Photo by Nikolai Ivanoff DEEP IN THOUGHT— A red fox patiently awaits a snack of squirrels or lemmings as he contemplates the horizon and thinks foxie thoughts of spring on a hillside near Nome. C VOLUME CXI NO. 18 MAY 5, 2011 Busted Eight Nome residents arrested on drug sales and possession By Sandra L. Medearis Oxycodone, sold under the name Following a lengthy investigation of Oxycontin and other brand names, that is ongoing, Alaska State Troop- can lead to addiction or dependence ers have nabbed eight people on requiring more frequent and higher charges of possessing and distribut- doses to get the “high” similar to that ing the prescription pain reliever of heroin. oxycodone. Members of the ring, All the people arrested on the drug charged also on conspiracy to violate charges live in Nome. Most were ar- drug laws have been arraigned and rested over the weekend of April 23 jailed pending bail of $2,500 to and 24. An unrelated case is pending $10,000. out of Nome Police Department as Troopers made the arrests based regards a health aide from the Fair- on warrants issued on Friday, April banks-Mountain Village area. 22 after a grand jury handed up the All the following have been indictments on A Felony misconduct charged by the grand jury on two involving a controlled substance. An counts each of possessing with intent “A” felony is a more serious charge to deliver oxycodone, according to than a “B” or “C” felony. Conspiring court documents: Zachary Andrew to promote drug sale or distribution Nashalook, 27; Rayne Aukongak, is a “B” felony. Upon conviction, 23; Junior “Joe” Jones, 62; Alex most could get additional jail time William Vaughn, 42; Zonna L. Kun- for allegedly transporting the oxy- nuk, 32; Steven B. Evans, 32; Dylon codone into the state. continued on page 4 School board approves $11.8 million budget Sitnasuak funds JROTC By Laurie McNicholas whether to fund the JROTC program Cadets, ten-hut! for next year. The Junior Reserve Officer Train- The NPS developed the FY 12 ing Corps program is a go at Nome- budget with an enrollment projection Photo by Tyler Rhodes Beltz High School in the next school of 660 students, including six inten- SURROUNDED — Mary Ruud, playing the part of Sadako, hears troubling words from all sides dur- year, thanks to funding from Sitna- sive special education students and ing the Nome-Beltz Drama Club’s performance of A Thousand Cranes April 30 in Nome. suak Native Corp. The SNC board 14 Extension students. The budget decided on April 30 to fund the pro- includes the following revenues from gram at $100,000 for the third con- major sources. secutive year. • $7.6 million in state foundation Crystal Andersen Booth, SNC’s funds; Bin Laden: Adios, do svidanija, board chair, interim president and • A requested contribution from the chief executive officer, announced City of Nome that includes the re- the decision on behalf of the SNC quired 4 mills of $989,747, plus an kwaheri, sayonara, good-bye board and shareholders at a special additional contribution of $874,000. meeting of the Nome Board of Edu- The additional request is an increase and good riddance cation on Monday. She said it is an of $82,326 from FY 11, but is $1.2 By Sandra L. Medearis Osama bin Laden is dead. They got stepped up manhunt spanning a honor to participate in the program million below the maximum local The news hit the streets in Nome him! decade was over in about 40 min- and help future leaders. Thirty-eight contribution allowed. around 7 p.m. Sunday evening: “Justice has been done,” Pres. utes, all over but the shouting and cadets are enrolled in JROTC this • $273,789 from the fund balance; Barrack Obama told the nation in a cheering in public gathering places. year. and televised press conference on na- Staff at the sports bar in Airport All school board members in at- • $100,000 in FY 11 under budget tional security. Bin laden died in Ab- Pizza switched the channel so pa- tendance—Barb Amarok, Betsy savings. On the Web: bottabad, Pakistan, near Islamabad, trons could catch Pres. Barrack Brennan, Gloria Karmun, president, The general fund balance will in a mansion judged to be worth a Obama announcing the killing of the and Marie Tozier—expressed grati- drop from $1,697,328 million in FY www.nomenugget.net million dollars, but without phone or leader of terrorist group. The na- tude to SNC for its generous support 11 to $1,423,539 million in FY 12. E-mail: Internet service. tional anthem sounded on Front of the JROTC program. Board The last time the NPS general fund U.S. and international intelligence Street. member Barb Nickels was excused showed a decrease was in FY 07 [email protected] has sought Obama’s hiding place to Bin laden has been deemed re- from the meeting. ($37,502). get him in the crosshairs even before sponsible for killing thousands of in- The board unanimously approved During a school board work ses- he and terrorist organization al nocent men and women not only on the NPS general fund budget of sion on April 29, NPS Business Qaeda were credited with master- 9/11, but also in the 1998 East Africa $11.8 million for FY 12. The FY 12 Manager Cathy Wojtanek explained minding a plot to hijack civilian air- embassy bombing, the attack of the budget was scheduled for approval at why NPS will need $273,789 from planes and drive them into the World USS Cole, and many other acts of a special school board meeting on the general fund to balance the FY Trade Center and the Pentagon, April 29, but the meeting was post- 12 budget. She said she learned on killing more than 3,000 people. A continued on page 2 poned pending Sitnasuak’s decision continued on page 5 2 THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2011 THE NOME NUGGET • Bin Laden dead continued from page 1 culties, an official said, and was de- tracked the courier to the secured official said that precautions had against reprisals? Who knows. stroyed for security purposes. mansion in Abbotabad. They found been taken to observe Islamic cus- “We remain at a heightened state brutality. U.S. intelligence found the Saudi- a mansion with such elaborate secu- tom and tradition after taking cus- of vigilance, but the Department of Cable television Internet sites born religious zealot bin Laden in a rity that intelligence concluded it tody of the body. One requirement is Homeland Security does not intend streamed videos of cheering crowds compound at Abbottabad, a town of was built to secure a “high interest burial within 24 hours. to issue an NTAS alert at this time,” waving American flags from New about 100,000, about 35 miles north target.” The occupants burned their Bin Laden’s killing comes at a said Secretary of Homeland Security York’s Times Square and cheering of Islamabad, capital of Pakistan. trash. There were two heavily se- time when movements for change Janet Napolitano in a statement. throngs tooting car horns and trum- A senior administration official cured entries. and toward democratic governments U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R- pets outside the steel fence around said that for security reasons, the “It has 12-18 foot walls topped are erupting in the Middle East. Alaska, issued a statement Sunday: the White House all night long. Hun- Obama administration did not share with barbed wire.... Internal walls Obama affirmed that the United “If a fight is brought to the Ameri- dreds of others gathered at the World intelligence collected prior to the at- sectioned off different portions of States was not at war against Islam. can people, we will finish it. Tonight Trade Center site to celebrate the tack on bin Laden’s compound with the compound to provide extra pri- “Bin Laden was not a Muslim we learned Osama bin Laden is dead. news. Crowds chanted “USA, USA” any other country, including Pak- vacy.... The residents of the com- leader; he was a mass murderer of The man was behind some of the and “Yes we did!” Muslims. Indeed, al Qaeda has most inhuman and unprovoked Just after midnight East Coast “Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a slaughtered scores of Muslims in deaths of innocents in generations — time, five White House officials held many countries, including our own. the worst of which being the hateful a press background briefing confer- mass murderer of Muslims. Indeed, al Qaeda has So his demise should be welcomed 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 ence call that the Nugget attended. slaughtered scores of Muslims in many countries, by all who believe in peace and people. His death is a direct result of Speaking on background basis, a human dignity,” Obama said in his the determination of America’s mili- top U.S. White House official said including our own. So his demise should be wel- televised statement announcing the tary and intelligence forces — and it bin Laden had resisted but had died comed by all who believe in peace and human dig- killing. casts a well-deserved spotlight on in a “firefight,” without providing All over but the shouting? Not re- our men and women who fight in the further details surrounding bin nity.” — President Barrack Obama ally. The U. S. State Dept. has issued shadows. Laden’s death. Other reports said he a warning to Americans traveling or “The lesson here to the world: If a had been shot in the head.
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