Aa Bb Cc Dd EeFf Gg Hh liJj Kk LI Mm Nn OoPp Qq RrSsTt UuVvWwXxYyZz1234567890&/ECE$$(£%!?( UPPER AND LOWER CASE THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF 1 YPOGRAPHICS PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL TYPEFACE CORPORATION, VOLUME TWO, NUMBER ONE 1975 In This Issue: The Washington Seminar An historic two-day typographic forum took place last October, bringing together a who's who of distinguished designers and typographic craftsmen from all over the THE ART OF TYPEFACE DESIGN world. Subject of discussion: "The Art of Typeface AND VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS Design and Visual Communications?' The seminar was called by the Library of Congress, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Graduate School of An historical two-day typographic symposium took place October PAGE 4 15-16 in Washington, D.C. It answered and asked many questions. The the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Highlights of the symposium evolved from a need to teach approximately twenty attor- program are presented, along with editorial comment neys of the Copyright section of the Library of Congress how to dis- supporting copyright protection for typefaces. tinguish between typefaces, the differences between the various The Letterform In Illustration typographic systems and their applications, the problems faced by a The art of illustration and letterforms is a relatively designer of new typefaces, and the relationship of technology to typeface design and use. In addition to the attorneys, the audience new means of enhancing communications. U&lc has included art directors, typographers, and printers from government put together several extraordinary examples of the art, agencies and departments. Sponsors were the Library of Congress, coupled with a few words of wisdom on the subject. the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Graduate School of The Poems Of Chairman Mao the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They brought together a who's During the recent presidential visit to China, Chairman PAGE 8 who of distinguished typeface designers and typographic experts Mao presented a handsome volume of his own poetry from all over the world. It is anticipated that the resultant talks, to one of the delegation. U&lc reproduces several slides, graphic material and the question-answer dialogues will be choice verses, with appropriate English translation. the basis of a forthcoming publication. For now, U6rlc brings you a GOOSE summary of the symposium. The program and speakers were: The CBS Wall One of the outstanding typographic designs of our time LIVER PART I: RELATIONSHIP OF TECHNOLOGY Klaus Schmidt (USA) is the gastrotypographical mural Lou Dorfsman created TO TYPEFACE DESIGN AND USE Vice President, Director of Print Operations, for the cafeteria wall in the CBS Building. The editors John Dreyfus (England) Young and Rubicam. Member Advertising Agency Production Club, Art Directors'Club of Pion International Consultant. Typographical ad- New York, Type Directors Club and Typographi- tell how it all came about. viser, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, cal Union No. 6. Co-founder, International aittalD England, and Monotype Corporation Limited, Something For Everybody Center for Typographic Arts. London; Director of the Curwen Press, London Typography in the advertising agency. Herb Lubalin at it again, with visual tongue in cheek. Historical development of typography. The state of typographic design as an art, a craft, and an Eight ways to achieve the heights and/or depths to industry. Louis Silverstein (USA) which men aspire. Illustrated by Murray Tinkelman. Corporate Art Director, New York Times Com- Aaron Burns (USA) pany. Former promotion art director of The New York Times. Art director of America Mag- Lost And Found: The Art Of The Letterform Co-Chairman for Symposium. International au- The Art Directors Club in New York has recently shown thority on typography; Co-founder of Interna- azine and of a New York advertising agency. tional Centerfor Typographic Arts; currently on Typography ancl the newspaper. an exhibition of lettering, calligraphy and alphabets board of directors LAssociation Typographique International; President, International Thomas Geismar (USA) representing the work of 27 leading artists in this field. Typeface Corporation and Lubalin, Burns & Co., Partner, Chermayeff & Geismar Associates. Inc., New York. Chairman of the Advisory Committee on My Best With Letters An introduction to modern typography and the Transportation Related Signs and Symbols for Louis Danziger, Massimo Vignelli, Alan Fletcher, and new technologies. the U.S. Department of Transportation. Typography for industry and the corporation. Herb Lubalin add to the list of prominent designers con- PAGE 14 George Sadek (USA) tributing their one "best" as a regular U&Ic feature. Dean, The School of Art and Architecture, The Rudolph de Harak (USA) Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science President, Rudolph de Harak, Inc., New York. and Art, New York. Designer of corporate identity programs, publi- Ms. Hedda Johnson The second in our new series of articles devoted to the Typographic art and design education. cations, signage, exhibitions and products. Typography of signage, architecture and talented women in communications, this time around PART II: ASPECTS OF exhibitions. PROBLEMS DESIGNERS DEAL WITH WHEN Herb Lubalin (USA) being devoted to the work of Hedda Johnson. A DESIGNING TYPEFACES consummate artist with a dynamic personality. Hermann Zapf (Germany) President, Lubalin, Smith, Carnase, New York; Vice President, International Typeface Corp., Master calligrapher, type designer, author and Professor, The Cooper Union for the Advance- lecturer. Designer of over 60 typefaces includ- Letters Pro And Con ment of Science and Art. Past President, Art Gratifyingly, the flow of mail continues to pour in from ing Palatino, Melior, Optima. Directors Club of New York. Typeface design, the past, the present and the Typo/Graphics. A designer's use of letterforms future. all corners of the globe. The editors have gone out of for total communications. their way to present an equal balance but have been Adrian Frutiger (France) PART V: LEGAL ASPECTS quite unable to come up with enough cons. Type designer, illustrator and consultant. OF TYPEFACE DESIGN Former art director of Deberny and Peignot New From ITC Typefoundry, Paris. Joseph Gastel (USA) Design and development of one basic typeface Practicing attorney specializing in patents, In our second issue, U&lc gave you a preview showing having 21 different weights and proportions_ The trademarks and copyrights. Memberof the Bar Univers series. Association of the State of New York and Dis- of New text. Now being offered through ITC subscribers, trict of Columbia. we herein present this newest typeface in all its forms. Matthew Carter (England) Typography and Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents. Type designer and consultant. Associated with Congress And Copyright Johan Enschede & Zonen, Holland; Crossfield PERMANENT PANELISTS U&lc urges you to support copyright protection for Electronics (Photon), England; Mergenthaler Linotype Company, New York. Alvin Eisenman (USA) type designers by writing to your Congressmen.To make A critical study of subtleties and differences be- Professor of graphic design and director of this convenient, you will find a listing of your Repre- tween typefaces having similar characteristics. studies in graphic design and photography, The Graduate School of Art, Yale University. sentative and both your Senators. PART III: HOW TO DISTINGUISH Typography and Art. BETWEEN TYPEFACES ALGA Position Paper Edward Rondthaler (USA) Michael Parker (USA) In February of this year, the American Institute of Pioneer in the development of photo-lettering. MergenthalerDirector of Typographic Linotype Company, Development, New York.The Chairman of Photo-Lettering, Inc.; Chairman, Graphic Arts issued a "Statement of Position" supporting International Typeface Corporation, New York. Typeface Development, Production and copyright. U&Ic reproduces this statement. Co-inventor of the Rutherford Photo-Lettering Implementation. Machine. U&lc Book Shop The development of a unique system of typeface David A. Sutton (USA) identification and classification for a library of Co-Chairmarifor Symposium. Design Director, Wherein the editors offer a list of the latest and, we 10,000 typeface designs. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Graphic de- feel, the best books published on a range of subjects signer, industrial designer, city planner. PART IV: TYPEFACE SYSTEMS Typography and the Public Sector; Government dealing with various aspects of the graphic arts. AND USES TODAY Needs for Typefaces. PAGE 46 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE VOLUME 2, NUMBER 1, 1975 HERB LUBALIN, EDITORIAL & DESIGN DIRECTOR AARON BURNS, EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ED RONDTHALER. EDITORIAL DIRECTOR JACK ANSON FINKE. ASSOCIATE EDITOR JAN McKAY. ANNA McCUSKER. JOE SUNDWALL, TONY DISPIGNA ART & PRODUCTION EDITORS JOHN PRENTKI. BUSINESS AND ADVERTISING MANAGER "U&LC" COPYRIGHT 1975 AND PUBLISHED BY INTERNATIONAL TYPEFACE CORPORATION. 216 EAST 45TH STREET. NEW YORK. N.Y. 10017 A JOINTLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF PHOTO-LETTERING. INC. AND LUBALIN. BURNS & CO. INC. APPLICATION TO MAIL AT CONTROLLED CIRCULATION RATES IS PENDING AT NEW YORK, NEW YORK AND FARMINGDALE. NEW YORK BOARD OF DIRECTORS: EDWARD RONDTHALER. CHAIRMAN AARON BURNS, PRESIDENT HERB LUBALIN, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT JOHN PRENTKI, SECRETARY/TREASIIRER BOB FARBER, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT ED BENGUIAT, VICE PRESIDENT STEPHEN KOPEC. VICE PRESIDENT Editorial: Today
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