( I VOL. 90 NO•• 51 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, 11-!EWARK, DEL. FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1968 5 v n e 11 Officials Subpoenaed For Obscenity Trial By SCOTT VfRIGHT or needed the postponement Possible $200 maximum fine . Three top university admin­ but that he had" gone along with and or 90 days in jail, it found istrators, including Acting it." guilty. President John W. Shirley, have Morris said, however, that been subpoenaed by thedefense "there wtll be no more post­ to appear at next Wednesday's ponements with my consent." trial of the 3 students and a Jerome Herlihy, an Assist­ Talk By Former non-student who were charged ant Attorney General, is pros­ last month withdlstrtbuttngob­ ecuting the case while John P. scene literature. Sinclair is the universitycoun­ Dean Concludes The two other administra­ sel. tors subpoenaed are John E. PROSECUTION Hocutt, Vice President forStu­ New':\rk detective Lt. William Scholar Series dent Affairs and Donald P. Brierly--who, along with De- The Gilbert D and E spon­ Hardy, Dean of Men. The trial tective Robert Stafford, made sored Community of Scholars was originally setforlastWed­ the original arrests--said that nesday but was postponed for a he and Stafford would testify lecture series w'm come to an end Tuesday with the prsenta­ week at the request of univer­ for the prosecution as would tion of Dr. G. Bruce Dearing. sity counsel. several campus security Dr. Dearing is a former dean Also subpoenaed by the de­ guards and a number of stu­ of the College of Arts and fense are John M. Dawson, di­ dent volunteers. Science at the University of rector of the university library, Lt. Brierly said that Dean Delaware. Before joining the Louis T. Dickson, manager of Hardy had already been ex­ Delaware faculty, President the Student Center Bookstore, pected to testify before he was STRANGE FACES have been seen around cam pus. Arc Welder, Dearing was a professor oflit­ and some undisclosed mem­ subpoenaed. above, was seen loitering :n the Student Center Parking lot last erature at Swarthmore Col­ week. bers of the faculty. The trial, expected to last lege. He holds a Ph.D. de­ Staff Photo By Steve Scheller, On trial are Ramon Cect, up to six hours, is setforWed­ gree in English literature and a AS8 Seven Sass, BEOP, David nesday at 10 p.m. before Alder­ 1 master's degree in psychology. McCorquodale, GF.., andGeorge man Daniel P. Ferry in the He became president of Har­ Wolktnd, a non-student. All Academy Building located on per College in the SUNY sys­ Station WHEN Is were arrested during the last E. Maip ~treet. tem February 1965 and made week of April on charges of Legal proceedings have begun national headlines last Novem­ distributing a phamphlet con­ following the arrest. of Wolkind ber by banning military re­ In Tune For Fall taining in its title, an allegedly and Larry Mason, ED1Apri129. cruiters from the Binghamton "WHEN is in business,'' pro­ comes women to apply for all obscene word. Both Mason and Wotktnd were campus. He is a commander nounced Greer Firestone, AS9 positions, including disc joc­ NO MORE DELAYS released on recognizance pend­ in the u.s. Naval Reserve. as he convened the campus key. Serving as defense counsel is ing $100 ball. Appearances for Dr. G. Bruce Dearing, will radio club's final meeting this Preparations for WHEN's Irving Morris, of the Ameri­ the two are scheduledforMay15 speak in the Rodney Room of spring, Wednesday evening. first airing wtll continue can Civil Liberties Union. He at 2 p.m. before Magistrate the student Center at 8 p.m. To the record turn-out crowd through the summer. said that he had not requested Dan let P. Ferry. They face a He will consider the respon­ in the student center's Blue sibilities of an educational in­ and Gold Room, Firestone, Choice '68 Results stitution in today's society, general manager of WHEN, placing particular emphasis on introduced Dr. Patrick Kenni­ schools of Delaware's size. cott of the department of The series, which began on drama and speech, the sta­ McCarthy Victory But Rocky Named Most April 9, has brought three tion's advisor. well-known speakers to the According to Firestone, WASHINGTON (CPS)-- Col­ Following is a breakdown level of American mtlltary ac­ campus to discuss problems work and purchase orders lege students voted for Sen. of the results, with about 90 tivity, 9.0; All-out m llltary currently facing higher educa­ were handed to him Wednes­ Eugene McCarthy (b-Mtnn.) per cent of the vote in: effort, 21.0. tion. day for the renovation of the and an end to the war in Viet­ For President Eugene What course of action should students from Gilbert D and E statto'n's future quarters in the nam in Choice '68, the na­ McCarthy (b), 285,988 votes; the United States pursue in re­ residence halls have sponsored basement of East Hall, and gard to the bombing of North fund raising events to bring tional campus presidential Robert Kennedy (b), 213 1832; for transmitters, generators, primary held April 24. Richard Nixon (R), 197,167; Nel­ Vietnam: the speakers to the university. and production equipment McCarthy polled 26.7 per son Rockefeller (R)~ 115,937; . Permanent . cess atton of President Dearing's lecture which will enable the club to cent of the almost 1.1 mlllton Lyndon Johnson (b), 57,362; bombing, 29.0; Temporary sus­ is open to the public without start its closed circuit broad­ votes cast, followed by Sen. George Wallace (Amer. Ind.), pension of bombing, 29.0; charge. casting to university dormi­ Robert Kennedy (D-N.Y.) with M aintalp current level of born b­ tories · in the fall. He said 33,078; Ronald Reagan (R), 19.9 per cent and Republican 28,215; John Lindsay (R), .fng, 12.0; Intensity bombing, this amounted to approximate­ Richard Nixon with 18.4 per 22,301 · Hubert Humphrey (b, 26.0; Use of nuclear weaP­ ly $20,000 worth of hard­ cent. write- In), 18,535; Charles ons, 4.0. ware. A combined 62,6 per cent of Percy (R), 15,184; Mark Hat­ In confronting the urban crf­ The results of the program­ the students voted for either field (R), 7,605; Fred Halstead 'Sis, which of the following ming preference poll conducted an immediate withdrawal of (Soc. Work.), 5,886; Martin Lu­ should receive highest prto rlty by WHEN through Tuesday's · American troops or a reduc­ ther King (Ind.), 3,538; Harold in governmental spending? (in Review indicate prime listen­ tion in American military in­ Stassen (R), 1 033. per cent of vote) ing time to be between 4 and 1 volvement in Vietnam against Referenda: Education, 40,0; Job train­ 5:30 p.m., and between 10 and 30 per cent whovotedforetther What course ot mllltary ac­ ing and employment oppor­ 12 p.m. Pop music was first increased or all-out mtlltary tion should the United States tunities, 39.0 Housing, 6.0; choice ot those responding, effort. Some 58 per cent vot­ pursue In Vietnam? (Figures Income subsidy, 3; Riot con­ folk music second, while class­ ed tor either a penn anent are per cent ot total) trol and stricter taw enforce­ ical and Broadway show music or temporary halt to all bomb­ Immediate withdrawal of ment, 12.0. tied tor third. ing. American forces, 17 .6; Phac;ed President Johnson's name Statt positions below that of And 79 per cent voted tor reduction ot American mllltary was on the ballot and HumP­ general manager are mostly either job training or educa­ activity, 45.0; Maintain cur­ hrey's wasn't because they up for grabs, said Firestone, tion as sol utlons to the urban rent level of American mlll­ were printed before Johnson adding that the station wet- crisis. tary activity, 7.0; Increase the (Continued to Page 3) DR. G. BRUCE DEARING PAGE 2 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, NEWARK, DEL., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1968 World Of 'Grubby May Mall Day~ By ·ALAN SCHMICK "Grubby May Mall Day," the "Spring Thing," or "A spring festival of sorts'' began in a storm of music on Mitchell Hall steps, continued in a storm of emotion within the building 5 and without, and ended in a storm of controversy Monday n afternoon. Envisioned by some English h and Drama students as a political way to celebrate the rites of spring, the event was lfor :::t projected to start at noon with v o f .J a jam session on Mitchell c. Hall steps, to continue inside ' ( ' Mitchell Hall at 12:30 by in­ b 1' , "> corporating a theatre produc­ th0 tion project of a drama class. a ··~· It was planned to continue out­ m ··:·• ·· side with less noisy fun and m l ~ games at 1 p.m. T te The latter phase was to in­ bo:uu 0 clude theatre games, body and id . sidewalk painting with wash­ w RIOTOUS REVELERS 0 F "Grubby -May Mall Day" "groove" Festivities were moved·to the back of the Student Center after dis• able paint, and a dramatic a2 -· to the music of the rock band which formed on the spur of the moment. turbing classes on th~ Mall. reading of "Alice in Wonder­ th land.'' student grabbed a borrowed as the merry-makers watched a CG Fate, in the forms of Deans bullhorn to ask students to continuation of the jam session, it. Hardy and Hocutt and their cam­ tear up any political leaflets and now on the Student Center ter­ in pus police, intervened at lp.m.
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