._" ,. , . Page Two 'tHE JEWISH POST Thursday, February 6, 1969 Thursda~, February 6, 1969 Page Three , .... ', ----~------------~----------~--~----~~.. ~" .. - , < ,~, ,.; , • Spial($:····;'·'Foi:.·;:;,8tQt'H~fl1~~d -~/]- 'If' .TI1,'r, ,Is Q, Conscience In , ." l!w'JS'HlPC!T,-, ,:-.,.,!" '\" .' ,>,',.', • \,' The Canadian Council of Chris-I He b;' the recipient of the Dr. Ken-' The Oldest A:ng~..J'ewi8h Wee/ely in W¢.tkm Ca.mulq ,~t!!emeni ~y ., we have come to this phase - the hangings in ESTABLIS1Q;P 1925 " .. " tians and Jews is sponsoring a num:- neth E" Norris iMemOriBl' Award;' . PRIME ~fflJ~TER LEYI .ESHf{OL Baghded. ber of meetings prior to Brotherhood Mr. Blackman served, in' many' (Isoaed weeki); ,n th,~,lnter.. ts of·Jewlsb Comll)"plty 8etlvltl!!!l ',<>,,'.'" .,"', As soon as we learnt of the death sentences, III :1\'111111- aila W",tarD Oanada) . What we have feared lias come'true: At 'dawn, we, appealed to everybody likely perhaps to take Week, Feb. 16-23, for high school capacities during CentenniaI'Year Member of J ewlah Chronlc:Je New. and Feature Service, London, Ena. studentS and young adults. and wlls' responsible fo:r officially' Member of ~h. Jewish Telelrr8l>hle Agen.,.. New York the Iraqi authorities have hanged nine Jews. Let' action in order to rescue these people in, lraq. us pay homage to the memory of: Ezra Naji Many, including' states, personalities, religious Highllghting the program is David initiating the George P; . Vimier Published eVt!rlI Thursday by Zilkha, Fuad Gabbai, Yaacov Gurji Namurdi, leaders, as well as the UN 'Secretary-'General, , A. Blackman of Ottawa who wiIl Memorial Award for Canadian His­ EMPmE PRINTERS LTD. speak:' on the theme of Brotherhood tory in the iMontreal He'ls a ":':. Daoud Yehezkeel Baru~.h I)alai, Daoud Ghali, appealed to the Beghdad rulers - to be fobbed area~ WINNIPlilG. OAN AP.,. and Canadian unity. Mr, Blackman life member of'the board of gov­ Ye4l:!~)l:eel Salap Yehezke~I,Sl!-ibah Hayim, Nairn of with mendacious denials deliberately mislead­ I, ' Kadoori Halal, Charles Raphael' Horesh. ing. These lies were meant to cover up for the is identified. with young Canadians ernors of the Sir George Williams The 'blood of the innocent martyrs of Babylon murderous death sentences already passed, in as one who has de4icated his lifE' High SchoolCenteIinial lJbrary. I ' cries out to us and to the world from Iraqi soil. spite of statements to the contrary. Once the to creating an awareness and' in':. Mr. Blackman has one of the flne'st I ,"0 daughter of Babylon, that art to be destroyed, ground had thus 'been prepared, the murder was stilling in .the minds . of C~nadian~ collections oE Canadiana in Canada, I , l}appy shall be he, that tepayeth thee as thou carried out. I cannot help but reach the sorry the importance of preserviIlg our covering' much of the histo~ of this hast served us." (iPsalms 137 :8) The Lord shall conclusion, that the world and all its institutions Canadian 'cultures, '. the historical·' country and its national heritage. avenge their bll)od. have failed to muster the necessary determination value and the, IlI\tural beauty of' His collection has 'been displayed The 'first sppntaneous reaction in the heart . in this matter - and in the matter of Jews in Canada, along with building be,ttelCin many areas of the country. and • human relations throughout the' was.' one of the hilih1ights of the of everyone o(,us/to thE! murder trialofm,ne, ArEl,.~ lands. i~ g~ll~ri'\I._.~,s,t~~illlfteJI.p'PJ!als Cl,nd . , • Jews in Iraq is !profound mourning and the -re- makmg do WIth hypocritIcal replies WIll not re­ country, . r Canadian N,!tional Exhibition last 'Silence' IS 'Consent' doubled determhiation to fulfill in Jewish History lieve the awesome 'responsibility or excuse the Mr, Blackman'Wa-s"bonf.m Wood·; swnmer, that thoroughgoing charge of Israel's redemption blind eye turned towards the fate of the Jews stock, Ont., and i~ the soii of William Mr. Blackman will address a In a recent press release the B'nai B'rith and the ingathering of the exiles, to which our in Arab countries. James Blackman and the fonner number of high school assemblies' , ,_ - , I:, ,:' .' ~ I (_ " Alice Haverfield, From 1960 to 1962 alld Org'llirlzations in the Greater Anti-Defamation League and the American Jew­ COMMITTEE ~ERS ARE SHOWN at a r~ent planning meeting 'for the 19th "s oDiuBl M~,lils lives are consecrated. World Action Needed he. '\Vas employed as footinan to the Winnipeg area on Feb. 10 and 11 ish Congress criticized the "silence" of Christian Child Rescue Dinner scheduied for Wednesday, March 26, in Marlborough Skyview Ballroom. Jews Made Scapegoats From this rostrum, I demand that the entire Ho~rs late Governor-<kneral ~f' Canada andshall'suggest,wliystO' promote and Negro spokesmen who, "'by faping to speak Left to .-ight, hack row: M.. Shoib, Dave »Veri&, Jack Walker, GOrdon C. PolloCk, Harry Nepon, TuUy Beyond any doubt, there is more here than world should act, each one to the ibest of his and Madame V~er and ~<se,.yed brOthern.i;~!i{(tq:rl'ng~Brotherhood out, gave their consent" to recent anti-Semitic the merely humane aspect to this murder. Here ca.pacity, in order to avert further acts of murder, Uster, Simon Kagan, Sheldon Altman. Front row: Abe Rich, lsiac Zipursky (dinner co-chairman), incidents. ' four members of the R;oYIlI iFainily, Week,'Fei), ls:.~and'asaperpetulil is further evidence, if such evidence was needed, to save the families, and to protect the Jewish Samuel N. COhe'n, ~urray Tapper (dinner co-chairman), Abe Yan~fsky and Lou Elkin Hel' Majesty' Queen EliZabeth; The program to , iilv<ilve'allCaniidiaris ~eC,a)ll:!e repercussipns' of what is occurring of the essence of the regimes in Ara.b countries, remnant. , in the', U~S.A.; could ~ very well'make' waves on QQueen Mother, His R.H •. ' Phillip in the bliilding'Of ,~, :se'tter·CanB'da. the, Canadian scene, and because the Jewish Com­ and of the fate they have ordained for the Jew- If there is a conscience in this world, let its , ish people, and for each of its individuals, if voice be heard, now. Let it awaken to the im­ P.W. Me'n's Dinner for Child Rescue ~:e~fR:~bUrgh and ~e' late G~hh:'~~~!=;~!:~iltW:~jt , . munity in Canada has no special insurance against " they could- but do as they pleased. These regimes mediate need to rescue the remnant of the JeW- An enthusiastic 4O,.man committee. Maitland B. Steinkopf, Q,C" and ard Miles, 'Saul MiIler, iMax Natch, A graduate of Sir George.Wil- rector, eanadiall Council !)f chris­ manifestations of anti~SemitisPl" we think there are incapable of solving the problems ,besetting ish communities in the Arab countries. , is something to 'be learned from the events in is working hard to ensure the'suc- Samuel N. Cohen are honorary Danny 'Nusgart, Harry iNepon, W. H, Iiams ,in 'Montreal, he was valedic- tians ana.,J~.#; ~~>~ .~!~ Don­ the news. their own nations, and they try harer to disclaim Our hearts mourn for the victims, and our cess of the nineteenth annUal Men's' chairmen of the men's dinner com- Pitch, A, POrtigal, Gordon C, Pol­ torian of the 1966 graduating c~s. aId St., Wlrullpeg 2. Phone 9'.13-9155. '." In a very stirring editorial the Jewish Post responsibility, unburdening it on others. Thus fraternal feelings go out to the bereaved fami­ Child Rescue Dinner sponsored by mittee;'A:be Rich mid Abe Yanofsky, lock, Max Serlin, Sidney Sheps, " they strive to 'blunt the sting of their nations' lies and communitIes. Pioneer Women's Organization. The immediate 'chainnen; Simon Abe Simkin, iM, Shoib, Dr. M, J, , , and Opinion suggested that wr:i:taps the outcry despair, redirecting it at helpless hostages whom p~st :RabbiP/t.d, , ' function wiIltake'place Wednesday, Kagan, sponsors chairman; Martin Swartz, H, Taback, Sol Tapper, , " . .' had cOIl).e too late. We are reprinting the cQm­ they have imprisoned within their boundaries. We are fIrmly' :resolved to accomplish. Israel's . '. mep,t in: part, with the appreciatton that it pre: . March 26 ,in ilie ,Skyview Balltoom S, Corne, tickets chairman; Lou Tully Uster, Jack Walker, Iser Port- the Jewish Chautauqua Society, 9n The similarity between these regimes and revival until its full redemption. 'Feb~' 9 and 1~; in, Wl,Imipeg, ,sents a :case in point, with a.: morl;l.l that none movemej1ts and those regimes and movements ' ,Our actions will aim at strengthening the of the iMar1borough Hotel. Elkin, treasurer; !Harold Hyman, noy, Dr, 1. Wolch and Dr. Noel Book, i of us can afford to overlook.:' . ", Dinner co-chairmen Ike Zipursky publicity chairman; Alex Cham and , OriSunday; Feb. 9, at 8:30p.m, , . '.".. which threatened the entire world until they were State of Israel and at the salvation of Jewish and Murray Tapper told a committee Archie Cham, co-hosts of Women's I at the YMHA, Rabbi: Plaut will giv,e 'J' ;", ••• The Anti-Defamation League's outspoken defeated in the Second World War is manifest communities in distress. • 'a lecture 'entitled . "canadian Jews charge of anti-Semitism in many officialpJaces meeting this week that response Awards Luncheon, to one and all. from prospec:tive sponsors has been' Mrs, N. Koffman is Pioneer Wo­ Are Not With It." Admission for and ooddling by the authorities with the power to The criminal plot of the Baghdad hangings The Canadian Jewish community this lecture.ili. $1.00 forai)uitil and control- if not to eradicate it from public life and that which goes by the name of "The Liber­ "very gratifying."· Sponsors make ll10en overall dinner project chair­ special contributions, on', the '1cca- 'Dian; Mrs, E.
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