are starving. Many of these people live of animals. Naturland farmers also held there was a new piece of news to add: in the countryside on farms. Small farmers regular consultations, giving their own ac- At the BioFach 2013, the dairy Berchte- make a great contribution to food produc- counts of practical experience in this field. sgadener Land Molkerei launched two tion. However, they have no political voice. The "Fish Market", which Naturland and new Naturland Fair product lines under The supporters of this campaign, Nürnberg Messe, the trade fair organisa- this combined organic and fair trade Naturland and the German National tion in Nuremberg, initiated in 2012, this logo, namely
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