THE LONDON GAZETTE, 29 APRIL, 1941 2445 Lieut. L. V. Gosling to be Actg. Capt. 2ist superior speed. By skilful manoeuvring, Apr. 1941. although he was attacked continuously for Proby. Lieut. H. W. F. Grant-Dalton is con- 15 minutes, he succeeded in evading them firmed as Lieut, with seny. of nth Aug. and flew his damaged aircraft back to an 1940. advanced landing ground and landed safely. He has displayed great courage in bis attacks against the enemy and has destroyed ten of Air Ministry. their aircraft in aerial combat and at least 2gth April, 1941. five on the ground. ROYAL AIR FORCE. Flying Officer Peter Damien Court THOMAS The KING has been graciously pleased to (41081), No. 223 Squadron. approve the following awards in recognition of This officer has been continuously em- gallantry displayed in flying operations against ployed as an operational pilot since the out- the enemy: — break of war with Italy and has completed some 40 operational flights with marked Distinguished Service Order. success. On a recent night patrol he attacked Acting Squadron Leader John CUNNINGHAM an ammunition train by dive-bombing and (90216), D.F.C., Auxiliary Air Force, No. when this had proved unsuccessful, he con- 604 Squadron. tinued the attacked with incendiary ammuni- This officer has continued to display the tion eventually setting the train on fire and highest devotion to duty in night fighting destroying it. His night raids have been operations. One night in April, 1941, he outstanding. He has frequently remained destroyed two enemy bombers during a single over his target for an hour at a time, drop- patrol and a week later destroyed three ping his bombs singly and then attacking the enemy raiders during three different patrols. ground defences with machine gun fire. Squadron Leader Cunningham has now Flying Officer Thomas has proved himself to destroyed at least ten enemy aircraft and be a daring pilot and has always pressed damaged a number of others. His courage home his attacks with the greatest determina- and skill are an inspiration to all. tion. Distinguished Flying Cross. Lieutenant Robin PARE (202945), No. i Squadron, South African Air Force. Acting Squadron Leader John Percy Devaynes In February, 1941, Lieutenant Pare was GETHIN (33188), No. 203 Squadron. detailed with six other aircraft to carry out This officer carried out low-flying machine an attack on the aerodrome at Massawa. gun attacks against two enemy aerodromes, On approaching the target, he observed an over 350 miles from his base, and was re- anti-aircraft gun post about to open fire on sponsible for the destruction of five enemy the leader of the formation. He attacked aircraft and a petrol lorry. In his attack on and silenced this post but in doing so his the second aerodrome he destroyed four air- guns jammed. In spite of this he continued craft, all of which caught fire. Squadron to dive down on other anti-aircraft posts thus Leader Gethin has completed many opera- minimising the fire directed against the rest tional missions. He has displayed consider- of his formation. Lieutenant Pare also dis- able skill and great tenacity in delivering his played great courage and determination in attacks. the battle of Keren, shooting down four Flight Lieutenant Geoffrey David Leybourne enemy fighters in two air battles within three HAYSOM (39736), No. 79 Squadron. days. This officer has been engaged on opera- tional flying since the war began. He has Pilot Officer Arthur Norman William JOHNSTONE displayed great keenness in his efforts to seek (42313). and engage the enemy and has destroyed at This officer has been continuously engaged least five of their aircraft. on operations over a long period, during which he has completed many sorties. On Flight Lieutenant Eric Thornton SMITH (80056), one occasion he observed an enemy bomber Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 237 on the ground. Unable to .destroy it by (Rhodesian) Squadron. machine-gun fire, he flew past the aircraft, This officer has been continuously engaged very low, and succeeded in hitting it with a on operations over a long period. As com- verey signal cartridge, which set the aircraft mander of a detached flight he has displayed on fire. In February, 1941, he made a recon- considerable tactical resource and efficiency. naissance over the Agordat area returning He has himself participated in 67 operational with valuable information which enabled land missions and has at all times displayed out- forces to enter the town the following morn- standing courage and leadership with a strong ing. This officer has at all times displayed determination to seek and harrass any target great enthusiasm, determination and allotted him. initiative. Captain Kenneth Weekes DRIVER (102646), Pilot Officer Walter Sinclair KENNEDY (84999), No. i Squadron, South African Air Force. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 47 This officer has led his flight on many Squadron. offensive operations and fighter patrols. On One day in March, 1941, this officer was one occasion, he became separated from his the pilot of an aircraft engaged on a bomb- flight during an engagement and, on leaving ing attack on a selected target in the Cheren the area, he observed four enemy fighters and area. At the conclusion of his run over the immediately engaged them, shooting one target he was attacked by two enemy fighters. down in flames. Two of the enemy aircraft Incendiary bullets caused petrol from the then attacked him and so severely damaged port main tank to catch fire. As his air his aircraft that he was unable to maintain gunner was severely wounded he refused to.
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