Turnip & Rutabaga Seed Production in the Pacific Northwest Vegetable seed pro- Although some of the resulting Between any two cultivars within duction in the hybrids have been reported to be Group 1: 1 mile Pacific Northwest fairly fertile, such crossing is not Between any two cultivars within is an important ag- considered to be important in Group 2: V* mile (except 1 mile for ricultural industry. commercial seed production, and no foreign spring turnips) Vegetable seeds are special isolation distance is needed. Between any cultivar in Group 1 and usually produced any cultivar in Group 2: 1 mile under contract with specific seed Isolation BetweenDATE. any two cultivars within companies. These contracts gener- Check with your seed company Group 3: 2 miles ally specify acres to be planted, field representatives about isolation Between any cultivar in Group 3 and minimum seed quality accepted, requirements for the specific culti- OFany cultivar in Group 1 or Group seed grading, and pricing. vars that you plan to grow. Check to 2: 2 miles Turnips belong to the family see if adjoining fields are being used Siberian kale does not cross- Cruciferae, genus Brassica, species to produce cultivars that may result pollinate with any cultivar in Groups campestris. Within Brassica campe- in unwanted crosses. If you should 1 or 2, nor will it cross-pollinate stris (n= 10), there are a number of have such neighboring fields, try to with Brassica oleracea crops (cab- different subgroups, which can negotiate a change; otherwise,OUT bage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, intercross readily: relocate your planned production broccoli, and kohlrabi). However, area. be sure to isolate Siberian kale 1 rapifera subgroup (also B. rapa and Isolation requirementsIS depend mile from any cultivar of rutabaga B. septiceps)—turnip partially on type classifications: (Swede) that's being grown for seed. chinensis subgroup—Chinese mus- Group I (fall-seeded turnips) tard, celery mustard, pakchoi Cultivars: Purple Top White Culture pekinensis subgroup—Chinese Globe, Seven Top, White Egg, Cultivars in Group 1 are seeded in cabbage, celery cabbage, pe-tsai and Amber Globe perviridis subgroup—tendergreen the fall, usually in mid-September. Group 2 (spring turnips) mustard Cultivars in Group 2 are seeded in Cultivars: Crawford,information: Shogoin ruvo subgroup—broccoli raab, the spring. rapa, Italian turnip Group 3 Choose fertile soils for the produc- hybrid turnips tion of these crops. Soil needs to be Rutabagas belong to the genus rutabagas well-drained, as these crops will be Brassica, species napus (also known subject to winter or early spring as the Rape group). Within Brassica Here are the minimum isolation rains in some production areas, distances between fields for these napus (n = 19), there are these especially west of the Cascades. subgroups: currentclassifications: napobrassica subgroup—rutabaga,PUBLICATION Swede, Swedish turnip (some class this as a separate species) pabularia subgroup—Siberian kale, Hanover salad, winter rape This publication is one of a set on producing vegetable seeds in the Pacific most Northwest, prepared cooperatively by Extension specialists in Oregon, Brassica campestris subgroups Idaho, and Washington. Each publication presents information about haveTHIS a chromosome number of taxonomy, isolation, culture, pollination, soil preparation, planting, pest n= 10. The Brassica napus groups control (diseases, insects, and weeds), and harvesting. have the Forchromosome number Titles in the set are cucurbits; turnip and rutabaga; spinach; cabbage, n= 19. The species B. napus (n= 19) Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kohlrabi; kale and collard; mustard and will intercross with B. Campestris Chinese cabbage; table beet and Swiss chard; carrot, parsnip, and parsley; (n= 10) under controlledhttp://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog lettuce; radish; and onion and leek. The publications are available from local conditions. Extension Service offices in each of the three states. A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication Oregon • Washington • Idaho • PNW 265 • August 1985 Select ground that is free of Table 1.—General fertilizer rates (in pounds per acre) for turnips and rutabagas quackgrass, other troublesome Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash grasses, and mustard weeds. These Fertilizer operation (N) (P O ) (K,0) are not easily controlled by the 2 s herbicides registered for turnips and Fall turnips and rutabagas rutabagas. Banded at seeding 40-60 50-150 0-150 It's especially important to avoid Spring sidedress 50-80 50 0-50 fields with a known history of Spring turnips cruciferous weeds such as wild Banded at seeding 40-60 50-150 0-100 turnips (Brassica rapa and B. Sidedress 40-60 DATE. campestris) and wild mustard (B. campestris, B. nigra, and B. juncea). These may cross with your crops, Fertilizer OFor broadcast it before planting crops and you can't readily separate the Seed company field representa- on which you plan to use a grain seeds from your crop seed. Avoid, tives will suggest fertilizer rates for drill. too, other troublesome weeds like new growers. Rates should always pigweed (Amaranthus sp.) and be based on recent soil test Planting lambsquarter (Chenopodium album). information. Table 1 shows general Some weeds—such as cranesbill fertilizer rates. BroadcastOUT 1 Vi to 2 Sow fall turnips directly in the (Geranium sp.), common groundsel, pounds of boron per acre before field in eajrly September. They grow and grasses—grow during the winter planting. Apply the potassium through the winter, and they bloom when cultivation is impossible, and (potash) listed in IStable 1 if soil test and mature early the following year. they will severely compete with your results are not available. Plant spring turnips as early as you overwintering seed crops. can prepare a good seedbed. Use the nitrogen in split applica- tions—that is, at planting and as Plant both types at the rate of 1 to Pollination spring sidedressing. Measure it 1 Vi pounds of seed per acre. Turnips and rutabagas are cross- carefully; nitrogen applications that Spacing between rows can vary pollinated by insects; however, total 150 pounds or more per acre considerably. Space hybrid seed some self-pollination does occur. may result in information:lodging. rows 2 to 3 feet apart. For open-pollinated cultivars, space the Bee-pollinated plants produce better Band all phosphorus at planting, rows between 6 inches (when you quality seed with higher germination if possible, for wide row spacings, and better seedling vigor when bee plant with a grain drill) and 24 hives are provided. inches. If commercial bees are working in your field at the same time you're planning to apply insecticides, be Pest control sure to advise local beekeepers current Diseases. Important diseases of before you applyPUBLICATION the insecticides. Use pesticides safely! both turnips and rutabagas are There are very few wild honey bees! white blight, downy mildew, black • Wear protective clothing and Honey bees working in fields belong rot, black leg, and club root. For safety devices as recommended on to someone, so use care when specific control measures, consult spraying. the label. Bathe or shower after the current edition of the Pacific most each use. Northwest Plant Disease Control SoilTHIS preparation • Read the pesticide label—even if Handbook (see "For further read- you've used the pesticide before. ing," page 3). Tillage practices for vegetable Follow closely the instructions on seed crops are the same as for the the label (and any other directions Insects. Cabbage maggots will small-seededFor vegetable crops them- you have). usually be a serious problem; selves. Prepare a medium-fine soil-applied insecticides are effective • Be cautious when you apply seedbed. Apply lime (if your soil test in controlling them. Watch carefully indicates a needhttp://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog for it), a broadcast pesticides. Know your legal for flea beetles—they can severely fertilizer, and herbicides (if you plan responsibility as a pesticide damage seedlings in a few days' applicator. You may be liable for to use them before planting). time. For specific control suggestions, injury or damage resulting from see the current edition of the Pacific pesticide use. Northwest Insect Control Hand- book and WREP 11, Insect Manage- ment on Crops Grown for Seed (see "For further reading," righthand Harvesting For further reading column, this page). Consult your Cut a turnip seed crop a little on To order any of these publications, seed company field representative the green side; the seed shatters enclose the amounts indicated and or your county Extension agent. badly if it's allowed to ripen fully mail your order to either of these Weeds. Check again the weeds while standing. Cut and windrow addresses: plants when they have taken on a listed under "Culture," page 1. Bulletin Mailing Office For chemical weed control, see the greenish-yellow tinge. At this stage, some brown seed will show in the Oregon State University current edition of the Pacific Corvallis, OR 97331-4202 Northwest Weed Control Hand- pod. DATE. book ("For further reading," right- Following a curing period (2 to 3 Bulletin Department hand column, this page). Check weeks), you can use a standard Cooperative Extension Service with your county Extension agent, combine—with reduced cylinder Cooper Publications Bldg. commercial applicators, and your speed and lowered concaves—to OFWashington State University seed company representative. Fol- thresh your crop. Pullman, WA 99164-5912 Be careful to avoid damage to your low the instructions on the Johansen, Carl, Insect Management herbicide label. seed after harvest. Protect it from moisture, overheating, and contam- and Control on Crops Grown for The seeds of cruciferous weeds ination. Seed: Precautions and Manage- like wild mustard and wild radish OUT ment Suggestions, Western Re- could become contaminants if these gional Extension Publication weeds are present. They're nearly WREP 11 (Pullman, Washington impossible to control chemically; IS State University, revised 1984). rotation and cultivation are neces- Single copy $1.00 plus 25<t postage.
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