May 6, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E843 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS COMMEMORATING THE In the words of Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor seas Long and Short Tour Ribbon, the Air HOLOCAUST and honorary first chairman of the Holocaust Force Longevity Service Award, the Small Council, [We cannot] allow anyone or anything Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon, the New HON. DONALD A. MANZULLO to deprive [us] of the great, great miracle York State Commendation Medal and the New OF ILLINOIS which renders a human being sensitive to oth- York Conspicuous Service Cross. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ers.'' Upon completion of such exemplary service Mr. Speaker, 1997 marks the 3,300th year to our Nation, I commend Chief Dix and wish Tuesday, May 6, 1997 of the establishment of the city of Jerusalem. him well in retirement. Mr. MANZULLO. Mr. Speaker, I am honored This year is also the 30th anniversary of the f to be able to take this opportunity to com- reunification of Jerusalem after the Six-Day memorate the more than 8 million peopleÐ6 War. While there will be ceremonies recogniz- TRIBUTE TO THE DEDICATION OF million of whom were JewishÐwho a little ing these events, we must not forget to pause THE BAUMGARTNER HOUSE HIS- more than a half century ago were brutally, again this year in solemn remembrance of TORICAL DESIGNATION PLAQUE deliberately, and systematically exterminated Yom Ha'Shoah. I urge all of us to take time in a state-sponsored effort to annihilate their out to remember those who died in the Holo- HON. DAVID E. BONIOR religious, cultural, and ethnic existence. All caust and I commend those such as the Jew- OF MICHIGAN across the United States, Americans are com- ish Federation of Greater Rockford and Irene IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES memorating Yom Ha'ShoahÐRemembrance Opdyke who remind us of our obligation to Tuesday, May 6, 1997 Day for those who a couple of generations never forget. ago were exterminated in the death camps of f Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, the history of the Nazi Germany. United States is one of a colorful patchwork, Today, I join millions of my fellow Americans CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT DIX stitched by people of diverse backgrounds and and people all over the world in remembering RETIRES FROM AIR FORCE cultures. Today, the Fraser Historical Commis- the victims of the Holocaust. I also unite with AFTER 24 YEARS; A DISTIN- sion with the people of the town of Fraser, will those from around the country, including my GUISHED CAREER IN ACTIVE celebrate their history by decorating the constituents of the Jewish Federation of DUTY, RECRUITING AND RE- Baumgartner House with a Michigan historical Greater Rockford, IL, to recognize those who SERVES marker. risked their lives and those who died trying to In 1856, John Christian Baumgartner, a na- intervene and save those who were targets of HON. JAMES T. WALSH tive of Bavaria, became one of the first land- systematic extermination. OF NEW YORK owners in Fraser when he purchased 80 acres The Jewish Federation of Greater Rockford IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of land. With his wife and children, Mr. is commemorating Yom Ha'Shoah by paying Baumgartner erected a magnificent farm tribute to the ``Righteous Gentiles,'' those non- Tuesday, May 6, 1997 house with outbuildings. Jews who risked death to help save the lives Mr. WALSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to The architecture of the home is German of Jews and others from Hitler's killing ma- congratulate Chief M. Sgt. Ronald W. Dix rundlborgenstil, meaning round-arched win- chine. These courageous people acted out of upon his retirement and to ask my colleagues dows. Windows are the focal point of the a conviction that they simply could not stand to join me in thanking Chief Dix for his 24 home and are surrounded by corbelling. The by and witness so great an injustice, so hor- years of service and for his symbolic rep- house is a perfect symmetrical square, made rific a crime perpetrated against fellow human resentation of all that is good about our Armed entirely of brick. This type of architecture is beings. In my district, I am privileged to have Forces, and particularly those of the U.S. Air rare in Michigan but was popular in the United one of the surviving Righteous Gentiles, Irene Force and Air National Guard. States from the 1840's to the 1860's. Opdyke, addressing the Jewish Federation of Chief Dix was on active duty with the Air This unique home, complete with a grain Greater Rockford. Her presence alone is a Force from September 5, 1961 to September farm, orchard, and outbuildings was inhabited testament to human compassion in the face of 4, 1965, serving as protocol NCO at Wheelus by the Baumgartner family until 1907. Four grave personal danger. Yet, her words of wis- AFB, Tripoli, Libya and at Lindsay Air Station, families dwelled in the home until in 1981 dom as she relates her personal experiences Weisbaden, Germany. During this time, Chief when the city of Fraser purchased the home at saving lives will remind us of what coura- Dix was also a member of the 37th Air De- and converted it into a museum. geous and conscientious people can do and fense Missile Squadron at Kinchloe AFB, Sault It is important that monuments to our past should do when injustice is acted out on a St. Marie, MI. are preserved for future generations to wit- grand scale. In January 1978, he joined the Air National ness. I would like to congratulate the people of We all admire the actions of the Righteous Guard, accepting an assignment in the Base Fraser for their commitment to preserving our Gentiles. For it was through their courageous Preparedness Office. In 1981, he was reas- past for our future. efforts to save those condemned to the gas signed to active duty as a recruiter. Chief Dix f chambers and firing squads that a remnant was instrumental in attracting and inspiring survived to preserve for us the memory of young men and women to join the Air Guard AWARDING CONGRESSIONAL GOLD those who perished, as well as a personal ac- in service to their country. In 1984, he was as- MEDAL TO FRANK SINATRA count of the atrocities of that time. In essence, signed as training NCO in the Civil Engineer we are all survivors of the Holocaust. Although Squadron of the 174th Fighter Wing and par- SPEECH OF most of us never experienced its horrors first ticipated in many overseas deployment. HON. VINCE SNOWBARGER hand, we carry with us the knowledge and During his final time with the New York Air OF KANSAS memory of those who did. We subscribe to the National Guard, Chief Dix served as the facili- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES common value that human life is precious and ties manager for the entire Hancock Field Air abhor the evil committed by the perpetrators National Guard Base. Some of his decorations Tuesday, April 29, 1997 of the Holocaust. Therefore, as survivors we for meritorious service include: The Air Force Mr. SNOWBARGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise must rededicate ourselves to the proposition Good Conduct Medal, the Air Force Achieve- perhaps in lone opposition to H.R. 279, au- that we can never again allow the Holocaust ment Medal with four devices, the Air Reserve thorizing up to $30,000 for a congressional to recur. We must never forget our sense of Meritorious Service Medal with five devices, gold medal for Frank Sinatra. While I have no dutyÐbravely exemplified by the Righteous the National Defense Service, the Armed doubt that the resolution will be approved by Gentiles and othersÐnor neglect our sense of Forces Expeditionary Medal, the Air Force a majority of the House, I cannot in good con- compassion for the welfare of our fellow man. Outstanding Unit Award, the Air Force Over- science join in support of this extravagance at · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 6, 1997 a time when we are asking all Americans to are not viewed as strangers as is so often the ing new era of cooperation and Federal in- join in the effort to balance the Federal budg- case today, but treated as family. I know this volvement in our county. His vision and per- et. from personal experience for the residents sonal efforts in the establishment of State and Although I have long admired Mr. Sinatra's have gone out of their way to make me feel Federal water policy at the administrative and talent and enjoyed his work, I do not believe at home during each of my visits. legislative levels have been tremendous, in- this is an appropriate use of $30,000 of tax Mr. Speaker, I am indeed privileged to serve cluding his participation in the resolution of the moneyÐan amount higher than the per capita such a idyllic and distinguished community. I diverse issues relative to the Sacramento-San personal income in my district. urge you and all of our colleagues to join me Joaquin Bay Delta. f in wishing the citizens of DuBois a very happy Bob Smith epitomizes the best of a public 125th anniversary with positive outlook for an- agency executive. The high regard in which he THE CITY OF DUBOIS, 125 YEARS other 125 years of continued growth and pros- is held throughout the California water re- OF HISTORY AND VITALITY perity.
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