t [Whenever we send out loving Put away all sarcasm from your thcught in generuus profusion, speech. Never complain. Do not every part of our environment prophesy evil. Have a good word echoes back a sweet benediction. THE CAMPUS for everyone, or else keep silent. —Henry Wood. OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE —Henry Ward Beecher. VOL. XLVI, NO. 1. MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA SEPTEMBER 22, 1927. 1927-28 REGISTRATION EXCEEDS THE 500 LIMIT SENATE ORGANIZES AND NOMINATES CLASS OFFICERS ONE HUNDRED ENTITY NEW HOMECOMING DAY PITTSBURGH ALUMNI HARRIFF ELECTED PRESIDENT Plan now to a.ttend the Annual Allegheny alumni and former Homecoming Day on October 15. students who desire to return There will be a special speaker to the scene of their college STUDENTS ENTER COLLEGE at the morning chapel service; days for Homecoming Day on OF MEN'S hOVERNINfi BOARD buffet lunch—free to alumni— October 15, but who do not have served in Cochran Hain; the automobiles in which to make Westminster-Allegheny football the trip, should communicate Class Has One Hundred Seven Men With game; and an entertainment' in immediately with A. D. P. Miller, Kirkpatrick Slated For Senior Class Presidency With Freshmen the evening. Ray Cox '15, presi- Esq.. President of the Allegheny dent of the Allegheny Alumni College Club of Pittsburgh, at Bowen As Junior Class Head Only Sixty Women Association, along with his staff his offices in the Bakewell of workers, is working hard in minding, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. order to have a good program iller is arranging to secure The complete registration at Atte- Robert Sackett Bates Meadville for you. More details later. transportation for "Automobile- At a special meeting. of the Men'sl At a second meeting of the Senate gheny for the year 1927-28 shows that Mary Souella Beatty.. ....Meadville Plan NOW to come. less" Alleghenians in the cars Senate held in Alden Hall at the I held at the chapel hour Tuesday, fol- Paul D. Blair Meadville o' ether returning alumni who chapel hour Monday, September 19,1lowing the usual L.ustom, norwnaticns approximately five hundred and fifty rn'ght have extra space in their students are enrolled in the College Reuben Samuel Bloom new officers were elected and installed.; were made for the class officers of Cambridge Springs '112 '.11ines. this fall. This number is somewhat The following men were chosen as i each class. Of course it is optional THIRTEEN NEW 5IEMBERS below the registration last year. but Claford Conrad Bloomgren officers: president, Fred Hariff; vice-t with the members of each class Youngsville is still considerably above five hun- president, George Biebel; treasurer,] whether the suggestions of the senate Paul William Boden Johnstown dred which the college has set as the ON FACULTY THIS YEAR LARGE UNIVERSITIES ARE Thomas G. Lcflingwell; secrelary, (Lawrence Charles Boylan.LeRoy, N.Y. 1 ::re followed as each class will meet limit. Approximately one hundred Richard Merrill. Thomas George Booth !Meadville sometime during the course of the and sixty-seven students comprise the IIERELY FACT FACTORIES It was decided by the new senate week and hold an official election. Eleanor Lucille Brown Utica The beginning of the school year freshman class, one hundred and that Freshman Rules will be rigidly However, the choice of the Senate is seven of these being men. In addi- (Marjorie Robinson Brown..Brookville 15+27-23 finds thirteen .changes in the Pittsburgh enforced this year. A freshman proc- usually followed, for their selections tion to the incoming freshmen, thir- Milton McCoy Brown faculty of the College. Several of Grace Buergin Mc Keespc rt last year's professors are now en- American parents will select small lamatlon has been published and caps divide the offices among the various teen advance students are taking up colleges near their homes for their Alice Osborn. Cable Warren gaged in research and further study have been placed on sale at the reas- fraternities. their work at Allegheny this fall. childre• if they follow the advice of Gerald Arlton Capwell....Hazelburst in their line. and several have ob- onahle price of $1.50. Those fresh- The following is the list of advance 'Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, noted educator The nominations for the officers of Mary Eunice Chamberlin..Uniontown tained more lucrative positions in men who are continually negligent in the Senior Class were as follows: students: Leona Isabella Chartlev Erie - ral health authority. Mary Anderson Cheltenbam other colleges. obeying the rules -will be brought be- president, Robert Kirkpatrick; vice- Meadville William Bertiam Christie Erie Miss Katherine L. Anderson. who The great universities with present- Ruth Sabel Corliss day enrollments of 5,000 to 25,000 are fore the senate and meted out due president, Paul C. Reynolds; treas- Meadville 'Geraldine Mary Clancy Meadville succeeds Miss Staley as Dean of Wom- Dorothy Ferer Geneva like factories, turning out graduates nun ish m ent. urer, Alwin Beach; the Junior Class, Fredrycle Ervin Holmes ..McKeesport Squire Frederick Clark en, is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan. Claude Clayton Collier.Rochester,N.Y. Miss Anderson received her M. A. at supplied with specified facts on cer- president, Charles F. Bowen; vice- George Cruthers Johnstone.Ben Avon tain subjects, but they lack the ad- president. Kryl Richards; treasurer, Albion (Continued on page 3) Boston University in 1925 and has College Band Has Arlene Louise Keepa vantages of intimate contacts between Osier Hammett; the Sophomore Class, Richard Emil Lerach Pittsburgh spent the last few years as Dean of Girls at Concord High School, Con- teacher and students and the congen- president. Wendell Gornall; vice-pres- Jack Travis McConnell ..Y011.11gStOV,T. ial community life which develops Nucleus For Fine Court Judge Rules - e-(1. New Hampshire. ident. Ronald McKay; treasurer, Alice Jasmine McQuiston .Wilkinsburg character and fosters culture, he de- Grace Gertrude Reynolds ....Albion In the History department Profes- James Gillies; the Freshman Class, Braddock Against Dismissal sor Long replaces Professor Howie, clares, writing in Good Housekeeping 1927 Organization William Lloyd Shaffer for September. president, Robert Patterson; vice- Mary Lawrence Stone Warren rd. during the absence of Doctor president, Harold Allison; treasurer, \roodring, will act as head. Park "There is also a social threat which William Wallace Youngson. Jr Of Syracuse Girl On Monday afternoon, September Harry Smith. The Senate slecicled not Portland, Ore. Hotchkiss, Allegheny '27, assumes Pro- is more dangerous in huge crowds to make nominations for the office of fessor Long's former position. than in small companies," he says. 19, the initial rehearsal of the Alle- The department of English Lan- "It is the danger of bolshevism and gheny College Band was held in Ford secretary or historian in anv mass The following compose the fresh- That a school has no right to dis- guage is changed considerably this atheism. It is an easy matter in these Memorial Chapel. An unprecedented since these officers are invariably • miss any student without giving a man class: year. The absence of Doctor Swart- crowded educational centers to couple number of candidates was present to 'chosen from the women of the class. Thora Louise Allen....Lakewood, 0. valid reason for the act, was the de- up disbelief in God with disbelief in ley, who is taking his sabbatic leave. try out for positions. Keen compe- Harold Marvin Allison.. Carmichaels cision of the Supreme Court of New necessitated a new head for this de- government. Hemer William Anderson..Pittsburgh, York recently when Justice Edward tition among the several applicants ir partment. Julian Ross. who reeeiver:: "One dollar expended at Hanover, a Irene Carolyn Anderson ..... ...Erie N. Smith handed doom a decision re- 8111411 college in Indiana, gives as torecasts a bright future for tri-e or his A. B. at Allegheny in '23, will act ICKET DISTRIBUTION instating a girl student in Syracuse much culture as five at Harvard. As ganization during the coming yeara Mary Louise Anderson Beaver in this capacity. John Henrietta. University. and ordering the Univer- a graduate of both institutions I can Nearly all the fernier me.obsrs have Benjamin John Babcock Allegheny '27, succeeds Professor Wellsville, N. Y. sity to pay the costs of the conrt as- truly make this statement. returned to College this fall, and it is TO BE STARTED SOON Munhall tion the girl started when she was Schruers and Sanford B. Meech, a Jelin William Bair Emlenton graduate of Yale, takes the place of "The real specific benefit of the around this nucleus that the new musi- (•erles Timalette Barris dismissed from the University with- small college, lies in the fact that its cal order will be formed. in addition, out a definite reason. Professor Smith. TOWNSEND PRO'7 0SES TO FOL- students are individuals. They know there are approximately ten new men The student had completed three There are three changes in the lan- LOW SAME PLAN AS Years work in the College of Home guage departments. Miss Sophie- their professors. They are not simply whose names will probably appear in LAST YEAR CO-ED FLOATINO "U" Anna Bachofen, M. A. at the Univer- a number in a huge herd, without rec- the personnel of the land for this u Economics. and had paid her tuition I I i for the yeas, when she was called to sity of Wisconsin, will instruct in ognition or individuality. season. Practices will he held regu- Graduate Manager S. S. Townsend STARTS THIS MONT , the office of Dean Peters and there Freach and Italian. Arman Kalfayan "In a commencement in which from larly every Monday and Thursday at has announced the plan of student , informed that she was dismissed. She will succeed Miss Gardner in the one to two thousand graduates receive4:30 P.
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