
Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1993 THURLES CO·Op CREAMERY LTD "THE COMPLETE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE HARDWARE DIVISION Extensive Garden Range including Tools and Lawnmowers. General Hardware, Paint, 0 .1 Y., Power Tools, Electrical, Veterinary, Clothing, Footwear, White Goods, including Cookers, Washing Machines, Dishwashers, etc. "Main Horp o/nf Centre" STEEL DIVISION Everything from Box & Angle to R.S.J.s (all sizes). Galli. Sheeting· Aluminium Sheeting - Perspex. " Specials on Some Sizes" "Cut to Requirements" MEALSTORE DIVISION Fertilisers · Feedstuffs ' Molasses (tanks supplied) Fencing (posts and wire) . Farm Inputs. GROCERY DIVISION SUPERB SUPERMARKET SHOPPING THURLES FRESH MILK FRESH MILK - LOW-FAT MILK · CREAM - BUTTERMILK Fiorbhalnne Tlobrad Arsnn - Follal" Slalntiuli " UR GACH LA" ~[:) Templemore Road ~ .11 Thurles 0504-21522. Fax 22657 2 -I , CLAR AN LAE I I 1.30 County Minor Hurling SemJ ~ final Replay: Knockavilla-Donaskeigh Kickhams v. Toomevara Reiteoir: WI LLI E CLOHESSY (Drom and Inch) 3.00 Nenagh Co-Op County Senior Hurling Final • • Eire Og - Nenagh v. Toomevara Reiteoir: PADDY LONERGAN (Galtee Rovers) Buiochas A4any thanks to those who contributed articles for today 's Prog ramme. Special thanks to Gerry Ring and Brendan O'Connor who supplied all the photographs. John McCormack Music for today's game is provided by The Sean Tracy Pipe Band- Moycarkey Borris. The band wishes to acknowledge, with thanks, the financial support given to it by all Divisional Boa rds of the G.A.A. in Tipperary. 3 Kil kenny People PrlnUnll Ltd . .. 056-63366 O'MEARAS Distributors of: Agri & Auto Diesel II!,-",p Heating & Lubricating ~ Oils Quality Products at Competitive Prices with Prompt Delivery ALSO DIESEL EX-YARD PUMPS P. O'MEARA & SONS LTD. Ballycurrane, Thurles_ Telephone 0504-21333 Serving the area for over a century "Go r aibh m a ith agat as ucht gno a dhea namh linn" 4 Teachtaireacht an Cathaoirligh AN tit/illS (lflU fliiltt' a dlllr ,ollllil guch ,'imll' gIl Plilrc Semplt III/mi. TIl s,W ag,wl go mbt>rdJr lint TIelm/gIlt/filiI SIlQ St/lilchi IlgUS SOll1bamfUldh Xllcli mml Mi, nd h-imrtOri aglls lutlll fMduJlllI1J srlll agll~ t~iln(lmrh a:; Of! /Q lilt.,. 11,<, focus of all Til'ltt'Tl1"1 prt'I'/I', ,dlet/II'T at /WIII,' or UlI'Il.I/, u'ill srmly fit (m SeIllFlt Stlli/iuIU today {or thl' ,IrCltIII'f III/rliug l'lItnl WIt/lin lire COl/uty. II will 1x'1I11 O(cI/5ioll /0 a~>c'S$ the sta/t' of lilt' gallll' lJy I,jtwing JI't' IIIl'ril, und ~Irtngtb of til .. two 1('lIIIIS till/I har'!! ~lIrril~'II tl,/! /OIlX hurd road of cMmplo/blrip hurling throu,~11 dit'j~i!l1l1J1 alld emili/if cOII/t"!'b /0 tIll' final fbI. Today. for till' fi~t liml' ~1U(t" 1986. tht lut) omlt'S/lIIlls COIIJ!' from tilt' ~nr<' Jii'i.. /tlll. Tooml'rnra go il110 Ilus final in Iht Iwpt' fI/ flllitins lu'O COIIII/.11 clumll)ioll~lIiI's back 10 back. TIlt' III..~t oc(Q~iollllll"y um' in a sImi/or posilion II'M ill Tt'mp/l'lIIorl' all Octobrr IS, 196/. TIll' prl'I.'ioll' .1#-'I1r tllt'Y hnd ~toppt'd Tllllrll'S Snn;fidd~ gdlillS six-ill-ll-roll' ,wd url'rr hopeful vf a 5«Olld vidOry, Bulllwforlllllf hlld ih '<llly. Gerry H(IIWh wa~ hllt-d illlllvrry (lccideul al CJvl/akil/y (I fi'll' da.lls brfvre Ihe ,l:al1le. Umll'r."mldllbl.lI, I,is brollll'r alld CJII"lIill, JOhll, did Iwl liue 0111 011.1, iflllllt u~'rt' 1101 tllOlI,IIh, alit of lillir plll.l#-'rs 1I1I' stilI 10 Iht lillt ill lilt' t'llr1.11 slage of Iht gllllit. TIlt' rt'Slilt WilS dt1eal ..'10 dOllbt Toommm; 11'111 b..' ,Iril.'illg lI'illl mighl alld I':aill loday 10 tl/Sllrt /Jwllills 0J11JOrlllllily dOl'S 1101 slip Illtl/!. tire Os, '\'eflogh lI'illllllt"t"otlltr iJt'a~. TIley lI'iII ,1:0 mldlhi:; jillal fl'ill' Ih.' col/(idtl/u tllal com~ from Irnt'lIIt "'-'IItl'll /III' oppo;.iholl QITt'a.ly this ymr ill cJl.lmrll'lIo;/1I1' III/rlillg. It lImy re.'he parish's firsl st'llior filllll sill(l' 1907, U'lu~1 Ihl' fml/I'd deWel, u~'rt M,tell by Carrick, bill tllt'Y Irnrr.' Q 1'((llId 1111.1 IItlblt IJ/lrlill:~ allct'Stry. Modem Nfl/llgh III/rling may 1101 hllt't' Ctlme of agl' IlIIlil thl' old tirt' OX alld SlIrsfield:; dllbs U'l're IIlIilttl Jllldl'r 1111' bamler of 51 Mary's, ami tIlt' mllsic of 'Wllt'll lilt' Sainls Ct.l Man'hill,1: 111', ill Iht' lale fori it'S. bUllhey hm~' prC1l'idt'li a sll.'lldy flow of 11II(lin,l: laltllilo rolUi/y t"IIIIS. aile malls Krtal milllll'!' likt Billy 0·Brie1l. "illm'ti to llit ~Ianchil>ll of 1111' grul 1111 illilli! pl/Ol~raJ!1i frolll Ihe J946 JlII­ /"Iand, and the a'tler blou'l1l'la.IlfTS likr SmIlJII"; &11111011, C/lDrlie Dou'lIt'S.JoIulII.1I McGralh, Terry MI!/i>lley, Mict Bums II/Id col1it'llIlJOrnries likr COllar 0'[)(l1l0l'l1ll, Philip Kt'IIlIt'dV.Johll Hrffmloll Qlld MldlOd C/mry U>/WSf t'xpl"il, IIQ1't' lllrillt'd 1111.' fi11l~ QcrO% tllI'lalrd, In II'ritlllX abolll loday's :;:01111' il bthot'l'S lilt' ItllllmtiOll a IIt'W dimtlJ.;;oll Itl il: for IlIr firr<1 yror Ollr mlmly clUlll1l'iomJrip I1a~ br.." ~ll(msor"d alld I~' Ihi§ II~ a {'fry illll>orlll111 (h't't'itll'lIIt'lIl. Fillllllcial bacKing i.' t·ilal all occol/Ill of rsrollllill,1: c~t" aud 1111' TiPllf'rory COllllly Board are rXlrcmt'ly IIIIPI'Y 111111 Nell<lgh Co-0l'. who art' 1101 lit'll' 10 G.A.1\. "1'I.Ill$Orsl1ill, call1t'/lln!lQrd lI'i!h II gmt'rous oift'r. I "hOllld likt to 1I."t' tillS ol'pt,rtllmly 10 t1~11IJ.:.lh~ CIminI/ali of Nl.'lIagll Co-Op, Dl(1: TOOm. 1I11t1 IIi, board for Iheir t'fry SigllificQllt contribution Ill/Ii IUlpt that IIU'!I u'ill achitTl.' 01/ appmwblt rollmll'rcial rdum from IIk'ir 'IJOII""NIlP of Ihe Nt'IIa,~h Co-Op Ti"pm1ry Strrior Hurling Clmlllpiollship. nu' first gaml.' is 11r.. rf7llay of lIlt roUI1/.lIlIIillor hurlillg clIQIIII'ioll"'1i" st'mi-filll1l. Y~lfTJay u~,'k Kickllllll1~ IlI1d TOOnlft'l"lro drt'1I' 111 TI'III/'it'dl'rry aftt'r a grl.'lll strolld-llII!f di"I,IIIY b.1I lilt' WI'SI r1U11l1I'i(111~, 11'110 Irll/lt'd b.1I fir't' paml. III IIlt'1I11mvJl. Bolh trams IJat~' bt'f111't'ty strollg lit /llIdl'mgl' /r1'1'i ot'l'r lilt' past ft'lt' ymr.' ami u't' CIIIII.'XI~'(/ alltlther rollsillS di~pJII.v, Finally, I siJollld tikt' to ultlltlll sillcrr" tllGllb to 1111 IIII' lrolll,; Iltal/~lrlicil~II"1 ill tilt' coullly dWlI1piollo;lIips Ihis .Wilr, 10 Ihe ft'fi'rtI.'S alld mald, offiCIals allodny'5 gm1ll'S oud 10 al/lhose inrolmlmllrt orxom;{1lidll olld prt'Sl'II/Q!u.II1 of II"" grml ffl'"Ilt. M6 bI/JIiocha5 JioM lIill.'. MI CHEA.L MAC UIDHIR, Cathaoirleach Coi!ote Chond~e lorm al 100% and led to hIS selectIon at 1uI1- forward, HilS molt able assistant was KeVin Turner, this yelr'l Tlpp minor capt.ln, who Nenagh's has lurned sevpral oames lor hil club since making an Impresalve enlry v Lorrha RObbie Tomlinson la8t year'l Tlpp minor captain will be hoping to repeat his usual good form agalnsl Toomevara, while John biggest day Kennedy has the ability 10 make the chances count Nenagh wilt need III of their Wiles to breach. very sale Toome rearguard, led by captain and goalkeeper Jody Grace. Rory Briliane has been very lound at lull -but greyhounds back In recenl outings, white Michael O'Meara Is flanked by IwO lively hurlers In GeorOe Frend and PhiUp Shanahan, Inllde the corner men Pat Maher .nd Declan O'Meara are tenaCIous defenders who give have short tails! lIttle away. But Toome's lrump card now II mldfielder Pat King whose heloht and Ilrengih give hiS team a luperb mldl!eld By: SOlin O'Doherty Inchor, Hil prelenee In front ollhe hail-baCk line enhances the resistance 01 his delence In that he prevents so much ball Irom gelling lODAY'S all North Tipperary County Fine' - throuoh and allows his Inner lexte' to keep thl Ilr. t linee 1986 - will 1" I Ure I bumper their shape IniaC!. ette"dlnce to wlln ... thl I " IWI( to Ihl Nenagh's response 10 this obltacle msy ),u'. major que,lIon. C.lpHI Nanlgll', determine their claim 10 glory. .aml-lIne! vletory end Ihel, •• rU.r twin Up Ironl Toome have their own sharp­ It.IGC8'''' .pin.1 Toome".r., poIople .r. shooters In Michael Nolsn, Tommy Dunne .tlll unaur. If II'teYlr. good enough 10 JKlIl off and Tommy Carroll, With Michael Murphy Iher, blglle5t IVlr c:oup end 11 ft Ihe DI" Br•• " leading the sttack In faarless falhlon and Cup. Ttll, uncertainty hi. il. IOUI'CtI In Ihr•• Tony Delaney alwlYs IIkaly to pop up lor a 'Ictorl: (1) leoma".,. were more Impr..... score when the opportunity presentl illelf I'll In Ihllr Co. QUl rter end Co. Seml.Flne' Toomevara as delendlng championa will start lavourltal, The ir victory over Safifield'i glm•• than (2) Toome"lr. h.". Ne"'gn: lell no room lor argument Last year'.
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