T81.13 JOURNAL OF THE JUNE 16 LaFalce Olver Shaw Kleczka Miller (FL) Stokes House to abolish the Consent Calendar and LaHood Orton Shays Matsui Mineta Thornton to establish in its place a Corrections Cal- Largent Owens Shuster Meek Moakley Tucker endar (Rept. No. 104±144). Referred to the Lazio Paxon Slaughter Mica Pelosi Weldon (FL) House Calendar. Leach Payne (NJ) Smith (MI) Miller (CA) Rose Yates Mr. ARCHER: Committee on Ways and Levin Peterson (MN) Smith (NJ) Lewis (CA) Petri Smith (WA) So the amendment was agreed to. Means. H.R. 1812. A bill to amend the Inter- Lincoln Pombo Souder The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. nal Revenue Code of 1986 to revise the in- Lipinski Pomeroy Stark FOLEY, assumed the Chair. come estate, and gift tax rules applicable to LoBiondo Portman Stearns When Mr. BARRETT of Nebraska, individuals who lose U.S. citizenship; with Lofgren Poshard Stenholm an amendment (Rept. No. 104±145). Referred Longley Pryce Stockman Chairman, reported that the Com- to the Committee of the Whole House on the Luther Quinn Studds mittee, having had under consideration State of the Union. Maloney Radanovich Stupak said bill, had come to no resolution Manzullo Rahall Talent T81.19 TIME LIMITATION OF REFERRED Markey Ramstad Tate thereon. Martinez Rangel Tauzin BILL T Martini Regula Thomas 81.13 ADJOURNMENT OVER Pursuant clause 5 of rule X the fol- McCarthy Reynolds Thompson McCollum Richardson Thornberry On motion of Mr. ARMEY, by unani- lowing action was taken by the Speak- McCrery Riggs Thurman mous consent, er: McDermott Rivers Tiahrt Ordered, That when the House ad- H.R. 1062. Referral to the Committee on McInnis Roberts Torricelli journs today, it adjourn to meet at 12 Commerce extended for a period ending not McIntosh Roemer Towns later than June 22, 1995. McKeon Rogers Upton o'clock noon on Monday, June 19, 1995. McKinney Rohrabacher Velazquez T81.20 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Meehan Roth Vento T81.14 CALENDAR WEDNESDAY BUSINESS Menendez Roukema Visclosky DISPENSED WITH Under clause 5 of rule X and clause 4 Metcalf Roybal-Allard Volkmer of rule XXII, public bills and resolu- Meyers Royce Waldholtz On motion of Mr. ARMEY, by unani- Mfume Rush Walker mous consent, tions were introduced and severally re- Minge Sabo Wamp Ordered, That business in order for ferred as follows: Mink Salmon Watt (NC) By Mr. FIELDS of Texas (for himself Moorhead Sanders Weldon (PA) consideration on Wednesday, June 21, and Mr. MARKEY): Myrick Sanford Weller 1995, under clause 7, rule XXIV, the H.R. 1869. A bill to amend the Communica- Nadler Sawyer White Calendar Wednesday rule, be dispensed Neal Scarborough Whitfield tions Act of 1934 to extend the authorizations Nethercutt Schiff Williams with. of appropriations of the Federal Communica- Neumann Schroeder Wise T tions Commission, and for other purposes; to Ney Schumer Woolsey 81.15 SUBPOENA the Committee on Commerce. Norwood Seastrand Wyden The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. By Mrs. MORELLA: Nussle Sensenbrenner Zeliff FOLEY, laid before the House a com- H.R. 1870. A bill to authorize appropria- Obey Shadegg Zimmer tions for the activities of the Under Sec- munication, which was read as follows: NOESÐ137 retary of Commerce for Technology, and for COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS Scientific and Technical Research Services Abercrombie Gonzalez Ortiz OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT, and Construction of Research Facilities ac- Barrett (NE) Goodlatte Oxley Washington, DC, June 15, 1995. tivities of the National Institute of Stand- Bartlett Green Packard Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, Bateman Gutierrez Pallone ards and Technology, for fiscal year 1996, and Beilenson Hancock Parker Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, Wash- for other purposes; to the Committee on Bentsen Hastert Pastor ington, DC. Science. Bereuter Hefley Payne (VA) DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to formally no- H.R. 1871. A bill to authorize appropria- Bevill Hefner Peterson (FL) tify you pursuant to Rule L (50) of the Rules tions for the National Institute of Standards Bishop Hinchey Pickett of the House that my Committee has been and Technology Industrial Technology Serv- Bliley Holden Porter served with a subpoena issued by the United ices for fiscal year 1996, and for other pur- Boehlert Hoyer Quillen States District Court for the Eastern Dis- poses; to the Committee on Science. Boehner Hunter Reed Bonilla Hyde Ros-Lehtinen trict of Pennsylvania. By Mr. BILIRAKIS (for himself, Mr. Bonior Johnson, E. B. Saxton After consultation with the General Coun- WAXMAN, Mr. BLILEY, Mr. DINGELL, Borski Johnson, Sam Schaefer sel, I will make the determinations required Mr. HASTERT, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. UPTON, Boucher Kelly Scott by the Rule. Mr. MANTON, Mr. KLUG, Mr. TOWNS, Brown (FL) Kennedy (RI) Serrano Sincerely, Mr. GREENWOOD, Mr. STUDDS, Mr. Bryant (TX) King Sisisky NANCY L. JOHNSON, BILBRAY, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. Callahan Kingston Skaggs Chairman. GANSKE, Ms. FURSE, Mr. MOORHEAD, Chambliss Klink Skeen Mr. DEUTSCH, Mr. RUSH, Ms. ESHOO, Clinger Kolbe Skelton T Coleman Lantos Smith (TX) 81.16 LEAVE OF ABSENCE Mr. STUPAK, Mr. GUNDERSON, and Ms. Collins (GA) Latham Solomon By unanimous consent, leave of ab- PELOSI): Collins (MI) LaTourette Spence H.R. 1872. A bill to amend the Public Cramer Laughlin Spratt sence was grantedÐ Health Service Act to revise and extend pro- Crane Lewis (GA) Stump To Mr. YATES, for today; grams established pursuant to the Ryan Cubin Lewis (KY) Tanner To Mr. DICKEY, for today; White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emer- Davis Lightfoot Taylor (MS) To Mrs. MEEK, for today after 12:35 gency Act of 1990; to the Committee on Com- de la Garza Linder Taylor (NC) merce. DeLay Livingston Tejeda p.m; and Diaz-Balart Lowey Torkildsen To Mr. TUCKER, for today after 12 By Mr. BOUCHER: H.R. 1873. A bill to provide for protection Dingell Lucas Torres o'clock noon. Dornan Manton Traficant of the flag of the United States; to the Com- Doyle Mascara Vucanovich And then, mittee on the Judiciary. Edwards McDade Walsh T By Mr. BROWDER: Emerson McHale Ward 81.17 ADJOURNMENT H.R. 1874. A bill to modify the boundaries Everett McHugh Waters On motion of Mr. GONZALEZ, pursu- of the Talladega National Forest, AL; to the Farr McNulty Watts (OK) ant to the special order heretofore Committee on Agriculture. Fazio Molinari Waxman By Mr. COLEMAN: Foglietta Mollohan Wicker agreed to, at 3 o'clock and 6 minutes H.R. 1875. A bill to provide for the convey- Frost Montgomery Wilson p.m., the House adjourned until 12 Gejdenson Moran Wolf ance of the reversionary interest of the Gekas Morella Wynn o'clock noon on Monday, June 19, 1995. United States in certain lands to the Clint Geren Murtha Young (AK) Independent School District and the Fabens Gibbons Myers Young (FL) T81.18 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Independent School District; to the Com- Gilman Oberstar PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS mittee on International Relations. By Mr. EVANS (for himself, Mr. NOT VOTINGÐ36 Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of committees were delivered to the Clerk DEFAZIO, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, Mr. Ackerman Clay Dooley FRANK of Massachusetts, Ms. PELOSI, Baker (LA) Clayton Gallegly for printing and reference to the proper Mr. OLVER, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. GUTIER- Ballenger Clyburn Gephardt calendar, as follows: Bilirakis Collins (IL) Hastings (FL) REZ, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. Brown (CA) Cox Hayes Mr. SOLOMON: Committee on Rules. SHAYS, Mr. FOGLIETTA, Mr. LEWIS of Buyer Coyne Jefferson House Resolution 168. Resolution amending Georgia, Mrs. MORELLA, Mr. VENTO, Chapman Dickey Johnston clause 4 of rule XIII of the Rules of the Ms. 1012 1995 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T81.23 SLAUGHTER, Mr. JOHNSTON of Florida, SALMON, Mr. SOUDER, Mr. TALENT, mentÐmost-favored-nation treatmentÐto Mr. MINGE, Mr. DEUTSCH, Mr. DEL- Mr. BACHUS, Mr. BAKER of California, the products of the People's Republic of LUMS, Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin, Mr. Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland, Mr. BAR- China; to the Committee on Ways and ABERCROMBIE, Mr. TORRES, Mr. TON to Texas, Mr. BASS, Mr. BRYANT Means. BROWN of California, Mr. WYDEN, and of Tennessee, Mr. BURR, Mr. BURTON Mr. CONYERS): of Indiana, Mr. CAMP, Mr. CALLAHAN, T81.21 MEMORIALS H.R. 1876. A bill to support proposals to im- Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mrs. CHENOWETH, Mr. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, plement the U.S. goal of the eventual elimi- CANADY, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. CHRYSLER, nation of antipersonnel landmines, to impose Mr. COBURN, Mr. CONDIT, Mr. COOLEY, 114. The SPEAKER presented a memorial a moratorium on the use of antipersonnel Mr. CRANE, Mrs. CUBIN, Mr. of the General Assembly of the State of Indi- landmines except in limited circumstances, CUNNINGHAM, Mr. DREIER, Mr. DOO- ana, relative to the Republic of China, Tai- to provide for sanctions against foreign gov- LITTLE, Mr. DORNAN, Mr. EMERSON, wan's, participation in the United Nations; ernments that export antipersonnel land- Mr. ENSIGN, Mr. FOLEY, Mr. GANSKE, to the Committee on International Rela- mines, and for other purposes; to the Com- Mr. GOSS, Mr. GUTKNECHT, Mr. HAN- tions. mittee on International Relations, and in ad- COCK, Mr. HASTERT, Mr. HAYWORTH, dition to the Committee on National Secu- Mr. HEFLEY, Mr. HEINEMAN, Mr. T81.22 PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS rity, for a period to be subsequently deter- HERGER, Mr. HILLEARY, Mr. HOKE, Under clause 1 of rule XXII, mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- Mr. HUNTER, Mr. INGLIS of South Mr. WYNN introduced a bill (H.R. 1886) for sideration of such provisions as fall within Carolina, Mr. KASICH, Mr. KING, Mr. the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. LAHOOD, Mr. LARGENT, Mr. LATHAM, the relief of John Wesley Davis; which was By Mr. FOX (for himself, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky, Mr. LINDER, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
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