University of Kashmir Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Hazratbal, Srinagar, Kashmir, J&K, India-190006 No. F (CBCS -Basket-Review)198/20. Dated: 14.09.2020 NOTICE Sub:- Review of Course Baskets of PG 3rd Sem (2019 Batch) and PG 4th Sem (2018 Batch). All the Heads of the Departments/Directors of Satellite Campuses/Principals of PG Colleges/Coordinators of PG Programmes are asked to direct the concerned Academic Counsellors (ACs) to review the departmental Courses (Core, DCE, GE and OE) in Course-baskets of PG 3rd Sem (2019 Batch) and PG 4th Sem (2018 Batch). The course baskets for both the semesters are available under “CBCS” tab in the footer portion of the University’s Main Website. The same have also been directly emailed to Academic Counsellors for ready reference and review In case of any inconsistency, deficiency or error, kindly revert back to us on this email ([email protected]) or phone (7889665644) latest by Sept 20, 2020. Sd/- Chief Coordinator CBCS Copy to: 1. The Heads of the Departments/Directors of Satellite Campuses/Principals of PG Colleges/Coordinators of PG Programmes 2. PA to Dean Academic Affairs for information to Dean Academic Affairs. 3. File. 4th Sem 2019 COURSECODE SUBJECTCODE SUBJECTNAME CREDITS Capacity Timing BMFA FA18001OE Outdoor/Open Air Landscape/Acrylic/Water Colour/Oil Colour 2 0 0 BMFA FA18002OE Creative Painting, Basic Fundamentals 2 0 0 BMFA FA178003OE Creative Photography 2 0 0 BMFA FA18004OE Clay Modelling 2 0 0 BMFA FA18005OE Indian Classical(Vocal) 2 0 0 BMFA FA18006OE Indian Classical(Sitar) 2 0 0 BMFA FA18007OE Indian Classical(Tabla) 2 0 0 BMFA FA18008OE Indian Classical(Santoor) 2 0 0 BMFA FA18009OE Suffiyana Kashmiri Classical(Santoor) 2 0 0 BVOC NT17001OE Plumbing 2 0 0 BVOC NT17002OE Electrician 2 20 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM BVOC NT17003OE Papier Machie 2 0 0 BVOC NT17004OE Needle Work 2 20 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM IMBA IMBA14401CR Financial Management 4 NULL NULL IMBA IMBA14402CR Human Resource Management 4 NULL NULL IMBA IMBA14403CR Marketing Management 4 NULL NULL IMBA IMBA14404EA Production and Operations Management 4 NULL NULL IMBA IMBA14405EA Decision Support System 4 NULL NULL IMBA IMBA14406EA Management of Public Enterprise 4 NULL NULL IMBA IMBA14407EA Tourism Management 4 NULL NULL M.ED. MED18404CR Techniques of Data Analysis 4 0 0 M.ED. MED18401CR Methodology of Educational Research-II 4 0 0 M.ED. MED18402CR Teacher Education 4 0 0 M.ED. MED18403CR History & Problems of Indian Education 4 0 0 M.ED. MED18405DCE Value Education 4 0 0 M.ED. MED18406DCE Curriculum Development 4 0 0 M.ED. MED18407DCE Special Education 4 0 0 M.ED. MED18408DCE Dissertation 4 0 0 M.ED. MED18004GE Creativity Education 2 44 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM M.ED. (SCU)MED18004GE(SCU) Creativity Education(Taught at South Campus) 2 85 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM M.ED. (SCU)MED18004OE(SCU) History of Education in India-II(Taught at South Campus) 2 85 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM M.ED. MED18004OE History of Education in India-II 2 44 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAAR AR18401CR Modern Arabic Poetry 4 0 0 MAAR AR18402CR Literary Criticism 4 0 0 MAAR AR18403CR Arabic Drama 4 0 0 MAAR AR18404CR Arabic Syntax-III 4 0 0 MAAR AR18407DCE Tafseer and Hadith 4 0 0 MAAR AR18408DCE Special Study of Mikhail Nuaima 4 0 0 MAAR AR18409DCE Special Study of Mahmood Taimoor as Short Story Writer 4 0 0 MAAR AR18405DCE Mahjari Arabic Literature 4 0 0 MAAR AR18406DCE Trends and Movements in Modern Arabic Literature 4 0 0 MAAR AR18004GE Quranic Arabic-II 2 85 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAAR AR18004OE Basic Translation-II 2 85 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAARC ARC18401CR Dissertation 12 0 0 MAARC ARC18404DCE Ancient Indian History-II 4 0 0 MAARC ARC18405DCE Ethnoarchaeology 4 0 0 MAARC ARC18402DCE Conservation of Cultural Property 4 0 0 MAARC ARC18403DCE Cultural Heritage Management 4 0 0 MAARC ARC18004GE Terracotta Art 2 20 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAEC ECO17401CR Economics of Growth 4 NULL NULL MAEC ECO17402CR Public Economics 4 NULL NULL MAEC ECO17403CR Environmental Economics 4 NULL NULL MAEC ECO17404DCE International Finance 4 NULL NULL MAEC ECO17405DCE Issues in Indian Economy 4 NULL NULL MAEC ECO17406DCE Indian Financial System 4 NULL NULL MAEC ECO17407DCE Project Work 4 0 0 MAEC ECO17007GE Public Finance 2 85 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAEC ECO17008GE Indian Economy: Features and Analysis 2 85 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAEC ECO17004OE Banking and Finance in India 2 85 FRI/SAT 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM MAED EDU18401CR Methodology of Educational Research-II 4 0 0 MAED EDU18402CR History & Problems of Indian Education 4 0 0 MAED EDU18403CR Teacher Education 4 0 0 MAED EDU18404CR Measurement & Evaluation 4 0 0 MAED EDU18405DCE Social Psychology 4 0 0 MAED EDU18406DCE Educational Planning & Financing 4 0 0 MAED EDU18407DCE Nai Taleem(Experiential Learning) 4 0 0 MAED EDU18004GE Guidance and Counseling 2 86 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAED (SCU)EDU18004GE(SCU) Guidance and Counseling(Taught at South Campus) 2 90 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAED (SCU)EDU18004OE(SCU) Value Education(Taught at South Campus) 2 90 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAED EDU18004OE Value Education 2 86 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAFL IFL17001OE Communicative French-I 2 25 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAFL IFL17002OE Communicative German-I 2 25 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAFL IFL17003OE Communicative Russian-I 2 25 FRI/SAT 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM MAGE ENG18404CR Literature of Dissent 2 0 0 MAGE ENG18401CR Poetry- III (Modern Poetry) 4 0 0 MAGE ENG18402CR Literary Theory & Criticism-II 4 0 0 MAGE ENG18403CR New Literatures in English 4 0 0 MAGE ENG18405DCE American Literature-II (Poetry & Drama) 4 0 0 MAGE ENG18406DCE Canadian & Australian Literature 2 0 0 MAGE ENG18407DCE Postmodern Novel 2 0 0 MAGE ENG18408DCE African and Caribbean Literature 2 0 0 MAGE ENG18409DCE South Asian Diasporic Fiction 2 0 0 MAGE ENG18410DCE Contemporary World Fiction 2 0 0 MAGE ENG18007GE Introducing Poetry- III 2 92 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAGE ENG18008GE Modern Drama 2 90 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAGE (SCU)ENG17012OE(SCU) Literature & Media(Taught at South Campus) 0 0 0 MAGE (NC)ENG18007GE(NC) Introducing Poetry- III(Taught at North Campus) 2 50 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAGE (SCU)ENG18007GE(SCU) Introducing Poetry- III(Taught at South Campus) 2 70 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAGE (NC)ENG17012OE(NC) Literature & Media(Taught at North Campus) 0 0 0 MAGE ENG18010OE Popular Literature 0 0 FRI/SAT 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM MAGE ENG18011OE Travel Writing 0 0 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAGE ENG18012OE Literature & Media 0 0 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAGG GG18401CR Population and Settlement Geography 4 0 0 MAGG GG18402CR Economic Geography 4 0 0 MAGG GG18403CR Bio-Geography 2 0 0 MAGG GG18404CR Advanced Surveying & GPS Applications 4 0 0 MAGG GG18405DCE Dissertation (Project Writing) 4 0 0 MAGG GG18406DCE Political Geography 2 0 0 MAGG GG18407DCE Applied Geomorphology 2 0 0 MAGG GG18408DCE World Geography 2 0 0 MAGG GG18004GE Fundamentals of Remote Sensing & GIS 2 39 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAGG GG18004OE Study of Topographic Maps 2 39 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAGS GS18403CR Women and Law 4 0 0 MAGS GS18401CR Gender and Economy 4 0 0 MAGS GS18404CR Women’s Livelihood Issues in Jammu & Kashmir 2 0 0 MAGS GS18402CR Gender and Human Rights 4 0 0 MAGS GS18406DCE Culture, Society and Media 4 0 0 MAGS GS18405DCE Women, Globalization and Challenges 4 0 0 MAGS GS18407DCE Women and Literature 4 0 0 MAGS GS18003GE Womens Participation in Media and Media Ethics 2 25 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAHI HIN18401CR Katha Sahitya (short Story) 4 0 0 MAHI HIN18402CR Hindi Natak 4 0 0 MAHI HIN18403CR Pryojanmulk Hindi Avam Journalism 4 0 0 MAHI HIN18404CR Saundryashashtra 2 0 0 MAHI HIN18405DCE Aalochna 4 0 0 MAHI HIN18406DCE Kavi Harivanshroy Bachan 4 0 0 MAHI HIN18407DCE Dalit Lekhan 4 0 0 MAHI HIN18408DCE Nibandhkar Ram chander shukla 4 0 0 MAHI HIN18004GE Prose Writing-I 2 78 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAHI HIN18004OE Prose Writing-II 2 78 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAHS HS18401CR State in Ancient India 4 0 0 MAHS HS18402CR Economic History of Medieval India 4 0 0 MAHS HS18403CR India since Independence 4 0 0 MAHS HS18404CR History of Modern Kashmir-II 4 0 0 MAHS HS18405DCE Historiography-II 2 0 0 MAHS HS18406DCE Project 4 0 0 MAHS HS18008GE Indian Ocean Trade 2 100 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAHS HS18007GE Political Economy of India(1947-2001) 2 100 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAHS HS18008OE Religion in Ancient India 2 100 FRI/SAT 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM MAHS HS18007OE Mughal India 2 100 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAIQS IQS18004OE Iqbals Concept of Education and Philosophy 2 30 FRI/SAT 10:05 AM - 11:05 AM MAIS IS18401CR Islamic Culture and Society: in Kashmir: Origin and Development 4 0 0 MAIS IS18402CR Islam in the Modern World: Thinkers, Trends and Movements in West Asia 4 0 0 MAIS IS18403CR Islamic Culture and Society under the Ottomans 4 0 0 MAIS IS18404CR Muslim Dynasties and States(A General Survey) 2 0 0 MAIS IS18405DCE Proficiency in Arabic-IV(Compulsory for all those students who have not studied Arabic at UG level) 4 0 0 MAIS IS18406DCE Proficiency in Persian-IV 4 0 0 MAIS IS18407DCE Islam and Women 4 0 0 MAIS IS18408DCE Ethics in Islam: Basic Concepts and Developments 4 0 0 MAIS IS18409DCE Dissertation 4 0 0 MAIS IS18410DCE Islam and Pluralism 4 0 0 MAIS IS18411DCE Sciences of Quran 4 0 0 MAIS IS18412DCE Sciences of the Hadith 4 0 0 MAIS IS18413DCE Principles and Schools of Fiqh 4 0 0 MAIS IS18414DCE Trends in Contemporary Orientalism 4 0 0 MAIS IS18007GE Tasawwuf and
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