Th e YO UT H9S • I NSTRUCTO R Vol 71 March 6, 1923 No. 10 The Rock Cut Above Roosevelt Dam This is part of a great irrigation project located about seventy-five miles northeast of Phoenix, Arizona. What About Powder and Rouge? subject, either by what they say or by what they do, [These questions were sent in to the Counsel Corner, but vote against rouge. To me it is one of those delicate because of their general interest to girls everywhere, we give questions that we cannot settle for one another. special prominence to the very appropriate answer made by But really, girls, may I say that I do think far too Mrs. E. E. Andross. Truly in this, as in so many of the other much rouge is being used among our young women ? problems which we must meet and solve in the course of daily Not long ago a young man went to see the young living, it is well to heed Paul's admonition to the Philippians: " Let your moderation be known unto all men."] woman whom public opinion named for his choice. When he returned, some of his friends asked about Is it wrong for Seventh-day Adventist young people to use powder, if they just put barely enough on to cover the shininess Jane. " Oh, she has aged dreadfully. Really, she of the skint P. B. S. looks awful," he replied in tones that indicated real Why is it considered wrong by some of our people for a young disappointment. " She has been a devotee of powders, girl to use a little rouge? Why is there any difference made rouges, and lip sticks, and they have ruined her skin between that and using powder? A SINCERE INQUIRER. so that they now fail to conceal the mischief they have The above questions, one from the East and one done." I suppose this Seventh-day Adventist girl from the West, indicate that our girls in California never planned to use very much of these beautifiers. are wrestling with the same problems that puzzle their She was anxious to preserve her fresh, rosy com- young friends in Pennsylvania. We are glad to see plexion. But the bud that is left to grow unmolested that these girls have a conscience in this matter, and blossoms ; and the powder habit has the same tendency. are sincerely striving to educate it to be a safe guide. Test yourself. Are you using more powder than you But, my dear young friends, the, opinion of a few did a year ago ? workers is not a safe textbook for your conscience. As In my circle of friends is a young woman who never older friends we can advise in matters where there uses powder of any kind. And if the Lord did not is not a plain " Thus saith the Lord." This we are help me to keep envy out of my heart, I should covet truly happy to do, and I think you have done exactly her beautiful complexion. It is a clear white and pink, with no blemishes to mar her face. " And you • right in asking your Missionary Volunteer Depart- ment for suggestions ; but your final decision should be don't ever use powder ? " I asked one day. " Never," made in quiet communion with your Master. she replied in a way that I did not need to ask her One day a young woman came to Mr. Moody with if she was planning to. Some time ago I attended a this question : " Is it right for me to go to thea- purity and welfare convention. There were many ters? " I am sure he had taken a firm stand for him- large placards around. ,One of the most prominent of these — one that could be read across the hall — self, but he replied, " My dear girl, I am not con- science for you. Settle that matter with the Lord." was this, " Girls, paint your cheeks from the inside If our young people could learn to have quiet, un- out." The workers in that convention considered that they had a good reason for holding that ideal before hurried visits daily with the Father and His wonder- all who entered the hall. By the way, did you know ful Guidebook, I feel sure that very often even with regard to these little seemingly minor problems, they that the girl who got the $5,000 prize awarded last year to " the most beautiful girl in America " con- would hear the still small voice saying : " This is the fessed that she never used rouge or lip sticks, but way, walk ye in it." Such communion develops heroism. painted her cheeks by taking a bit of vigorous exercise every day? " 0 what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer! " No chance? Why, the world is just eager Now as regards the first question : There is only For the things that you ought to create. one denominational standard in this matter. We are Its store of true wealth is still meager, Its needs are incessant and great. to test all phases of living by the command, " Do all to It yearns for more power and beauty, the glory of God." This question of powder — or More laughter and love and romance, rather the use of powder — must pass that censor. More loyalty, labor, and duty. But earnest Christian women who try to follow that No chance? Why, there's nothing but chance! command, reach somewhat different conclusions. I — Theodore L. Medford. know some such Christians who use no powder at all. One of these said to me the other day, " For me to use powder meant gratifying the pride of life, so I The Youth's Instructor decided to use my powder money for missions." An- Issued every Tuesday other woman who feels that the use of powder merely Printed and published by the to remove the oily feeling and shiny appearance of the REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSN. face and neck is only a matter of cleanliness, said, " I AT TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C.. U. S. A. use a little powder just because I feel cleaner when I Lon E. CLEMENT - - ACTING EDITOR L. FLous PLUMMEI, finish my toilet thus." Personally, I consider the M. E. KERN - - SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS use of powder as the first question prescribes, entirely W. E. HOWELL permissible ; but I deeply respect those who feel they Vol.. 71 Mama 6, 1923 No. 10 can better glorify God in using none. As we visit with the Master day by day, things may Subscription Rates Yearly subscription - - - $1.75 in time look different to the rest of us. Perhaps He 1.00 leads some faster than others toward His ideal. Six months Club Rates Each Now about question two : There is a rouge which I In clubs of five or more copies, one year. $1.50 am told is merely red face powder; and from a medical Six months - - - - ------- .80 standpoint is doubtless no more harmful than face Entered as second-class matter, August 14, 1903, at the post powder of a paler 'hue. Here, too, I have met a diver- office at Washington. D. C., under the Act of Congress of March sity of opinion among Christian women ; but the ma- 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for jority of those who have given me information on this in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized on June 22, 1918. The Youth's Instructor VOL 71 TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C., MARCH 6, 1923 No. 10 Where Are Your Affections ? RAYMOND L. VINCENT OVEST thou Me more than these? " was the query school, and improved every opportunity for develop- -I"L Christ put to Peter, the " these " referring evi- ing himself into a better worker, with the hope of soon dently to the other six disciples who composed the entering the Lord's vineyard. little company around the fire on the seashore. And The months flew by quickly, bringing graduation that same question, with another application, might time with all its pleasures. He greeted many friends very appropriately be addressed to many professed and loved ones, and heard their expressions of hope followers of the Master today. Do we love Christ more that he would soon find a place to labor in the great than " these "— more than the lure of temporal gain? harvest field. Indeed, such was his plan. The future seemed bright enough when Christ was But the conferences were hard pressed for funds with His disciples, and the glory of that kingdom with which to support workers already employed, and which they thought He would surely establish ever very few new ones were being added. At last the filled their minds. But contrary to their expectations, call came for him to teach a church school. However, Jesus did not deliver Himself from the hands of His that seemed too small. He had set his aim for some- captors and at the last moment usher in that glorious thing higher, and as the wages were much lower than event. At this severe test Peter's faith failed to grasp he could obtain in public school work, he decided to the reality of the power of God to work out divine accept an appointment as teacher in a high school. He plans in His own good time, and so, discouraged and reasoned that he would save some money, and then in a cast down, he was ready to abandon the cause in which year or two find a place in our own work.
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