The Catholic Church Has No Secrets. She Invites 'Investigation. He Who is Clean Morally and Who Does Not ^^ant To Become a Catholic in Spite of Himself Had Better Not Investigate. We Have Mighty Strong Arguments. CATHOLIC REGISTER ON SALE AT NEWS-STANDS AND CllURCII SUPPLY HOUSES ALL OVER COLORADO AND IN MANY OUTSIDE TOWNS. DENVER, COLORADO, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1914 I 1.S0 PER YEAR, OT ADVANCE. PRICE FIVE CENT!. WOlllEirS REIRUT MASTER Denver Mormons Spend Sunday Night Sex Hygiene Lectures, Styles, Dances ■i- BISHOP M m ’S CLASSMATE Enjoying Story About Irish Heroine Scored Before Women By Retreat Master MAXIMILIAN VISITS FOLLOWERS LOCAL HEBREWS JESUIT TEARS MASK FROM TODAY; The Rev. Father J. R. Roaswinkel of bishop Ryan readily consented.” Chicago, the eminent Jesuit who is now Father Rosswinkel has had as event­ OF “PROPHET” SMITU; DESCRIBES MISUNDERSTAND PROVES PITFALLS AWAIT GIRLS conducting tlie retreat for laywomen in ful a life as any clergyman in the United ’-.f-.f Saint Rosa's home for working girls, on States. He has been a missionary to PECULIAR SERVICES OF MISSION NATHAN REBUKE IN MOST UNEXPECTED QUARTERS the ^Vest side, was a fellow seminarian the Indians, a college teacher, a college of the Rt. Rev. Nicholas C. Matz, bishop president, a pastor and a mission and of Denver, and was ordained by the Rt. retreat master. For over 15 years now, Some Seem to Think Protest Rev. .Joseph P. Machebeuf, the pioneer he has devoted his time exclusively to Evening Given Over To Entertainment, Against Legate to Panama Fair Longs For Return of Knighthood When Men bishop of this diocese, and the predeces­ giving missions and retreats. He has Is Because of Faith. sor of Bishop Matz. Father Pantanella, given missions in the Annunciation and Ending With Hymn and Prayer; Swore to Defend Virtue of Fah*^ Sex; i I SJ., of the Sacred Heart college, was a the Cathedral parishes, Denver, and also ONLY FOR INSULTS TO POPE teacher of Father Rosswinkel. in other places throughout Colorado and Claim New “Revelations” ' Exposes Present Hypocrisy “ I was ordained at St. Louis,” said the West. He has given many missions Father Rosswinkel to a Register reporter in Montana, and almost died of injuries Ex-Mayor of Rome Allowed Y. rV.. v yesterday. “The late Archbishop Ryan received in a railroad wreck in Montana Church Walls of Eternal City a few years ago. He was an invalid for BELIEVE GOD ADDED TO HOLY WRIT SLIT SKIRTS SHOW TREND OF AGE ' o f Philadelphia gave me the orders of to Be Used for Posters. Bub-deacon and deacon, then, became the a year. class was composed of seventeen men and Father Rosswinkel’s missionary work Editor Denver Catholic Register: was larger than he had ever ordained among the Indiana was done largely in By MAXIMILIAN. against the Catholic priesthood, though, The mask was tom off modern society acquaintance know of their virtue whea Because they probably misunderstand before. Bishop Machebeuf asked for the Kansas. He was connected, for some The author of this article is a SS I guess we can stand it. and the dangers it nurtures were ex­ they first met him, and, if he made th* the case, a number of Jewish residents privilege of making ais priests. Arch- (Continued oa Page Five.) magazine writer whose work has The Mormons are merely Protdstants posed in all their hideousness, by the least suggestion of undue familiarity, to of this city openly side with Ernesto been taking him into religious with a little bit added to their creed. Rev. Father J. R. Rosswinkel of Chi­ say: “Hands off!” Nathan, the ex-mayor of Rome, whose services of all denominations. Ill 18'23, according to the teachings of cago, one of the most eminent Jesuits in Censures Dances o f Today. coming to the United States as repre­ ii “ A Night in Ireland” would have been their church, the angel Moroni appeared America, in a retreat sermon before 110 The priest rapped the modem daneea, CATHOLICS OF CITY POOR GET sentative of the Italian government to an appropriate title for the services at to Joseph Smith, the son of a Vermont women at St. Rosa’s home for girls, on “Tango,” he said, means just the oppo­ the Panama-Pacific exposition is taken the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter farmer, and revealed the hiding places Tuesday night. site of “hands off.” It is a Latin word COLORADO RUN SLIM AID FROM as a direct insult to the Catholics of the Day Saints, or Mormons, on Sixth ave­ of certain gold plates, containing ,an Sex hygiene lectures in the schools, he and means “touch me.” The dance is United States. The general impression nue near Galapago, last Sunday evening. additional hook of the Gospel, which had characterized as an attempt to ruin the well named, he declared. He also se­ 16 HOSPITALS SOME CHURCHES seems to have gone abroad that the pro­ The little Mormon church, on West Sixth been revealed by Christ after His resur­ morals of children and eventually to de­ verely scored modern styles, and said tests against Nathan are made because avenue, lies just across from St. Jo­ rection to tile Nephites, a branch of the grade womanhood. many of them originated in the disre­ Register Man Sees Alms Boxes in of his race, and in public utterances, he New Tuberculosis Sanatorium to seph’s Catholic church. Vespers were in Israelites who inhabited the American “We have fought them to a standstill putable resorts of Paris. In Paris^ he has fostered that impression—as was to Make 17th Church Refuge^ for Few Temples Outside Catholic progress at St. Joseph’s, and, as I went continent long before Columbus discov­ in Chicago,” he said, “although for six said, at the present time women appear be expected. Catholics feel absolutely HI and Injured. and Episcopalian. into the Mormon temple, I could hear ered this land. According to the book, months we were unable to make an im naked on the stage. The slit skirts o f ' no antipathy tovyard -this man because the Catholic choir singing the glorious America is the Lend of Zion, where a pression. Children -were given lectures America are a movement toward Hu of his race. The local Jews, at least, Gregorian chant. “ Peg of My Heart” New Jerusalem will be built by the gath­ that were so vile and filthy that the same conditions here. 1913 PATIENTS, ALMOST 12000 SHOWS OTHER DIFFERENCES know that there is not the slightest ill- J was the music that greeted' me as I ering of the scattered tribes of Israel be­ United States mails refused to carry In the same fearless manner, the ~. feeling between the two churches here. entered the Mormon church. fore the second coming of Cfiirist. Joseph them—and Uncle Sam carries The priest unmasked other evils of the pres­ Nathan’s coming is protested because he 4 Houses in Denver, 2 at Springs, Dives Us Rap on Many Collec­ Smith soon securgd numerous followers, Menace! ent. He showed the girls that the w w ld ' A Night of Novel Reading. used his office as mayor of Rome to hurl 1 in Pueblo, Others in Almost tions; People Not Priests to and tlieir persecution is one of the blots “ Sex hygiene ought to be taught. It today is filled- with^ suave hypocrite^ I almost fell down in surprise. I deliberate insults at the pope and the on American history. They were some­ is a knowledge—one cannot correctly only too ready to take advantage of Every Part of State. Blame, He Proves. thought that the Mormon congregation Chtholic church. On September 20, 1911, times to blame themselves, though. For call it a science—with which every girl them, and willing to stoop to well con­ n probably started off its worship with he made such a scurrilous address that instance, the massacre which resulted in ought to be familiar. But it should be ducted jilots in order to bring their fool The determination to open a Catholic By MAXIMILIAN. entertainment, then held services like the pope took the matter up officially the slaying of Smith himself was pre­ taught in the homes, by pure-minded ends about gradually. He gave advice tuberculosis sanatorium in this city will There are many Vays in which the any othc^" church. But it was to be an that very evening and entered a protest, cipitated by the destruction by the Mor­ mothers, and should not be brought into on the best •way to fight this movemeoti Catholic churches differ from the other evening With 'Peg of My Heart.” A mark the establishment of the seven­ which was ignored by the Italian gov­ the school rooms, ^Vhat a mother urging a renewal of the high regard in younjj woman who was an excellent mons of a newspaper plant in their town teenth institution in Colorado conducted Christian churches in Denver, my in­ ernment, just a.s the protests of Amer­ teaches ■will never injur? a child. This which the Catholic church hag always elooutio^A consumed almost two hours at Naiivoo, III. The paper had been by the Catholic church for the treatment vestigations have proved. A few fol­ ican Catholics have been ignored by that is not the case, though, if these things held womanhood. reading hMeistions from the novel. The founded by seceders from the seet, who o f physical diseases. There is no other low: government. On September 20, 1911, are taught by others. If the mother is Mormons seemed to derive the greatest Were fighting it.
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