Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-8-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1963). Winona Daily News. 418. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/418 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Continued Cloudy, Mild Through Sunday Defense Win s Right Man Killed Moving Loaded Senate Bans Aid ¦ ¦ __To- V. .V - .. ..1 Insurance Letter Gun in Auto ZIMMERMAN, Minn. (AP )— A Zimmerman man died Thurs- day night of a gunshot wound suffered in what the Sherburne County sheriff described as a To Tito/ Arabs deer shining accident. Douglas Kluge, 23, of Zimmer- man,, married and the father of SENATOR GETS IN BAD Debate Will two children was shot through the heart. Sheriff Chester Goenner of Be Resumed Sherburne County said Kluge's two companions, his brother, flays Senate s Hours Dennis, 19, and Richard Rotz, 25, also of Zimmerman, admit- WASHINGTON (AP) — De- Wall Street hours of 12 to 5 Mansfield took it easy on his On Monday ted the trio had been shining claring he "felt like a skunk at while legislation is gathering Democratic colleague and said near the Sand Dune State For- the lawn party," Sen. Thomas dust. By ERNEST B. VACCARO Neither of the leaders, Repub- he is not going to turn the Sen- est about six miles west of here. Dodd has offered his regrets for WASHINGTON (.AP) - Turn- Douglas Kluge was in the car lican Everett M. Dirksen or ate into a sideshow to "give the ing its back on the White House when the others outside , steaming up the Senate's de- Democrat Mike Mansfield, was appearance of being busy for and on its own leaders, the Sen- spotted a deer, the sheriff said. corous atmosphere. present at the time. the purpose of impressing the ate has voted to ban aid to Yu- Douglas was trying to hand a And the senators welcomed But Thursday Dirksen was al- boss—the American people." goslavia and the United Arab high-powered rifle to R o t z the abashed member back in most waiting at the door , his Dodd explained that when he Republic. when the weapon discharged , the club with a round of ap- temper ruffled, his usual mel- first spoke out he was "upset by Despite administration wishes the sheriff said . plause. low tones brassy. all these delays we have been for . a free hand, the Senate So ended two days of harsh "If you want night sessions, having" but that he wanted to Thursday nailed these prohibi- ' The car lurched forward, the words that began with Dodd's we'll keep you here, and then tell his fellow senators "we do tions into the foreign aid author- shooting victim fell out, and the charge Wednesday that the Sen- you will know what's going on, " have wonderful! men to lead ization bill and approved anoth- auto went into a ditch. Authori- ate leaders are maintaining Dirksen shouted at Dodd. us." er amendment to keep the lid ties theorized Douglas may have on assistance to Indonesia. had his foot on the clutch when For good measure, the Senate he was shot. approved still another ban on READY FOR ANOTHER DAY . .. T. hassle developed over whether prosecutor | Sheriff Goenner said the car, Eugene Thompson (left), charged with first William Randall should turn over to the de- I aid—this to nations whose fish- guns and shining equipment ing policies "violate freedom of degree murder in the March 6 "murder- fense a witness statement to police follow- were confiscated. Home Wins Commons the seas." for-hire" : slaying of his wife, Carol, talks ing the slaying. Randall and the other at- The Minnesota deer season with his coffee-drinking attorney, Hyam torneys held a meeting with the Minnesota begins Saturday. Administration forces clearly Segell , before the resumption of his trial Supreme Court. The trial court denied were . reeling as the Senate in District Court in Minneapolis. The trial the paper to the defense. (AP Photofax ) closed up shop after its first was recessed Wednesday when a legal Seat by Large Margin night session since taking up foreign aid a week ago Monday. MliNINl_A^ULlt> <Af) — The Holy Office By TOM OCHILTREE in the safe Conservative district margin, of the Commons seat The slow and rocky road to defense . won a fight today to PERTH, Scotland (AP) - of Kinross and West Perthshire for the district of Luton. passage of the $3,742,365,000 have a letter relating to insur- British Prime Minister Sir Alec would have been unprecedented The Perthshire vote was: measure is strewn with 47 addi- ance matters introduced into Douglas-Home won a seat in the disaster for the Conservatives Douglas-Home, 14,147; Ala- tional amendments, aimed ei- New Hampshire evidence in the T. Eugene Under Attack at House of Commons today by a and would have plunged Britain ther at paring the authorization Thompson murder trial! whopping 9,328-vote margin stair Duncan Millar, Liberal, 1,- into a government crisis. 819 ; Andrew Forrester , or restricting how the funds be which he hoped would take Labor- Defense attorney Hyam Segell ite, 3,752; Arthur Donaldson , used. succeeded in having the letter, some sting out of a bad Con- Instead Douglas-Home's big A voice vote brought home servative party defeat in anoth- victory was a psychological Scottish Nationalist , 1,801; Ian written by Thompson to St. Paul Church Council Smith, Independent, 78; William the amendment to deny Presi- Seen for Barry insurance man John Winter , er special election. counter to his party's loss in- By EUGENE LEVIN Rushton, Independent, 45; and By WALTER MEARS ] campaign launched by Gov. troduced over the objection of. Defeat of the prime minister Thursday night, by another big FOREIGN AID VOTE [ Associated Press Staff Writer Richard Wort, Independent, 23. (A WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. Nelson A. Rockefeller. | prosecutor William Randall. WASHINGTON - —Hera — ; VATICAN CITY w - A Ger- In a three-sided race in the Is how Congressmen from Barry. Goldwater's top New Sen. Norris Cotton of New 1 The skirmish over the letter man cardinal's attack on the 1959 general election, the Con- Hampshire backer said today Minnesota voted : Hampshire said he looks for "a had brought an early recess in Holy Office, the Vatican's ad- servatives won the same dis- For — Democrats Blat- he thinks the conservative law- fine aggressive" Hockefellef the proceedings Thursday when ministrative guardian of doc- trict by a 12,000-vote margin. maker will win that state's nik, Fraser and Karth. campaign. Segell learned of the letter trine,' today sparked the liveli- Rain Breaks No one had expected them to Against — Republicans first - in - the - nation presiden- But the Goldwater lieutenant I during cross examination of est debate so , - come anywhere near that figure tial primary despite the early ^r. .¦¦ Langen, MacGregor, Nel- added: I Winter. He demanded a copy, far in the Ro-; '¦/' /^<X "v' ' this time. son and Quie. and Randall informed the court "We don't want an early cam- j The 7 60-year-old prime minis- Recorded for but not vot- paign. We want a campaign that he did not have one in his ter was a member of the House ing — Democrat Olson. possession . U.S. Drought that steadily intensifies until the of Lords until he renounced his Today, however, Winter pro- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS replenishing dwindling water dent Kennedy any discretion to Rockefeller end. And I'm just optimistic to earldom to succeed Harold provide military or economic think that we can carry New duced the letter, dated Oct. 9. More rain splashed across supplies in many states. Macmillan. assistance to Communist Yugo- Hampshire." j 1962, and Judge Rolf Fosseen parched areas in Eastern sec- A storm off the Delaware -i admitted it into evidence. He prepared to return to Lon- slavia. Goldwater, who tops polls in tions in the nation today, alle- coast during the night set off don today for the clash with Seeks Votes in i In the letter. Thompson viating drought conditions and rain storms over broad sections Administration forces plan to New Hampshire and across the thanked Winter "for establish- Harold Wilson's Laborites that nation on the 1964 Republican j from Virginia northward. Rain- will come with the opening of fight later to restore the Presi- I ing an adequate insurance pro- fall amounts tapered off in dent's discretion to p r o v i d a presidential nomination, stuck gram for my wife and I." He the new parliamentary session to the no-comment policy he has I some areas but some locally Tuesday. most-favored-nation trade treat- N. Hampshire heavy downpours were reported followed since Rockefeller de- sCardinal Frings It was vital for Sir Alec's ments for Yugoslavia ^and Po- council p r e s Rusk Hopes in parts of New England. Near- , By ROBERT T. GRAY clared himself a candidate spokesmen — that Holy Office political future that he gain a land barred last year by Con- (AP) Gov. Thursday. ly two inches of rain doused gress. NASHUA , N.H - ; methods "are badly in need of Rumford , Maine, in a six-hour House of Commons seat. Noth- Rockefeller continued Sen; William Proxmire, D- Nelson A. In New York, former Gov.
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