
12358 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 8, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SOLOMON AMENDMENT ON MILI­ no research money from the Department of skills by holding one or more specific youth TARY RECRUITMENT ON CAMPUS Defense. leadership positions in his patrol and/or troop. INTRODUCES A USEFUL MEAS­ That logical philosophy is the work of Rep. This young man has distinguished himself in URE OF ACCOUNT ABILITY Gerald Solomon, a New York Republican. accordance with these criteria. * * * Solomon said he considers it out­ For his Eagle Scout project, Morgan coordi­ rageous that recruiting isn't allowed on a HON. DOUG BEREUTER number of campuses. Branches of the State nated the first major cleaning since 1935 of the Briggs Lot Cemetery in Warwick, RI. OF NEBRASKA University of New York, among others, have Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES banned it in retaliation for a Reserve Offi­ cers Training Corps policy of not accepting to join me in saluting Eagle Scout Morgan An­ Wednesday, June 8, 1994 gays and lesbians as ROTC cadets. SUNY ad­ drew Lombard Goulet. In turn, we must duly Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, shortly be­ ministrators said the Solomon amendment recognize the Boy Scouts of America for es­ fore this body recessed for the Memorial Day would cost the system's 29 campuses about tablishing the Eagle Scout Award and the $21 million a year. district work session, this body approved an strenuous criteria its aspirants must meet. This Nationwide, recruiting is banned at an es­ program has through its 80 years honed and amendment to the defense authorization that timated 130 colleges and universities. Alarm prohibits research grants to colleges and uni­ about Solomon's amendment was quick to enhanced the leadership skills and commit­ versities who prohibit military recruiters from materialize. Critics said withholding defense ment to public service of many outstanding using their campus facilities. This Member contracts would harm some of the nation's Americans, two dozen of whom now serve in strongly supported the amendment, and con­ best universities. the House. gratulates the distinguished Member from New But the nation's best universities will be It is my sincere belief that Morgan Andrew York [Mr. SOLOMON] for raising the issue. harmed only if they let themselves be Lombard Goulet will continue his public serv­ harmed. No one proposes to take away their ice and in so doing will further distinguish him­ At the present time, military recruiting is freedom to weigh their options and decide banned at over 130 institutions of higher learn­ self and consequently better his community. I what is more important-protesting the join friends, colleagues, and family who this ing, largely in response to the Pentagon's po­ ROTC policy or being eligible for the coveted sition on homosexuals in the military. In ban­ research funds. Those are the kinds of moral week salute him. ning military recruiters, the universities are choices that individuals and organizations making wholly inappropriate value judgments have to make all the time. No reason exists MISSISSIPPI RIVER STEWARDSHIP that universities shouldn't have to face the about the Armed Forces, and they undermine MONTH the absolutely essential efforts of the Armed consequences of their actions. The Solomon amendment, if enacteu, Forces to recruit and retain the highest quality would present logical consequences to be HON. JIM RAMSTAD military force. considered. It would also present an oppor­ OF MINNESOTA While a university may have the right to ban tunity for colleges and universities-the op­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES military recruiters on a matter of principle, it is portunity to resolve the moral contradiction also true that the U.S. Government can re­ they create when they snub military recruit­ Wednesday, June 8, 1994 spond by denying the billions of dollars of de­ ers while soaking up all the Pentagon re­ Mr. RAM ST AD. Mr. Speaker, on June 1, fense research grants that traditionally go to search dollars they can get their hands on. Minnesota Governor Arne Carlson proclaimed these institutions. This is precisely what the the month of June to be "Mississippi River Stewardship Month." I rise today to join Gov­ Solomon amendment would have done, and in TRIBUTE TO MORGAN ANDREW ernor Carlson in support of this important doing so, an important measure of account­ LOMBARD GOULET ability would have been introduced into the project. matter. The Mississippi River, an integral part of As was noted in a May 25, 1994, editorial HON. JACK REED Minnesota and our national history, begins as in the Omaha World Herald: OF RHODE ISLAND a small stream in northern Minnesota and No one proposed to take a way their free­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES flows 650 miles through our State. The river dom to weigh their options and decide what Wednesday, June 8, 1994 . travels a total of 2,400 miles, through 10 is more important-protesting the ROTC pol­ States, until it drains into the Gulf of Mexico. icy or being eligible for the coveted research Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sa­ This mighty river is significant not only to the funds. Those are the kinds of moral choices lute a distinguished young man from Rhode cities within my home State, but also to many that individuals and organizations have to Island who has attained the rank of Eagle other cit,ies within our great Nation. make all the time. No reason exists that uni­ Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. He is The Mississippi is significant not only for versities shouldn't have to face the con­ Morgan Andrew Lombard Goulet of Troop 1 in sequences of their actions. commerce, but also for its intrinsic beauty. East Greenwich, RI, and he is honored this Families throughout history have enjoyed its Mr. Speaker, this Member would ask to week for his noteworthy achievement. scenic and recreational value. As one who has place in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the Not every young American who joins the often enjoyed the benefits of this river, I would Omaha World Herald editorial, entitled "If Re­ Boy Scouts earns the prestigious Eagle Scout like to encourage others along the river to join cruiters Not Welcome, Forget the Cash." This Award. In fact, only 2.5 percent of all Boy with Minnesota in cleaning up and preserving Member would commend it to his colleagues. Scouts do. To earn the award, a Boy Scout the riverfront areas. [From the Omaha World Herald, May 25, must fulfill requirements in the areas of leader­ On Tuesday, June 14, Minnesota residents 1994] ship, service, and outdoor skills. He must earn are participating in a river cleanup rally. Many IF RECRUITERS NOT WELCOME, FORGET THE 21 merit badges, 11 of which are required local groups have already pledged to adopt a CASH from areas such as citizenship in the commu­ section of the riverbank. Thus far, groups have The U.S. House Tuesday advanced an nity, citizenship in the Nation, citizenship in the adopted nearly 700 miles of shore. amendment that, if it becomes law, should world, safety, environmental science, and first Mr. Speaker, I heartily applaud the efforts of help sdm"e colleges and universities follow aid. Minnesotans to clean up the Mississippi River, their principles more consistently. It applies to institutions of higher edu­ .As he progresses through the Boy Scout and I wholeheartedly encourage other States cation that won't let military recruiters use ranks, a Scout must demonstrate participation to join us on this mission to keep the Mis­ campus facilities. By a vote of 271-126, the in increasingly more responsible service sissippi River clean, healthy, and preserved House said that no recruiting should mean projects. He must also demonstrate leadership for future generations. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 8, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12359 CONGRATULATIONS TO Word of his outstanding efforts for Senator three-fifths vote of the total membership of HARBORITES CROATION FRATER­ Goldwater reached Ronald Reagan, who was the House and Senate could vote to approve NAL UNION LODGE 856 campaigning for Governor of California. In an unbalanced budget, an arrangement that would greatly increase the power of minority 1966, Mr. Van Court joined Mr. Reagan's blocs in Congress. HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY campaign and later served as the liaison be­ Third, a BBA delays action. Even if ap­ OF INDIANA tween the Governor's office and the LAPD proved by Congress, it would still require ap­ once Reagan was elected. His duties with the proval by the States, which could take sev­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Governor's office grew to encompass the or­ eral years. Furthermore, a BBA would not, Wednesday, June 8, 1994 ganization and administration of all of Gov­ on its own, balance the budget, leaving that ernor Reagan's personal security, as well as to future decisions by Congress. So the po­ Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is my dis­ litically difficult decisions on tough cuts or tinct honor to congratulate the Harborites the performance of security checks on guber­ raising taxes are put off to another day. Croatian Fraternal Union Lodge 856 on the natorial appointments and the service of liai­ Fourth, a BBA could lead to involvement joyous occasion of its 1OOth anniversary and son with law enforcement officials in locations of the courts in budget policy issues, decid­ 50-year membership banquet.
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